import { AsyncMapper, Mapper } from 'augmentative-iterable';
import { ToObjectKeyType } from '../base';
import { Choose } from '../choose';
export type ObjectType<R extends string | symbol | number> = {
[k in R]: unknown;
export type KeyType = string | symbol | number;
export interface ToObjectFunction<T> {
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent(['anchor', 'almond']).toObject(word => word)` returns `{ anchor: 'anchor', almond: 'almond' }`
* * `fluent([{ key: 'name', value: 'Peter Parker' }, { key: 'alias', value: 'SpiderMan' }]).toObject(item => item.key, item => item.value)` returns `{ name: 'Peter Parker', alias: 'SpiderMan' }`
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R extends KeyType>(keySelector: Mapper<T, R>): Record<R, T>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent(['anchor', 'almond']).toObject(word => word)` returns `{ anchor: 'anchor', almond: 'almond' }`
* * `fluent([{ key: 'name', value: 'Peter Parker' }, { key: 'alias', value: 'SpiderMan' }]).toObject(item => item.key, item => item.value)` returns `{ name: 'Peter Parker', alias: 'SpiderMan' }`
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field. The identity function is being used if omitted.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R extends KeyType, O>(
keySelector: Mapper<T, R>,
valueSelector: Mapper<T, O>,
reduceValue?: Choose<O>,
): Record<R, O>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T>(keySelector: R1): Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, T>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent(['anchor', 'almond']).toObject(word => word)` returns `{ anchor: 'anchor', almond: 'almond' }`
* * `fluent([{ key: 'name', value: 'Peter Parker' }, { key: 'alias', value: 'SpiderMan' }]).toObject(item => item.key, item => item.value)` returns `{ name: 'Peter Parker', alias: 'SpiderMan' }`
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field. The identity function is being used if omitted.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T, R>(
keySelector: R1,
valueSelector: Mapper<T, R>,
reduceValue?: Choose<R>,
): Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, R>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent(['anchor', 'almond']).toObject(word => word)` returns `{ anchor: 'anchor', almond: 'almond' }`
* * `fluent([{ key: 'name', value: 'Peter Parker' }, { key: 'alias', value: 'SpiderMan' }]).toObject(item => item.key, item => item.value)` returns `{ name: 'Peter Parker', alias: 'SpiderMan' }`
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field. The identity function is being used if omitted.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<K extends string | symbol | number, R2 extends keyof T>(
keySelector: Mapper<T, K>,
valueSelector: R2,
reduceValue?: Choose<T[R2]>,
): Record<K, T[R2]>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by a key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.<br>
* Examples:<br>
* * `fluent(['anchor', 'almond']).toObject(word => word)` returns `{ anchor: 'anchor', almond: 'almond' }`
* * `fluent([{ key: 'name', value: 'Peter Parker' }, { key: 'alias', value: 'SpiderMan' }]).toObject(item => item.key, item => item.value)` returns `{ name: 'Peter Parker', alias: 'SpiderMan' }`
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field. The identity function is being used if omitted.
* @returns The object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T, R2 extends keyof T>(
keySelector: R1,
valueSelector: R2,
reduceValue?: Choose<T[R2]>,
): Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, T[R2]>;
export interface AsyncToObjectFunction<T> {
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R extends KeyType>(keySelector: AsyncMapper<T, R>): Promise<Record<R, T>>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field.
* @param reduceValue reduce the following items to the map value type. If not informed, assumes only the first value
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<K extends KeyType, V>(
keySelector: AsyncMapper<T, K>,
valueSelector: AsyncMapper<T, V>,
reduceValue?: Choose<V>,
): Promise<Record<K, V>>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T>(
keySelector: R1,
): Promise<Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, T>>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field.
* @param reduceValue reduce the following items to the map value type. If not informed, assumes only the first value
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T, R>(
keySelector: R1,
valueSelector: AsyncMapper<T, R>,
reduceValue?: Choose<R>,
): Promise<Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, R>>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field.
* @param reduceValue reduce the following items to the map value type. If not informed, assumes only the first value
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<K extends string | symbol | number, R2 extends keyof T>(
keySelector: AsyncMapper<T, K>,
valueSelector: R2,
reduceValue?: Choose<T[R2]>,
): Promise<Record<K, T[R2]>>;
* Translates the iterable into an object using the elements of the iterable as representations of fields as specified by an asynchronous key- and value selector. This is a resolving operation, will cause a full loop through all the elements of the iterable.
* @typeparam R The expected type of the object. Cannot be enforced, this is strictly informal.
* @param keySelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the key of the corresponding field.
* @param valueSelector Asynchronously projects an element of the iterable into the value of the corresponding field.
* @param reduceValue reduce the following items to the map value type. If not informed, assumes only the first value
* @returns A promise of the object composed of the elements of the iterable as fields.
<R1 extends keyof T, R2 extends keyof T>(
keySelector: R1,
valueSelector: R2,
reduceValue?: Choose<T[R2]>,
): Promise<Record<ToObjectKeyType<T, R1>, T[R2]>>;