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import simulationArea from './simulationArea';
import {convertors} from './utils';
import { currentScreen } from './listeners';

var DPR = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

// Helper function to scale to display
function sh(x) {
    return x * DPR;

 * Spec Constants
 * Size Spec Diagram -
 * NOTE: Since DPR is set on page load, changing of screen in runtime will not work well
 * @TODO
 *  - Support for color themes
 *  - Replace constants with functions? - Can support Zoom in and Zoom out of canvas then
var frameInterval = 100; // Refresh rate
var timeLineHeight = sh(20);
var padding = sh(2);
var plotHeight = sh(20);
var waveFormPadding = sh(5);
var waveFormHeight = plotHeight - 2 * waveFormPadding;
var flagLabelWidth = sh(75);
var cycleWidth = sh(30);
var backgroundColor = 'black';
var foregroundColor = '#eee';
var textColor = 'black';
var waveFormColor = 'cyan';
var timeLineStartX = flagLabelWidth + padding;
var ptA = currentScreen();

// Helper functions for canvas

function getFullHeight(flagCount) {
    return !flagCount ? (plotHeight + padding) : (timeLineHeight + (plotHeight + padding) * flagCount);

function getFlagStartY(flagIndex) {
    return getFullHeight(flagIndex) + padding;

function getCycleStartX(cycleNumber) {
    return timeLineStartX + (cycleNumber - plotArea.cycleOffset) * cycleWidth;
function changeHeight(dir) {
    plotHeight += dir ? 5 : -5;
    plotHeight = dir ? plotHeight = Math.min(sh(50), plotHeight) : plotHeight = Math.max(sh(20), plotHeight);
    waveFormHeight = plotHeight - 2 * waveFormPadding;

