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"use strict";

import {form, plugins} from "popsicle";

import APIURL from "./api-url";
import CocoonAPI from "./cocoon-api";
import {Platform} from "./enums/e-platform";
import {ISigningKeyData} from "./interfaces/i-signing-key-data";
import SigningKey from "./signing-key";

export default class SigningKeyAPI {
     * Create an Android signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param pAlias A name you will use when you sign your project.
     * @param keystore A binary file that contains a set of private keys.
     * @param keystorePassword Password of the keystore.
     * @param certificatePassword Password of the certificate used to create the keystore.
     * @returns {Promise<SigningKey>} Promise of the signing key created.
    public static async createAndroid(
        name: string,
        pAlias: string,
        keystore: File,
        keystorePassword: string,
        certificatePassword: string,
    ): Promise<SigningKey> {
        return new SigningKey(
            await SigningKeyAPI.createAndroidUnprocessed(name, pAlias, keystore, keystorePassword, certificatePassword),

     * Create an Android signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param pAlias A name you will use when you sign your project.
     * @param keystore A binary file that contains a set of private keys.
     * @param keystorePassword Password of the keystore.
     * @param certificatePassword Password of the certificate used to create the keystore.
     * @returns {Promise<ISigningKeyData>} Promise of the date of the signing key created.
    public static async createAndroidUnprocessed(
        name: string,
        pAlias: string,
        keystore: File,
        keystorePassword: string,
        certificatePassword: string,
    ): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        const formData = form({});
        const data = {
            alias: pAlias,
            passAlias: certificatePassword,
            passKeystore: keystorePassword,
            title: name,
        formData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data));
        formData.append("keystore", keystore);

        return (await CocoonAPI.request(
                body: formData,
                method: "POST",
                url: APIURL.CREATE_SIGNING_KEY(Platform.Android),

     * Create an iOS signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param password The password of the p12 certificate.
     * @param provisioningProfile The provisioning profile must be a Distribution one. You can create an “Ad Hoc”
     * provisioning profile if you plan you distribute it internally to a group of persons or an “App Store” provisioning
     * profile for uploading the final app to the Apple App Store.
     * @param certificate The p12 signing certificate must be a production one, either you are creating an “Ad Hoc” IPA or
     * an IPA to upload to the Apple App Store.
     * @returns {Promise<SigningKey>} Promise of the signing key created.
    public static async createIOS(
        name: string,
        password: string,
        provisioningProfile: File,
        certificate: File,
    ): Promise<SigningKey> {
        return new SigningKey(
            await SigningKeyAPI.createIOSUnprocessed(name, password, provisioningProfile, certificate),

     * Create an iOS signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param password The password of the p12 certificate.
     * @param provisioningProfile The provisioning profile must be a Distribution one. You can create an “Ad Hoc”
     * provisioning profile if you plan you distribute it internally to a group of persons or an “App Store” provisioning
     * profile for uploading the final app to the Apple App Store.
     * @param certificate The p12 signing certificate must be a production one, either you are creating an “Ad Hoc” IPA or
     * an IPA to upload to the Apple App Store.
     * @returns {Promise<ISigningKeyData>} Promise of the date of the signing key created.
    public static async createIOSUnprocessed(
        name: string,
        password: string,
        provisioningProfile: File,
        certificate: File,
    ): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        return SigningKeyAPI.createApple(name, password, provisioningProfile, certificate, Platform.IOS);

     * Create an MacOS signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param password The password of the p12 certificate.
     * @param provisioningProfile The provisioning profile must be a Distribution one. You can create an “Ad Hoc”
     * provisioning profile if you plan you distribute it internally to a group of persons or an “App Store” provisioning
     * profile for uploading the final app to the Apple App Store.
     * @param certificate The p12 signing certificate must be a production one, either you are creating an “Ad Hoc” IPA or
     * an IPA to upload to the Apple App Store.
     * @returns {Promise<SigningKey>} Promise of the signing key created.
    public static async createMacOS(
        name: string,
        password: string,
        provisioningProfile: File,
        certificate: File,
    ): Promise<SigningKey> {
        return new SigningKey(
            await SigningKeyAPI.createMacOSUnprocessed(name, password, provisioningProfile, certificate),

     * Create an MacOS signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param password The password of the p12 certificate.
     * @param provisioningProfile The provisioning profile must be a Distribution one. You can create an “Ad Hoc”
     * provisioning profile if you plan you distribute it internally to a group of persons or an “App Store” provisioning
     * profile for uploading the final app to the Apple App Store.
     * @param certificate The p12 signing certificate must be a production one, either you are creating an “Ad Hoc” IPA or
     * an IPA to upload to the Apple App Store.
     * @returns {Promise<ISigningKeyData>} Promise of the data of the signing key created.
    public static async createMacOSUnprocessed(
        name: string,
        password: string,
        provisioningProfile: File,
        certificate: File,
    ): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        return SigningKeyAPI.createApple(name, password, provisioningProfile, certificate, Platform.MacOS);

