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Test Coverage
package internal

import (

    log ""

type offsetContext struct {
    start int
    end   int
    line  int
    pos   int

func contextAtOffset(str string, offset int64) offsetContext {
    start, end := strings.LastIndex(str[:offset], "\n")+1, len(str)
    if idx := strings.Index(str[start:], "\n"); idx >= 0 {
        end = start + idx
    line, pos := strings.Count(str[:start], "\n"), int(offset)-start-1
    return offsetContext{
        start: start,
        end:   end,
        line:  line,
        pos:   pos,

func fatalSyntaxError(js string, err error) {
    syntax, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError)
    if !ok {
    ctx := contextAtOffset(js, syntax.Offset)
    log.Printf("Error in line %d: %s", ctx.line, err)
    log.Printf("%s", js[ctx.start:ctx.end])
    log.Fatalf("%s^", strings.Repeat(" ", ctx.pos))

// Config is the internal representation of the configuration file.
type Config struct {
    Listen   string        `json:"listen"`
    Port     int           `json:"port"`
    Key      string        `json:"key"`
    Cert     string        `json:"cert"`
    LogLevel string        `json:"loglevel"`
    Route    []ConfigRoute `json:"route"`

// ConfigRoute is used in the configuration to map routes to handlers.
// Possible handlers (this list may be outdated)a:
//   * `api/v1` - Exposes a CIB API endpoint.
//   * `monitor` - Typically mapped to `/monitor` to handle
//     long-polling for CIB updates.
//   * `file` - A static file serving route mapped to a directory.
//   * `proxy` - Proxies requests to another server.
type ConfigRoute struct {
    Handler string  `json:"handler"`
    Path    string  `json:"path"`
    Target  *string `json:"target"`

// parseConfigFile is a configuration file parser.
// The configuration file format is described in
// config.json.example and
func parseConfigFile(cfgfile string, target *Config) {
    log.Printf("Reading %v...", cfgfile)
    raw, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cfgfile)
    if err != nil {
    err = json.Unmarshal(raw, target)
    if err != nil {
        fatalSyntaxError(string(raw), err)

// InitConfig initialize the configuration
func InitConfig(version string) Config {
        DisableTimestamp: true,
        DisableSorting:   true,

    config := Config{
        Listen:   "",
        Port:     17630,
        Key:      "/etc/hawk/hawk.key",
        Cert:     "/etc/hawk/hawk.pem",
        LogLevel: "info",
        Route:    []ConfigRoute{},

    listen := flag.String("listen", config.Listen, "Address to listen to")
    port := flag.Int("port", config.Port, "Port to listen to")
    key := flag.String("key", config.Key, "TLS key file")
    cert := flag.String("cert", config.Cert, "TLS cert file")
    loglevel := flag.String("loglevel", config.LogLevel, "Log level (debug|info|warning|error|fatal|panic)")
    cfgfile := flag.String("config", "", "Configuration file")
    versionFlag := flag.Bool("version", false, "show version of hawk-apiserver")

    if *cfgfile != "" {
        parseConfigFile(*cfgfile, &config)

    if *listen != "" {
        config.Listen = *listen
    if *port != 17630 {
        config.Port = *port
    if *key != "/etc/hawk/hawk.key" {
        config.Key = *key
    if *cert != "/etc/hawk/hawk.pem" {
        config.Cert = *cert
    if *loglevel != "info" {
        config.LogLevel = *loglevel
    if *versionFlag == true {
        log.Infof("hawk-apiserver version: %s", version)

    lvl, err := log.ParseLevel(config.LogLevel)
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Failed to parse loglevel \"%v\" (must be debug|info|warning|error|fatal|panic)", config.LogLevel)
        lvl = log.InfoLevel

    return config