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"use strict";

import XMLSugar from "cocoon-xml-sugar";

import APIURL from "./api-url";
import Compilation from "./compilation";
import {Platform} from "./enums/e-platform";
import {Status} from "./enums/e-status";
import {IProjectData} from "./interfaces/i-project-data";
import ProjectAPI from "./project-api";
import SigningKey from "./signing-key";

export default class Project {
    public get id(): string {
        return this._id;

    public get name(): string {
        return this._name;

    public set name(value: string) {
        this.getConfigXML().then((xmlSugar) => {
        this._name = value;

    public get bundleID(): string {
        return this._bundleID;

    public set bundleID(value: string) {
        this.getConfigXML().then((xmlSugar) => {
        this._bundleID = value;

    public get version(): string {
        return this._version;

    public set version(value: string) {
        this.getConfigXML().then((xmlSugar) => {
        this._version = value;

    get origin(): {[p: string]: string} {
        return this._origin;

    public get dateCompiled(): Date {
        return this._dateCompiled;

    public get dateCreated(): Date {
        return this._dateCreated;

    public get dateUpdated(): Date {
        return this._dateUpdated;

    public get compilations(): {[platform: string]: Compilation} {
        return this._compilations;

    public get errors(): {[p: string]: string} {
        return this._errors;

    public get keys(): {[platform: string]: SigningKey} {
        return this._keys;

    public get sourceURL(): string {
        return this._sourceURL;

    public get configURL(): string {
        return APIURL.CONFIG(this._id);

    private readonly DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME = 10000;
    private readonly MAX_WAIT_TIME = 3600000;

    private _id: string;
    private _name: string;
    private _bundleID: string;
    private _version: string;
    private _origin: {[key: string]: string};
    private _dateCompiled: Date;
    private _dateCreated: Date;
    private _dateUpdated: Date;
    // TODO: private icon: string;
    // TODO: private icons: {[platform: string]: string};
    // TODO: private splashes: {[platform: string]: string};
    private _compilations: {[platform: string]: Compilation};
    private _errors: {[key: string]: string};
    private _keys: {[platform: string]: SigningKey};
    private _sourceURL: string;
    private configXML: XMLSugar;

    public constructor(projectData: IProjectData) {

     * Get the date of the last usage of the project.
     * @returns {Date} Date of the last usage of the project.
    public getLastUse(): Date {
        const dates = [];
        return new Date(Math.max.apply(null, dates));

     * Check if there is at least an ongoing compilation.
     * @returns {boolean} If there is at least an ongoing compilation.
    public isCompiling(): boolean {
        for (const platform in this._compilations) {
            if (!this._compilations.hasOwnProperty(platform)) {
            const status = this._compilations[platform].status;
            if (status === Status.Compiling || status === Status.Waiting) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * Get a sugar for the XML configuration of the project.
     * @returns {Promise<XMLSugar>} Promise of a sugar for the XML configuration of the project.
    public async getConfigXML(): Promise<XMLSugar> {
        if (this.configXML) {
            return this.configXML;
        } else {
            const xml = await ProjectAPI.getConfigXml(this._id);
            this.configXML = new XMLSugar(xml);
            return this.configXML;

     * Get the icon of the project.
     * @param platform Platform to get the icon. If not set the default icon will be fetched.
     * @returns {Promise<Blob>} Promise of the icon of the project.
    public async getIconBlob(platform: Platform): Promise<Blob> {
        return ProjectAPI.getIconBlob(this._id, platform);

     * Set the icon of the project.
     * @param icon Image to use as new icon. Recommended 2048x2048 PNG.
     * @param platform Platform to set the icon. If not set the default icon will be updated.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async setIconBlob(icon: File, platform: Platform): Promise<void> {
        return ProjectAPI.setIconBlob(icon, this._id, platform);

     * Get the splash of the project.
     * @param platform Platform to get the splash. If not set the default splash will be fetched.
     * @returns {Promise<Blob>} Promise of the splash of the project.
    public async getSplashBlob(platform: Platform): Promise<Blob> {
        return ProjectAPI.getSplashBlob(this._id, platform);

     * Set the splash of the project.
     * @param splash Image to use as new splash. Recommended 2048x2048 PNG.
     * @param platform Platform to set the splash. If not set the default splash will be updated.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async setSplashBlob(splash: File, platform: Platform): Promise<void> {
        return ProjectAPI.setSplashBlob(splash, this._id, platform);