 * @type {Object} plotArea
 * @category plotArea
const plotArea = {
    cycleOffset: 0, // Determines timeline offset
    DPR: window.devicePixelRatio || 1,
    canvas: document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId),
    cycleCount: 0, // Number of clock cycles passed
    cycleTime: 0, // Time of last clock tick (in ms)
    executionStartTime: 0, // Last time play() function ran in engine.js (in ms)
    autoScroll: true, // if true, timeline will scroll to keep current time in display
    width: 0, // canvas width
    height: 0, // canvas height
    unitUsed: 0, // Number of simulation units used by the engine
    cycleUnit: 1000, // Number of simulation units per cycle
    mouseDown: false,
    mouseX: 0, // Current mouse position
    mouseDownX: 0, // position of mouse when clicked
    mouseDownTime: 0, // time when mouse clicked (in ms)
    // Reset timeline to 0 and resume autoscroll
    reset() {
        this.cycleCount = 0;
        this.cycleTime = new Date().getTime();
        for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.Flag.length; i++) {
            globalScope.Flag[i].plotValues = [[0, globalScope.Flag[i].inp1.value]];
            globalScope.Flag[i].cachedIndex = 0;
        this.unitUsed = 0;
    // Resume autoscroll
    resume() {
        this.autoScroll = true;
    // pause autoscroll
    pause() {
        this.autoScroll = false;
        plotArea.scrollAcc = 0;
    // Called every time clock is ticked
    nextCycle() {
        this.cycleTime = new Date().getTime();
    // Called everytime play() function is execute in engine.js
    setExecutionTime() {
        this.executionStartTime = new Date().getTime();
    // Scale timeline up
    zoomIn() {
        cycleWidth += sh(2);
    // Scale timeline down
    zoomOut() {
        cycleWidth -= sh(2);
    // download as image
    download() {
        var img = this.canvas.toDataURL(`image/png`);
        const anchor = document.createElement('a');
        anchor.href = img; = `waveform.png`;;
    // update canvas size to use full screen
    resize() {
        var oldHeight = this.height;
        var oldWidth = this.width;
        this.width = document.getElementById(ptA.plotID).clientWidth * this.DPR;
        this.height = getFullHeight(globalScope.Flag.length);
        if (oldHeight == this.height && oldWidth == this.width) return;
        this.canvas.width = this.width;
        this.canvas.height = this.height;
        document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).style.height = this.canvas.height / this.DPR;
        document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).style.width = this.canvas.width / this.DPR;
    // Setup function, called on page load
    setup() {
        this.canvas = document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId);
        if (!embed) {
            this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
        this.timeOutPlot = setInterval(() => {
        }, frameInterval);
    // Used to resolve analytical time in clock cycles
    getPlotTime(timeUnit) {
        var time = this.cycleCount; // Current cycle count
        time += timeUnit / this.cycleUnit; // Add propagation delay
        // For user interactions like buttons - calculate time since clock tick
        var timePeriod = simulationArea.timePeriod;
        var executionDelay = (this.executionStartTime - this.cycleTime);
        var delayFraction = executionDelay / timePeriod;
        // Add time since clock tick
        time += delayFraction;
        return time;
    // Auto calibrate clock simulation units based on usage
    calibrate() {
        var recommendedUnit = Math.max(20, Math.round(this.unitUsed * 3));
        this.cycleUnit = recommendedUnit;
    // Get current time in clock cycles
    getCurrentTime() {
        var time = this.cycleCount;
        var timePeriod = simulationArea.timePeriod;
        var delay = new Date().getTime() - this.cycleTime;
        var delayFraction = delay / timePeriod;
        time += delayFraction;
        return time;
    update() {
        var dangerColor = '#dc5656';
        var normalColor = '#42b983';
        this.unitUsed = Math.max(this.unitUsed, simulationArea.simulationQueue.time);
        var unitUsed = this.unitUsed;
        var units = this.cycleUnit;
        var utilization = Math.round(unitUsed * 10000 / units) / 100;
        $(ptA.tdLog).html(`Utilization: ${Math.round(unitUsed)} Units (${utilization}%)`);
        if (utilization >= 90 || utilization <= 10) {
            var recommendedUnit = Math.max(20, Math.round(unitUsed * 3));
            $(ptA.tdLog).append(` Recommended Units: ${recommendedUnit}`);
            $(ptA.tdLog).css('background-color', dangerColor);
            if (utilization >= 100) {
        else {
            $(ptA.tdLog).css('background-color', normalColor);

        var width = this.width;
        var endTime = this.getCurrentTime();

        if (this.autoScroll) {
            // Formula used:
            // (endTime - x) * cycleWidth = width - timeLineStartX;
            // x = endTime - (width - timeLineStartX) / cycleWidth
            this.cycleOffset = Math.max(0, endTime - (width - timeLineStartX) / cycleWidth);
        } else if (!plotArea.mouseDown) {
            // Scroll
            this.cycleOffset -= plotArea.scrollAcc;
            // Friction
            plotArea.scrollAcc *= 0.95;
            // No negative numbers allowed, so negative scroll to 0
            if (this.cycleOffset < 0)
                plotArea.scrollAcc = this.cycleOffset / 5;
            // Set position to 0, to avoid infinite scrolling
            if (Math.abs(this.cycleOffset) < 0.01) this.cycleOffset = 0;
    render() {
        var { width, height } = this;
        this.canvas.height = height;
        this.canvas.width = width;
        var endTime = this.getCurrentTime();
        // Reset canvas
        var ctx = this.ctx;

        // Background Color
        ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
        ctx.lineWidth = sh(1);
        ctx.font = `${sh(15)}px Raleway`;
        ctx.textAlign = 'left';

        // Timeline
        ctx.fillStyle = foregroundColor;
        ctx.fillRect(timeLineStartX, 0, this.canvas.width, timeLineHeight);
        ctx.fillRect(0, 0, flagLabelWidth, timeLineHeight);
        ctx.fillStyle = textColor;
        ctx.fillText('Time', sh(5), timeLineHeight * 0.7);

