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Test Coverage

## 1.2.8
* d4eabe9 Merge pull request #22 from Codibre/update-readme-file
* 77b65f2 docs: adding some information to the readme file
## v1.2.7
* 4680827 1.2.7
* db65779 Merge pull request #21 from Codibre/hotfix-remove-lib-vulnerabilities
* 782161c decrease del-cli version in order to keep node 10 compatibility
* 95c727c install new libs
* 5b26cb2 1.2.7
* 1c0ee3b fix: fixes required by eslint
* 543852d fix: update @codibre/confs to newest version and remove handlebars critical vulnerability
## v1.2.6
* a843f04 1.2.6
* 624e2d8 fixing package.json
* 209e835 Issue 18 real fix (#20)
## v1.2.5
* 9299ba7 1.2.5
* 6a911c5 Merge branch 'master' of into issue-18-Asserting_an_recursive_object_throws_and_error
* 61e1fec 1.2.4
* ab37ba3 fixing empty object comparison
* a6490db Issue 14 is json comparable fails if value is null (#17)
## v1.2.4
* 24c43ac 1.2.4
* 544d47a fixing null comparing
* d0f4a34 Merge pull request #13 from Codibre/issue-10-Errpr_when_comparing_to_undefined
* 3be0212 Merge pull request #12 from Codibre/issue-10-Errpr_when_comparing_to_undefined
* 3efabd8 Merge pull request #11 from Codibre/issue-10-Errpr_when_comparing_to_undefined
## v1.2.3
* 1f867a7 1.2.3
* 56203da undoing stack change
* 13ea24d fixing doc
## v1.2.2
* 08763c0 1.2.2
* 40ea915 bettering call stack
## v1.2.1
* 28b7d6d 1.2.1
* 0c35fa3 fixing undefined comparison
* c9f7ea9 Merge pull request #9 from Codibre/new-release
* 05a6bf7 fixing publish yml
* 10e4d5c Merge pull request #8 from Codibre/new-release
* 97a3975 updating docs"
* 4183af7 Merge branch 'master' of into new-release
* 1f7c5c7 Merge pull request #6 from Codibre/issue-2-testing_non_stub_throws_an_untreated_error
* 69e9186 Merge branch 'master' of into issue-2-testing_non_stub_throws_an_untreated_error
* f87210d fixing lint
* 6ffd7d4 checking if is stub
## v1.2.0
* c90dac6 1.2.0
* da204bf Merge pull request #7 from Codibre/issue-4-expose_object_compare_function
* f86b20e adding phrase to assertion message
* 08678ac fixing lint
* 2c2f501 adding test case
* dad08eb creating like method
* 58f9b56 Merge pull request #5 from Codibre/issue-1-String_assertion_passing_with_partial_string
* 5706c54 fixing readme and flag
* a99bbb8 fixing some things
* 96fbfb2 fixing implementation with shouldFailOnExactCompare
* 8cac670 fixing new assertion
* fe4c355 Update
## v1.1.2
* 582ef93 1.1.2
* 77f447b fixing references to github
## v1.1.1
* 5ac6e61 1.1.1
* 28682ff updating github badges
## v1.1.0
* f3161a6 1.1.0
* 2ad86ab 1.0.0
* ba44605 preparing for version release
* 29e138c preparing for version release
* 7dc8c18 updating readme properly
* 23ddeb4 configuring project for new name
* 734cb4f updating changelog
* a5f8384 2.3.0
* c727d37 added help
* c190c64 updating changelog
* f557a65 2.2.6
* 25de5b9 fixing package size
* 5e565d0 removing npmignore
* 7b1e71d updating changelog
* ab461ca 2.2.5
* a07acf7 Fixing actual expected order
* c16534d updating readme
* edac0fa updating example image
* e3000e8 updating changelog
* dc4fff3 2.2.4
* a8886f1 removing unused dependency
* d3f1bb3 updating changelog
* eb8c0b4 2.2.3
* 324f9be fix vulnerabilities
* ac0fc73 finalizing betterarization of logs
