import { AnyIterable } from 'augmentative-iterable';
import {
} from './fluent-class';
* An operation that returns an Iterable
export type IterableOperation = <T>(
this: Iterable<T>,
...args: any[]
) => Iterable<any>;
* An operation that returns an AsyncIterable
export type IterableOperationAsync = <T>(
this: Iterable<T>,
...args: any[]
) => AsyncIterable<any> | PromiseLike<AnyIterable<any>>;
* A resolving operation
export type IterableResolvingOperation = <T>(
this: Iterable<T>,
...args: any[]
) => any;
* Used to add custom methods for the next fluent async iterables created
* Is recommendable to also declare the method in the interface so it can be visible to typescript, like this:
* ```ts
* declare module '@codibre/fluent-iterable'{
* interface FluentIterable {
* myCustomMethod<R>(myParams: someType): FluentIterable<R>
* }
* }
* ```
export const extend = {
* Add a method that returns another FluentAsyncIterable
* @param name The name of the method
* @param operation The operation to be made
use(name: string, operation: IterableOperation) {
addFluentMethod(name, operation);
* Add a method that returns another FluentAsyncIterable
* @param name The name of the method
* @param operation The operation to be made
useAsync(name: string, operation: IterableOperationAsync) {
addFluentAsyncMethod(name, operation);
* Add a resolving method
* @param name The name of the method
* @param operation The resolving operation to be made
useResolving(name: string, operation: IterableResolvingOperation) {
addFluentResolvingMethod(name, operation);