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# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
# See for starting points.

  cm-central:  "CM42 Central"

  welcome: "Welcome to CM42 Central"

      long: "%m/%d/%Y"
      short: "%b %d %Y"

  loading: "Loading"
  logout:  "Log out"
  login:   "Log in"
  sign_up:  "Sign up"
  edit:     "Edit"
  options:  "Options"
  settings: "Settings"
  reports:  "Reports"
  delete:   "Delete"
  back:     "Back"
  import:   "Import"
  export:   "Export"
  revert:   "Revert"
  apply:    "Apply"
  velocity: "Velocity"
  volatility: "Volatility"
  standard_deviation: "Standard Deviation"
  description: "Description"
  notes:    "Notes"
  tasks:    "Tasks"
  close:    "Close"
  points:   "Points"
  saving:   "Saving ..."
  expand:   "Expand"
  remaining: "Remaining"
  not_found: "Resource not found"
  nothing uploaded yet: "Nothing uploaded yet"
  day:      "Day"
  accepted_points: "Accepted Points"
  delivered_points: "Delivered Points"
  change team: "Change Team"
  team: "Team"
  visit: "Visit"
  update_avatar: "to update you profile image"
  disable_2fa: "Disable 2FA"
  enable_2fa: "Enable 2FA (Authy app)"
  cancel_account: "Cancel my account"
  cancel_account_confirmation_question: "Are you sure that you want to cancel your account?"
  update_profile: "Update profile"
  join: "Join"
  by_clicking: "By clicking the"
  archived_at: "Archived at"
  archived: "Archived"
  not_archived: "Not Archived"
  all_projects: "All Projects"
  no_results_found: "No results found"
  adjusting_search: "Try adjusting your search to find what you're looking for."
  save: "Save"
  cancel: "Cancel"
  add: "Add"
  remove: "Remove"
  add user: "Add User"
  add new label: "Add a new label"
  add new member: "Add a new member"
  all users: "All Users"
  search user: "Search user"
  remove user confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove %{email} from this project?"
  search projects: "Search projects"
  private: "Private"
  my teams: "My teams"
  confirm: "Are you sure you want to remove?"
  next: "Next"
  finish: "Finish"
  skip: "Skip"
  reset_tour: "Reset tour"
  reset_tour_success: "Tour was successfully reset"
  reset_tour_fail: "An error has ocurred, please try again"
  story destroy confirm: "Are you sure you want to destroy this story?"
  story unsaved changes: "You have unsaved changes, are you sure you want to cancel?"
  stories_destroy_success: "Stories were successfully destroyed"
  stories_destroy_fail: "Stories couldn't be destroyed due some validation errors"
  update_stories_successfully: "Stories were successfully updated"
  stories_not_found: "Stories not found"
  stories_found: "Stories found"
  upload_new_file: "Drop files here, or click to upload."
  reject_new_file: "Unsupported file type."
  accepted_tooltip: "The task has already been accepted. It can't be modified."
  revert_columns_tooltip: "Reverse the column order."
  toggle_column: "Hide/Show column %{column}"

      unscheduled: "unscheduled"
      unstarted: "unstarted"
      started: "started"
      finished: "finished"
      delivered: "delivered"
      accepted: "accepted"
      rejected: "rejected"
      start: "start"
      finish: "finish"
      deliver: "deliver"
      accept: "accept"
      reject: "reject"
      restart: "restart"
      release: "release"
      clone: "Clone story"
      copy_url: "Copy URL"
      copy_id: "Copy ID"
      view_history: "View history"
      feature: "feature"
      chore: "chore"
      bug: "bug"
      release: "release"
    no_estimate: "no estimate"
    tasks: "Tasks"
    notes: "Notes"
      backlogged_release: "This release is in danger of being completed after the set release date."
      failed_upload: "Your upload has failed. Please try again."

