module LambdaWrap
# The DynamoTable class simplifies Creation, Updating, and Destroying Dynamo DB Tables.
# @since 1.0
class DynamoTable < AwsService
# Sets up the DynamoTable for the Dynamo DB Manager. Preloading the configuration in the constructor.
# @param [Hash] options The configuration for the DynamoDB Table.
# @option options [String] :table_name The name of the DynamoDB Table. A "Base Name" can be used here where the
# environment name can be appended upon deployment.
# @option options [Array<Hash>] :attribute_definitions ([{ attribute_name: 'Id', attribute_type: 'S' }]) An array of
# attributes that describe the key schema for the table and indexes. The Hash must have symbols: :attribute_name &
# :attribute_type. Please see AWS Documentation for the {
# Data Model}.
# @option options [Array<Hash>] :key_schema ([{ attribute_name: 'Id', key_type: 'HASH' }]) Specifies the attributes
# that make up the primary key for a table or an index. The attributes in key_schema must also be defined in the
# AttributeDefinitions array. Please see AWS Documentation for the {
# Data Model}.
# Each element in the array must be composed of:
# * <tt>:attribute_name</tt> - The name of this key attribute.
# * <tt>:key_type</tt> - The role that the key attribute will assume:
# * <tt>HASH</tt> - partition key
# * <tt>RANGE</tt> - sort key
# The partition key of an item is also known as its hash attribute. The term "hash attribute" derives from
# DynamoDB's usage of an internal hash function to evenly distribute data items across partitions, based on their
# partition key values.
# The sort key of an item is also known as its range attribute. The term "range attribute" derives from the way
# DynamoDB stores items with the same partition key physically close together, in sorted order by the sort key
# value.
# For a simple primary key (partition key), you must provide exactly one element with a <tt>KeyType</tt> of
# <tt>HASH</tt>.
# For a composite primary key (partition key and sort key), you must provide exactly two elements, in this order:
# The first element must have a <tt>KeyType</tt> of <tt>HASH</tt>, and the second element must have a
# <tt>KeyType</tt> of <tt>RANGE</tt>.
# For more information, see {
# Specifying the Primary Key} in the <em>Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide</em>.
# @option options [Integer] :read_capacity_units (1) The maximum number of strongly consistent reads consumed per
# second before DynamoDB returns a <tt>ThrottlingException</tt>. Must be at least 1. For current minimum and
# maximum provisioned throughput values, see {
# Limits} in the <em>Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide</em>.
# @option options [Integer] :write_capacity_units (1) The maximum number of writes consumed per second before
# DynamoDB returns a <tt>ThrottlingException</tt>. Must be at least 1. For current minimum and maximum
# provisioned throughput values, see {
# Limits} in the <em>Amazon DynamoDB Developer Guide</em>.
# @option options [Array<Hash>] :local_secondary_indexes ([]) One or more local secondary indexes (the maximum is
# five) to be created on the table. Each index is scoped to a given partition key value. There is a 10 GB size
# limit per partition key value; otherwise, the size of a local secondary index is unconstrained.
# Each element in the array must be a Hash with these symbols:
# * <tt>:index_name</tt> - The name of the local secondary index. Must be unique only for this table.
# * <tt>:key_schema</tt> - Specifies the key schema for the local secondary index. The key schema must begin with
# the same partition key as the table.
# * <tt>:projection</tt> - Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These
# are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each
# attribute specification is composed of:
# * <tt>:projection_type</tt> - One of the following:
# * <tt>KEYS_ONLY</tt> - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
# * <tt>INCLUDE</tt> - Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The list of projected
# attributes are in <tt>non_key_attributes</tt>.
# * <tt>ALL</tt> - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
# * <tt>:non_key_attributes</tt> - A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the
# secondary index. The total count of attributes provided in NonKeyAttributes, summed across all of the
# secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this
# counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
# @option options [Array<Hash>] :global_secondary_indexes ([]) One or more global secondary indexes (the maximum is
# five) to be created on the table. Each global secondary index (Hash) in the array includes the following:
# * <tt>:index_name</tt> - The name of the global secondary index. Must be unique only for this table.
