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 * api.php contains all of the global methods exposed to the modules. Internally, these global methods call classes that are contained in the core platform, but modules should refrain from calling those classes. Modules should ONLY interact with the system through the global methods defined here.

 * Global variable, used internally for defining the Home/Dispute dashboards. You should only interact with it through the functions provided, e.g. dashboard_add_item().
 * @var array
 * @internal    We don't want this variable to appear in the Module Developer documentation, since it might change.
$dashboardActions = array();

 * Defines the module in the system.
 * @param  array  $config                       Parameters:
 *         string $config['key']                Module unique ID, e.g. 'maritime_collision'
 *         string $config['title']              Module name, e.g. 'Maritime Collision'
 *         string $config['description']        Module description.
 * @param  Function $moduleDefinitionFunction   The module definition. This function should hook into events exposed by the SmartResolution platform and specify which functions to call on those events.
function declare_module($config, $moduleDefinitionFunction) {
    ModuleController::instance()->registerModule($config, $moduleDefinitionFunction);

 * Subscribes an anonymous function (defined within a module) to a given event.
 * @param  string           $eventName  Name of the event to hook into.
 * @param  String|function  $action     Action to perform.
 *         This can be a global function, e.g. 'hello' -> hello().
 *         Or it can be a public function inside a named class, e.g. 'MyClass->hello' -> new MyClass(); hello();
 *         Or it can be an anonymous function, e.g. function () { // do something }
 * @param  String|Int       $priority   (optional) The priority of the hooked function.
 *         If multiple functions hook into the event, the functions marked as the highest priority are executed first, e.g. in the case of `on('event', 'a', 'medium')` and `on('event', 'b', 'high')`, function `b` would be executed before function `a`, even though function `a` was the first to hook into the event.
 *         Possible values: 'low', 'medium', 'high', or an integer between 1 and 100 (where 1 is low priority and 100 is high).
function on($eventName, $action, $priority = 'medium') {
    ModuleController::instance()->subscribe($eventName, $action, $priority);

 * Defines a top-level route, e.g. '/example', and what to do when a user accesses that route via GET or POST.
 * If you want to define a route relative to the current dispute, e.g. '/disputes/1371/example', you should use the `route` function.
 * @param  string          $route   GET|POST route relative to the root directory, e.g. '/example'
 * @param  String|Function $handler If String, should be the name of function to call (e.g. 'helloWorld') or the class name and public function, e.g. 'foo->helloWorld'. Could instead pass an anonymous function, e.g. function () {}
function top_level_route($route, $handler) {
    ModuleController::instance()->defineRoute('GET|POST ' . $route, $handler);

 * Defines a route relative to the current dispute. E.g. if you specify '/example', you'll actually create a route for '/disputes/DISPUTE_ID/example'. If you want to define a top-level route (i.e. simply '/example' without the disputes prefix), you should use `top_level_route`.
 * @param  string          $route   GET|POST route relative to the dispute, e.g. '/example', which would correspond to '/disputes/DISPUTE_ID/example'
 * @param  String|Function $handler If String, should be the name of function to call (e.g. 'helloWorld') or the class name and public function, e.g. 'foo->helloWorld'. Could instead pass an anonymous function, e.g. function () {}
function route($route, $handler) {
    ModuleController::instance()->defineRoute('GET|POST /disputes/@disputeID' . $route, $handler);

 * Adds multiple items to the end of the dashboard, in the order passed.
 * @see dashboard_add_item For full description and parameter list, see `dashboard_add_item`.
function dashboard_add_items($items, $addToFront = false) {
    $items = array_reverse($items); // since each added item is pushed to the beginning of the array, and thus the beginning of the menu, if we want the items to appear in the menu in the order they were passed then we need to reverse the array.
    foreach($items as $item) {
        dashboard_add_item($item, $addToFront);

 * Adds an item to the end of the dashboard. The dashboard context depends on the event hooked into. For example, if called after hooking into the 'homescreen_dashboard' event, you will affect the homescreen dashboard, whereas if you call it after hooking into the 'dispute_dashboard' event, it will affect the dispute dashboard.
 * @param  array   $params           Item to add to the dashboard.
 *         string  $params['title']  Title of the dashboard item.
 *         string  $params['image']  Icon to use.
 *         string  $params['href']   URL to link to.
 * @param  boolean $addToFront      (Optional) If set to true, item will be added to beginning of dashboard. If false, it will be added to the end. Defaults to false.
function dashboard_add_item($params, $addToFront = false) {
    global $dashboardActions;
    $item =  array(
        'title' => $params['title'],
        'image' => $params['image'],
        'href'  => $params['href']
    if ($addToFront) {
        array_unshift($dashboardActions, $item);
    else {
        array_push($dashboardActions, $item);

 * Gets the URL of the module directory. Useful for linking to module-specific assets.
 * Example:
 * <code>
 * get_module_url() . '/assets/my_image.png';
 * </code>
 * @return string URL to the module directory.
function get_module_url() {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    return '/modules/' . $moduleName;