    definitive_sure: "Are you sure you want to %{action} this story? This action is irreversible."
    change_to: "change to %{state}"

    title: 'Not found'
    description: 'Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found'

  author unknown: "Author Unknown"
  add story: "Add story"
  add note: "Add note"
  add task: 'Add task'
  save error: "Save error"
    velocity: "Override velocity"
    explanation_1: "You can simulate with different velocity values."
    explanation_2: "The iterations will be temporatily recalculated to reflect the simulated velocity but the real Velocity will still be the average of the last 3 iterations."
  story title: "Story title"

  requested on date:          'Requested on {{date}}'
  requested by user on date:  'Requested by {{user}} on {{date}}'

  imported n stories:
    one: 'Imported 1 story'
    other: 'Imported %{count} stories'

  n stories failed to import:
    one: '1 story failed to import'
    other: '%{count} stories failed to import'

  n weeks:
    one: '1 week'
    other: '%{count} weeks'

  n velocity strategy:
    one:    'Average of 1 iteration'
    other:  'Average of %{count} iterations'

    keyboard_shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts
    help: Help (this)
    add_story: Add story
    save_currently_open_story: Save currently open story
    save_comment_being_edited: Save comment being edited
    toggle_backlog: Toggle backlog
    toggle_done: Toggle done
    toggle_history: Toggle history
    toggle_icebox: Toggle chilly bin
    toggle_my_work: Toggle my work
    toggle_labels_searches: Toggle labels & searches
    toggle_current: Toggle current

        one: 'Member'
        other: 'Members'
        one: 'Project'
        other: 'Projects'
        one: 'Story'
        other: 'Stories'
        one: 'Team'
        other: 'Teams'

        note:                 'Note'
        name:                 'Name'
        point_scale:          'Point scale'
        start_date:           'Start date'
        iteration_start_day:  'Iteration start day'
        iteration_length:     'Iteration length'
        default_velocity:     'Default velocity'
        archived:             'Archived'
        mail_reports:         'Send reports via mail'
        velocity_strategy:    'Velocity strategy'
        title:                'Title'
        description:          'Description'
        estimate:             'Estimate'
        story_type:           'Story type'
        state:                'State'
        started_at:           'Started at'
        accepted_at:          'Accepted at'
        updated_at:           'Updated at'
        position:             'Position'
        labels:               'Labels'
        requested_by:         'Requested by'
        requested_by_name:    'Requested by'
        owned_by:             'Owned by'
        owned_by_name:        'Owned by'
        owned_by_initials:    'Owned by'
        owned_by_id:          'Owned by id'
        release_date:         'Release Date'
        delivered_at:         'Delivered at'
        name:                 'Full Name'
        username:             'Username'
        initials:             'Initials'
        email:                'Email'
        password:             'Password'
        password_confirmation: 'Password Confirmation'
        locale:               'Locale'
        is_admin:             'Is Administrator?'
        role:                 'Role'
        name:                 'Team Name'
        slug:                 'Slug'
        logo:                 'Logo'
        disable_registration: 'Only administrators can add new users to this team'
        registration_domain_whitelist: 'If registration is enabled, only emails from this domain can register (comma separated)'
        registration_domain_blacklist: 'If registration is enabled, no emails from this domain can register (comma separated)'

              cant_estimate: "Bug or Chore stories can't be estimated"

    new project:     "New Project"
    edit project:    "Edit Project"
    delete project:  "Delete Project"
    project_members: "Project Members"
    available_users: "Available Members"
    select: "Select project"
    join: "Join project"
    unjoin: "Leave project"
    mine: "My projects"
    not_member_of: "Projects I'm not member of"
    you_are_not_a_member: "You're not a member of these projects, but you can"
    to_view_more_join: "To view more, join the project"
    unable_to_join: "You can't join to this project"
      n months ago:
        one: "1 month ago"
        other: "%{count} months ago"
      all_time: "All Time"
      story_states: "Story States"
      points: "Points"
      iteration_number: "Iteration Number"
      quantity_non_estimable: "Quantity of Bugs/Chores"

