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 * Copyright 2020-2024 Open Text
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Apache License v2.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Apache License is available at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.actions;

import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.annotations.Action;
import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.annotations.Output;
import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.annotations.Param;
import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.annotations.Response;
import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.ActionMetadata.MatchType;
import com.hp.oo.sdk.content.plugin.ActionMetadata.ResponseType;
import io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.constants.InputNames;
import io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.constants.OutputNames;
import io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.entities.inputs.ProcessTextFieldInput;
import io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.entities.others.WritingStyle;
import io.cloudslang.content.abbyy.utils.ResultUtils;
import io.cloudslang.content.constants.ResponseNames;
import io.cloudslang.content.constants.ReturnCodes;

import java.util.Map;

public class ProcessTextFieldAction {

     * Converts a text field from a given image to text in XML output format using the ABBYY Cloud OCR REST API v1.
     * @param locationId             The ID of the processing location to be used. Please note that the connection of your
     *                               application to the processing location is specified manually during application creation,
     *                               i.e. the application is bound to work with only one of the available locations.
     *                               Valid values: 'cloud-eu', 'cloud-westus'.
     * @param applicationId          The ID of the application to be used.
     * @param password               The password for the application.
     * @param region                 Specifies the region of the text field on the image. The coordinates of the region are measured
     *                               in pixels relative to the left top corner of the image and are specified in the following order:
     *                               left, top, right, bottom. By default, the region of the whole image is used.
     *                               Valid values: a list of exactly 4 numbers greater than or equal to 0 or equal to -1.
     *                               Default: '-1,-1,-1,-1'.
     * @param language               Specifies recognition language of the document. This parameter can contain several language
     *                               names separated with commas, for example "English,French,German".
     *                               For all languages supported, see the official ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK documentation.
     *                               Currently, the only official language supported by this operation is 'English'.
     *                               Default: 'English'.
     * @param destinationFile        The absolute path of a file on disk where to save the xml entity returned by the response.
     * @param sourceFile             The absolute path of the image to be loaded and converted using the API.
     * @param letterSet              Specifies the letter set, which should be used during recognition. Contains a string with
     *                               the letter set characters. For example, "ABCDabcd'-.".
     *                               By default, the letter set of the language, specified in the language parameter, is used.
     *                               Default: ''.
     * @param regExp                 Specifies the regular expression which defines which words are allowed in the field and which are not.
     *                               See the description of regular expressions. By default, the set of allowed words is defined
     *                               by the dictionary of the language, specified in the language parameter.
     *                               Default: ''.
     * @param textType               Specifies the type of the text on a page.
     *                               This parameter may also contain several text types separated with commas, for example "normal,matrix".
     *                               Valid values: 'normal', 'typewriter', 'matrix', 'index', 'ocrA', 'ocrB', 'e13b', 'cmc7', 'gothic'.
     *                               Default: 'normal'.
     * @param oneTextLine            Specifies whether the field contains only one text line. The value should be true,
     *                               if there is one text line in the field; otherwise it should be false.
     *                               Default: 'false'.
     * @param oneWordPerTextLine     Specifies whether the field contains only one word in each text line. The value should be true,
     *                               if no text line contains more than one word (so the lines of text will be recognized as a single word);
     *                               otherwise it should be false.
     *                               Default: 'false'.
     * @param markingType            This property is valid only for the handprint recognition. Specifies the type of marking around letters
     *                               (for example, underline, frame, box, etc.). By default, there is no marking around letters.
     *                               Valid values: 'simpleText', 'underlinedText', 'textInFrame', 'greyBoxes', 'charBoxSeries,
     *                               'simpleComb', combInFrame', 'partitionedFrame'.
     *                               Default: 'simpleText'.
     * @param placeholdersCount      Specifies the number of character cells for the field. This property has a sense only for the field
     *                               marking types (the markingType parameter) that imply splitting the text in cells.
     *                               Valid values: an integer greater than or equal to 0.
     *                               Default: '1'.
