
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
"Category: CI":
  - .github/workflows/**/*

"Category: Cogs - Admin":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/admin/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/admin.rst
  - docs/.resources/admin/**/*
"Category: Cogs - Alias":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/alias/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/alias.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/cogs/
  - docs/.resources/alias/**/*
"Category: Cogs - Audio":
  # Source
  - any:
      - redbot/cogs/audio/**/*
      - "!redbot/cogs/audio/**/locales/*"
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/audio.rst
  # Tests
  - tests/cogs/audio/**/*
"Category: Cogs - Bank": []  # historical label for a removed cog
"Category: Cogs - Cleanup":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/cleanup/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/cleanup.rst
"Category: Cogs - CustomCommands":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/customcom/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_customcom.rst
  - docs/cog_guides/customcommands.rst
"Category: Cogs - Dev":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/dev.rst
  # Tests
  - tests/core/
"Category: Cogs - Downloader":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/downloader/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/downloader.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - redbot/pytest/downloader_testrepo.*
  - tests/cogs/downloader/**/*
"Category: Cogs - Economy":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/economy/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/economy.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/cogs/
"Category: Cogs - Filter":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/filter/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/filter.rst
"Category: Cogs - General":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/general/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/general.rst
"Category: Cogs - Image":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/image/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/image.rst
"Category: Cogs - Mod":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/mod/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/mod.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/cogs/
"Category: Cogs - Modlog":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/modlog/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/modlog.rst
"Category: Cogs - Mutes":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/mutes/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/mutes.rst
"Category: Cogs - Permissions":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/permissions/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/permissions.rst
  - docs/cog_permissions.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/cogs/
"Category: Cogs - Reports":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/reports/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/reports.rst
"Category: Cogs - Streams":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/streams/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/streams.rst
"Category: Cogs - Trivia":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/trivia/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/trivia.rst
  - docs/guide_trivia_list_creation.rst
  - docs/.resources/trivia/**/*
  # Tests
  - tests/cogs/
"Category: Cogs - Trivia - Lists":
  - redbot/cogs/trivia/data/lists/*
"Category: Cogs - Warnings":
  # Source
  - redbot/cogs/warnings/*
  # Docs
  - docs/cog_guides/warnings.rst

"Category: Core - API - Audio": []  # potential future feature
"Category: Core - API - Bank":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_bank.rst
"Category: Core - API - App Commands Package":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/app_commands/*
  # Tests
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - API - Commands Package":
  # Source
  - any:
      - redbot/core/commands/*
      - "!redbot/core/commands/"
  # this isn't in commands package but it just re-exports things from it
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_checks.rst
  - docs/framework_commands.rst
  # Tests
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - API - Config":
  # Source
  - any:
      - redbot/core/_drivers/**/*
      - "!redbot/core/_drivers/**/locales/*"
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_config.rst
  # Tests
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - API - Other":
  # Source
  - redbot/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_datamanager.rst
  - docs/framework_tree.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/core/
  - tests/core/
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - API - Utils Package":
  # Source
  - any:
    - redbot/core/utils/*
    - "!redbot/core/utils/"
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_utils.rst
  # Tests
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - Bot Class":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_apikeys.rst
  - docs/framework_bot.rst
"Category: Core - Bot Commands":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/.resources/cog_manager_ui/**/*
  - docs/cog_guides/cog_manager_ui.rst
  - docs/cog_guides/core.rst
"Category: Core - Command-line Interfaces":
  - redbot/
  - redbot/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/
"Category: Core - Help":
  - redbot/core/commands/
"Category: Core - i18n":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  # Locale files
  - redbot/**/locales/*
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_i18n.rst
"Category: Core - Modlog":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_modlog.rst
"Category: Core - Other Internals":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/
  - redbot/core/utils/
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - redbot/pytest/
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/core/
"Category: Core - RPC/ZMQ":
  # Source
  - redbot/core/
  # Docs
  - docs/framework_rpc.rst
  # Tests
  - redbot/pytest/
  - tests/core/
  - tests/rpc_test.html

"Category: Docker": []  # potential future feature

"Category: Docs - Changelogs":
  - CHANGES.rst
  - docs/changelog.rst
  - docs/incompatible_changes/**/*
"Category: Docs - For Developers":
  - docs/framework_events.rst
  - docs/guide_cog_creation.rst
  - docs/guide_cog_creators.rst
  - docs/guide_migration.rst
  - docs/guide_publish_cogs.rst
  - docs/guide_slash_and_interactions.rst
"Category: Docs - Install Guides":
  - docs/about_venv.rst
  - docs/autostart_*.rst
  - docs/.resources/bot-guide/**/*
  - docs/bot_application_guide.rst
  - docs/install_guides/**/*
  - docs/update_red.rst
"Category: Docs - Other":
  - docs/host-list.rst
  - docs/index.rst
  - docs/version_guarantees.rst
"Category: Docs - User Guides":
  - docs/getting_started.rst
  - docs/intents.rst
  - docs/red_core_data_statement.rst
  # TODO: move these to `docs/.resources/getting_started` subfolder
  - docs/.resources/red-console.png
  - docs/.resources/code-grant.png
  - docs/.resources/instances-ssh-button.png
  - docs/.resources/ssh-output.png

"Category: Meta":
  # top-level files
  - any:
      - '*'
      - '!'
      - '!CHANGES.rst'
  # .gitattributes files
  - '**/.gitattributes'
  # GitHub configuration files, with the exception of CI configuration
  - .github/*
  - .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/*
  # documentation configuration, extensions, scripts, templates, etc.
  - docs/
  - docs/_ext/**/*
  - docs/_html/**/*
  - docs/make.bat
  - docs/Makefile
  - docs/prolog.txt
  - docs/_templates/**/*
  # empty file
  - redbot/cogs/
  # py.typed file
  - redbot/py.typed
  # requirements files
  - requirements/*
  # schema files
  - schema/*
  # tests configuration, global fixtures, etc.
  - tests/
  - tests/
  - tests/*/
  # repository tools
  - tools/*

# "Category: RPC/ZMQ methods": []  # can't be matched by file patterns

"Category: Vendored Packages":
  - redbot/vendored/**/*