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Test Coverage
This is the development repository for the project.

## Tech/Frameworks
- **Front-End:** React/Redux
- **Back-End:** NodeJS, Express
- **Database:** MySQL

## Humans
#### Lead Developers
- **Stephanie Chan** - [@schan219](
- **Joe (Joseph) Thomas** - [@shade](

#### Developers
- **Ben Chugg** - [@bchugg](
- **Colin Chen** - [@fireofearth](
- **Jonathan Funk** - [@jonathanfunk](

## Contributing
Coding contributions are to be made by members of **Code the Change UBC** only.

When making a **contribution**, make sure to do the following:

1. Assign yourself to an issue
2. **Make sure** you `git pull` the latest changes to the master branch
3. Checkout a new branch `git checkout -b [name_of_your_new_branch]` to commit your changes to
4. Make (and test!) your changes.
5. `git commit -m "ADD A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR CHANGES"` to commit your changes to the branch
6. `git push origin [name_of_your_branch]` to push your changes to the repo
7. Create a **Pull Request** into the master branch
8. After approval from **at least one** supervisor (**@shade** or **@schan219**) merge branch into master.

## Found a Bug?
To provide **suggestions** or **report bugs**, open an **issue** first to discuss potential changes/additions.

## Contacts
#### Code the Change UBC
* Homepage:
* Email:
* Facebook:

* file has been imported and modified from the Represent the 10 project. Originally by @EWaterman*