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# Advanced examples

Here you'll find a collection of advanced examples of fluent usability!

- [Stream merging]( How to merge multiple streams and treat errors with fluent;
- [Converting lists into dictionaries]( It's better to get values from a dictionary rather than repeating finds in an array;
- [Combining iterables]( How to relate two distinct iterables in a faster manner;
- [Iterate over chunked streams seamlessly]( Iterate over chunked streams like if you're dealing with simples lists!
- [Chain async and sync operations]( Chain sync and async operations over the fluent flow
- [Creating and validating unique lists]( How to generate unique lists or validate if an iterable is unique on the flow
- [Segregating responsibilities over]( A elegant way to segregate responsibilities and orchestrate a iterable flow fluently, fit for a DDD, Onion o Hexagonal architecture!
- [Operators, resolvers and preparation]( Understand how fluent iterable works under the hood, when the chained operations really happen and when is the best moment to resolve an iterable.
- [Nested flattening with back reference]( Flat nested iterables keeping track of each level of items easily!