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.. _incompatible-changes-3.5:

Backward incompatible changes in Red 3.5

.. include:: _includes/preamble.rst

.. contents::
    :depth: 4

For Users



.. deprecated:: 3.2.0

The vast majority of functionality provided by ``redbot-launcher`` can already be
achieved through other means.

In Red 3.2.0, ``redbot-launcher`` has been stripped most of its functionality
as it can already be done through other (better supported) means:

- Updating Red (a proper way to update Red is now documented in `../update_red`)
- Creating instances (as documented in install guides, it should be done through ``redbot-setup``)
- Removing instances (available under ``redbot-setup delete``)
- Removing all instances (no direct alternative, can be done through ``redbot-setup delete``)
- Debug information (available under ``redbot --debuginfo`` and ``[p]debuginfo`` bot command)

Currently, ``redbot-launcher`` only provides auto-restart functionality
which we now document how to do properly on each of the supported systems.

If you wish to continue using auto-restart functionality, we recommend following the instructions for setting up a service dedicated to your operating system:

- `../autostart_windows`
- `../autostart_mac`
- `../autostart_systemd`

Behavior changes

x86-64 CPUs are now only supported if they support x86-64-v2 instruction set

On x86-64 systems, we now require that your CPU supports x86-64-v2 instruction set.
This roughly translates to us dropping support for Intel CPUs that have been released before 2009
and AMD CPUs that have been releasesd before 2012.

This has been mostly dictated by one of our dependencies but some Linux distributions
are already dropping support for it in their latest versions as well.

Thread-related changes

While many of these aren't breaking, we thought it is important to make it clear
how Red approaches its features in regard to threads:

- Red's command permission system doesn't have dedicated rules for threads and instead uses
  that thread's parent channel rules
- Channel embed settings (``[p]embedset``) cannot be set for threads and usage of embeds is based
  on that thread's parent channel embed settings

    - This also means that a forum channel can have its own embed settings
- Using channel mute/unmute commands (e.g. ``[p]mutechannel`` from Mutes cog) in a thread
  will mute that user in the thread's parent channel
- Filter cog doesn't have a dedicated word list for threads and uses server's and parent channel's word lists

    - This also means that a word list can now also be added for a forum channel
- CustomCom's ``{channel}`` substitution parameter will now be a thread when the command is used in a thread
- CustomCom's channel cooldowns are applied per thread
- When used in a thread, ``[p]slowmode`` command from Mod cog will apply the slowmode to that thread
- The logic for the ``[p]ignore``-related checks has changed for threads:

    - ``[p]ignore channel`` accepts ignoring command in a specific thread
    - When the command is sent in a thread, it first checks server-wide ignore settings and then runs if:

        - the user has Manage Channel permission in the parent channel, or
        - the parent channel is not ignored *and* the user has Manage Threads permission in the parent channel, or
        - the thread channel and its parent aren't ignored
    - This also means that a forum channel can now also be ignored
- The Mutes cog now denies Send Messages in Threads, Create Public Threads,
  and Create Private Threads permissions

Commands for changing Bank and Modlog settings are now core commands

These commands allow users to change settings of core APIs that are always available
(similarly to ``[p]autoimmune``, ``[p]allowlist``, or ``[p]blocklist``)
so it makes sense to allow using them without having to load anything.

The following commands have been moved to Core:

- ``[p]modlogset``
- ``[p]bankset``
- ``[p]economyset registeramount`` (now named ``[p]bankset registeramount``)
- ``[p]bank reset`` (now named ``[p]bankset reset``)
- ``[p]bank prune`` (now named ``[p]bankset prune``)

This has also resulted in the removal of the ``bank`` cog
as it no longer contained any commands.

If you have any custom settings for this cog or these commands,
you may need to readd them with the new command names.

Commands in the ``[p]set`` group have been reorganized

The list of commands in the ``[p]set`` group has gotten quite long over the years
so we decided to reorganize it.

