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Test Coverage
# extract-ts

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    <a href=""><img src="" alt="code style: prettier"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="" alt="tested with: jest"></a>
    <a><img src="" alt="tested with: jest"></a>
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This library is a type safe alternative to lodash's get.


<p align="center">
  <a href="#setup">Setup</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  <a href="">API Documentation</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  <a href="#local-development">Local Development</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;


The main advantage of this version is that it allows accessing many nested optional layers. <br />
This library expects you to be using typescript 2.8.0, or above.

## Setup

Install via npm (or yarn)

npm i extract-ts --save

After that you may use it:

const resultWithDefault: string = extract(
    testObject,                  // object you want to extract a value of
    obj =>, // extract the value
    ''                           // default value, optional parameter

// if you omit the default value, extract may also return undefined
const resultWithoutDefault: string | undefined = extract(testObject, obj =>;

// per default the type of the default value equals the result type of the extractor
// but you can change that wen you specify the types:
const result: string | number = <SomeTypeYouWantToAccess, string, number>(
    obj =>,

## Local Development

After checking out the repository, you just need to run `npm install`.<br />
You will find many useful commands in the table below.

### Useful commands

| npm command           | description                                |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| npm run build         | productive build of this library           |
| npm run test          | runs all unit tests of this library        |
| npm run test:coverage | runs unit tests and evaluates the coverage |
| npm run verify        | checks test coverage and runs the linter   |
| npm run lint          | runs tslint                                |


## Contributing

Please follow the following steps if you want to contribute:

- ( create an issue, introducing the change )
- assign yourself to the issue you want to work on
- open a pullrequest with your changes

## Authors

- [**Christian Özelt**]( - _initial setup and implementation_ - [](

## Licence