import { AsyncMapper, Mapper, AnyIterable } from 'augmentative-iterable';
import { AsyncItemType, IsAnyOrUnknown, ItemType } from '../base';
import { FluentAsyncIterable, FluentIterable } from '../base';
export type FlattenNoParams<T> = {
* Projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent([['anchor', 'almond'], ['bound', 'alpine']]).flatten()` yields *anchor*, *almond*, *bound* and *alpine*.<br>
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @returns The [[FluentIterable]] of the flattened iterable.
<R extends ItemType<T>>(): FluentIterable<R>;
export type FlattenFunction<T> = {
* Projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent([['anchor', 'almond'], ['bound', 'alpine']]).flatten()` yields *anchor*, *almond*, *bound* and *alpine*.<br>
* * `fluent([ { values: ['anchor', 'almond'] }, { values: ['bound', 'alpine'] }]).flatten(obj => obj.values)` yields *anchor*, *almond*, *bound* and *alpine*.
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @param mapper Specifies the projection from the elements of `T` to iterables of `R`. Identity mapping is applied (taking the elements as iterables) if omitted.
* @returns The [[FluentIterable]] of the flattened iterable.
<R>(mapper: Mapper<T, Iterable<R>>): FluentIterable<R>;
* Projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent([ { values: ['anchor', 'almond'] }, { values: ['bound', 'alpine'] }]).flatten(obj => obj.values)` yields *anchor*, *almond*, *bound* and *alpine*.
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @param mapper Specifies the projection from the elements of `T` to iterables of `R`. Identity mapping is applied (taking the elements as iterables) if omitted.
* @returns The [[FluentIterable]] of the flattened iterable.
<K extends keyof T, R extends ItemType<T[K]>>(mapper: K): FluentIterable<R>;
} & (T extends Iterable<any>
? FlattenNoParams<T>
: IsAnyOrUnknown<T> extends true
? FlattenNoParams<T>
: {});
export type AsyncFlattenNoParams<T> = {
* Projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent([['anchor', 'almond'], ['bound', 'alpine']]).flatten()` yields *anchor*, *almond*, *bound* and *alpine*.<br>
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @returns The [[FluentIterable]] of the flattened iterable.
<R extends AsyncItemType<T>>(): FluentAsyncIterable<R>;
export type AsyncFlattenFunction<T> = {
* Asynchronously projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @param mapper Specifies the asynchronous projection from the elements of `T` to iterables of `R`.
* @returns The flattened [[FluentAsyncIterable]].
<R>(mapper: AsyncMapper<T, AnyIterable<R>>): FluentAsyncIterable<R>;
* Asynchronously projects each element of the iterable to an iterable and flattens the resulting iterable into one iterable.
* @typeparam R The type of the elements in the inner iterable.
* @param mapper Specifies the asynchronous projection from the elements of `T` to iterables of `R`.
* @returns The flattened [[FluentAsyncIterable]].
<K extends keyof T, R extends AsyncItemType<T[K]>>(
mapper: K,
): FluentAsyncIterable<R>;
} & (T extends AnyIterable<any>
? AsyncFlattenNoParams<T>
: IsAnyOrUnknown<T> extends true
? AsyncFlattenNoParams<T>
: {});