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.preview-list {
  // Set up a grid layout with standard bleed on either side.
  @include layout-grid-with-bleed;

  // Adjust top margin according to layout rhythm. This is necessary for lists
  // without chips above them to add some extra space. In all other cases, this
  // margin will collapse with the margin of the previous element.
  margin-block-start: var(--layout-row-spacing);

  // Note: This selector is not too specific, and allows for a sensible default
  // without lacking in flexibility, when it needs to be overriden.
  > * {
    grid-column: 2;

  h2 {
    // Add some spacing between the heading and the list (if a heading is
    // present). This solves any potential grid gap issues when there's no
    // header.
    margin-block-end: var(--spacing-16);

  ul {
    // Use a grid layout with a minimum column width of 15rem (240px) and a
    // maximum of 1fr (100% of the available space). This will result in a
    // minimum of 1 column and a maximum of 2 columns, depending on the
    // available space.
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(15rem, 1fr));
    align-items: start;
    column-gap: var(--spacing-16);
    row-gap: var(--spacing-24);

  // Use a has selector, instead of applying directly to the `nav` element (e.g.
  // pagination). This allows for the bottom slot of the list to be populated
  // with different elements, such as the explore button on the homepage.
  &:has(nav) {
    > ul {
      margin-block-end: var(--layout-area-spacing);

  li {
    position: relative;
    // Define a container for the list item, which can then be queried in order
    // to change its layout depending on its own size.
    container: preview / inline-size;
    // Display as a flex row container with wrap, allowing the altered "line"
    // layout to wrap as needed, while the vertical "card" layout will display
    // the same way as a flex column would.
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    row-gap: var(--spacing-8);
    column-gap: var(--spacing-12);
    align-items: center;

    // This selector needs to be this specific, in order to prevent it from
    // styling any links that may be present in the list's heading element.
    a {
      // Stretch to cover the entire parent element.
      &::before {
        content: '';
        position: absolute;
        inset: 0;

    @media (hover: hover) {
      // Only apply hover styles when hover is supported.
      // Select list items whose links are hovered or focused.
      &:has(a:is(:hover, :focus)) {
        h3 {
          // Change the focused link's color to the primary color.
          color: var(--color-primary-light);

        @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) {
          // Only apply animations when the user prefers motion.
          img {
            // Slightly increase the brightness and saturation of the image.
            filter: brightness(110%) saturate(125%);
            // Slightly scale the image up to give it a bit of a pop.
            transform: scale(1.01);

  article {
    // Use a flex column to display the content.
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    row-gap: var(--spacing-4);

  img {
    border-radius: var(--border-radius-medium);
    // Apply aspect ratio to preview images.
    aspect-ratio: 2;
    object-fit: cover;

    // Performance optimization - hint to use the GPU.
    will-change: transform;

    // Apply a transition on hover.
      filter var(--animation-duration-long) ease,
      transform var(--animation-duration-medium) ease;

  &[data-large-images='true'] {
    // If the list has large images, use a 1.5 aspect ratio for the images,
    // instead of the default 2. This also affects the "line" layout of the
    // preview list items.
    img {
      aspect-ratio: 1.5;

  a {
    // Remove underline from all links inside the preview list.
    --link_color-underline: transparent;

  // Note that the font-size for this element is 80% of the base font size,
  // resulting in a font size of 14.4px for a base font size of 16px. This looks
  // pretty good, so we're not overriding it intentionally.
  small {
    color: var(--color-text-lighter);

  h3 {
    font-weight: var(--font-weight-medium);
    transition: color var(--animation-duration-medium) ease;

  // Use a container query to change the layout of the preview list items
  // depending on their own size, from a "card" layout to a "line" layout.
  // This means that if the item has too much space available, it will use it
  // to display the image and the content side by side, instead of stacking
  // them on top of each other.
  // Note that the `23rem` is a little weird (was `25rem` originally), but it's
  // adjusted to accommodate iPhone 15 Plus and Pro Max devices, which have a
  // width of `430px` in portrait mode, thus rendering the layout with a little
  // bit of extra horizontal spacing which looks a little off.
  @container preview (min-width: 23rem) {
    img {
      // Scale the image proportionally to the container's inline size.
      width: 30cqi;
      height: 30cqi;
      // Change the aspect ratio to 1:1, so that the image is always square.
      aspect-ratio: 1;

    article {
      // Change flex behavior to fill the remaining space.
      flex: 1 1 0;

    p {
      // Apply a line clamp to the preview text, so that it doesn't exceed 3
      // lines of text.
      display: -webkit-box;
      -webkit-box-orient: vertical;
      -webkit-line-clamp: 3;
      overflow: hidden;