
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-04 00:13+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Finnish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: fi\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 676\n"
"Language: fi_FI\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Music configuration options."
msgstr "Musiikin konfirugointi asetukset."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the keyword whitelist and blacklist."
msgstr "Hallitse avainsana valkoista- ja mustaalistaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the global keyword whitelist/blacklist."
msgstr "Hallitse globaalin avainsana valkoista/mustaalistaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the global keyword whitelist."
msgstr "Hallitse globaalin avainsanan valkoistalistaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Adds a keyword to the whitelist.\n\n"
"        If anything is added to whitelist, it will blacklist everything else.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Lisää avainsanan valkoiselle listalle.\n\n"
"        Jos jotain lisätään valkoiselle listalle, se mustalla listalla kaikki muu.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Keyword already in the whitelist."
msgstr "Avainsanat ovat jo valkoisella listalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Whitelist Modified"
msgstr "Valkoista Listaa Muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Added `{whitelisted}` to the whitelist."
msgstr "Lisätty `{whitelisted}` valkoiselle listalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "List all keywords added to the whitelist."
msgstr "Listaa kaikki valkoiselle listalle lisätyt avainsanat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing in the whitelist."
msgstr "Ei mitään valkoisella listalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Global Whitelist"
msgstr "Globaali valkoinen lista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Clear all keywords from the whitelist."
msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki avainsanat valkoiselta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "All entries have been removed from the whitelist."
msgstr "Kaikki merkinnät on poistettu valkoiselta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Removes a keyword from the whitelist."
msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki avainsanat valkoiselta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed `{whitelisted}` from the whitelist."
msgstr "Lisätty `{whitelisted}` valkoiselle listalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the global keyword blacklist."
msgstr "Hallitse globaalin avainsanan valkoistalistaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Adds a keyword to the blacklist."
msgstr "Lisätty estettyjen luetteloon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Keyword already in the blacklist."
msgstr "Avainsanat ovat jo valkoisella listalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Blacklist Modified"
msgstr "Mustaa listaa muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Added `{blacklisted}` to the blacklist."
msgstr "Lisätty `{blacklisted}` mustalle listalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "List all keywords added to the blacklist."
msgstr "Listaa kaikki mustalle listalle lisätyt avainsanat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing in the blacklist."
msgstr "Mustalla listalla ei ole mitään."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Global Blacklist"
msgstr "Palvelinten välinen musta lista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Clear all keywords added to the blacklist."
msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki mustalle listalle lisätyt avainsanat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "All entries have been removed from the blacklist."
msgstr "Kaikki merkinnät on poistettu mustalta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Removes a keyword from the blacklist."
msgstr "Poistaa avainsanan mustalta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Keyword is not in the blacklist."
msgstr "Avainsana ei ole mustalla listalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed `{blacklisted}` from the blacklist."
msgstr "Poistettu `{blacklisted}` mustalta listalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the keyword whitelist."
msgstr "Hallitsee avainsanojen valkoista listaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Whitelist"
msgstr "Valkoinen lista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Manages the keyword blacklist."
msgstr "Hallitsee avainsanojen mustaa listaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Blacklist"
msgstr "Musta lista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Change auto-play setting."
msgstr "Muuta automaattisen toiston asetusta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle auto-play when there no songs in queue."
msgstr "Vaihda automaattisen toiston tilaa, kun jonossa ei ole kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-play when queue ends: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Toista automaattisesti, kun jono loppuu: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Käytössä"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Ei käytössä"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "\n"
"Repeat has been disabled."
msgstr "\n"
"Uudelleentoisto on poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "\n"
"Auto-disconnecting at queue end has been disabled."
msgstr "\n"
"Yhteyden katkaisu jonon lopussa on poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Setting Changed"
msgstr "Asetus muutettu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set a playlist to auto-play songs from.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]audioset autoplay playlist playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"            ​Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]audioset autoplay playlist MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]audioset autoplay playlist MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]audioset autoplay playlist PersonalPlaylist --scope User --author Draper`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlists Are Not Available"
msgstr "Soittolistat eivät ole saatavilla"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The playlist section of Audio is currently unavailable"
msgstr "Soittolistaosio Audio:ssa ei ole juuri nyt saatavilla"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Check your logs."