        title: "Current Iteration"
        planned_points: "This iteration has %{points_count} points planned in %{stories_count} stories (including %{non_estimable_count} bugs or chores)."
        accepted_points: "There are %{accepted_points} points accepted so far, which is %{accepted_rate} of the total."
        title: "Bugs Impact"
        title: "Velocity by Iteration"
        title: "Velocity per Member"
        title: "Burn Up Chart"
        backlog_points_html: "The current backlog has a total of <strong>%{count} points</strong>. This is without counting the stories in the Chilly Bin!"
        remaining_time: "At the current velocity (%{velocity} points) the existing backlog should only be finished around the iteration %{last_iteration_number} (%{last_iteration_start_date})."
        on_track: "If the velocity keeps up this pace we should be on track to the date above."
        realistic_remaining_time: "But with a standard deviation of %{standard_deviation}, it's more realistic to expect the project to finish around <strong>iteration %{last_iteration_number}</strong> (%{last_iteration_start_date}), if the velocity doesn't increase or the backlog is not simplified."
        title: "Burn Down Chart"
    project properties: "Project Properties"
    archived projects:  "Archived Projects"
    archive: "Archive"
    unarchive: "Unarchive"
    share: "Share"
    unshare: "Unshare"
    transfer: "Transfer Ownership"
    sharing: "Teams with access to this Project"
    invalid_action: "Can't perform this action or Team not found"
    stories_not_found: "Your search have no results."
    search_story: "Find story"

    confirmation_invalid: 'Invalid name confirmation, try again.'
    delete_confirmation: 'Please type in the name of the project to confirm.'
    transfer_sure: "Are you sure you want to transfer ownership? This action is not reversible."

    project was successfully archived: "Project was successfully archived"
    project was successfully unarchived: "Project was successfully reinstated"

    project was successfully created: "Project was successfully created."
    project was successfully updated: "Project was successfully updated."

    project was successfully shared: "Project was successfully shared."
    project was successfully unshared: "Project was successfully unshared."
    project was successfully transferred: "Project was successfully transferred."

    integrations: "Integrations"
    integrations_new: "Add a new integration"
    integrations_remove_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove '%{kind}' integration from this project?"
    integrations_gitlab_url_placeholder: "Your gitlab repository API link"
    integrations_gitlab_token_placeholder: "The project admin's private token"
    integrations_gitlab_secret_key_placeholder: "The secret key from the gitlab integration"

      listing projects: "Listing Projects"
      are you sure you want to delete this project_html: "Are you sure you want to delete this project?  This action <b>cannot</b> be undone. This will permanently delete the project <b>%{project_name}</b> and all his stories."
      are you sure you want to archive this project: "Are you sure you want to archive this project?"
      are you sure you want to unarchive this project: "Are you sure you want to unarchive this project?"
      are you sure you want to unshare this project: "Are you sure you want to unshare this project?"
      the iteration starts on x with length of x weeks:
        one:    "Iterations start on %{day} with a length of 1 week"
        other:  "Iterations start on %{day} with a length of %{count} weeks"

      done: "Done"
      in_progress: "Current Sprint"
      backlog: "Backlog"
      chilly_bin: "Chilly Bin"
      search_results: "Search Results"
      epic: 'Epic'
      history: 'History Of'
      search: 'Search'

      title: Import Stories
      results: Import Results
      row: Row
      story: Story
      type: Type
      select_file: "You must select a CSV file to import its stories to the project."
      being_processed: "Your uploaded CSV file is being processed. You can come back here later when the process is finished."
        being_processed: "There is already an uploaded file being processed %{time_ago} ago."
        come_back_later: "Wait a few minutes and come back to see the results or upload a new file in case of errors."
        introduction: "You can import many stories at once from a comma separated variable (CSV) format. The first line of the CSV must contain the correct headers for the import to succeed.  You can download a <a href='/Fulcrum_Import_Template.csv'>CSV template</a> with the correct headers  to get you started."
        process_explanation: "The system will try and match any user names found in the CSV with members of your project. Make sure to register members with the correct names before importing if you want them to match."
        bottom_line: "Note: You can also use a file exported from Pivotal Tracker."
    no_projects_found: "Oops! It seems like this team doesn't have any project."
    no_recent_activity: "Oops! This team doesn't have recent activity."
      title: 'Search operands'
      syntax: 'SYNTAX: Search terms must be followed by a colon'
      example: 'Example: title: %{story}, requester: foo bar, created_at: 2017/10/30'
      properties: 'Properties'
      people: 'People'

    color: "Color"
    name: "Name"
    description: "Description"
    actions: "Actions"
    bg_color: "Background Color"
    tag_groups: "Tag Groups"

