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.. _trivia:


This is the cog guide for the trivia cog. You will
find detailed docs about usage and commands.

``[p]`` is considered as your prefix.

.. note:: To use this cog, load it by typing this::

        [p]load trivia

.. _trivia-usage:


This cog allows for playing trivia with others. You may 
choose to play just one category at a time or choose 
multiple to add variety to your game. You can even create 
your own lists!

.. _trivia-commands:


Here is a list of all of the commands for this cog:

.. _trivia-command-triviaset:


.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none



Commands for managing trivia settings.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-botplays:

triviaset botplays

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset botplays <true_or_false>


Sets whether the bot gains a point if nobody guesses correctly.


- ``<true_or_false>`` If ``true``, the bot will gain a point if nobody
  guesses correctly, otherwise it will not.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-maxscore:

triviaset maxscore

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset maxscore <score>


Sets the total points required to win.


- ``<score>`` The amount of points required to win.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-override:

triviaset override

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset override <enabled>


Allow/disallow trivia lists to override the settings.


- ``<enabled>`` Whether trivia lists should be able to override settings.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-payout:

triviaset payout

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset payout <multiplier>


Sets the payout multiplier. 

If a user wins trivia when at least 3 users are playing, they will receive credits; 
the amount received is determined by multiplying their total score by this multiplier.


- ``<multiplier>`` The amount to multiply the winner's score by to determine payout.
  This can be any positive decimal number. Setting this to 0 will disable.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-revealanswer:

triviaset revealanswer

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset revealanswer <true_or_false>


Sets whether or not the answer is revealed if the time limit for answering runs out.


- ``<true_or_false>`` If ``true``, the bot will reveal the answer if there is no
  correct guess within the time limit.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-showsettings:

triviaset showsettings

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset showsettings


Shows the current trivia settings.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-stopafter:

triviaset stopafter

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset stopafter <seconds>


Sets how long the bot should wait before stopping the trivia 
session due to lack of response.


- ``<seconds>`` The number of seconds to wait before stopping the session.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-timelimit:

triviaset timelimit

.. note:: |mod-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset timelimit <seconds>


Sets the maximum time permitted to answer a question.


- ``<seconds>`` The number of seconds to wait for an answer.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-custom:

triviaset custom

.. note:: |owner-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset custom


Manage custom trivia lists.

.. tip:: 

    Looking to learn how to create your own trivia lists?
    See :ref:`here <guide_trivia_list_creation>` for more information.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-custom-upload:

triviaset custom upload

.. note:: |owner-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset custom upload


Upload a custom trivia list. The bot will prompt you to upload 
your list as an attachment in Discord.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-custom-list:

triviaset custom list

.. note:: |owner-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset custom list


List all uploaded custom trivia lists.

.. _trivia-command-triviaset-custom-delete:

triviaset custom delete

.. note:: |owner-lock|


.. code-block:: none

    [p]triviaset custom delete <name>


Delete a custom trivia list.


- ``<name>`` The name of the custom list to be deleted.

.. _trivia-command-trivia:



.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia <categories...>


Start a trivia session on the specified category.

Multiple categories can be listed, in which case the trivia session 
will use all of the specified lists to select questions from.


- ``<categories...>`` The category to play. Can be multiple.

.. _trivia-command-trivia-info:

trivia info


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia info <category>


Get information about a trivia category.


* ``<category>``: The category to get the information for.

.. _trivia-command-trivia-leaderboard:

trivia leaderboard


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia leaderboard


Shows the trivia leaderboard. Defaults to the top ten in the 
current server, sorted by total wins. The subcommands provide 
more customized leaderboards.

.. _trivia-command-trivia-leaderboard-global:

trivia leaderboard global


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia leaderboard global [sort_by=wins] [top=10]


The global trivia leaderboard.


- ``[sort_by=wins]`` The method by which to sort the leaderboard (defaults to wins). Can be one of:

    - ``wins`` Total wins
    - ``avg`` Average score
    - ``total`` Total correct answers from all sessions
    - ``games`` Total games played.

- ``[top=10]`` The number of ranks to show on the leaderboard. Defaults to 10

.. _trivia-command-trivia-leaderboard-server:

trivia leaderboard server


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia leaderboard server [sort_by=wins] [top=10]


The trivia leaderboard for this server.


- ``[sort_by=wins]`` The method by which to sort the leaderboard (defaults to wins). Can be one of:

    - ``wins`` Total wins
    - ``avg`` Average score
    - ``total`` Total correct answers from all sessions
    - ``games`` Total games played.

- ``[top=10]`` The number of ranks to show on the leaderboard. Defaults to 10

.. _trivia-command-trivia-list:

trivia list


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia list


Lists the available trivia categories

.. _trivia-command-trivia-stop:

trivia stop


.. code-block:: none

    [p]trivia stop


Stops an ongoing trivia session.