# * <tt>:key_schema</tt> - Specifies the key schema for the global secondary index.
# * <tt>:projection</tt> - Specifies attributes that are copied (projected) from the table into the index. These
# are in addition to the primary key attributes and index key attributes, which are automatically projected. Each
# attribute specification is composed of:
# * <tt>:projection_type</tt> - One of the following:
# * <tt>KEYS_ONLY</tt> - Only the index and primary keys are projected into the index.
# * <tt>INCLUDE</tt> - Only the specified table attributes are projected into the index. The list of projected
# attributes are in <tt>NonKeyAttributes</tt>.
# * <tt>ALL</tt> - All of the table attributes are projected into the index.
# * <tt>non_key_attributes</tt> - A list of one or more non-key attribute names that are projected into the
# secondary index. The total count of attributes provided in NonKeyAttributes, summed across all of the
# secondary indexes, must not exceed 20. If you project the same attribute into two different indexes, this
# counts as two distinct attributes when determining the total.
# * <tt>:provisioned_throughput</tt> - The provisioned throughput settings for the global secondary index,
# consisting of read and write capacity units.
# @option options [Boolean] :append_environment_on_deploy (false) Option to append the name of the environment to
# the table name upon deployment and teardown. DynamoDB Tables cannot shard data in a similar manner as how Lambda
# aliases and API Gateway Environments work. This option is supposed to help the user with naming tables instead
# of managing the environment names on their own.
def initialize(options)
default_options = { append_environment_on_deploy: false, read_capacity_units: 1, write_capacity_units: 1,
local_secondary_indexes: nil, global_secondary_indexes: nil,
attribute_definitions: [{ attribute_name: 'Id', attribute_type: 'S' }],
key_schema: [{ attribute_name: 'Id', key_type: 'HASH' }] }
options_with_defaults = options.reverse_merge(default_options)
@table_name = options_with_defaults[:table_name]
raise ArgumentError, ':table_name is required.' unless @table_name
@attribute_definitions = options_with_defaults[:attribute_definitions]
@key_schema = options_with_defaults[:key_schema]
# Verify that all of key_schema is defined in attribute_definitions
@read_capacity_units = options_with_defaults[:read_capacity_units]
@write_capacity_units = options_with_defaults[:write_capacity_units]
provisioned_throughput_guard(read_capacity_units: @read_capacity_units,
write_capacity_units: @write_capacity_units)
unless @read_capacity_units >= 1 && @write_capacity_units >= 1 && (@read_capacity_units.is_a? Integer) &&
(@write_capacity_units.is_a? Integer)
raise ArgumentExecption, 'Read and Write Capacity must be positive integers.'
@local_secondary_indexes = options_with_defaults[:local_secondary_indexes]
if @local_secondary_indexes && @local_secondary_indexes.length > 5
raise ArgumentError, 'Can only have 5 LocalSecondaryIndexes per table!'
if @local_secondary_indexes && !@local_secondary_indexes.empty?
@local_secondary_indexes.each { |lsindex| defined_in_attribute_definitions_guard(lsindex[:key_schema]) }
@global_secondary_indexes = options_with_defaults[:global_secondary_indexes]
if @global_secondary_indexes && @global_secondary_indexes.length > 5
raise ArgumentError, 'Can only have 5 GlobalSecondaryIndexes per table1'
if @global_secondary_indexes && !@global_secondary_indexes.empty?
@global_secondary_indexes.each do |gsindex|
@append_environment_on_deploy = options_with_defaults[:append_environment_on_deploy]
# Deploys the DynamoDB Table to the target environment. If the @append_environment_on_deploy option is set, the
# table_name will be appended with a hyphen and the environment name. This will attempt to Create or Update with
# the parameters specified from the constructor. This may take a LONG time for it will wait for any new indexes to
# be available.
# @param environment_options [LambdaWrap::Environment] Target environment to deploy.
# @param client [Aws::DynamoDB::Client] Client to use with SDK. Should be passed in by the API class.
# @param region [String] AWS Region string. Should be passed in by the API class.
def deploy(environment_options, client, region = 'AWS_REGION')
puts "Deploying Table: #{@table_name} to Environment: #{}"
full_table_name = @table_name + (@append_environment_on_deploy ? "-#{}" : '')
table_details = retrieve_table_details(full_table_name)
if table_details.nil?
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name) if table_details[:table_status] != 'ACTIVE'
update_table(full_table_name, table_details)
puts "Dynamo Table #{full_table_name} is now available."