* b7a5399 version bump
* c91aeaf 2.2.2
* 75268ab bettering again object diff
* af3ea12 version bump
* 520c3dc 2.2.1
* 4addd51 fixing obj colors
* aec2f6e bettering object types diff
* 57673d2 2.2.0
* 5c9dc1e betterning betterning betterning diff descriptions
* ecdeb45 2.1.2
* b622459 removing codecov
* 6cc7240 testing codeclimate
* c5411bc updating paambaati
* 94eff4b fixing pl
* 4e99742 testing coverage climate
* 4fea253 resolving code smells
* c4734ca updating changelog
* 2784d55 2.1.1
* 1ffe176 betterning even more log
* 6117fdc removing travis! Thanks for your services until now
* a400db1 test only on 10.x
* b0b5332 codecov directly from github
* a06f0a1 fixing action name
* 53ff2a7 segregating actions
* df0816d updating travis
* 6f66900 creating github action
* 347e3c6 updating changelog
* af5e528 2.1.0
* 729bff7 Updating changelog
* da1b4b7 much better messages
* 13dac06 fixing unit tests and segregating code
* 09bcba3 fixing assertion
* c2dcac0 2.0.6
* d67c91e fixing assertion
* ae64a25 updating changelog
* 64ec449 2.0.5
* 274f665 fixing assertions I broker in later commits. sorry
* 1e94439 updating changelog
* 300e544 2.0.4
* 002292d changing codibre to dev dependency
* bc6780d updating changelog
* 0dcb445 2.0.3
* 2b56115 creating option to pass sinon refernce
* 69c33bb updating changelog
* 9269251 2.0.2
* 177564a updating prepublish script
* 18678ee updating changelog
* a3ecce5 2.0.1
* c8bf444 updating git ignore
* a41ae8c creating callsLikeExactly and updating base config
* 84b7252 2.0.0
* 98e3698 Updating base config
* aecfb78 fixing base config
* 823ade4 1.5.7
* 7eabf6f updating base config project
* 67f1203 fixing typing
* 542f865 fixing exportion
* 3bc6cea 1.5.6
* fb02c79 fixing chai declaration
* fc2e048 fixing typings
* d55b0bb 1.5.5
* 2a69457 changing typing definition
* 853c571 changing typing definition
* cea3be1 1.5.4
* b6e3a0f fixing chai addition of method
* 3488504 adding npmrc to git ignore
* 51f5d5f making mocha dev dependency
* f716e82 1.5.3
* ce31188 Betterning comparison
* 163e72e 1.5.2
* 0a3def5 Merge branch 'master' of
* 8eb1bee fixing beforeEach and afterEach usage
* d82b45f prepublish script
* b84eda6 version bump
* 303c77c Adding badges to readme and updating
* e05ea35 fixing packages tag
* 377f909 adding build to gitignore
* eb4851d Removing build folder
* 243d768 adding badges and updating base-project-config
* 05f9bf0 version bump
* fe8e3c4 removing garbage
* 9eb4075 fixing typings
* a9caba4 fixing typings
* 7cd42b4 fixing typings
* cfe7406 testing typing
* 1e5d21c Fixing base-project-config to be not just a dev dependency
* 05eab64 Bumping version
* 7e9103c adding base-project-config
* e30c433 creating constructor stubber
* 7bea70f Patternalizing lib usage
* 3e5b649 updated version and
* 650bb32 lib setted to chai fluent format
* fe4bab6 Update
* 2699d48 Update
* 8416314 Update
* b4433a5 Update
## v1.0.3
* 6dfdef4 Fixing package.json main
* 1c482df fixing package.json start
* 5d9db47 Fixing package option
## v1.0.1
* b6cd824 Fixing compilng config
## v1.0.0
## v.1.0.2
* 5d9db47 Fixing package option
* b6cd824 Fixing compilng config
* aecdfad changin sinon-chai to be devDependency
* f8b8916 Initial commit