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.. _economy:


This is the cog guide for the economy cog. You will
find detailed docs about usage and commands.

``[p]`` is considered as your prefix.

.. note:: To use this cog, load it by typing this::

        [p]load economy

.. _economy-usage:


Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!

.. _economy-commands:


.. _economy-command-bank:



.. code-block:: none



Base command to manage the bank.

.. _economy-command-bank-balance:

bank balance


.. code-block:: none

    [p]bank balance [user]


Show the user's account balance.

    - ``[p]bank balance``
    - ``[p]bank balance @Twentysix``


- ``<user>`` The user to check the balance of. If omitted, defaults to your own balance.

.. _economy-command-bank-set:

bank set

.. note:: |admin-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]bank set <to> <creds>


Set the balance of a user's bank account.

Putting + or - signs before the amount will add/remove currency on the user's bank account instead.

    - ``[p]bank set @Twentysix 26`` - Sets balance to 26
    - ``[p]bank set @Twentysix +2`` - Increases balance by 2
    - ``[p]bank set @Twentysix -6`` - Decreases balance by 6


- ``<to>`` The user to set the currency of.
- ``<creds>`` The amount of currency to set their balance to.

.. _economy-command-bank-transfer:

bank transfer


.. code-block:: none

    [p]bank transfer <to> <amount>


Transfer currency to other users.

This will come out of your balance, so make sure you have enough.

    - ``[p]bank transfer @Twentysix 500``


- ``<to>`` The user to give currency to.
- ``<amount>`` The amount of currency to give.

.. _economy-command-economyset:


.. note:: |admin-lock|


.. code-block:: none



Base command to manage Economy settings.

.. _economy-command-economyset-paydayamount:

economyset paydayamount


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset paydayamount <creds>


Set the amount earned each payday.

    - ``[p]economyset paydayamount 400``


- ``<creds>`` The new amount to give when using the payday command. Default is 120.

.. _economy-command-economyset-paydaytime:

economyset paydaytime


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset paydaytime <duration>


Set the cooldown for the payday command.

    - ``[p]economyset paydaytime 86400``
    - ``[p]economyset paydaytime 1d``


- | ``<duration>`` The new duration to wait in between uses of payday. Default is 5 minutes.
  | Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks (if no unit is specified, the duration is assumed to be given in seconds)

.. _economy-command-economyset-rolepaydayamount:

economyset rolepaydayamount


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset rolepaydayamount <role> <creds>


Set the amount earned each payday for a role.

Set to 0 will remove the custom payday for that role instead.

Only available when not using a global bank.

    - ``[p]economyset rolepaydayamount @Members 400``


- ``<role>`` The role to assign a custom payday amount to.
- ``<creds>`` The new amount to give when using the payday command.

.. _economy-command-economyset-showsettings:

economyset showsettings


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset showsettings 


Shows the current economy settings

.. _economy-command-economyset-slotmax:

economyset slotmax


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset slotmax <bid>


Set the maximum slot machine bid.

    - ``[p]economyset slotmax 50``


- ``<bid>`` The new maximum bid for using the slot machine. Default is 100.

.. _economy-command-economyset-slotmin:

economyset slotmin


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset slotmin <bid>


Set the minimum slot machine bid.

    - ``[p]economyset slotmin 10``


- ``<bid>`` The new minimum bid for using the slot machine. Default is 5.

.. _economy-command-economyset-slottime:

economyset slottime


.. code-block:: none

    [p]economyset slottime <duration>


Set the cooldown for the slot machine.

    - ``[p]economyset slottime 10``
    - ``[p]economyset slottime 10m``


- | ``<duration>`` The new duration to wait in between uses of the slot machine. Default is 5 seconds.
  | Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks (if no unit is specified, the duration is assumed to be given in seconds)

.. _economy-command-leaderboard:



.. code-block:: none

    [p]leaderboard [top=10] [show_global=False]


Print the leaderboard.

Defaults to top 10.

    - ``[p]leaderboard``
    - ``[p]leaderboard 50`` - Shows the top 50 instead of top 10.
    - ``[p]leaderboard 100 yes`` - Shows the top 100 from all servers.


- ``<top>`` How many positions on the leaderboard to show. Defaults to 10 if omitted.
- ``<show_global>`` Whether to include results from all servers. This will default to false unless specified.

.. _economy-command-payday:



.. code-block:: none



Get some free currency.

The amount awarded and frequency can be configured.

.. _economy-command-payouts:



.. code-block:: none



Show the payouts for the slot machine.

.. _economy-command-slot:



.. code-block:: none

    [p]slot <bid>


Use the slot machine.

    - ``[p]slot 50``


- ``<bid>`` The amount to bet on the slot machine. Winning payouts are higher when you bet more.