The following changes have been made:

- Commands related to metadata about the bot have been moved to the ``[p]set bot`` subgroup:

    - ``[p]set avatar`` is now ``[p]set bot avatar``
    - ``[p]set custominfo`` is now ``[p]set bot custominfo``
    - ``[p]set description`` is now ``[p]set bot description``
    - ``[p]set nickname`` is now ``[p]set bot nickname``
    - ``[p]set username`` is now ``[p]set bot username``
- Commands related to server's admin and mod roles have been moved to the ``[p]set roles`` subgroup:

    - ``[p]set addadminrole`` is now ``[p]set roles addadminrole``
    - ``[p]set removeadminrole`` is now ``[p]set roles removeadminrole``
    - ``[p]set addmodrole`` is now ``[p]set roles addmodrole``
    - ``[p]set removemodrole`` is now ``[p]set roles removemodrole``
- Commands related to bot user's activity and status have been moved to the ``[p]set status`` subgroup:

    - ``[p]set status`` has been split into ``[p]set status online/idle/dnd/invisible`` subcommands
    - ``[p]set competing`` is now ``[p]set status competing``
    - ``[p]set listening`` is now ``[p]set status listening``
    - ``[p]set playing`` is now ``[p]set status playing``
    - ``[p]set streaming`` is now ``[p]set status streaming``
    - ``[p]set watching`` is now ``[p]set status watching``
- ``[p]set globallocale`` has been renamed to ``[p]set locale global``
- ``[p]set locale`` is now also available under ``[p]set locale server``
- ``[p]set globalregionalformat`` has been renamed to ``[p]set regionalformat global``
- ``[p]set regionalformat`` is now also available under ``[p]set regionalformat server``

If you have any custom settings for these commands,
you may need to readd them with the new command names.

Red requires to have at least one owner

There was never a reason to allow users to run the bot without having an owner set
and it had been a point of confusion for new users that are trying to set up Red
using a team application which, by default, doesn't have any owners set.

If your instance does not have any owner set, Red will print an error message on startup
and exit before connecting to Discord. This error message contains all
the needed information on how to set a bot owner and the security implications of it.

If, for some reason, you intentionally are running Red without any owner set,
please make a feature request with your use case on
`our issue tracker <>`__.

For Developers


``Config.driver`` and ``redbot.core.drivers`` package

These are Red's internal implementation details and as such they have been privatized.

``redbot.core.data_manager.load_bundled_data()`` function

.. deprecated:: 3.0.0rc3

This function has been deprecated basically forever and we have somehow never removed it.

Use the `redbot.core.data_manager.bundled_data_path()` function directly instead.

``is_mod_or_superior()``, ``is_admin_or_superior()``, and ``check_permissions()`` functions in ``redbot.core.checks``

.. deprecated:: 3.0.0rc1

These functions have been deprecated basically forever and we have somehow never removed them.

Use the `redbot.core.utils.mod.is_mod_or_superior()`, `redbot.core.utils.mod.is_admin_or_superior()`,
and `redbot.core.utils.mod.check_permissions()` functions instead.

``bordered()`` function

This function was primarily used in Red's command-line code and had very limited use
for 3rd-party cogs. Since we no longer use this function, it has been removed.

``commands.DM_PERMS`` constant

This was mostly used by the internal implementation and it isn't anymore now. Since this constant
was a maintenance burden and hasn't really seen any usage in 3rd-party code, we decided to just
remove it.

``redbot.core.utils.caching`` and ```` modules

These modules contain utilities that were only really useful in Red's own code.
We no longer use them for anything and have not seen any 3rd-party usage
and as such we have removed these modules.

``guild_id`` parameter to ``Red.allowed_by_whitelist_blacklist()``

.. deprecated:: 3.4.8

``guild_id`` parameter to `Red.allowed_by_whitelist_blacklist()` has been removed as
it is not possible to properly handle the local allowlist/blocklist logic with just
the guild ID. Part of the local allowlist/blocklist handling is to check
whether the provided user is a guild owner.

Use the ``guild`` parameter instead.


.. code:: python

    if await bot.allowed_by_whitelist(who_id=user_id,, role_ids=role_ids):


.. code:: python

    if await bot.allowed_by_whitelist(who_id=user_id, guild=guild, role_ids=role_ids):


.. deprecated:: 3.4.8

This is now included in the upstream library.

Use `discord.Guild`/``redbot.core.commands.GuildConverter`` instead.


.. code:: python

    from redbot.core import commands
    from redbot.core.commands.converter import GuildConverter

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def command(self, ctx, server: GuildConverter):
            await ctx.send(f"You chose {}!")


.. code:: python

    import discord
    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def command(self, ctx, server: discord.Guild):
            await ctx.send(f"You chose {}!")


