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# Utilities API

#### createSaga(factory: SagaFactory, dependencies: any[])
Creates a saga in the context of the injector.

* `factory` __SagaFactory__ Factory function called in the context of the injector. Must return a function that implements the `Saga` interface.
* `dependencies` __any[]__ Array of dependencies the factory function needs

_Returns_ `Provider`

const authEffect = createSaga(function(http: Http) {
  return saga$ => saga$
    .filter(saga => saga.action.type === 'AUTH')
    .map(saga => saga.action.payload)
    .flatMap(payload => {
      return'/auth', JSON.stringify(payload))
        .map(res => {
          return {
            type: 'AUTH_SUCESS',
            payload: res.json()
        .catch(error => Observable.of({
          type: 'AUTH_FAILED',
          payload: error.json()
}, [ Http ]);

#### installSagaMiddleware(...sagas: Provider[])
Installs the saga middleware and initializes it to immediately begin running the provided sagas.

* `...sagas` __Provider[]__ Sagas you want to begin running immediately.

_Returns_ `Provider[]`

boostrap(App, [
  installSagaMiddleware(authEffect, signoutEffect)

#### whenAction(actionType: string)
Filters a stream of `SagaIteration`s to only include iterations with an action of the provided type.

* `actionType` __string__ Action type to filter for

_Returns_ `(iteration: SagaIteration) => boolean`

return saga$ => saga$

#### toPayload
Function you can pass in to map a saga iteration to the payload of that iteration's action

return saga$ => saga$
  .do(payload => { ... });

#### applySelector<T,V>(selector: Observable<T> => Observable<V>)
Applies a selector function to the _state_ part of a saga iteration, returning
a new saga iteration composed of the action and the selected piece of state

* `selector` __Observable<T> => Observable<V>__ Selector function to apply to the state

_Returns_ `Observable<SagaIteration<V>>`

function selectTodos() {
  return (state$: Observable<{ todos: string[] }>) => state$
    .map(s => s.todos)

return saga$ => saga$