     * Create an Windows signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param pPassword
     * @param pPackageThumbprint
     * @param pPublisherId
     * @param keystore
     * @returns {Promise<SigningKey>} Promise of the signing key created.
    public static async createWindows(
        name: string,
        pPassword: string,
        pPackageThumbprint: string,
        pPublisherId: string,
        keystore: File,
    ): Promise<SigningKey> {
        return new SigningKey(
            await SigningKeyAPI.createWindowsUnprocessed(name, pPassword, pPackageThumbprint, pPublisherId, keystore),

     * Create an Windows signing key.
     * @param name Name for the signing key.
     * @param pPassword
     * @param pPackageThumbprint
     * @param pPublisherId
     * @param keystore
     * @returns {Promise<ISigningKeyData>} Promise of the data of the signing key created.
    public static async createWindowsUnprocessed(
        name: string,
        pPassword: string,
        pPackageThumbprint: string,
        pPublisherId: string,
        keystore: File,
    ): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        const formData = form({});
        const data = {
            packageThumbprint: pPackageThumbprint,
            password: pPassword,
            publisherId: pPublisherId,
            title: name,
        formData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data));
        formData.append("packageCertificateKeyFile", keystore);

        return (await CocoonAPI.request(
                body: formData,
                method: "POST",
                url: APIURL.CREATE_SIGNING_KEY(Platform.Windows),

     * Fetch the information of a signing key.
     * @param signingKeyId ID of the signing key to fetch.
     * @returns {Promise<SigningKey>} Promise of the signing key fetched.
    public static async get(signingKeyId: string): Promise<SigningKey> {
        const signingKeysData = await SigningKeyAPI.listUnprocessed();
        for (const platform in signingKeysData) {
            if (!signingKeysData.hasOwnProperty(platform)) {
            for (const signingKeyData of signingKeysData[platform]) {
                if ( === signingKeyId) {
                    return new SigningKey(signingKeyData, platform as any);
        throw new Error("There is no Signing Key with the ID: " + signingKeyId);

     * Fetch the information of a signing key.
     * @param signingKeyId ID of the signing key to fetch.
     * @returns {Promise<ISigningKeyData>} Promise of the data of the signing key fetched.
    public static async getUnprocessed(signingKeyId: string): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        const signingKeysData = await SigningKeyAPI.listUnprocessed();
        for (const platform in signingKeysData) {
            if (!signingKeysData.hasOwnProperty(platform)) {
            for (const signingKeyData of signingKeysData[platform]) {
                if ( === signingKeyId) {
                    return signingKeyData;
        throw new Error("There is no Signing Key with the ID: " + signingKeyId);

     * Delete a signing key.
     * @param signingKeyId ID of the signing key to delete.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Promise of a successful operation.
    public static async delete(signingKeyId: string): Promise<void> {
        await CocoonAPI.request({
            method: "DELETE",
            url: APIURL.SIGNING_KEY(signingKeyId),

     * Fetch a list containing the information of all the signing keys.
     * @returns {Promise<{ string: SigningKey[] }>} Promise of the list of all the signing keys.
    public static async list(): Promise<{[platform: string]: SigningKey[]}> {
        const signingKeysData = await SigningKeyAPI.listUnprocessed();
        const signingKeys: {[platform: string]: SigningKey[]} = {};
        for (const platform in signingKeysData) {
            if (!signingKeysData.hasOwnProperty(platform)) {
            signingKeys[platform] = signingKeysData[platform].map((signingKeyData) => {
                return new SigningKey(signingKeyData, platform as any);
        return signingKeys;

     * Fetch a list containing the information of all the signing keys.
     * @returns {Promise<{ string: ISigningKeyData[] }>} Promise of the list of all the data of the signing keys.
    public static async listUnprocessed(): Promise<{[platform: string]: ISigningKeyData[]}> {
        return (await CocoonAPI.request(
                method: "GET",
                url: APIURL.SIGNING_KEYS,

    private static async createApple(
        name: string,
        password: string,
        provisioningProfile: File,
        certificate: File,
        platform: Platform,
    ): Promise<ISigningKeyData> {
        const formData = form({});
        const data = {
            pass: password,
            title: name,
        formData.append("data", JSON.stringify(data));
        formData.append("p12", certificate);
        formData.append("provisioning", provisioningProfile);

        return (await CocoonAPI.request(
                body: formData,
                method: "POST",
                url: APIURL.CREATE_SIGNING_KEY(platform),