 * Gets the URL of the dispute that the module is hooked into.
 * @return string  Dispute URL.
function get_dispute_url() {
    $dispute = DBGet::instance()->dispute(get_dispute_id());
    return $dispute->getUrl();

 * Gets the ID of the dispute that the module is hooked into.
 * @return int  Dispute ID.
function get_dispute_id() {
    global $f3;
    return (int) $f3->get('PARAMS')['disputeID'];

 * Gets the login ID of the currently logged in user.
 * @return int User's login ID.
function get_login_id() {
    return Session::instance()->getAccount()->getLoginId();

 * Creates a notification.
 * @param  int    $loginID The ID of the recipient of the notification.
 * @param  string $message The notification message.
 * @param  string $url     The notification's associated URL.
function notify($loginID, $message, $url) {
        'recipient_id' => $loginID,
        'message'      => $message,
        'url'          => $url

 * Returns the login ID of the opposing agent.
 * @param  int $loginID e.g. Login ID of Agent A
 * @return int          e.g. Login ID of Agent B
function other_agent_to($loginID) {
    $dispute = DBGet::instance()->dispute(get_dispute_id());
    return $dispute->getOpposingPartyId($loginID);

 * Renders a HTML template.
 * @param  string $template  Path to the template, e.g. get_module_url() . '/views/index.html'
 * @param  array  $variables (optional) Values to pass to the template, e.g. array('foo' => 'bar'), which would be accessible as $foo in the template.
function render($template, $variables = array()) {
    mustBeLoggedIn(); // sets user's top menu, etc.
    global $f3;
    foreach($variables as $key => $value) {
        $f3->set($key, $value);
    $f3->set('content', $template);
    echo View::instance()->render('layout.html');

 * Renders a markdown file, within the website template.
 * @param  string $template Path to the markdown file, e.g. get_module_url() . '/docs/'
function render_markdown($template) {
    mustBeLoggedIn(); // sets user's top menu, etc.
    global $f3;
    $f3->set('markdownFile', $template);
    $f3->set('content', 'markdown.html');
    echo View::instance()->render('layout.html');

 * Creates a number of module-specific tables in the database.
 * @see    declare_table  The elements of the array you pass could instead be passed individually to the declare_table function.
 * @param  array $tables  Array of tables to create, in the form array('table_name' => array(columns))
function declare_tables($tables) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    foreach($tables as $tableName => $columns) {
        ModuleController::instance()->initModuleTable($moduleName, $tableName, $columns);

 * Creates a module-specific table in the database, if the table does not already exist. If the table already exists, you'll need to manually delete it before your new declaration takes effect.
 * No need to worry about namespacing: SmartResolution does this automatically, so that your table name becomes module__[module_name]__[table_name] internally. This could change, however, and you should not ever need to know this.
 * @param  string $tableName The name of the table you'd like to create.
 * @param  array  $columns   Array of columns describing your table, in the format 'column_name' => 'type', e.g. 'question_number' => 'INTEGER'
function declare_table($tableName, $columns) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    ModuleController::instance()->initModuleTable($moduleName, $tableName, $columns);

 * Gets the value of a column in a module-specific table.
 * @param  string $tableAndColumn Dot-separated table and column, e.g. 'table_name.column_name'
 * @param  array  $andClause      (Optional) Specify additional constraints, e.g. array('verified' => true). In this example, we'd get the value of table_name.column_name WHERE verified = true.
 * @return Unknown|boolean        Returns the value as it is stored in the database. Beware: this does not cast to integer or boolean, so you'll need to manually cast type where appropriate. Returns boolean false if no record is found.
function get($tableAndColumn, $andClause = array()) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    return ModuleController::instance()->queryModuleTable($moduleName, $tableAndColumn, get_dispute_id(), $andClause);

 * Gets the values of a column in a module-specific table. This should be called over `get` if multiple rows are expected.
 * @see get     For the full list of parameter and return values.
function get_multiple($tableAndColumn, $andClause = array()) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    return ModuleController::instance()->getRowsFromModuleTable($moduleName, $tableAndColumn, get_dispute_id(), $andClause);

 * Sets a value in the database.
 * @param  string $tableAndColumn Dot-separated table and column, e.g. 'table_name.column_name'
 * @param  Unknown $value         The value to set. Depending on the field type, you may pass a string, integer, etc.
 * @return boolean                Returns true if successful, false if not.
function set($tableAndColumn, $value) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    return ModuleController::instance()->setModuleTableValue($moduleName, $tableAndColumn, $value, get_dispute_id());

 * Creates a row in the database. e.g.
 *   createRow('answers', array(
 *       'agent_id' => get_login_id(),
 *       'question' => $questionID,
 *       'answer'   => $value
 *   ));
 * @param  string $table  Table name
 * @param  array  $values Associative array of table columns and the values to set.
function createRow($table, $values = array()) {
    $moduleName = ModuleController::instance()->extractModuleNameFromStackTrace(debug_backtrace());
    return ModuleController::instance()->createModuleTableRow($moduleName, $table, $values, get_dispute_id());