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Test Coverage
.. _streams:


This is the cog guide for the Streams cog. You will
find detailed docs about usage and commands.

``[p]`` is considered as your prefix.

.. note:: To use this cog, load it by typing this::

        [p]load streams

.. _streams-usage:


This cog provides commands to check if a channel 
on a supported streaming service is live as well 
as to create and manage alerts for channels.

Supported streaming services are:

- Twitch
- Youtube
- Picarto

Youtube and Twitch both require setting authentication 
details for commands for those services to work. See 
:ref:`[p]streamset twitchtoken <streams-command-streamset-twitchtoken>` and 
:ref:`[p]streamset youtubekey <streams-command-streamset-youtubekey>`
for more information.

.. _streams-commands:


.. _streams-command-streamset:



.. code-block:: none


Manage stream alert settings.

.. _streams-command-streamset-autodelete:

streamset autodelete


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset autodelete <on_off>


Toggles automatic deletion of stream alerts when the 
stream goes offline.


* ``<on_off>``: Whether to turn on or off

.. _streams-command-streamset-ignorereruns:

streamset ignorereruns


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset ignorereruns


Toggles excluding reruns from the alerts.

At this time, this functionality only applies to Twitch stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamset-mention:

streamset mention


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset mention


Toggle mentions for stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamset-mention-all:

streamset mention all


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset mention all


Toggle mentioning ``@everyone`` for stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamset-mention-online:

streamset mention online


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset mention online


Toggle mentioning ``@here`` for stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamset-mention-role:

streamset mention role


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset mention role <role>


Toggle mentioning a role for stream alerts.


* ``<role>``: The role to toggle a mention for. |role-input|

.. _streams-command-streamset-message:

streamset message


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset message


Manage custom messages for stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamset-message-mention:

streamset message mention


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset message mention <message>


Sets a stream alert message for when mentions are enabled.

Use ``{mention}`` in the message to insert the selected mentions.

Use ``{stream}`` in the message to insert the channel or user name.

Use ``{stream.display_name}`` in the message to insert the channel's display name
(on Twitch, this may be different from ``{stream}``).

For example: ``[p]streamset message mention {mention}, {stream.display_name} is live!``


* ``<message>``: Your alert message

.. _streams-command-streamset-message-nomention:

streamset message nomention


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset message nomention <message>


Sets a stream alert message for when mentions are disabled.

Use ``{stream}`` in the message to insert the channel or user name.

Use ``{stream.display_name}`` in the message to insert the channel's display name
(on Twitch, this may be different from ``{stream}``).

For example: ``[p]streamset message nomention {stream.display_name} is live!``


* ``<message>``: Your alert message

.. _streams-command-streamset-message-clear:

streamset message clear


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset message clear


Resets the stream alert messages for the server.

.. _streams-command-streamset-timer:

streamset timer


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset timer <refresh_timer>


Sets the refresh time for stream alerts (how frequently they will be checked).

This cannot be set to anything less than 60 seconds.


* ``<refresh_timer>``: The frequency with which streams should be checked, in seconds

.. _streams-command-streamset-youtubekey:

streamset youtubekey


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset youtubekey


Explains how to set the YouTube token.

To get one, do the following:

1. Create a project
(see for details)

2. Enable the YouTube Data API v3
(see for instructions)

3. Set up your API key
(see for instructions)

4. Copy your API key and run the command ``[p]set api youtube api_key <your_api_key_here>``

.. attention:: These tokens are sensitive and should only be 
               used in a private channel or in DM with the bot.

.. _streams-command-streamset-twitchtoken:

streamset twitchtoken


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamset twitchtoken


Explains how to set the Twitch token.

To set the Twitch API tokens, follow these steps:

1. Go to this page:

2. Click Register Your Application.

3. Enter a name, set the OAuth Redirect URI to http://localhost, and select an Application Category of your choosing.

4. Click Register.

5. Copy your client ID and your client secret into:
``[p]set api twitch client_id <your_client_id_here> client_secret <your_client_secret_here>``

.. attention:: These tokens are sensitive and should only be 
               used in a private channel or in DM with the bot.

.. _streams-command-streamset-usebuttons:

streamset usebuttons


.. code-block:: none

    [p]streamset usebuttons


Toggle whether to use buttons for stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-picarto:



.. code-block:: none

    [p]picarto <channel_name>


Check if a Picarto channel is live.


* ``<channel_name>``: The Picarto channel to check.

.. _streams-command-twitchstream:



.. code-block:: none

    [p]twitchstream <channel_name>


Check if a Twitch channel is live.


* ``<channel_name>``: The Twitch channel to check.

.. _streams-command-youtubestream:



.. code-block:: none
    [p]youtubestream <channel_id_or_name>


Check if a YouTube channel is live.


* ``<channel_id_or_name>``: The name or id of the YouTube channel to be checked.

.. _streams-command-streamalert:



.. code-block:: none


Manage automated stream alerts.

.. _streams-command-streamalert-list:

streamalert list


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamalert list


Lists all active alerts in the current server.

.. _streams-command-streamalert-picarto:

streamalert picarto


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamalert picarto <channel_name>


Toggle alerts in the current channel for the 
specified Picarto channel.


* ``<channel_name>``: The Picarto channel to toggle the alert for.

.. _streams-command-streamalert-twitch-channel:

streamalert twitch channel


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamalert twitch channel <channel_name>


Toggle alerts in the current channel for the 
specified Twitch channel.


* ``<channel_name>``: The Twitch channel to toggle the alert for.

.. _streams-command-streamalert-youtube:

streamalert youtube


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamalert youtube <channel_name>


Toggle alerts in the current channel for the 
specified Picarto channel.


* ``<channel_id_or_name>``: The name or id of the YouTube channel to be checked.

.. _streams-command-streamalert-stop:

streamalert stop


.. code-block:: none
    [p]streamalert stop [disable-all=No]


Disable all stream alerts for this channel or server.


* ``[disable-all]``: Defaults to ``no``. If this is set to ``yes``, all 
  stream alerts in the current server will be disabled. 
  If ``no`` or unspecified, all stream alerts in the 
  current channel will be stopped.