# Deletes the DynamoDB table specified by the table_name and the Environment name (if append_environment_on_deploy)
# was specified. Otherwise just deletes the table.
# @param environment_options [LambdaWrap::Environment] Target environment to teardown
# @param client [Aws::DynamoDB::Client] Client to use with SDK. Should be passed in by the API class.
# @param region [String] AWS Region string. Should be passed in by the API class.
def teardown(environment_options, client, region = 'AWS_REGION')
puts "Tearingdown Table: #{@table_name} from Environment: #{}"
full_table_name = @table_name + (@append_environment_on_deploy ? "-#{}" : '')
# Deletes all DynamoDB tables that are prefixed with the @table_name specified in the constructor.
# This is an attempt to tear down all DynamoTables that were deployed with the environment name appended.
# @param client [Aws::DynamoDB::Client] Client to use with SDK. Should be passed in by the API class.
# @param region [String] AWS Region string. Should be passed in by the API class.
def delete(client, region = 'AWS_REGION')
puts "Deleting all tables with prefix: #{@table_name}."
table_names = retrieve_prefixed_tables(@table_name)
table_names.each { |table_name| delete_table(table_name) }
puts "Deleted #{table_names.length} tables."
def to_s
return @table_name if @table_name && @table_name.is_a?(String)
def retrieve_table_details(full_table_name)
table_details = nil
options = {
table_name: full_table_name
table_details = @client.describe_table(options).table
rescue Aws::DynamoDB::Errors::ResourceNotFoundException
puts "Table #{full_table_name} does not exist."
# Waits for the table to be available
def wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, delay = 5, max_attempts = 5)
puts "Waiting for Table #{full_table_name} to be available."
puts "Waiting with a #{delay} second delay between attempts, for a maximum of #{max_attempts} attempts."
max_time = * max_attempts).utc.strftime('%H:%M:%S')
puts "Max waiting time will be: #{max_time} (approximate)."
# wait until the table has updated to being fully available
# waiting for ~2min at most; an error will be thrown afterwards
started_waiting_at =
max_attempts.times do |attempt|
puts "Attempt #{attempt + 1}/#{max_attempts}, \
#{ - started_waiting_at).utc.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}/#{max_time}"
details = retrieve_table_details(full_table_name)
if details.table_status != 'ACTIVE'
puts "Table: #{full_table_name} is not yet available. Status: #{details.table_status}. Retrying..."
updating_indexes = details.global_secondary_indexes.reject do |global_index|
global_index.index_status == 'ACTIVE'
return true if updating_indexes.empty?
puts 'Table is available, but the global indexes are not:'
puts( { |global_index| "#{global_index.index_name}, #{global_index.index_status}" })
raise Exception, "Table #{full_table_name} did not become available after #{max_attempts} attempts. " \
'Try again later or inspect the AWS console.'
# Updates the Dynamo Table. You can only perform one of the following update operations at once:
# * Modify the provisioned throughput settings of the table.
# * Enable or disable Streams on the table.
# * Remove a global secondary index from the table.
# * Create a new global secondary index on the table. Once the index begins backfilling,
# you can use UpdateTable to perform other operations.
def update_table(full_table_name, table_details)
# Determine if Provisioned Throughput needs to be updated.
if @read_capacity_units != table_details.provisioned_throughput.read_capacity_units &&
@write_capacity_units != table_details.provisioned_throughput.write_capacity_units
full_table_name, table_details.provisioned_throughput.read_capacity_units,
# Wait up to 30 minutes.
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, 5, 360)
# Determine if there are any Global Secondary Indexes to be deleted.
global_secondary_indexes_to_delete = build_global_index_deletes_array(table_details.global_secondary_indexes)
unless global_secondary_indexes_to_delete.empty?
# Loop through each index to delete, and send the update one at a time (restriction on the API).
until global_secondary_indexes_to_delete.empty?
delete_global_index(full_table_name, global_secondary_indexes_to_delete.pop)
# Wait up to 2 hours.
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, 10, 720)
# Determine if there are updates to the Provisioned Throughput of the Global Secondary Indexes
global_secondary_index_updates = build_global_index_updates_array(table_details.global_secondary_indexes)
unless global_secondary_index_updates.empty?
update_global_indexes(full_table_name, global_secondary_index_updates)
# Wait up to 4 hours.
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, 10, 1_440)
# Determine if there are new Global Secondary Indexes to be created.
new_global_secondary_indexes = build_new_global_indexes_array(table_details.global_secondary_indexes)
return if new_global_secondary_indexes.empty?
create_global_indexes(full_table_name, new_global_secondary_indexes)
# Wait up to 4 hours.
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, 10, 1_440)
def update_provisioned_throughput(full_table_name, old_read, old_write)
puts "Updating Provisioned Throughtput for #{full_table_name}"
puts "Setting Read Capacity Units From: #{old_read} To: #{@read_capacity_units}"
puts "Setting Write Capacty Units From: #{old_write} To: #{@write_capacity_units}"
options = {
table_name: full_table_name,
provisioned_throughput: { read_capacity_units: @read_capacity_units,
write_capacity_units: @write_capacity_units }
def build_global_index_deletes_array(current_global_indexes)
return [] if current_global_indexes.empty?