     * Update the project uploading a zip file.
     * @param file Zip file containing the source code. Can contain a config.xml file too.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async updateZip(file: File): Promise<void> {
        this.init(await ProjectAPI.updateZipUnprocessed(this._id, file));

     * Update the project providing a URL.
     * @param url URL to fetch the source code. Can contain a config.xml file too.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async updateURL(url: string): Promise<void> {
        this.init(await ProjectAPI.updateURLUnprocessed(this._id, url));

     * Update the project providing a git repository to clone.
     * @param repo Object containing a URL of the git repo and the name of the branch to checkout
     * (defaults to master if not set). It's used to fetch the source code for the project. Can contain a config.xml too.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async updateRepository(repo: {url: string; branch?: string}): Promise<void> {
        this.init(await ProjectAPI.updateRepositoryUnprocessed(this._id, repo));

     * Update the config.xml file of the project.
     * @param xml New config.xml for the project.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async updateConfigXml(xml: string): Promise<void> {
        this.init(await ProjectAPI.updateConfigXmlUnprocessed(this._id, xml));
        this.configXML = new XMLSugar(xml);

     * Places the project in the compilation queue.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async compile(): Promise<void> {
        return ProjectAPI.compile(this._id);

     * Places a DevApp of the project in the compilation queue.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async compileDevApp(): Promise<void> {
        return ProjectAPI.compileDevApp(this._id);

     * Fetches the project from
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async refresh(): Promise<void> {
        this.init(await ProjectAPI.getUnprocessed(this._id));

     * Uploads the current config.xml extracted from the sugar.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async refreshCocoon(): Promise<void> {
        return this.updateConfigXml((await this.getConfigXML()).xml());

     * Fetches the project from until every compilations is completed.
     * @param callback Function that will be called for each attempt to check if the compilations are completed.
     * On each call the project has executed [refresh]{@link Project#refresh}.
     * @param interval Interval between fetches.
     * @param maxWaitTime Maximum time to wait.
    public async refreshUntilCompleted(
        callback: () => void = () => {},
        interval: number = this.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME,
        maxWaitTime: number = this.MAX_WAIT_TIME,
    ): Promise<void> {
        const limitTime = + maxWaitTime;
        await this.refresh();
        while (this.isCompiling() && < limitTime) {
            await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, interval));
            await this.refresh();

        if ( < limitTime) {
            throw new Error("It wasn't possible to compile the project in the time limit frame.");

     * Assigns a singing key to the correspondent platform of the project. Next compilations will try to use the key.
     * If there was another key assigned to the platform the new key overwrites it.
     * @param signingKey Signing key to assign.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async assignSigningKey(signingKey: SigningKey): Promise<void> {
        await ProjectAPI.assignSigningKey(this._id,;
        this._keys[signingKey.platform] = signingKey;

     * Removes the signing key assigned to the indicated project platform.
     * @param platform Platform to remove the signing key from.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async removeSigningKey(platform: Platform): Promise<void> {
        if (this._keys[platform]) {
            await ProjectAPI.removeSigningKey(this._id, this._keys[platform].id);
            this._keys[platform] = undefined;
        } else {
            throw new Error("There is no signing key for the " + platform + " platform in the project " + this._id);

     * Deletes the project.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public async delete(): Promise<void> {
        return ProjectAPI.delete(this._id);

    private init(projectData: IProjectData): void {
        this._id =;
        this._name = projectData.title;
        this._bundleID = projectData.package;
        this._version = projectData.version;
        this._sourceURL = projectData.source;
        this._origin = projectData.origin;
        this._dateCreated = new Date(projectData.date_created);
        this._dateUpdated = new Date(projectData.date_updated);
        this._dateCompiled = new Date(projectData.date_compiled);
        // TODO: this.icon = projectData.icon;
        // TODO: this.icons = projectData.icons;
        // TODO: this.splashes = projectData.splashes;
        this._errors = projectData.error;
        this.configXML = null;
        this._compilations = {};
        for (const platform of projectData.platforms) {
            this._compilations[platform] = new Compilation(projectData, platform);
        this._keys = {};
        Object.keys(projectData.keys).forEach((platform) => {
            this._keys[platform] = new SigningKey(projectData.keys[platform], platform as any);