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import { dontWait } from './dont-wait';
import { Pacer } from './pacer';
import { RememberedConfig } from './remembered-config';

const Empty = Symbol('Empty');

const defaultConfig = { ttl: 0 };
 * A class that help you remember previous calls for you functions, to avoid new calls while it is not forgotten
export class Remembered<TResponse = unknown, TKey = string> {
    private map = new Map<TKey, Promise<TResponse>>();
    private nonBlockingMap = new Map<TKey, TResponse>();
    private pacer: Pacer<TResponse, TKey> | undefined;
    private removeImmediately: boolean;
    private onReused?: (...args: any[]) => void;

        private config: RememberedConfig<TResponse, TKey> = defaultConfig,
    ) {
        this.removeImmediately = !config.ttl;
        this.onReused = config.onReused;
        this.pacer = new Pacer(config, (key: TKey) =>;

     * Returns a remembered promise or the resulted promise from the callback
     * @param key the remembering key, for remembering purposes
     * @param callback the callback in case nothing is remember
     * @param noCacheIf an optional condition that, when informed, the cache is not kept
     * @param ttl an optional ttl that, when informed, replaces the ttl informed in the constructor configuration
     * @returns the (now) remembered promise
    async get<R extends TResponse>(
        key: TKey,
        callback: () => PromiseLike<R>,
        noCacheIf?: (result: R) => boolean,
        ttl?: number,
    ): Promise<R> {
        if (this.config.nonBlocking) {
            if (this.nonBlockingMap.has(key)) {
                dontWait(() => this.blockingGet(key, callback, noCacheIf, ttl));

                return this.nonBlockingMap.get(key) as R;

        return this.blockingGet(key, callback, noCacheIf, ttl);

    getSync<R extends TResponse>(
        key: TKey,
        callback: () => PromiseLike<R>,
        noCacheIf?: (result: R) => boolean,
        ttl?: number,
    ): R | undefined {
        if (!this.config.nonBlocking) {
            throw new Error('getSync is only available for nonBlocking instances');
        dontWait(() => this.blockingGet(key, callback, noCacheIf, ttl));

        return this.nonBlockingMap.get(key) as R | undefined;

    blockingGet<R extends TResponse>(
        key: TKey,
        callback: () => PromiseLike<R>,
        noCacheIf?: (result: R) => boolean,
        ttl?: number,
    ): Promise<R> {
        const cached =;
        if (cached) {
            return cached as Promise<R>;
        const value = this.loadValue(key, callback, noCacheIf, ttl);, value);
        return value;

     * Returns a version of the callback that remembers the result of previous calls and reuse it
     * @param callback the callback you want to make rememberable
     * @param getKey a function that returns a remembering key
     * @returns the rememberable callback
    wrap<T extends any[], K extends T, R extends Promise<any>>(
        callback: (...args: T) => R,
        getKey: (...args: K) => TKey,
        noCacheIf?: (result: R extends Promise<infer TR> ? TR : never) => boolean,
    ): (...args: T) => R {
        return (...args: T): R => {
            const key = getKey(...(args as K));
            return this.get(key, () => callback(...args), noCacheIf) as R;

    clearCache(key: TKey): void | Promise<unknown> {;

    private async loadValue<R extends TResponse>(
        key: TKey,
        load: () => PromiseLike<R>,
        noCacheIf?: (result: R) => boolean,
        ttl?: number,
    ) {
        let result: R | typeof Empty = Empty;
        try {
            result = await load();
            if (noCacheIf?.(result)) {
            } else if (this.config.nonBlocking) {
                this.nonBlockingMap.set(key, result);
            return result;
        } catch (err) {
            throw err;
        } finally {
            if (this.removeImmediately) {
            } else if (result !== Empty) {
                this.pacer?.schedulePurge(key, ttl, result);