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Containerized imcsdk for CIMC 3.0 using Docker

The new CIMC version 3.0 needs:

-  TLS 1.2
-  Python2 version >= 2.7.9  or  Python3 version >= 3.2
-  OpenSSL version >= 1.0.1

RHEL ships with Python 2.7.5 as the system Python version:


        # cat /etc/redhat-release
        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo)

        # python -V
        Python 2.7.5

CentOS also ships with Python 2.7.5 as the system Python version:


        # cat /etc/centos-release
        CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)

        # python -V
        Python 2.7.5

Upgrading system Python in RHEL and CentOS from Python 2.7.5 to Python  >= 2.7.9 breaks a lot of packages like pip, yum, ansible, OpenStack packages, etc.

Upgrading system OpenSSL to version >= 1.0.1 may break VPN client and SSL.  Apple MacOS sierra ships with OpenSSL 0.9.8 and will not even allow the user to upgrade OpenSSL.

Production/staging/ops testbeds may not even allow us to upgrade system Python and system OpenSSL as it may break other packages/features.

Hence, the best approach is to containerize imcsdk using Docker with all the required dependencies/packages needed to programmatically interact with CIMC 3.0.

The container must have the following packages needed for CIMC 3.0:

-  ``Python 2.7.13`` (Python >= 2.7.9 is needed for CIMC 3.0)
-  ``pip`` with Python 2.7.13
-  ``OpenSSL 1.0.1``
-  Cisco's Python ``imcsdk`` library (
-  DMTF's Python ``RedFish`` library (``python-redfish-library`` in
-  ``epel-release`` and latest ``Ansible`` (if the user wants to automate anything with CIMC 3.0)
-  Python ``requests`` library needed to interact with RedFish URIs ``/redfish/v1/*``

Download the ``Dockerfile`` in this directory to your host.

Install Docker on the RHEL/CentOS/MacOS host.  Ubuntu host has not been tested as the above container is a CentOS image currently.

**RHEL**   -

**CentOS** -

**MacOS**  -

After installing and starting the Docker daemon on the host, go to the directory that contains the downloaded ``Dockerfile`` and build the ``centos-cimc-3.0`` container.  This takes 15-20 minutes.


        cd <path to downloaded Dockerfile>
        docker build --rm -t centos-cimc-3.0 .

Remove unwanted intermediate containers:


        docker images | grep '<none>' | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi -f

Check the built image of the container ``centos-cimc-3.0``:


        $ docker images
        REPOSITORY                                    TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
        centos-cimc-3.0                               latest              2e353ccfbc24        About an hour ago   1.08 GB
        centos                                        latest              a8493f5f50ff        3 weeks ago         192 MB

Run/start the built container:


        docker run --hostname cimc-3.0 --name cimc-3.0 -d centos-cimc-3.0

Check the started running container ``cimc-3.0``:


        $ docker ps -a
        CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
        9df66e090529        2e353ccfbc24        "sleep infinity"    2 minutes ago      Up 2 minutes                           cimc-3.0

Enter inside the container to start interacting with CIMC 3.0 from inside the container:


        $ docker exec -it cimc-3.0 /bin/bash
        [root@cimc-3 /]#

Once inside the container, make sure that all the packages needed for CIMC 3.0 are installed in the container.


        [root@cimc-3 /]# python2.7.13 -V
        Python 2.7.13

        [root@cimc-3 /]# openssl version
        OpenSSL 1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013

        [root@cimc-3 /]# pip list | grep 'imcsdk\|redfish\|requests'
        imcsdk (
        redfish (1.0.0)
        requests (2.13.0)

        [root@cimc-3 /]# ansible --version

        [root@cimc-3 /]# curl --version
        curl 7.29.0

Test if ``imcsdk`` APIs work with CIMC 3.0 inside the container.  Below, we use imcsdk to get the BIOS settings and the inventory of the UCS server with CIMC 3.0.