     * @param description            Contains the description of the processing task. Cannot contain more than 255 characters.
     *                               If the description contains more than 255 characters, then the text will be truncated.
     * @param pdfPassword            Contains a password for accessing password-protected images in PDF format.
     * @param proxyHost              The proxy server used to access the web site.
     * @param proxyPort              The proxy server port. The value '-1' indicates that the proxy port is not set
     *                               and the scheme default port will be used, e.g. if the scheme is 'http://' and
     *                               the 'proxyPort' is set to '-1' then port '80' will be used.
     *                               Valid values: -1 and integer values greater than 0.
     *                               Default value: 8080.
     * @param proxyUsername          The user name used when connecting to the proxy.
     * @param proxyPassword          The proxy server password associated with the proxyUsername input value.
     * @param trustAllRoots          Specifies whether to enable weak security over SSL/TSL. A certificate is trusted
     *                               even if no trusted certification authority issued it.
     *                               Valid values: 'true', 'false'.
     *                               Default value: 'false'.
     * @param x509HostnameVerifier   Specifies the way the server hostname must match a domain name in the subject's Common Name (CN)
     *                               or subjectAltName field of the X.509 certificate. Set this to "allow_all" to skip any checking.
     *                               For the value "browser_compatible" the hostname verifier works the same way as Curl and Firefox.
     *                               The hostname must match either the first CN, or any of the subject-alts.
     *                               A wildcard can occur in the CN, and in any of the subject-alts. The only difference
     *                               between "browser_compatible" and "strict" is that a wildcard (such as "*")
     *                               with "browser_compatible" matches all subdomains, including "".
     *                               Valid values: 'strict','browser_compatible','allow_all'.
     *                               Default value: 'strict'.
     * @param trustKeystore          The pathname of the Java TrustStore file. This contains certificates from other parties
     *                               that you expect to communicate with, or from Certificate Authorities that you trust to
     *                               identify other parties.  If the protocol (specified by the 'url') is not 'https' or if
     *                               trustAllRoots is 'true' this input is ignored.
     *                               Default value: <OO_Home>/java/lib/security/cacerts. Format: Java KeyStore (JKS)
     * @param trustPassword          The password associated with the TrustStore file.
     *                               If trustAllRoots is 'false' and trustKeystore is empty, trustPassword default will be supplied.
     *                               Default value: 'changeit'.
     * @param connectTimeout         The time to wait for a connection to be established, in seconds.
     *                               A timeout value of '0' represents an infinite timeout.
     *                               Default value: '0'.
     * @param socketTimeout          The timeout for waiting for data (a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets),
     *                               in seconds. A socketTimeout value of '0' represents an infinite timeout.
     *                               Default value: '0'.
     * @param keepAlive              Specifies whether to create a shared connection that will be used in subsequent calls.
     *                               If keepAlive is 'false', the already open connection will be used and after execution it will close it.
     *                               The operation will use a connection pool stored in a GlobalSessionObject that will be available throughout
     *                               the execution (the flow and subflows, between parallel split lanes).
     *                               Valid values: 'true', 'false'. Default value: 'true'.
     * @param connectionsMaxPerRoute The maximum limit of connections on a per route basis.
     *                               The default will create no more than 2 concurrent connections per given route.
     *                               Default value: '2'.
     * @param connectionsMaxTotal    The maximum limit of connections in total.
     *                               The default will create no more than 2 concurrent connections in total.
     *                               Default value: '20'.
     * @param responseCharacterSet   The character encoding to be used for the HTTP response.
     *                               If responseCharacterSet is empty, the charset from the 'Content-Type' HTTP response header will be used.
     *                               If responseCharacterSet is empty and the charset from the HTTP response Content-Type header is empty,
     *                               the default value will be used. You should not use this for method=HEAD or OPTIONS.
     *                               Default value: 'UTF-8'.
     * @param disableSizeLimit       Disables size limit for downloaded content.
     *                               Default value: 'false'.
     * @return a map containing the output of the operations. Keys present in the map are:
     * <br><b>returnResult</b> - Contains a human readable message mentioning the success or failure of the task.
     * <br><b>xmlResult</b> - The result for 'xml' export format in clear text (empty if 'xml' was not provided in 'exportFormat' input).
     * <br><b>taskId</b> - The ID of the task registered in the ABBYY server.
     * <br><b>credits</b> - The amount of ABBYY credits spent on the action.
     * <br><b>statusCode</b> - The status_code returned by the server.
     * <br><b>returnCode</b> - The returnCode of the operation: 0 for success, -1 for failure.
     * <br><b>exception</b> - The exception message if the operation goes to failure.
     * <br><b>timedOut</b> - True if the operation timed out before the document was processed, false otherwise.
    @Action(name = "Process Text Field",
            outputs = {
            responses = {
                    @Response(text = ResponseNames.SUCCESS, field = OutputNames.RETURN_CODE, value = ReturnCodes.SUCCESS,
                            matchType = MatchType.COMPARE_EQUAL, responseType = ResponseType.RESOLVED),
                    @Response(text = ResponseNames.FAILURE, field = OutputNames.RETURN_CODE, value = ReturnCodes.FAILURE,
                            matchType = MatchType.COMPARE_EQUAL, responseType = ResponseType.ERROR)
    public Map<String, String> execute(
            @Param(value = InputNames.LOCATION_ID, required = true) String locationId,
            @Param(value = InputNames.APPLICATION_ID, required = true) String applicationId,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PASSWORD, required = true, encrypted = true) String password,
            @Param(value = InputNames.REGION) String region,
            @Param(value = InputNames.LANGUAGE) String language,
            @Param(value = InputNames.SOURCE_FILE, required = true) String sourceFile,
            @Param(value = InputNames.DESTINATION_FILE) String destinationFile,
            @Param(value = InputNames.LETTER_SET) String letterSet,
            @Param(value = InputNames.REG_EXP) String regExp,
            @Param(value = InputNames.TEXT_TYPE) String textType,
            @Param(value = InputNames.ONE_TEXT_LINE) String oneTextLine,
            @Param(value = InputNames.ONE_WORD_PER_TEXT_LINE) String oneWordPerTextLine,
            @Param(value = InputNames.MARKING_TYPE) String markingType,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PLACEHOLDERS_COUNT) String placeholdersCount,
            @Param(value = InputNames.DESCRIPTION) String description,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PDF_PASSWORD, encrypted = true) String pdfPassword,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PROXY_HOST) String proxyHost,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PROXY_PORT) String proxyPort,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PROXY_USERNAME) String proxyUsername,
            @Param(value = InputNames.PROXY_PASSWORD, encrypted = true) String proxyPassword,
            @Param(value = InputNames.TRUST_ALL_ROOTS) String trustAllRoots,
            @Param(value = InputNames.X509_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER) String x509HostnameVerifier,
            @Param(value = InputNames.TRUST_KEYSTORE) String trustKeystore,
            @Param(value = InputNames.TRUST_PASSWORD, encrypted = true) String trustPassword,
            @Param(value = InputNames.CONNECT_TIMEOUT) String connectTimeout,
            @Param(value = InputNames.SOCKET_TIMEOUT) String socketTimeout,
            @Param(value = InputNames.KEEP_ALIVE) String keepAlive,
            @Param(value = InputNames.CONNECTIONS_MAX_PER_ROUTE) String connectionsMaxPerRoute,
            @Param(value = InputNames.CONNECTIONS_MAX_TOTAL) String connectionsMaxTotal,
            @Param(value = InputNames.RESPONSE_CHARACTER_SET) String responseCharacterSet,
            @Param(value = InputNames.DISABLE_SIZE_LIMIT) String disableSizeLimit) {
        try {
            ProcessTextFieldInput input = (ProcessTextFieldInput) new ProcessTextFieldInput.Builder()
            return new ProcessTextFieldService().execute(input);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            return ResultUtils.fromException(ex);