.. deprecated:: 3.4.1

This was an internal function that was never meant to be part of the public API.
It was also not really possible to use it in a supported way as it required
internal objects to be passed as parameters.

If you have a use case for this function, you should be able to achieve the same result
with this code:

.. code:: python

    async def is_allowed_by_hierarchy(guild, moderator, member):
        is_special = moderator == guild.owner or await
        return moderator.top_role > member.top_role or is_special

Behavior changes

Update to version guarantees and privatization of many APIs

With this release, we're limiting what changes we will consider breaking.
`The new Developer Guarantees <developer-guarantees>` describe this in detail
but the gist of it is that we will now only consider names included in ``__all__``
of ``redbot`` and ``redbot.core`` modules and ``__all__`` of public submodules
of ``redbot.core`` to be part of the public API that shouldn't be broken without notice.

With this change, we introduced or updated ``__all__`` in all of those modules
and added ``_`` prefix to private modules to specify what is actually part of the public API.
This has resulted in the following being removed/privatized:

- ``create_temp_config()``, ``load_basic_configuration()``, and ``core_data_path()`` in the ``redbot.core.data_manager`` module
- ``set_locale()`` and ``reload_locales()`` in the ``redbot.core.i18n`` module
- ``MIN_PYTHON_VERSION`` in the ``redbot`` module
- ``redbot.core.cog_manager``, ``redbot.core.settings_caches``, ``redbot.core.global_checks``, ````, ``redbot.core.cli``, and ``redbot.core.rpc`` modules

``redbot.core.data_manager.storage_details()`` returns a deep copy of underlying dict now

Changing storage details during Red's runtime is not supported and as such,
this function now returns a deep copy of the underlying dictionary to prevent changes.

Changed the version order of final dev releases and dev pre-releases

To be consistent with :pep:`440`, we've changed the order between final dev releases (e.g.
``3.5.0.dev1``) and dev pre-releases (e.g. ``3.5.0a1.dev1``, ``3.5.0b1.dev1``, ``3.5.0rc1.dev1``).

Here's an example of a list of versions sorted using the new order (oldest version first):

- 3.5.0.dev1
- 3.5.0.dev2
- 3.5.0a1.dev1
- 3.5.0a1
- 3.5.0a2.dev1
- 3.5.0b1.dev1
- 3.5.0
- 3.5.0.post1.dev1
- 3.5.0.post1
- 3.5.1

``Red.get_owner_notification_destinations()`` may now return instances of ``discord.Voice/StageChannel``

With the introduction of Text in Voice feature, we added the ability to add a voice/stage channel
as an owner notifications destination. This means that `redbot.core.modlog.get_modlog_channel()`
may now return instances of `discord.VoiceChannel` and `discord.StageChannel`.

``modlog.get_modlog_channel()`` may now return instances of ``discord.Voice/StageChannel``

With the introduction of Text in Voice feature, we added the ability to set a modlog
channel to a voice/stage channel. This means that `redbot.core.modlog.get_modlog_channel()`
may now return instances of `discord.VoiceChannel` and `discord.StageChannel`.

``menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS`` and ``ReactionPredicate.*_EMOJIS`` use immutable types now

The type of `redbot.core.utils.menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS` has been changed from `dict`
to a `` while the type of `ReactionPredicate.ALPHABET_EMOJIS`
and `ReactionPredicate.NUMBER_EMOJIS` has been changed from `list` to a `tuple`.

This should prevent the developers from accidentally changing the provided constants
instead of making a copy and changing that copy.

This should be a transparent change in most cases but here is an example usage that is affected:

.. code:: python

    import copy
    from redbot.core.utils import menus

    # somewhere in your code...

    controls = copy.copy(menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS)
    controls["\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}"] = custom_function
    await menu(ctx, ["page 1", "page 2"], controls)

To make this code work on Red 3.5 and higher, you can replace it with any of the following:

.. code:: python

    from redbot.core.utils import menus

    # example 1

    controls = {
        "\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}": custom_function,
    await menu(ctx, ["page 1", "page 2"], controls)

    # example 2

    controls = menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS.copy()
    controls["\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}"] = custom_function
    await menu(ctx, ["page 1", "page 2"], controls)

    # example 3

    controls = dict(menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS)
    controls["\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}"] = custom_function
    await menu(ctx, ["page 1", "page 2"], controls)

Similarly, if you copied lists before:

.. code:: python

    emojis = ReactionPredicate.NUMBER_EMOJIS.copy()
    emojis.insert(0, "\N{DOG}")

You could use sequence unpacking instead:

.. code:: python

    emojis = ["\N{DOG}", *ReactionPredicate.NUMBER_EMOJIS, "\N{CAT}"]

Permissions defined in ``@commands.*_permissions()`` decorators are always merged now

This is mostly a bugfix but it means that the permissions in stacked decorators are now
always merged instead of being *sometimes* overridden and *sometimes* merged.