    You are not authorized to perform this action: "You are not authorized to perform this action."
    is already a member of this project: "%{email} is already a member of this project"
    was sent an invite to join this project: "%{email} was sent an invite to join this project"
    was added to the team: "%{email} was added to the team"
    was not created: "User was not created"
    was added to this project: "%{email} was added to this project"
    was removed from this project: "%{email} was removed from this project"
    admin_on: Make Administrator
    admin_off: Make just Member

    create: 'Create new team'
    update: 'Update Team'
    switch: 'Change to another team'
    select: "Select Team"
    archived: 'Archived Teams'
    archive: 'Archive Team'
    unarchive: 'Unarchive'
    team was successfully created: 'Team was successfully created'
    team_was_successfully_updated: 'Team was successfully updated'
    successfully_archived: 'Team was successfully archived'
    successfully_unarchived: 'Team was successfully unarchived'
    send_email_about_archiving_team: 'Send email about the team archiving'
    are_you_sure_to_archive_team: 'Are you sure you want to archive this team?'
    user_not_found: 'User not found'
    user_is_already_in_this_team: 'The user is already in this team.'
    new_instruction: |
      <p>If you don't have a registered account, you can sign up first.</p>
      <p>The first user to sign in to this new team will become the administrator.</p>
    no_teams_found: "Oops! You're not enrolled to a team yet."
    members: "Manage Team Members"
      edit user: "Edit User"
        are you sure you want to delete this user: "Are you sure you want to delete this user? This action cannot be undone."
        are you sure you want to remove administration rights from this user: "Are you sure you want to remove administration rights from this user?"
        are you sure you want to give administration rights to this user: "Are you sure you want to give administration rights to this user?"
        remove from project confirmation: "Are you sure you want to remove the user from this project?"

      leave_blank_if_you_dont_want_to_change_it: "Leave blank if you don't want to change it"
      notify_me_when_my_stories_are: "Notify me when my stories are"
      we_need_your_current_password_to_confirm_your_changes: "We need your current password to confirm your changes."

      note_date: "%b %d, %Y"

        manager: Manager
        developer: Developer
        guest: Guest

      update: 'updated'
      destroy: 'destroyed'
      create: 'created'

      title: "Create Team"
      text: "You must create a new Team to start, you will become the administrator of the Team. Teams can have many members and many projects and you can participate in multiple teams at the same time"
      title: "Create Project"
      text: "You can create as many projects as you want clicking this button"
      title: "Project Activity"
      text: "Every time you change something in the Project or its Story they will be audited and the details of the changes will be visible to every team member from this Activity timeline box. <br> <strong>Pro tip</strong>: you shouldn't change a Story after the team started working on it, you must add a new Story."
      title: "Create Story"
      text: "Click this button to create new Stories. A Story can be the description of a new feature or a bug report, for example. New stories will be created first at the Chilly Bin box."
      title: "Chilly Bin"
      text: "All new stories are stores in this Chilly Bin. You should describe your stories expecting that the description will suffice for the story to be implemented. Project members should estimate those stories."
      title: "Backlog"
      text: "The backlog MUST have all stories by order of PRIORITY. Most valuable and ready-to-start stories at the top and optional or uncertain stories at the very bottom"
      title: "Current sprint"
      text: "This is where stories that must be worked on right now will reside. Central will automatically pick up the top stories from the Backlog to fit the team's current Velocity"
      title: "Done"
      text: "After a story is delivered and approved, it is sorted out at the bottom of this column. A delivered story can't be modified and this column is here to show you everything that has already been finished and approved"
      title: "Project Velocity"
      text: "All stories are estimated by \"points\". The average of points delivered by a team during an Iteration is the Velocity. The estimated end date of a Project is the total amount of points in the Backlog divided by the Velocity. Here you can simulate adding a new member by slightly increasing the estimated Velocity to see the effects on the future Iteration dates"
      title: "Members"
      text: "If you want to add or remove people from the Project team, click here"

          save:    Your story "%{story}" was successfully updated
          delete:  Your story "%{story}" was successfully deleted
          create:  Your story "%{story}" was successfully created
        default_error: 'Something went wrong, please try again'
        default_cancel: 'Operation canceled'

    message: "We use cookies and other similar technologies to improve your experience on our services. By using our services, you agree to such monitoring."
    button: "Accept"