current_index_names =
target_index_names = { |gsindex| gsindex[:index_name] }
current_index_names - target_index_names
def delete_global_index(full_table_name, index_to_delete)
puts "Deleting Global Secondary Index: #{index_to_delete} from Table: #{full_table_name}"
options = {
table_name: full_table_name,
global_secondary_index_updates: [{ delete: { index_name: index_to_delete } }]
# Looks through the list current of Global Secondary Indexes and builds an array if the Provisioned Throughput
# in the intended Indexes are higher than the current Indexes.
def build_global_index_updates_array(current_global_indexes)
indexes_to_update = []
return indexes_to_update if current_global_indexes.empty?
current_global_indexes.each do |current_index|
@global_secondary_indexes.each do |target_index|
# Find the same named index
next unless target_index[:index_name] == current_index[:index_name]
# Skip unless a different ProvisionedThroughput is specified
break unless (target_index[:provisioned_throughput][:read_capacity_units] !=
current_index.provisioned_throughput.read_capacity_units) ||
(target_index[:provisioned_throughput][:write_capacity_units] !=
indexes_to_update << { index_name: target_index[:index_name],
provisioned_throughput: target_index[:provisioned_throughput] }
puts indexes_to_update
def update_global_indexes(full_table_name, global_secondary_index_updates)
puts "Updating Global Indexes for Table: #{full_table_name}"
puts( do |index|
"#{index[:index_name]} -\
\tRead: #{index[:provisioned_throughput][:read_capacity_units]},\
\tWrite: #{index[:provisioned_throughput][:write_capacity_units]}"
options = {
table_name: full_table_name,
global_secondary_index_updates: { |index| { update: index } }
def build_new_global_indexes_array(current_global_indexes)
return [] if !@global_secondary_indexes || @global_secondary_indexes.empty?
index_names_to_create = { |gsindex| gsindex[:index_name] } - do |gsindex|
def create_global_indexes(full_table_name, new_global_secondary_indexes)
puts "Creating new Global Indexes for Table: #{full_table_name}"
puts( { |index| index[:index_name].to_s })
options = {
table_name: full_table_name,
global_secondary_index_updates: { |index| { create: index } }
def create_table(full_table_name)
puts "Creating table #{full_table_name}..."
options = {
table_name: full_table_name, attribute_definitions: @attribute_definitions,
key_schema: @key_schema,
provisioned_throughput: { read_capacity_units: @read_capacity_units,
write_capacity_units: @write_capacity_units },
local_secondary_indexes: @local_secondary_indexes,
global_secondary_indexes: @global_secondary_indexes
# Wait 60 seconds because "DescribeTable uses an eventually consistent query"
puts 'Sleeping for 60 seconds...'
# Wait for up to 2m.
wait_until_table_is_available(full_table_name, 5, 24)
def delete_table(full_table_name)
puts "Trying to delete Table: #{full_table_name}"
table_details = retrieve_table_details(full_table_name)
if table_details.nil?
puts 'Table did not exist. Nothing to delete.'
# Wait up to 30m
wait_until_table_available(full_table_name, 5, 360) if table_details.table_status != 'ACTIVE'
options = {
table_name: full_table_name
def retrieve_prefixed_tables(prefix) { |name| name =~ /#{Regexp.quote(prefix)}[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]*/ }
def retrieve_all_table_names
tables = []
response = nil
loop do
options = {
limit: 100
unless !response || response.last_evaluated_table_name.nil? || response.last_evaluated_table_name.empty?
options[:exclusive_start_table_name] = response.last_evaluated_table_name
response = @client.list_tables(options)
if response.table_names.empty? || response.last_evaluated_table_name.nil? ||
return tables
def defined_in_attribute_definitions_guard(key_schema)
if { |item| item[:attribute_name] })
.subset?( { |item| item[:attribute_name] }))
return true
raise ArgumentError, 'Not all keys in the key_schema are defined in the attribute_definitions!'
def provisioned_throughput_guard(provisioned_throughput)
if provisioned_throughput[:read_capacity_units] >= 1 && provisioned_throughput[:write_capacity_units] >= 1 &&
provisioned_throughput[:read_capacity_units].is_a?(Integer) &&
return true
raise ArgumentError, 'Read and Write Capacity for all ProvisionedThroughput must be positive integers.'