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Test Coverage
header {
  // Use the correct grid area (spans 3 columns).
  grid-area: header;
  display: grid;

  // Add a column on either side to align with the main area's bleed spacing.
  // These side columns will not shrink below the bleed size, but will expand
  // as needed on mobile devices, allowing the header to be centered.
  // The 2 content columns will be either the rest of the space divided by 2
  // on smaller viewports or half the main area's width (including bleed) on
  // desktop, whichever is smaller.
    minmax(var(--layout-bleed-width), 1fr)
        calc(var(--layout-main-column-width) / 2),
        calc(50% - var(--layout-bleed-width))
    minmax(var(--layout-bleed-width), 1fr);

  // Add some vertical padding to avoid sticking to the edge of the screen.
  padding-block: var(--spacing-10);

  h1 {
    // Place the logo in the first content column (skip left spacing column).
    grid-column: 2;
    // Align to start of the grid row to avoid stretching the clickable area.
    justify-self: start;

    img {
      // Make the logo respond to the user's font size.
      width: 8.75rem;

  nav {
    // Place the nav in the second content column.
    grid-column: 3;
    // Display as flex and align items correctly.
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: flex-end;
    // Set the color for all links inside the nav.
    color: var(--color-text-lighter);

    :is(a, button) {
      // Remove underline from links.
      --link_color-underline: transparent;
      // Ensure elements display correctly and don't shrink below their content.
      display: inline-block;
      flex-shrink: 0;
      // Make clickable area large enough for coarse pointers (44x44).
      padding: var(--spacing-6);
      border-radius: var(--border-radius-small);
      // Apply a transition on hover.
      transition: color var(--animation-duration-medium) ease;

      svg {
        // Apply a transition on hover.
        transition: scale var(--animation-duration-short) ease;
        // Add a slight delay for the scale animation, on exit only.
        transition-delay: 100ms;

      @media (hover: hover) {
        &:is(:hover, :focus) {
          // Only apply hover styles on devices that support hover.
          color: var(--color-text);

          @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
            // Only scale up if the user prefers motion.
            svg {
              // Scale up (to the next font-size) on hover.
              scale: 1.2;
              // Override the delay on hover.
              transition-delay: 0ms;

    @media (max-width: 25rem) {
      // Respond to user's font size, changing the layout only when needed.
      a {
        // Visually hide links on small viewports, only show the search button.
        @include visually-hidden;