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                    <div class="faq-section">
                        <h4 class="text-dark-black align-center"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</strong></h5>
                            Here is an always-in-WIP list of popular questions and answers that may help you resolve
                            issue without having to contact us. Please go through the list below before reaching out to
                            <h5>For all users:</h5>
                            <ol class="faq-list">
                                <li><strong>What information should I include in my message?</strong><br>
                                    For a prompt resolution of your issue, please include the following details:
                                        <li>Challenge URL</li>
                                        <li>Challenge title</li>
                                        <li>Participant team name</li>
                                        <li>Submission PK if relevant; Submission file URL also works.</li>
                                        <li>Any other relevant information that will help us understand the issue</li>
                                <li><strong>What happens if I do not provide enough detail?</strong><br>
                                    <b>Messages lacking sufficient detail may not be addressed</b>, as we receive
                                    messages each day.
                            <h5>For participants:</h5>
                            <ol class="faq-list">
                                <li><strong>I am having trouble with accessing the data for a challenge.</strong><br>
                                    If you are having issues with getting data for a particular challenge, please reach
                                    to the hosts directly.</li>
                                <li><strong> I am unable to submit because the challenge has a `.edu`
                                    Please reach out to the hosts directly for assistance.
                                <li><strong>I see a "Verify your email to continue" message despite having
                                    If you encounter this message, please try using incognito mode or clear your browser
                                <li><strong>Submission is stuck at submitted or running.</strong><br>
                                    Please provide the challenge URL and submission PK in the contact message below.
                                <li><strong>My team for the CARLA Autonomous Driving Challenge 2.0 (or a similar
                                        has not been accepted yet.
                                        What should I do?</strong><br>
                                    Please reach out to the hosts. This approval is managed at the host end.</li>
                                <li><strong>I need to make changes (add/remove) to my participant team.</strong><br>
                                    This is not possible at the moment. We are looking into implementing a feature where
                                    can unparticipate in a
                                    challenge if there are no submissions made for a challenge. At the moment, this is
                                    not supported, however.</li>
                            <h5>For challenge hosts:</h5>
                            <ol class="faq-list">
                                <li><strong>I need my challenge approved by the admin.</strong><br>
                                    Please create the challenge and make successful submissions for each phase. Then
                                    on "Request for Approval" button on the challenge page. Any <b>request sent through
                                        contact form will not be entertained</b>. <br> Also, please do not spam us by
                                    repeatedly submitting the request using the button. We have added that feature for
                                    convenience, please use it wisely. </li>
                                <li><strong>I am unable to send approval request for my challenge. I get an error with
                                        "Following challenge phases have missing submissions".</strong><br>
                                    This is expected. If you are facing this error, you need to make a successful
                                    submission (which reaches 'Finished' status) for each challenge phase.
                                    This is to prevent our resources from being wasted with incorrect evaluation
                                    scripts, and to ensure smoothness for participants as well.</li>
                                <li><strong>I am having trouble with downloading submissions from the "All Submissions"
                                        page. What should I do?</strong><br>
                                    This happens when there are too many submissions for the backend to compile. Please
                                    reach out to us with you challenge PK and we can download multiple submission files
                                    share. However, please refrain from re-using the same challenge every year as that
                                    keep worsening the issue.</li>
                                <li><strong>I accidentally deleted my account. How can I restore it?</strong><br>
                                    Please make sure to be careful when dealing with these things. Send us a contact
                                    with your user asking us to reactivate your account.</li>
                                <li><strong>I found inconsistency with the documentation. What should I do?</strong><br>
                                    We appreciate any reports with issues in our documentation, please reach out to us
                                    explain the problem clearly. We highly appreciate open-source contributions, please open a PR if you can.</li>
                                <li><strong>Is it possible to access the participants list for my
                                    Yes, please use the <a href=""
                                        style="color: blue;">Analytics Dashboard</a> to
                                    download the participant team details.</li>
                                <li><strong>I am a new challenge host wanting to create a challenge. I would like to
                                        with the team to discuss my requirements.</strong><br>
                                    Thanks for using EvalAI. We have a detailed documentation on how to host challenges
                                    here: <a href=""
                                        style="color: blue;">Host a
                                    We also have a starter template here: <a
                                        href="" style="color: blue;">EvalAI
                                    Our recommendation is to go through the documentation and try to host a challenge
                                    reach out to us with specific issues or questions. <br>
                                    Despite that, if you still feel the need, please reach out to us with your
                                    and we will schedule a meeting
                                    with you.
                                    A few things to note:
                                        <li>We are non-profit, i.e. we do not charge the hosts for hosting challenges,
                                            although that may change in the future.</li>
                                        <li>We have a privacy policy, please read it here: <a
                                                href="" style="color: blue;">Privacy
                                        <li>We are a small team, and while we do consider new features which may be
                                            enough, we may not be able to accommodate all requests.</li>
                                        <li>If you are trying to host a docker-based challenge, then we request you to
                                            please arrange your own AWS account.</li>
                                        <li>We request you to please use remote evaluation servers (your own) if
                                            possible as
                                            that helps us save costs and sustain.</li>
                                <li><strong>I am trying to create a challenge with remote evaluation. I need challenge
                                        primary key and queue details.</strong><br>
                                    Please enable `remote_evaluation: true` in your challenge configuration. Then, go to
                                    Manage Tab of your challenge to access the details. </li>
                                <li><strong>I need to make all submissions for my challenge public.</strong><br>
                                    Unfortunately, we do not have support for this as of now. We are working on it and
                                    update here once it is available.
                                    Also, please note to ask such questions <b>before</b> starting the challenge. We are
                                    usually unable to change such settings once the challenge has started and
                                    are in.</li>
                                <li><strong>I am hosting a docker-based (code-upload/static-code-upload) challenge. I
                                        want to see the logs on my pods
                                        which stay running/submitted.</strong><br>
                                    To view logs on your pods, you may use the following commands. Please look into
                                    kubectl/AWS EKS docs for further info:

                                    <h6>1. Export required variables on your AWS CloudShell:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}<br>
                                        export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}<br>
                                        export CHALLENGE_PK=${CHALLENGE_PK}<br>
                                        export CLUSTER_NAME=${CLUSTER_NAME}<br>
                                        export ACCOUNT_ID=${ACCOUNT_ID}<br>
                                        export AUTH_TOKEN=${AUTH_TOKEN}</code></pre>

                                    <h6>2. Set eks configuration on AWS:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>aws eks --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION update-kubeconfig --name $CLUSTER_NAME
                                        aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID</code></pre>

                                    <h6>3. Commands to get different entities on EKS:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>kubectl get jobs
                                        kubectl get nodes
                                        kubectl get pods
                                        kubectl get cnp</code></pre>

                                    <h6>4. Commands to get logs for a specific pod:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>kubectl logs submission-293486-8kfwt</code></pre>

                                    <h6>5. Commands to describe a particular pod:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>kubectl describe pods submission-252973-4vx28</code></pre>

                                    <h6>6. Commands to delete a pod:</h6>
                                    <pre><code>kubectl delete pods submission-295910-9lb69</code></pre>
                    <h4 class="text-dark-black align-center"><strong>Contact Us</strong></h4>
                    If after reviewing the FAQ, you still feel the need, please fill out the form below.
                    <form name="contactusForm" ng-submit="contactUs.contactUs(contactusForm.$valid)" id="contact-us"
                        <!-- Name -->
                        <div class="input-field align-left">
                            <input type="text" id="name" name="name" ng-minlength="3" ng-model=""
                                ng-disabled="contactUs.isDisabled" required focus-if="">
                            <span class="form-icon"><i class="fa fa-user"></i></span>
                            <label ng-class="{'active': > 0}" for="name">Name *</label>
                            <div class="wrn-msg text-highlight" ng-messages="$error"
                                ng-if="$touched || contactusForm.$submitted">
                                <p ng-message="minlength">name is too short.</p>
                                <p ng-message="required">name is required.</p>
                        <!-- Email -->
                        <div class="input-field align-left">
                            <input type="email" id="email" name="email" ng-model=""
                                ng-disabled="contactUs.isDisabled" required focus-if="">
                            <span class="form-icon"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></span>
                            <label ng-class="{'active': > 0}" for="email">Email *</label>
                            <div class="wrn-msg text-highlight" ng-messages="$error"
                                ng-if="$touched || contactusForm.$submitted">
                                <p ng-message="email">Please enter valid email address.</p>
                                <p ng-message="required">Email is required.</p>
                        <!-- Message -->
                        <div class="input-field align-left">
                            <textarea class="materialize-textarea" id="message" name="message"
                                ng-model="contactUs.user.message" required></textarea>
                            <span class="form-icon"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i></span>
                            <label for="message">Message *</label>
                            <div class="wrn-msg text-highlight" ng-messages="contactusForm.message.$error"
                                ng-if="contactusForm.message.$touched || contactusForm.$submitted">
                                <p ng-message="required">Message is required.</p>
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                            <div class="col s6 align-left rm-gut">
                                <button class="waves-effect waves-dark btn ev-btn-dark w-300" type="submit"
                            <div ng-if="contactUs.isFormError" class="wrn-msg text-highlight align-right">
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