msgstr "Tarkista logisi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No Playlist Found"
msgstr "Soittolistaa ei löytynyt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Could not match '{arg}' to a playlist"
msgstr "Soittolistaa joka täsmäisi '{arg}' ei löydetty"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No Tracks Found"
msgstr "Kappaleita ei löytynyt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {name} has no tracks."
msgstr "Soittolistalla {name} ei ole kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {id} does not exist in {scope} scope."
msgstr "Soittolistaa {id} ei löydy {scope}-tasolla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Missing Arguments"
msgstr "Argumentteja puuttuu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need to specify the Guild ID for the guild to lookup."
msgstr "Sinun tulee antaa palvelimen ID sen tietojen etsimiseksi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] will be used for autoplay."
msgstr "Soittolistaa {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] käytetään automaattiseen toistoon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Resets auto-play to the default playlist."
msgstr "Nollaa automaattisen toiston oletussoittolistaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Set auto-play playlist to play recently played tracks."
msgstr "Asettaa automaattisen toiston soittolistan viimeksi toistettuihin kappaleisiin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle global daily queues.\n\n"
"        Global daily queues creates a playlist for all tracks played today.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda globaalien päivittäisten jonojen tilaa.\n\n"
"        Globaalit päivittäiset jonot luovat soittolistan päivän aikana toistetuista kappaleista.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Global daily queues: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Globaalit päivittäiset jonot: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle daily queues.\n\n"
"        Daily queues creates a playlist for all tracks played today.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda päivittäisten jonojen tilaa.\n\n"
"        Päivittäiset jonot luovat soittolistan kaikista päivän aikana toistetuista kappaleista.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Daily queues: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Päivittäiset jonot: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle the bot auto-disconnecting when done playing.\n\n"
"        This setting takes precedence over `[p]audioset emptydisconnect`.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda botin automaattisen katkaisun tilaa jonon loppuessa.\n\n"
"        Tämä asetus ohittaa `[p]audioset emptydisconnect`-asetuksen.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-disconnection at queue end: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Katkaise yhteys jono loppuessa: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "\n"
"Auto-play has been disabled."
msgstr "\n"
"Automaattinen toisto on poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle DJ mode.\n\n"
"        DJ mode allows users with the DJ role to use audio commands.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda DJ-tilaa.\n\n"
"        DJ-tila sallii DJ-roolin omaavien käyttäjien käyttää Audio-komentoja.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Missing DJ Role"
msgstr "Puuttuva DJ-rooli"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please set a role to use with DJ mode. Enter the role name or ID now."
msgstr "Aseta rooli, jota käytetään DJ-tilassa. Syötä roolin nimi tai ID nyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Response timed out, try again later."
msgstr "Vastaus aikakatkaistiin, yritä uudelleen myöhemmin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "DJ role: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "DJ-rooli: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Auto-disconnect from channel when bot is alone in it for x seconds, 0 to disable.\n\n"
"        `[p]audioset dc` takes precedence over this setting.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Katkaise yhteys puhekanavaan kun botti on ollut sillä yksin x sekuntia, 0 poistaa ominaisuuden käytöstä.\n\n"
"        `[p]audioset dc` ohittaa tämän asetuksen.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Time"
msgstr "Virheellinen ajanmääre"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Seconds can't be less than zero."
msgstr "Sekuntien määrän tulee olla suurempi kuin nolla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Empty disconnect disabled."
msgstr "Yhteyden katkaisu kanavan ollessa tyhjänä poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Empty disconnect timer set to {num_seconds}."
msgstr "Tyhjän kanavan yhteyden katkaisemisen viiveeksi asetettiin {num_seconds}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Auto-pause after x seconds when room is empty, 0 to disable."
msgstr "Automaattinen pysäytys x sekunnin jälkeen kun kanava on tyhjä, 0 poistaa ominaisuuden käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Empty pause disabled."
msgstr "Automaattinen tauko tyhjällä kanavalla poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Empty pause timer set to {num_seconds}."
msgstr "Automaattisen tauon viiveeksi asetettiin {num_seconds}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Prioritise tracks with lyrics."
msgstr "Priorisoi kappeleita joissa on lyriikat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Prefer tracks with lyrics: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Suosi kappaleita joissa on lyriikat: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set a price for queueing tracks for non-mods, 0 to disable."
msgstr "Aseta hinta ei-moderaattorien kappaleiden lisäämiselle, 0 poistaaksesi ominaisuuden käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Price"
msgstr "Virheellinen hinta"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Price can't be less than zero."
msgstr "Hinta ei voi olla pienempi kuin nolla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Price can't be greater than 2^63 - 1."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Jukebox mode disabled."
msgstr "Jukebox-tila poistettu käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track queueing command price set to {price} {currency}."
msgstr "Kappaleiden lisäämisen hinnaksi asetettiin {price} {currency}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the localtracks path if the Lavalink.jar is not run from the Audio data folder.\n\n"
"        Leave the path blank to reset the path to the default, the Audio data directory.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Aseta localtracks kohde jos Lavalink.jar ei ole suoritettu Audio data kansiosta.\n\n"
"        Jätä polku tyhjäksi palauttaaksesi polun oletusarvoon, Audio data hakemistoon.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The localtracks path location has been reset to {localpath}"
msgstr "Paikallisten kappaleiden tiedostopolku nollattiin arvoon {localpath}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "This setting is only for bot owners to set a localtracks folder location In the example below, the full path for 'ParentDirectory' must be passed to this command.\n"
"  |__ localtracks  (folder)\n"
"  |     |__ Awesome Album Name  (folder)\n"
"  |           |__01 Cool Song.mp3\n"
"  |           |__02 Groovy Song.mp3\n"
"The folder path given to this command must contain the localtracks folder.\n"
"**This folder and files need to be visible to the user where `Lavalink.jar` is being run from.**\n"
"Use this command with no path given to reset it to the default, the Audio data directory for this bot.\n"
"Do you want to continue to set the provided path for local tracks?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Path"
msgstr "Virheellinen polku"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{local_path} does not seem like a valid path."
msgstr "{local_path} ei vaikuta oikeanlaiselta polulta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "`{localtracks}` does not exist. The path will still be saved, but please check the path and create a localtracks folder in `{localfolder}` before attempting to play local tracks."
msgstr "`{localtracks}` ei ole olemassa. Polku tallennetaan joka tapauksessa, mutta tarkista polku ja luo localtracks -kansio sijaintiin`{localfolder}` ennen paikallisten kappaleiden toistamista."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Environment"
msgstr "Virheellinen ympäristö"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The localtracks path location has been set to {localpath}"
msgstr "Paikallisten kappaleiden sijainniksi asetettiin {localpath}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Max length of a track to queue in seconds, 0 to disable.\n\n"
"        Accepts seconds or a value formatted like 00:00:00 (`hh:mm:ss`) or 00:00 (`mm:ss`). Invalid\n"
"        input will turn the max length setting off.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Kappaleen maksimipituus sekunteina, 0 poistaaksesi ominaisuuden käytöstä.\n\n"
"        Hyväksyy luvun sekunteina tai muodossa 00:00:00 (`hh:mm:ss`) tai 00:00 (`mm:ss`). Virheellinen\n"
"       syöte poistaa maksipituuden käytöstä.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid length"
msgstr "Virheellinen pituus"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Length can't be less than zero."
msgstr "Pituus ei voi olla pienempi kuin nolla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track max length disabled."
msgstr "Kappaleiden maksimipituus on poistettiin käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track max length set to {seconds}."
msgstr "Kappaleen maksimipituudeksi asetettiin {seconds}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle track announcement and other bot messages."
msgstr "Vaihda kappaleiden ilmoitusten ja muiden botin viestien lähettämisen tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Notify mode: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Ilmoitustila: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle whether the bot will be auto deafened upon joining the voice channel."
msgstr "Vaihda onko botti automaattisesti hiljennettynä liittyessään puhekanavalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto Deafen: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Automaattinen hiljennys: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle the domain restriction on Audio.\n\n"
"        When toggled off, users will be able to play songs from non-commercial websites and links.\n"
"        When toggled on, users are restricted to YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, Twitch, and\n"
"        Bandcamp links.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Commercial links only: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Vain kaupalliset linkit: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the role to use for DJ mode."
msgstr "Aseta rooli jota käytetään DJ-tilassa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Settings Changed"
msgstr "Asetukset muutettu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "DJ role set to: {}."
msgstr "DJ-rooliksi asetettu: {}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Show the current settings."
msgstr "Näytä nykyiset asetukset."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Server Settings"
msgstr "Palvelimen asetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-deafen:      [{auto_deafen}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-disconnect:  [{dc}]\n"
msgstr "Automaattinen yhteyden katkaisu:  [{dc}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-play:        [{autoplay}]\n"
msgstr "Automaattinen toisto:        [{autoplay}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Disconnect timer: [{num_seconds}]\n"
msgstr "Yhteyden katkaisun viive: [{num_seconds}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto Pause timer: [{num_seconds}]\n"
msgstr "Automaattisen tauon viive: [{num_seconds}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "DJ Role:          [{}]\n"
msgstr "DJ-rooli:          [{}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Jukebox:          [{jukebox_name}]\n"
msgstr "Jukebox-tila: [{jukebox_name}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Command price:    [{jukebox_price}]\n"
msgstr "Komennon hinta:    [{jukebox_price}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Max track length: [{tracklength}]\n"
msgstr "Kappaleen maksimipituus: [{tracklength}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Max volume:       [{max_volume}%]\n"
"Persist queue:    [{persist_queue}]\n"
"Repeat:           [{repeat}]\n"
"Shuffle:          [{shuffle}]\n"
"Shuffle bumped:   [{bumpped_shuffle}]\n"
"Song notify msgs: [{notify}]\n"
"Songs as status:  [{status}]\n"
"Spotify search:   [{countrycode}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Thumbnails:       [{0}]\n"
msgstr "Pikkukuvat:       [{0}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Vote skip:        [{vote_enabled}]\n"
"Skip percentage:  [{vote_percent}%]\n"
msgstr "Ohitus äänestämällä:        [{vote_enabled}]\n"
"Ohitusprosentti:  [{vote_percent}%]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Palvelin"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "User"
msgstr "Käyttäjä"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Globaali"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Cached"
msgstr "Välimuistissa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "US Top 100"
msgstr "US Top 100"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-play Settings"
msgstr "Automaattisen toiston asetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist name:    [{pname}]\n"
msgstr "Soittolistan nimi:    [{pname}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist ID:      [{pid}]\n"
msgstr "Soittolistan ID:      [{pid}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist scope:   [{pscope}]\n"
msgstr "Soittolistan taso:   [{pscope}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Cache Settings"
msgstr "Välimuistin asetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Max age:                [{max_age}]\n"
msgstr "Maksimi-ikä:                [{max_age}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Local Spotify cache:    [{spotify_status}]\n"
msgstr "Paikallinen Spotify-välimuisti:    [{spotify_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Local Youtube cache:    [{youtube_status}]\n"
msgstr "Paikallinen YouTube-välimuisti:    [{youtube_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Local Lavalink cache:   [{lavalink_status}]\n"
msgstr "Paikallinen Lavalink-välimuisti:   [{lavalink_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "days"
msgstr "päivää"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "User Settings"
msgstr "Käyttäjäasetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Spotify search:   [{country_code}]\n"
msgstr "Spotify-haku: [{country_code}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Lavalink Settings"
msgstr "Lavalink-asetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Cog version:            [{version}]\n"
msgstr "Cog-versio:            [{version}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Red-Lavalink:           [{lavalink_version}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "External server:        [{use_external_lavalink}]\n"
msgstr "Ulkoinen palvelin:        [{use_external_lavalink}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Lavalink version:       [{llversion}]\n"
"Lavalink branch:        [{llbranch}]\n"
"Release date:           [{build_time}]\n"
"Lavaplayer version:     [{lavaplayer}]\n"
"Java version:           [{jvm}]\n"
"Java Executable:        [{jv_exec}]\n"
"Initial Heapsize:       [{xms}]\n"
"Max Heapsize:           [{xmx}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Localtracks path:       [{localpath}]\n"
msgstr "Paikallisten kappaleiden polku:       [{localpath}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Sends the managed Lavalink node logs to your DMs."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No logs found in your data folder."
msgstr "Logeja ei löytynyt datakansiostasi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Logs are too large, you can find them in {path}"
msgstr "Logit ovat liian suuret, voit löytää ne täältä: {path}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I need to be able to DM you to send you the logs."
msgstr "Minun pitää pystyä lähettämään sinulle yksityisviestejä, jotta voin lähettää logit."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Enable/disable tracks' titles as status."
msgstr "Ota käyttöön/Poista käyttöön kappaleiden nimet botin tilana."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Song titles as status: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Kappaleiden nimet tilana: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle displaying a thumbnail on audio messages."
msgstr "Vaihda näytetäänkö pikkukuvat viesteissä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Thumbnail display: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Pikkukuvien näyttäminen: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Percentage needed for non-mods to skip tracks, 0 to disable."
msgstr "Äänestysprosentti joka tarvitaan että ei-moderaattorit voivat ohittaa kappaleita, 0 poistaa ominaisuuden käytöstä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Voting disabled. All users can use queue management commands."
msgstr "Äänestys on poistettu käytöstä. Kaikki käyttäjät voivat käyttää jononhallintakomentoja."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Vote percentage set to {percent}%."
msgstr "Tarvittavaksi ääniprosentiksi asetettiin {percent}%."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Instructions to set the YouTube API key."
msgstr "Ohjeet YouTube API -avaimen asettamiseksi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Instructions to set the Spotify API tokens."
msgstr "Ohjeet Spotify API -tokenien asettamiseksi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "1. Go to Spotify developers and log in with your Spotify account.\n"
"2. Click \"Create An App\".\n"
"3. Fill out the form provided with your app name, etc.\n"
"4. When asked if you're developing commercial integration select \"No\".\n"
"5. Accept the terms and conditions.\n"
"6. Copy your client ID and your client secret into:\n"
"`{prefix}set api spotify client_id <your_client_id_here> client_secret <your_client_secret_here>`"
msgstr "1. Mene Spotify kehittäjäsivustolle ja kirjaudu sisään.\n"
"2. Klikkaa \"Create An App\".\n"
"3. Täytä lomakkeeseen tiedot sovelluksestasi: nimi, jne.\n"
"4. Kun sinulta kysytään teetkö kauppalista integraatiota, vastaa \"No\".\n"
"5. Hyväksy käyttöehdot.\n"
"6. Kopioi client ID ja client secret komentoon:\n"
"`{prefix}set api spotify client_id <your_client_id_here> client_secret <your_client_secret_here>`"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the country code for Spotify searches."
msgstr "Aseta Spotify-hauissa käytettävä maakoodi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Country Code"
msgstr "Virheellinen maakoodi"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please use an official [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( code."
msgstr "Käytäthän virallista [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2]( maakoodia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Country Code set to {country}."