For example, this code has only checked for ``embed_links`` permission on 3.4
but now checks for both ``add_reactions`` and ``embed_links`` permissions:

.. code:: python

    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def example(self, ctx):
            msg = await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description="Hello!"))
            await msg.add_reaction("\N{SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH}")

Note that stacking `@commands.has_permissions() <redbot.core.commands.has_permissions()>`
with ``@commands.*_or_permissions()`` decorators still behaves differently depending on
the decorator order.

Some of the primary dependencies have been removed or replaced

While this may not technically fall under `our version guarantees <../version_guarantees>`,
we recognize that this may affect some people.
As such, below we list the noteworthy dependency replacements and removals (package names
are PyPI distribution names):

- ``appdirs`` package has been replaced with ``platformdirs``
- ``chardet`` package has been replaced with ``charset-normalizer``
- ``fuzzywuzzy`` package has been replaced with ``rapidfuzz``
- Red no longers depends on ``aiosqlite``, ``PyNaCl``, and ``python-Levenshtein-wheels`` version has been updated to 2.2.3

To allow Red to continue operating *and* use the newer features (threads, text in voice/stage channels,
buttons, application commands, and AutoMod, to name a few), we've updated from version
1.7.3 to 2.2.3. Since this is a major upgrade, it will require you to update your code accordingly.'s documentation has :dpy_docs:`a migration guide <migrating.html>` that you can follow in order to
update your cogs.

Red itself has already been updated to support all of these changes that happened over the years.
In order to do so, we've also had to make a few breaking changes of our own. Those changes are
normal sections in the current document so be sure to follow it in full and you should be able to
perform all the necessary changes.

To help support some of the newer features, we've also added a few things:

- Utilities that allow to **properly** check whether a member can do something in threads (or channels)
  for cases where it isn't as simple as checking permissions:

    - Command check decorators: `bot_can_manage_channel()`, `bot_can_react()`
    - Permission check decorators: `can_manage_channel()`, `guildowner_or_can_manage_channel()`,
      `admin_or_can_manage_channel()`, `mod_or_can_manage_channel()`
    - Functions: `can_user_send_messages_in()`, `can_user_manage_channel()`, `can_user_react_in()`

- New module (`redbot.core.utils.views`) with useful `discord.ui.View` subclasses

