module Xcodeproj
class XCScheme
# Abstract base class used for other XCScheme classes wrapping an XML element
class XMLElementWrapper
# @return [REXML::Element]
# The XML node wrapped and manipulated by this XMLElementWrapper object
attr_reader :xml_element
# @return [String]
# The XML representation of the node this XMLElementWrapper wraps,
# formatted in the same way that Xcode would.
def to_s
formatter =
formatter.compact = false
out = ''
formatter.write(@xml_element, out)
out.gsub!("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>", '')
out << "\n"
# This is a method intended to be used to facilitate the implementation of the initializers.
# - Create the @xml_element attribute based on the node passed as parameter, only if
# that parameter is of type REXML::Element and its name matches the tag_name given.
# - Otherwise, create a brand new REXML::Element with the proper tag name and
# execute the block given as a fallback to let the caller the chance to configure it
# @param [REXML::Element, *] node
# The node this XMLElementWrapper is expected to wrap
# or any other object (typically an AbstractTarget instance, or nil) the initializer might expect
# @param [String] tag_name
# The expected name for the node, which will also be the name used to create the new node
# if that `node` parameter is not a REXML::Element itself.
# @yield a parameter-less block if the `node` parameter is not actually a REXML::Element
# @raise Informative
# If the `node` parameter is a REXML::Element instance but the node's name
# doesn't match the one provided by the `tag_name` parameter.
def create_xml_element_with_fallback(node, tag_name)
if node && node.is_a?(REXML::Element)
raise Informative, 'Wrong XML tag name' unless == tag_name
@xml_element = node
@xml_element =
yield if block_given?
# @param [Bool]
# The boolean we want to represent as a string
# @return [String]
# The string representaiton of that boolean used in the XML ('YES' or 'NO')
def bool_to_string(flag)
flag ? 'YES' : 'NO'
# @param [String]
# The string representaiton of a boolean used in the XML ('YES' or 'NO')
# @return [Bool]
# The boolean interpretation of that string
# @raise Informative
# If the string is not representing a boolean (i.e. is neither 'YES' nor 'NO')
def string_to_bool(str)
raise Informative, 'Invalid tag value. Expected YES or NO.' unless %w(YES NO).include?(str)
str == 'YES'