        // Timeline numbers
        ctx.font = `${sh(9)}px Times New Roman`;
        ctx.strokeStyle = textColor;
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        for (var i = Math.floor(plotArea.cycleOffset); getCycleStartX(i) <= width ; i++) {
            var x = getCycleStartX(i);
            // Large ticks + number
            // @TODO - collapse number if it doesn't fit
            if (x >= timeLineStartX) {
                ctx.fillText(`${i}`, x, timeLineHeight - sh(15)/2);
                ctx.moveTo(x, timeLineHeight - sh(5));
                ctx.lineTo(x, timeLineHeight);
            // Small ticks
            for(var j = 1; j < 5; j++) {
                var x1 = x + Math.round(j * cycleWidth / 5);
                if (x1 >= timeLineStartX) {
                    ctx.moveTo(x1, timeLineHeight - sh(2));
                    ctx.lineTo(x1, timeLineHeight);

        // Flag Labels
        ctx.textAlign = 'left';
        for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.Flag.length; i++) {
            var startHeight = getFlagStartY(i);
            ctx.fillStyle = foregroundColor;
            ctx.fillRect(0, startHeight, flagLabelWidth, plotHeight);
            ctx.fillStyle = textColor;
            ctx.fillText(globalScope.Flag[i].identifier, sh(5), startHeight + plotHeight * 0.7);

        // Waveform Status Flags
        const WAVEFORM_NOT_STARTED = 0;
        const WAVEFORM_STARTED = 1;
        const WAVEFORM_OVER = 3;

        // Waveform
        ctx.strokeStyle = waveFormColor;
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        var endX = Math.min(getCycleStartX(endTime), width);

        for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.Flag.length; i++) {
            var plotValues = globalScope.Flag[i].plotValues;
            var startHeight = getFlagStartY(i) + waveFormPadding;
            var yTop = startHeight;
            var yMid = startHeight + waveFormHeight / 2;
            var yBottom = startHeight + waveFormHeight;
            var state = WAVEFORM_NOT_STARTED;
            var prevY;

            // Find correct index to start plotting from
            var j = 0;
            // Using caching for optimal performance
            if (globalScope.Flag[i].cachedIndex) {
                j = globalScope.Flag[i].cachedIndex;
            // Move to beyond timeLineStartX
            while (j + 1 < plotValues.length && getCycleStartX(plotValues[j][0]) < timeLineStartX) {
            // Move to just before timeLineStartX
            while (j > 0 && getCycleStartX(plotValues[j][0]) > timeLineStartX) {
            // Cache index
            globalScope.Flag[i].cachedIndex = j;

            // Plot
            for (; j < plotValues.length; j++) {
                var x = getCycleStartX(plotValues[j][0]);

                // Handle out of bound
                if (x < timeLineStartX) {
                    if(j + 1 != plotValues.length) {
                        // Next one also is out of bound, so skip this one completely
                        var x1 = getCycleStartX(plotValues[j + 1][0]);
                        if (x1 < timeLineStartX)
                    x = timeLineStartX;

                var value = plotValues[j][1];
                if(value === undefined) {
                    if (state == WAVEFORM_STARTED) {
                    state = WAVEFORM_NOT_STARTED;
                if (globalScope.Flag[i].bitWidth == 1) {
                    if (x > endX) break;
                    var y = value == 1 ? yTop : yBottom;
                    if (state == WAVEFORM_NOT_STARTED) {
                        // Start new plot
                        state = WAVEFORM_STARTED;
                        ctx.moveTo(x, y);
                    else {
                        ctx.lineTo(x, prevY);
                        ctx.lineTo(x, y);
                    prevY = y;
                else {
                    var endX;
                    if (j + 1 == plotValues.length) {
                        endX = getCycleStartX(endTime);
                    else {
                        endX = getCycleStartX(plotValues[j + 1][0]);
                    var smallOffset = waveFormHeight / 2;
                    ctx.moveTo(endX, yMid);
                    ctx.lineTo(endX - smallOffset, yTop);
                    ctx.lineTo(x + smallOffset, yTop);
                    ctx.lineTo(x, yMid);
                    ctx.lineTo(x + smallOffset, yBottom);
                    ctx.lineTo(endX - smallOffset, yBottom);