    - `SetApiModal`, `SetApiView`, `SimpleMenu`

```` can now be a ``discord.Thread``

In order to properly support threads, `` can now also be an instance of `discord.Thread`.
New `Case.parent_channel` attribute will be set to the thread's parent text or forum channel,
if the case's channel is a thread.

``commands.BadArgument`` is no longer wrapped in ``commands.ConversionFailure`` containing parameter and its value

We used to wrap `commands.BadArgument <discord.ext.commands.BadArgument>` exceptions
in a ``commands.ConversionFailure`` containing, in addition to the actual exception,
the `inspect.Parameter` instance and the passed value for the argument
that failed the conversion.

With 2.x, these are now exposed through the
`commands.Context.current_parameter <discord.ext.commands.Context.current_parameter>`
and `commands.Context.current_argument <discord.ext.commands.Context.current_argument>`
making this wrapping no longer necessary.

Some of the method arguments in the bot class and ``commands`` package have been made positional-only

The following arguments have been positional-only to be consistent with the upstream package:

- ``name`` in `Red.get_command()`
- ``name`` in `Red.get_cog()`
- ``coro`` in `Red.before_invoke()`
- ``user`` in `Red.is_owner()`
- ``message`` in ``Red.get_context()``
- ``message`` in `Red.process_commands()`
- ``cogname`` in `Red.remove_cog()`
- ``cog`` in `Red.add_cog()`
- ``command`` in `Red.add_command()`
- ``command`` in `Red.remove_command()`
- ``ctx`` in `redbot.core.commands.Command.can_run()`
- ``ctx`` in ``redbot.core.commands.CogMixin.can_run()``
- ``ctx`` in ``redbot.core.commands.CogMixin.can_see()``
- ``error`` in `redbot.core.commands.Command.error()`

``bot.add_cog()`` will now raise ``discord.ClientException`` instead of ``RuntimeError`` when cog is already loaded

To make Red's bot class more consistent with the implementation that it overrides,
the `discord.ClientException` is now being raised instead of `RuntimeError` when a cog
with the same name is already loaded.

Many functions and methods do not support ``discord.PartialMessageable`` objects

This isn't technically breaking since they never did *but* since those objects may appear now,
we think it is important to mention that due to the limited information that `discord.PartialMessageable`
objects provide, they cannot be passed to the following methods directly:

- `Red.ignored_channel_or_guild()`
- `Red.embed_requested()`
- `redbot.core.modlog.create_case()`
- `redbot.core.modlog.Case.edit()`

Additionally, the `Red.message_eligible_as_command()` will return ``False``
if a `discord.PartialMessageable` object for a channel that isn't a DM is passed.

If you *have to* use these, you should try fetching the full messageable object first
or looking at the documentation to see whether there are any alternative solutions.

Cog package (extension) and cog loading / unloading is now asynchronous

This follows the changes that 2.x has introduced - we now **require** for
the ``setup()`` and ``teardown()`` functions to be asynchronous and have made
the `Red.add_cog()` and `Red.remove_cog()` methods asynchronous as well.

``Red.embed_requested()``'s parameters and their default values have changed

We have made a bunch of changes to the signature of `Red.embed_requested()`. This method now
accepts only a single **positional** argument called ``channel``, making the ``command``
keyword-only. The ``user`` argument has been removed as the ``channel`` argument now supports
the `` objects directly, dropping the support for `discord.DMChannel`
in the process.

These changes together allowed us to support checking whether an embed should be sent in a DM
using only the `` object - without the `discord.DMChannel` which is often
not present in the cache. Furthermore, it means that a `` object no longer needs
to be passed unnecessarily when the method is used with a guild channel.

We've also changed the default value of ``check_permissions`` to ``True``
as it makes the typical usage of this method more ergonomic.


.. code:: python

    import discord
    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def sayhello(self, ctx, recipient: discord.Member):
            content = "Hello world!"
            embed = discord.Embed(title="Message for you!", description=content)
                # try sending the message in DMs
                if await
                    await recipient.create_dm(), recipient, ctx.command, check_permissions=True
                    await recipient.send(embed=embed)
                    await recipient.send(content)
            except discord.Forbidden:
                # DMs are closed, send a message in a moderator or current channel
                channel = ctx.guild.public_updates_channel or ctx
                if await
                    channel,, ctx.command, check_permissions=True
                    await channel.send(embed=embed)
                    await channel.send(content)


.. code:: python

    import discord
    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def sayhello(self, ctx, recipient: discord.Member):
            content = "Hello world!"
            embed = discord.Embed(title="Message for you!", description=content)
                # try sending the message in DMs
                if await, command=ctx.command):
                    await recipient.send(embed=embed)
                    await recipient.send(content)
            except discord.Forbidden:
                # DMs are closed, send a message in a moderator or current channel
                channel = ctx.guild.public_updates_channel or ctx
                if await, command=ctx.command):
                    await channel.send(embed=embed)
                    await channel.send(content)

``modlog.create_case()`` now raises instead of silently returning on error

To help avoid passing invalid arguments, `modlog.create_case()` now raises:

- `ValueError` when the ``action_type`` argument is not a valid action type
- `RuntimeError` when the ``user`` argument is passed with the bot's user object/ID

Proper usage of these methods is unlikely to be affected
and this should mostly just help detect bugs earlier.

.. _config-register-1:

``Config``'s register methods now only accept JSON-castable types

.. seealso:: `config-register-2`

This change has fixed the inconsistencies between what can be registered as a default value
and what can be set through `Value.set()`. It mostly resulted in confusion when it was not
possible to use the registered type in `Value.set()`.

If you need to use custom types, you'll have to manually construct them *after* getting the
"raw" value from `Config`.

.. _config-register-2:

``Config`` now always returns base JSON types, never subclasses

.. seealso:: `config-register-1`

It used to be possible to register an instance of a subclass of `dict` such as
`collections.Counter` and have the `redbot.core.config.Group` cast the returned value to that type
before returning it. With this change, `redbot.core.config.Group` will now always return an instance of
`dict` containing only base JSON types, without subclasses.

``Config.*_from_id/*_from_ids()`` methods now raise when ``int`` is not passed

To help avoid setting values under non-integer keys, we now raise an error
when the passed argument is not an ``int``.

We're not expecting any **proper** usage of these methods to be affected
and this should only help detect bugs earlier.

``Case.message`` can now be ``discord.PartialMessage``

This change allowed to us to make enormous performance improvements (subsecond durations
compared to many minutes) to `modlog.get_all_cases()` and commands that use it
such as the commonly used ``[p]casesfor`` command.

With this change, we no longer fetch the whole `discord.Message` object for case's message
and instead only construct a `discord.PartialMessage` object for it. This object is rarely if ever needed so it is unlikely to affect a lot of code. Additionally, this change doesn't apply to `modlog.create_case()` which will still return a `Case` object with `message <Case.message>` attribute set to an instance of `discord.Message` or ``None``.

If you have a reason to use a full message object, you can use :meth:`discord.PartialMessage.fetch()`
to fetch it.


.. code:: python

    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def command(self, ctx, case_number: int):
            case = await modlog.get_case(case_number, ctx.guild,
            if case.message is None:
                await ctx.send("No message is available for this case.")

            await ctx.send(
                "People reacted to this modlog case with: "
                + ", ".join(case.message.reactions)


.. code:: python

    import discord
    from redbot.core import commands

    class MyCog(commands.Cog):
        async def command(self, ctx, case_number: int):
            case = await modlog.get_case(case_number, ctx.guild,
            if case.message is None:
                await ctx.send("No message is available for this case.")

                msg = await case.message.fetch()
            except discord.NotFound:
                await ctx.send("No message is available for this case.")
                await ctx.send(
                    "People reacted to this modlog case with: "
                    + ", ".join(msg.reactions)

