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CleverStack Node Seed
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![CleverStack Node Seed]( "CleverStack Node Seed")

CleverStack Node Seed provides you with a cutting edge NodeJS development workflow. It's been designed to provide you with a super fast test driven back-end development lifecycle. Everything you need should be just one command away, if it's not please open an issue or fork and submit a pull request.

## Some Highlights
* NodeJS Async Non-Blocking Core.
* Modular Coding Structure based on NPM.
* Grunt powered tasks, including Server with Live Restart using nodemon.
* Databases supported: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite or MongoDB.
* Official ORM (Object Relational Mapper) Module provides an enterprise SQL based solution out of the box.
* Official ODM (Object Document Mapper) Module provides an enterprise NoSQL based solution out of the box.
* Clustered application with high Concurrency out of the box.
* NodeJS Background Tasks Module which allows CPU intensive (blocking) operations to take place in separate processes, allowing your HTTP Web Server Processes to continue serving HTTP Requests.
* Unit & E2E (Integration) Testing with Mocha and Request.

## Documentation

See []( for more detailed information on the Node seed or visit the [Getting Started Guide](

## Install

Install is made easy using the CleverStack CLI, first install [node.js](

1. `$ npm install -g cleverstack-cli`
2. `$ clever init my-app` && `$ cd my-app`
4. `$ clever serve`
5. Go to: `http://localhost:9000`. Your express server runs on port `8080` by default.

## License

See our [LICENSE](