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import base64
import contextlib
import json
import time
from pathlib import Path

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Mapping, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import aiohttp
from red_commons.logging import getLogger

from redbot.core import Config
from import Red
from redbot.core.commands import Cog, Context
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator
from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter

from ..errors import SpotifyFetchError

    from .. import Audio

_ = Translator("Audio", Path(__file__))

log = getLogger("red.cogs.Audio.api.Spotify")


class SpotifyWrapper:
    """Wrapper for the Spotify API."""

    def __init__(
        self, bot: Red, config: Config, session: aiohttp.ClientSession, cog: Union["Audio", Cog]
    ): = bot
        self.config = config
        self.session = session
        self.spotify_token: Optional[MutableMapping] = None
        self.client_id: Optional[str] = None
        self.client_secret: Optional[str] = None
        self._token: Mapping[str, str] = {}
        self.cog = cog

    def spotify_format_call(query_type: str, key: str) -> Tuple[str, MutableMapping]:
        """Format the spotify endpoint."""
        params: MutableMapping = {}
        if query_type == "album":
            query = f"{ALBUMS_ENDPOINT}/{key}/tracks"
        elif query_type == "track":
            query = f"{TRACKS_ENDPOINT}/{key}"
            query = f"{PLAYLISTS_ENDPOINT}/{key}/tracks"
        return query, params

    async def get_spotify_track_info(
        self, track_data: MutableMapping, ctx: Context
    ) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        """Extract track info from spotify response."""
        prefer_lyrics = await self.cog.get_lyrics_status(ctx)
        track_name = track_data["name"]
        if prefer_lyrics:
            track_name = f"{track_name} - lyrics"
        artist_name = track_data["artists"][0]["name"]
        track_info = f"{track_name} {artist_name}"
        song_url = track_data.get("external_urls", {}).get("spotify")
        uri = track_data["uri"]
        _id = track_data["id"]
        _type = track_data["type"]

        return song_url, track_info, uri, artist_name, track_name, _id, _type

    async def is_access_token_valid(token: MutableMapping) -> bool:
        """Check if current token is not too old."""
        return (token["expires_at"] - int(time.time())) < 60

    def make_auth_header(
        client_id: Optional[str], client_secret: Optional[str]
    ) -> MutableMapping[str, Union[str, int]]:
        """Make Authorization header for spotify token."""
        if client_id is None:
            client_id = ""
        if client_secret is None:
            client_secret = ""
        auth_header = base64.b64encode(f"{client_id}:{client_secret}".encode("ascii"))
        return {"Authorization": f"Basic {auth_header.decode('ascii')}"}

    async def get(
        self, url: str, headers: MutableMapping = None, params: MutableMapping = None
    ) -> MutableMapping[str, str]:
        """Make a GET request to the spotify API."""
        if params is None:
            params = {}
        async with self.session.request("GET", url, params=params, headers=headers) as r:
            data = await r.json(loads=json.loads)
            if r.status != 200:
                log.verbose("Issue making GET request to %r: [%s] %r", url, r.status, data)
            return data

    async def update_token(self, new_token: Mapping[str, str]):
        self._token = new_token

    async def get_token(self) -> None:
        """Get the stored spotify tokens."""
        if not self._token:
            self._token = await"spotify")

        self.client_id = self._token.get("client_id", "")
        self.client_secret = self._token.get("client_secret", "")

    async def get_country_code(self, ctx: Context = None) -> str:
        return (
                await self.config.user(
                or await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).country_code()
            if ctx
            else "US"

    async def request_access_token(self) -> MutableMapping:
        """Make a spotify call to get the auth token."""
        await self.get_token()
        payload = {"grant_type": "client_credentials"}
        headers = self.make_auth_header(self.client_id, self.client_secret)
        r = await, payload=payload, headers=headers)
        return r

    async def get_access_token(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get the access_token."""
        if self.spotify_token and not await self.is_access_token_valid(self.spotify_token):
            return self.spotify_token["access_token"]
        token = await self.request_access_token()
        if token is None:
            log.debug("Requested a token from Spotify, did not end up getting one.")
            token["expires_at"] = int(time.time()) + int(token["expires_in"])
        except KeyError:
            return None
        self.spotify_token = token
        log.debug("Created a new access token for Spotify: %s", token)
        return self.spotify_token["access_token"]

    async def post(
        self, url: str, payload: MutableMapping, headers: MutableMapping = None
    ) -> MutableMapping:
        """Make a POST call to spotify."""
        async with, data=payload, headers=headers) as r:
            data = await r.json(loads=json.loads)
            if r.status != 200:
                log.verbose("Issue making POST request to %r: [%s] %r", url, r.status, data)
            return data

    async def make_get_call(self, url: str, params: MutableMapping) -> MutableMapping:
        """Make a Get call to spotify."""
        token = await self.get_access_token()
        return await self.get(url, params=params, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"})

    async def get_categories(self, ctx: Context = None) -> List[MutableMapping]:
        """Get the spotify categories."""
        country_code = await self.get_country_code(ctx=ctx)
        params: MutableMapping = {"country": country_code} if country_code else {}
        result = await self.make_get_call(CATEGORY_ENDPOINT, params=params)
        with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
            if result["error"]["status"] == 401:
                raise SpotifyFetchError(
                        "The Spotify API key or client secret has not been set properly. "
                        "\nUse `{prefix}audioset spotifyapi` for instructions."
        categories = result.get("categories", {}).get("items", [])
        return [{c["name"]: c["id"]} for c in categories if c]

    async def get_playlist_from_category(self, category: str, ctx: Context = None):
        """Get spotify playlists for the specified category."""
        url = f"{CATEGORY_ENDPOINT}/{category}/playlists"
        country_code = await self.get_country_code(ctx=ctx)
        params: MutableMapping = {"country": country_code} if country_code else {}
        result = await self.make_get_call(url, params=params)
        playlists = result.get("playlists", {}).get("items", [])
        return [
                "name": c["name"],
                "uri": c["uri"],
                "url": c.get("external_urls", {}).get("spotify"),
                "tracks": c.get("tracks", {}).get("total", "Unknown"),
            async for c in AsyncIter(playlists)
            if c