```` has been merged into ````

Historically, ``RedBase`` existed to allow using Red for self/user bots back when
it was not against Discord's Terms of Service. Since this is no longer a concern,
everything from ``RedBase`` have been moved directly to `Red` and ``RedBase`` class
has been removed.

If you were using ``RedBase`` for runtime type checking or type annotations,
you should now use `Red` instead. Since both of these classes resided in the same
module, it should be a matter of simple find&replace.

``Context.maybe_send_embed()`` requires content with length of 1-2000 characters

`Context.maybe_send_embed()` now requires the message's length to be
between 1 and 2000 characters.

Since the length limits for regular message content and embed's description are
different, it is easy to miss an issue with inappropriate handling of length limits
during development. This change should aid with early detection of such issue by
consistently rejecting messages with length that can't be used with
both embed and non-embed messages.

This change only affects code that is already not guaranteed to work.
You should make sure that your code properly handles message length limits.

``menu()`` listens to both reaction add and remove

Listening only to reaction add results in bad user experience.
If the bot had Manage Messages permission, it removed the user's reaction
so that they don't have to click twice but this comes with a noticeable delay.
This issue is even more noticeable under load, when the bot ended up hitting
Discord-imposed rate limits.

If your calls to `menu()` are using the default controls (``redbot.core.utils.menus.DEFAULT_CONTROLS``),
you don't have to do anything.

Otherwise, you should ensure that your custom functions used for the menu controls
do not depend on this behavior in some way. In particular, you should make sure that
your functions do not automatically remove the author's reaction.

Here's an example code that needs to be updated:

.. code:: python

    import contextlib

    import discord
    from redbot.core.utils.menus import close_menu, menu

        "\N{CROSS MARK}": close_menu,
        "\N{WAVING HAND SIGN}": custom_control,

    async def custom_control(ctx, pages, controls, message, page, timeout, emoji):
        perms =
        if perms.manage_messages:  # Can manage messages, so remove react
            with contextlib.suppress(discord.NotFound):
                await message.remove_reaction(emoji,

        await ctx.send("Hello world!")
        return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout)

    async def show_menu(ctx):
        await menu(ctx, ["Click :wave: to say hi!"], CUSTOM_CONTROLS)

To make this code work on Red 3.5 and higher, you need to update ``custom_control()`` function:

.. code:: python

    async def custom_control(ctx, pages, controls, message, page, timeout, emoji):
        await ctx.send("Hello world!")
        return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout)