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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <application name="Health">
        <type>Hard Real-time</type> <!-- the type of this application, can be used to differentiate between applications during the orchestration, you can write anything -->
        <rate>20</rate> <!-- how many tasks are generated each minute -->
        <usage_percentage>20</usage_percentage> <!-- percentage of devices using this type of applications -->
        <latency>0.02</latency> <!-- latency in seconds -->
        <container_size>20</container_size> <!--application/container size in kilobytes -->
        <request_size>20</request_size> <!-- the offloading request that will be sent to the orchestrator and then to the device where the task will be offloaded in kilobytes -->
        <results_size>20</results_size> <!-- the results of the offlaoded task in kilobytes -->
        <task_length>500</task_length> <!--MI: million instructions -->
    <application name="Augmented reality">
        <type>Soft Real-time</type>
    <application name="HEAVY_COMP_APP">
        <latency>300</latency> <!-- a great number represents no latency-sensitivity -->