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Test Coverage
.. i18n framework reference

.. role:: python(code)
    :language: python

Internationalization Framework

Basic Usage

.. code-block:: python

    from redbot.core import commands
    from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, cog_i18n
    _ = Translator("ExampleCog", __file__)

    class ExampleCog:

        async def mycom(self, ctx):
            """command description"""
            await ctx.send(_("This is a test command"))


After making your cog, generate a :code:`messages.pot` file

We recommend using redgettext - a modified version of pygettext for Red.
You can install redgettext by running :code:`pip install redgettext` in a command prompt.

To generate the :code:`messages.pot` file, you will now need to run
:code:`python -m redgettext -c [path_to_cog]`
This file will contain all strings to be translated, including
(For advanced usage check :code:`python -m redgettext -h`)

You can now use a tool like `poedit
<>`_ to translate the strings in your messages.pot file.

API Reference

.. automodule:: redbot.core.i18n
    :special-members: __call__