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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- here you can define the types of edge devices, and how many devices 
        of this type there will be in this case , there are 4 types of devices(defined 
        here), 30 percent of all devices will be of the first type, this percentage 
        is defined here <percentage> -->

        <!-- this is a smartphone, for example -->
        <connectivity>wifi</connectivity> <!-- the type of network connection -->
        <mobility>true</mobility> <!-- the device is mobile or fixed -->
        <speed>1.4</speed> <!-- the speed of the device in meters per second : 1.4m/s equals 5km/h, 0 = non mobile-->
        <minPauseDuration>100</minPauseDuration> <!-- the minimum delay before moving to a new location-->
        <maxPauseDuration>400</maxPauseDuration> <!-- the maximum delay before moving to a new location-->
        <minMobilityDuration>10</minMobilityDuration> <!-- the minimum delay before stopping-->
        <maxMobilityDuration>60</maxMobilityDuration> <!-- the maximum delay before stopping-->
        <battery>true</battery> <!-- relies on battery? -->
        <percentage>30</percentage> <!-- percentage of this device type -->
        <batteryCapacity>18.75</batteryCapacity> <!-- battery capacity in Watt-Hour -->
        <initialBatteryLevel>100</initialBatteryLevel> <!-- initial battery percentage. e.g. set it to 50 in order to generate devices with 50% remaining energy-->
        <idleConsumption>1</idleConsumption> <!-- idle energy consumption in Watt-->
        <maxConsumption>3.3</maxConsumption> <!-- max energy consumption in Watt, 
            when device cpu is use at 100% -->
        <isOrchestrator>false</isOrchestrator> <!-- it has a task orchestrator or not -->
        <generateTasks>true</generateTasks> <!-- it generates data/tasks or not -->
        <cores>8</cores> <!-- how many tasks can this device execute in parallel -->
        <mips>10000</mips> <!-- MIPS (million instructions per second) per CPU core -->
        <!-- this is a raspberry pi model B+-->
        <!--  this is a laptop for example -->
        <cores>0</cores> <!-- A sensor that does not have computing capabilities -->