module LambdaWrap
# Environment class to pass to the deploy and teardown
# @!attribute [r] name
# @return [String] The descriptive name of the environment.
# @!attribute [r] description
# @return [String] The description of the environment.
# @!attribute [r] variables
# @return [Hash] The Hash of environment variables to deploy with the environment.
# @since 1.0
class Environment
attr_reader :name
attr_reader :description
attr_reader :variables
# Constructor
# @param name [String] Name of the environment. Corresponds to the Lambda Alias and API Gateway Stage.
# Must be at least 3 characters, and no more than 20 characters.
# @param variables [Hash] Environment variables to pass to the API Gateway stage. Must be a flat hash.
# Each key must be Alphanumeric (underscores allowed) and no more than 64 characters. Values can have
# most special characters, and no more than 512 characters.
# @param description [String] Description of the environment for Stage & Alias descriptions. Must not
# exceed 256 characters.
def initialize(name, variables = {}, description = 'Managed by LambdaWrap')
raise ArgumentError, 'name must be provided (String)!' unless name && name.is_a?(String)
# Max Alias Name length is 20 characters.
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid name format: #{name}" unless /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]{3,20}$/ =~ name
@name = name
raise ArgumentError, 'Variables must be a Hash!' unless variables.is_a?(Hash)
variables.each do |key, value|
next if /^[0-9a-zA-Z\_]{1,64}$/ =~ key && /^[A-Za-z0-9\-.\_~:\/?#&=,]{1,512}$/ =~ value && value.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid Format of variables hash: #{key} => #{value}"
variables[:environment] = name unless variables[:environment]
@variables = variables
raise ArgumentError, 'Description must be a String!' unless description.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, 'Description too long (Max 256)' unless description.length < 256
@description = description
def to_s
return @name if @name && @name.is_a?(String)