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 * Copyright 2019-2024 Open Text
 * This program and the accompanying materials
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 * limitations under the License.

package io.cloudslang.content.excel.utils;

public class Descriptions {
    public static class Common {
        public static final String EXCEL_FILE_NAME_DESC = "The absolute path to the new Excel document.\n" +
                "Example: c:\\temp\\test.xls";
        public static final String WORKSHEET_NAME_DESC = "The name of Excel worksheet";
        public static final String RETURN_CODE_DESC = "0 if success, -1 otherwise.";

    public static class GetCell {
        public static final String HAS_HEADER_DESC = "If Yes, then the first row of the document is expected to be the header row. \n" +
                "Valid values: yes, no\n" +
                "Default value: yes";
        public static final String FIRST_ROW_INDEX_DESC = "The index of the first row in the Excel worksheet, including the header row.\n" +
                "Default value: 0";
        public static final String ROW_INDEX_DESC = "A list of row indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20, 25\n" +
                "Default Value: from the index of the first row to the index of the last row with content in the Excel worksheet.";
        public static final String COLUMN_INDEX_DESC = " A list of column indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20, 25\n" +
                "Default value: From 0 to the index of the last column with content in the Excel worksheet.";
        public static final String ROW_DELIMITER_DESC = "The delimiter used to separate the rows of the returnResult.\n" +
                "Default value: | (pipe)";
        public static final String COLUMN_DELIMITER_DESC = "The delimiter used to separate the columns of the returnResult.\n" +
                "Default value: , (comma)";
        public static final String ENABLING_ROUNDING_FUNCTION_DESC = "If the value is set to true, then the selected cells containing decimal " +
                "numbers will be rounded to 2 decimals digits." +
                "Valid values: true, false\n" +
                "Default value: false";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary output. Returns the cell data retrieved from Excel document.";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error while retrieving the cell data.";
        public static final String HEADER_DESC = "A delimited list of column names of data being returned if hasHeader is set to yes. ";
        public static final String ROWS_COUNT_DESC = "The number of the rows returned.";
        public static final String COLUMNS_COUNT_DESC = "The number of the columns returned.";

        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "The cell data was retrieved successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to retrieve the cell data.";

    public static class GetRowIndexbyCondition {
        public static final String HAS_HEADER_DESC = "If Yes, then the first row of the document is expected to be the header row. \n" +
                "Valid values: yes, no\n" +
                "Default value: Yes";
        public static final String FIRST_ROW_INDEX_DESC = "The index of the first row in the Excel worksheet, including the header row.\n" +
                "Default value: 0";
        public static final String COLUMN_INDEX_TO_QUERY_DESC = "The column index to search in.";
        public static final String OPERATOR_DESC = " operator - The math operators. \n" +
                "Valid values: ==, != for string comparison; ==, !=, <,<=,>,>= for numeric comparison.\n" +
                "Default value: ==";
        public static final String VALUE_DESC = "The value to search in the specified column. If left blank, it means an empty value.\n";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary result. Return a list of row indexes that satisfied the specified condition.";
        public static final String ROWS_COUNT_DESC = "The number of the row indexes returned.";
        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "The row indexes were retrieved successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to retrieve the row indexes.";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error while retrieving the row data.";

    public static class CreateExcelFile {
        public static final String WORKSHEET_NAMES_DESC = "A delimited list of names that will be created as worksheets in the document.\n" +
                "Default value: Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3.";
        public static final String DELIMITER_DESC = "The character used to delimit worksheet names.\n" +
                "Default value: comma (,)";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary output. Returns a success or failure message.\n";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error creating the file.";
        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "A new Excel document is created successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to create a new Excel document.";

    public static class DeleteCell {
        public static final String ROW_INDEX_DESC = "A list of row indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25";
        public static final String COLUMN_INDEX_DESC = "A list of column indexes\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary output. Returns the number of rows that were affected.";
        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "The cell data specified was deleted successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to delete the cell data specified";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error while deleting the cell.";

    public static class AddCell {
        public static final String HEADER_DATA_DESC = "A delimited list of column names. If left blank, the document will not have a header for the data.";
        public static final String ROW_DATA_DESC = "A delimited list of data.";
        public static final String ROW_DELIMITER_DESC = "The delimiter used to separate the rows of the returnResult.\n" +
                "Default value: | (pipe)";
        public static final String COLUMN_DELIMITER_DESC = "The delimiter used to separate the columns of the returnResult.\n" +
                "Default value: , (comma)";
        public static final String ROW_INDEX_DESC = "A list of row indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25\n" +
                "Default Value: from the index of the first row  to the index of the last row in the Excel worksheet.";
        public static final String COLUMN_INDEX_DESC = " A list of column indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25\n" +
                "Default value: from 0 to the index of the last column in the Excel worksheet.";
        public static final String OVERWRITE_DATA_DESC = "True if existing data should be overwritten.\n" +
                "Default value: false";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary output. Returns the number of rows that were added.";
        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "One or more rows of data were added successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to add rows of data to the Excel document.";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error adding excel data.";

    public static class ModifyCell {
        public static final String ROW_INDEX_DESC = " A list of row indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25";
        public static final String COLUMN_INDEX_DESC = "A list of column indexes.\n" +
                "Examples: 1:3, 10, 15:20,25";
        public static final String NEW_VALUE_DESC = "A comma delimited list of data to write to the specified cell. " +
                "The size of the newValue list should be the same as the size of columnIndex input.";
        public static final String COLUMN_DELIMITER_DESC = "The delimiter used to separate the columns of the returnResult.\n" +
                "Default value: , (comma)";
        public static final String RETURN_RESULT_DESC = "This is the primary output. Returns the number of rows that were affected.";
        public static final String SUCCESS_DESC = "The cell data was modified successfully.";
        public static final String FAILURE_DESC = "Failed to modify the cell data.";
        public static final String EXCEPTION_DESC = "An error message in case there was an error while modifying the cell.";
