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3 days
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import CircuitElement from '../circuitElement';
import Node, { findNode } from '../node';
import simulationArea from '../simulationArea';
import { correctWidth, lineTo, moveTo, fillText } from '../canvasApi';
import { colors } from '../themer/themer';

 * @class
 * TflipFlop
 * T flip flop has 5 input nodes:
 * clock, data input, preset, reset ,enable.
 * @extends CircuitElement
 * @param {number} x - x coord of element
 * @param {number} y - y coord of element
 * @param {Scope=} scope - the ciruit in which we want the Element
 * @param {string=} dir - direcion in which element has to drawn
 * @category sequential
export default class TflipFlop extends CircuitElement {
    constructor(x, y, scope = globalScope, dir = 'RIGHT') {
        super(x, y, scope, dir, 1);
        this.directionFixed = true;
        this.fixedBitWidth = true;
        this.setDimensions(20, 20);
        this.rectangleObject = true;
        this.clockInp = new Node(-20, +10, 0, this, 1, 'Clock');
        this.dInp = new Node(-20, -10, 0, this, this.bitWidth, 'T');
        this.qOutput = new Node(20, -10, 1, this, this.bitWidth, 'Q');
        this.qInvOutput = new Node(20, 10, 1, this, this.bitWidth, 'Q Inverse');
        this.reset = new Node(10, 20, 0, this, 1, 'Asynchronous Reset');
        this.preset = new Node(0, 20, 0, this, this.bitWidth, 'Preset');
        this.en = new Node(-10, 20, 0, this, 1, 'Enable');
        this.masterState = 0;
        this.slaveState = 0;
        this.prevClockState = 0;

        // this.wasClicked = false;

     * @memberof TflipFlop
     * returns true if clock is defined
    isResolvable() {
        if (this.reset.value == 1) return true;
        if (this.clockInp.value != undefined && this.dInp.value != undefined) return true;
        return false;

     * @memberof TflipFlop
     * @param {number} bitWidth - the new bitwidth 
    newBitWidth(bitWidth) {
        this.bitWidth = bitWidth;
        this.dInp.bitWidth = bitWidth;
        this.qOutput.bitWidth = bitWidth;
        this.qInvOutput.bitWidth = bitWidth;
        this.preset.bitWidth = bitWidth;

     * @memberof TflipFlop
     * On the leading edge of the clock signal (LOW-to-HIGH) the first stage,
     * the “master” latches the input condition at D, while the output stage is deactivated.
     * On the trailing edge of the clock signal (HIGH-to-LOW) the second “slave” stage is
     * now activated, latching on to the output from the first master circuit.
     * This fuction sets the value for the node qOutput based on
     * the previous state and input of the clock by taking xor.
     * We flip the bits to find qInvOutput
    resolve() {
        if (this.reset.value == 1) {
            // if reset bit is set
            this.masterState = this.slaveState = this.preset.value || 0;
        } else if (this.en.value == 0) {
            // if enabled bit is 0
            this.prevClockState = this.clockInp.value;
        } else if (this.en.value == 1 || this.en.connections.length == 0) {
            // if enabled bit is 1 or not connected to anything.
            if (this.clockInp.value == this.prevClockState) {
                if (this.clockInp.value == 0 && this.dInp.value != undefined) {
                    // value is xor of
                    this.masterState = this.dInp.value ^ this.slaveState;
            } else if (this.clockInp.value != undefined) {
                if (this.clockInp.value == 1) {
                    this.slaveState = this.masterState;
                } else if (this.clockInp.value == 0 && this.dInp.value != undefined) {
                    this.masterState = this.dInp.value ^ this.slaveState;
                this.prevClockState = this.clockInp.value;

        if (this.qOutput.value != this.slaveState) {
            this.qOutput.value = this.slaveState;
            this.qInvOutput.value = this.flipBits(this.slaveState);

    customSave() {
        var data = {
            nodes: {
                clockInp: findNode(this.clockInp),
                dInp: findNode(this.dInp),
                qOutput: findNode(this.qOutput),
                qInvOutput: findNode(this.qInvOutput),
                reset: findNode(this.reset),
                preset: findNode(this.preset),
                en: findNode(this.en),
            constructorParamaters: [this.direction, this.bitWidth],

        return data;

    customDraw() {
        var ctx = simulationArea.context;
        ctx.strokeStyle = (colors['stroke']);
        ctx.fillStyle = (colors['fill']);
        ctx.lineWidth = correctWidth(3);
        var xx = this.x;
        var yy = this.y;
        // rect(ctx, xx - 20, yy - 20, 40, 40);
        moveTo(ctx, -20, 5, xx, yy, this.direction);
        lineTo(ctx, -15, 10, xx, yy, this.direction);
        lineTo(ctx, -20, 15, xx, yy, this.direction);

        // if ((this.b.hover&&!simulationArea.shiftDown)|| simulationArea.lastSelected == this || simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 32,0.8)";ctx.fill();
        ctx.font = '20px Raleway';
        ctx.fillStyle = colors['input_text'];
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        fillText(ctx, this.slaveState.toString(16), xx, yy + 5);

    static moduleVerilog(){
        return `
        module TflipFlop(q, q_inv, clk, t, a_rst, pre, en);
          parameter WIDTH = 1;
          output reg [WIDTH-1:0] q, q_inv;
          input clk, a_rst, pre, en;
          input [WIDTH-1:0] t;
          always @ (posedge clk or posedge a_rst)
            if (a_rst) begin
              q <= 'b0;
              q_inv <= 'b1;
            end else if (en == 0) ;
            else if (t) begin
              q <= q ^ t;
              q_inv <= ~q ^ t;

TflipFlop.prototype.tooltipText = 'T FlipFlop ToolTip :  Changes state / Toggles whenever the clock input is strobed.';

TflipFlop.prototype.helplink = '';

TflipFlop.prototype.objectType = 'TflipFlop';