                    // Text position
                    // Clamp start and end are within the screen
                    var x1 = Math.max(x, timeLineStartX);
                    var x2 = Math.min(endX, width);
                    var textPositionX = (x1 + x2) / 2 ;

                    ctx.font = `${sh(9)}px Times New Roman`;
                    ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
                    ctx.fillText(convertors.dec2hex(value), textPositionX, yMid + sh(3));
                if (x > width) {
                    state = WAVEFORM_OVER;
            if (state == WAVEFORM_STARTED) {
                if (globalScope.Flag[i].bitWidth == 1) {
                    ctx.lineTo(endX, prevY);
    // Driver function to render and update
    plot() {
        if (embed) return;
        if (globalScope.Flag.length === 0) {
            this.canvas.width = 0;
            this.canvas.height = 0;

    clear() {
        this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, plotArea.canvas.width, plotArea.canvas.height);
export default plotArea;

export function setupTimingListeners() {
    $('.timing-diagram-smaller').on('click', () => {
        $('#plot').width(Math.max($('#plot').width() - 20, 560));
    $('.timing-diagram-larger').on('click', () => {
        $('#plot').width($('#plot').width() + 20)
    $('.timing-diagram-small-height').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-large-height').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-reset').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-calibrate').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-resume').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-pause').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-download').on('click', () => {;
    $('.timing-diagram-zoom-in').on('click', () => {
    $('.timing-diagram-zoom-out').on('click', () => {
    $('#timing-diagram-units').on('change paste keyup', function() {
        var timeUnits = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);
        if (isNaN(timeUnits) || timeUnits < 1) return;
        plotArea.cycleUnit = timeUnits;
    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => {
        var rect = plotArea.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
        var x = sh(e.clientX - rect.left);
        plotArea.scrollAcc = 0;
        plotArea.autoScroll = false;
        plotArea.mouseDown = true;
        plotArea.mouseX = x;
        plotArea.mouseDownX = x;
        plotArea.mouseDownTime = new Date().getTime();
    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => {
        plotArea.mouseDown = false;
        var time = new Date().getTime() - plotArea.mouseDownTime;
        var offset = (plotArea.mouseX - plotArea.mouseDownX) / cycleWidth;
        plotArea.scrollAcc = offset * frameInterval / time;

    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
        var rect = plotArea.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
        var x = sh(e.clientX - rect.left);
        if (plotArea.mouseDown) {
            plotArea.cycleOffset -= (x - plotArea.mouseX) / cycleWidth;
            plotArea.mouseX = x;
        } else {
            plotArea.mouseDown = false;

    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('touchstart', (e) => {
        var rect = plotArea.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
        var x = sh(e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left);
        plotArea.scrollAcc = 0;
        plotArea.autoScroll = false;
        plotArea.mouseDown = true;
        plotArea.mouseX = x;
        plotArea.mouseDownX = x;
        plotArea.mouseDownTime = new Date().getTime();
    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('touchend', (e) => {
        plotArea.mouseDown = false;
        var time = new Date().getTime() - plotArea.mouseDownTime;
        var offset = (plotArea.mouseX - plotArea.mouseDownX) / cycleWidth;
        plotArea.scrollAcc = offset * frameInterval / time;

    document.getElementById(ptA.PlotAreaId).addEventListener('touchmove', (e) => {
        var rect = plotArea.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
        var x = sh(e.touches[0].clientX - rect.left);
        if (plotArea.mouseDown) {
            plotArea.cycleOffset -= (x - plotArea.mouseX) / cycleWidth;
            plotArea.mouseX = x;
        } else {
            plotArea.mouseDown = false;