        [root@cimc-3 /]# python2.7.13
        Python 2.7.13 (default, Apr 19 2017, 20:05:12)
        [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux2
        Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
        >>> import imcsdk
        >>> from imcsdk.imchandle import ImcHandle
        >>> from imcsdk.apis.server.inventory import inventory_get
        >>> imcsdk.__version__

        >>> handle = ImcHandle("", "admin", "SomePassword")
        >>> handle.login()

        >>> handle.version._ImcVersion__version

        >>> bios_settings = handle.query_dn('sys/rack-unit-1/bios/bios-settings')
        >>> bios_settings.__dict__
        {'status': None, 'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/bios/bios-settings', '_ManagedObject__xtra_props': {}, '_ManagedObject__parent_dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/bios', '_dirty_mask': 0, '_handle': <imcsdk.imchandle.ImcHandle object at 0x7f799136ec90>, '_child': [], '_ManagedObject__xtra_props_dirty_mask': 1, '_ManagedObject__status': None, 'rn': 'bios-settings', '_ManagedObject__parent_mo': None, '_class_id': 'BiosSettings', 'child_action': None}

        >>> inventory_get(handle=handle)
        {'': {'vic': [{'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/adaptor-MLOM', 'vendor': 'Cisco Systems Inc', 'model': 'UCSC-MLOM-CSC-02', 'pci_slot': 'MLOM', 'id': 'MLOM', 'serial': 'FCH20477D4X'}], 'vHBAs': [], 'tpm': [{'dn': 'sys/rack-unit-1/board/tpm', 'model': 'NA', 'vendor': 'NA', 'serial': 'NA', 'tpm_revision': 'NA'}

        >>> (Press CTRL+D to exit)
        [root@cimc-3 /]# exit

Test if Python's ``requests`` library works with **RedFish** URIs with CIMC 3.0 inside the container.

Below, we use Python's ``requests`` library with **RedFish** URIs (``/redfish/v1/*``) to get the model number, serial number and BIOS version of the UCS server with CIMC 3.0.


        [root@cimc-3 /]# python2.7.13
        Python 2.7.13 (default, Apr 19 2017, 20:05:12)
        [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11)] on linux2
        Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
        >>> import json
        >>> import requests
        >>> ro = requests.get("", verify=False, auth=("admin", "SomePassword"))
        >>> ro
        <Response [200]>

        >>> ro_json = ro.json()
        >>> uri = "" + ro_json['Members'][0]['']
        >>> ro = requests.get(uri, verify=False, auth=("admin", "SomePassword"))
        >>> ro
        <Response [200]>

        >>> ro_json = ro.json()
        >>> ro_json['Model']
        u'UCS C220 M4S'

        >>> ro_json['SerialNumber']

        >>> ro_json['BiosVersion']

        >>> (Press CTRL+D to exit)
        [root@cimc-3 /]# exit

Test if we can use ``curl`` to get objects from RedFish URIs inside the container.


        [root@cimc-3 /]# curl --insecure -u admin:SomePassword
          "Description":"Root Service",
          "Name":"Cisco RESTful Root Service",

        [root@cimc-3 /]# curl --insecure -u admin:SomePassword
          "Description":"Collection of Computer Systems",
          "Name":"Computer System Collection",

        [root@cimc-3 /]# curl --insecure -u admin:SomePassword
            "Model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 @ 2.20GHz",
          "Name":"UCS C220 M4S",
          "Manufacturer":"Cisco Systems",
          "Model":"UCS C220 M4S",

        [root@cimc-3 /]# exit

Links about RedFish:

-  RedFish API spec -
-  Redfish Schema Index -

If the container ``cimc-3.0`` is not needed, stop and remove it:


        docker stop cimc-3.0 && docker rm cimc-3.0

If the image ``centos-cimc-3.0`` is not needed, remove it:


        docker rmi centos-cimc-3.0
        docker rmi centos

After the Docker image ``centos-cimc-3.0`` is built from the downloaded ``Dockerfile``, it can be tagged (``docker tag``), pushed to any registry (``docker push``), pulled from the registry (``docker pull``), run/started (``docker run``), and used to programmatically interact with CIMC 3.0.