msgstr "Maakoodiksi asetettiin {country}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets the caching level.\n\n"
"        Level can be one of the following:\n\n"
"        0: Disables all caching\n"
"        1: Enables Spotify Cache\n"
"        2: Enables YouTube Cache\n"
"        3: Enables Lavalink Cache\n"
"        5: Enables all Caches\n\n"
"        If you wish to disable a specific cache use a negative number.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Asettaa välimuistin tason.\n\n"
"        Taso voi olla joku seuraavista:\n\n"
"        0: Ei mitään välimuistia\n"
"        1: Ottaa Spotify-välimuistin käyttöön\n"
"        2: Ottaa YouTube-välimuistin käyttöön\n"
"        3: Ottaa Lavalink-välimuistin käyttöön\n"
"        5: Ottaa kaikki välimuistit käyttöön\n\n"
"        Jos haluat poistaa tietyn välimuistin käytöstä, käytä negatiivista numeroa.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Max age:          [{max_age}]\n"
msgstr "Maksimi-ikä:          [{max_age}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Spotify cache:    [{spotify_status}]\n"
msgstr "Spotify-välimuisti: [{spotify_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Youtube cache:    [{youtube_status}]\n"
msgstr "Youtube-välimuisti: [{youtube_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Lavalink cache:   [{lavalink_status}]\n"
msgstr "Lavalink-välimuisti: [{lavalink_status}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets the cache max age.\n\n"
"        This commands allows you to set the max number of days before an entry in the cache becomes\n"
"        invalid.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Asettaa välimuistin maksimi-iän.\n\n"
"        Tällä komennolla voit asettaa kuinka monen päivän jälkeen merkinnästä välimuistissa tulee\n"
"        kelvoton.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Cache age cannot be less than 7 days. If you wish to disable it run {prefix}audioset cache.\n"
msgstr "Välimuistin pituus ei voi olla alle seitsemää päivää. Jos haluat poistaa välimuistin käytöstä aja komento {prefix}audioset cache.\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I've set the cache age to {age} days"
msgstr "Välimuistin pituus asetettiin {age} päivään"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle persistent queues.\n\n"
"        Persistent queues allows the current queue to be restored when the queue closes.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda säilyvien jonojen tilaa.\n\n"
"        Säilyvät jonot mahdollistavat jonon palautuksen sen sulkemisen jälkeen.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Persisting queues: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Jonojen säilytys: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Restarts the lavalink connection."
msgstr "Käynnistää Lavalink-yhteyden uudelleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Failed To Shutdown Lavalink Node"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please reload Audio (`{prefix}reload audio`)."
msgstr "Lataathan Audion uudelleen (`{prefix}reload audio`)."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Restarting Lavalink"
msgstr "Käynnistetetään Lavalink uudelleen"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "It can take a couple of minutes for Lavalink to fully start up."
msgstr "Lavalinkin käynnistyminen voi kestää muutaman minuutin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the maximum volume allowed in this server."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Music without sound isn't music at all. Try setting the volume higher then 0%."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Setting changed"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The maximum volume has been limited to 150%, be easy on your ears."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The maximum volume has been limited to {max_volume}%."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Disconnect from the voice channel."
msgstr "Katkaise yhteys puhekanavaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing playing."
msgstr "Mitään ei toisteta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Disconnect"
msgstr "Yhteyden katkaiseminen ei onnistu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "There are other people listening - vote to skip instead."
msgstr "Myös muut ihmiset kuuntelevat kappaletta - äänestä ohitusta tämän sijaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to disconnect."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin katkaistaksesi yhteyden."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable to Disconnect"
msgstr "Yhteyttä ei voitu katkaista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Disconnecting..."
msgstr "Katkaistaan yhteys..."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Now playing."
msgstr "Nyt soi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "\n"
" Requested by: **{track.requester}**"
msgstr "\n"
" Pyytäjä: **{track.requester}**"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing."
msgstr "Ei mitään."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Now Playing"
msgstr "Nyt soi"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Auto-Play"
msgstr "Automaattinen toisto"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Shuffle"
msgstr "Sekoitus"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Repeat"
msgstr "Uudelleentoisto"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Pause or resume a playing track."
msgstr "Laita kappale tauolle tai jatka sen toistamista."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Manage Tracks"
msgstr "Kappaleita ei voitu hallita"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to pause or resume."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla laittaaksesi kappaleen tauolle tai jatkaaksesi sitä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to pause or resume tracks."
msgstr "Sinulla tulee olla DJ-rooli laittaaksesi kappaleen tauolle tai jatkaaksesi sitä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track Paused"
msgstr "Kappale tauolla"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track Resumed"
msgstr "Kappaleen toistoa jatkettiin"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Skip to the start of the previously played track."
msgstr "Siirry äsken toistetun kappaleen alkuun."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Skip Tracks"
msgstr "Kappaleita ei voitu ohittaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to skip the track."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla, jotta voit ohittaa kappaleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role or be the track requester to enqueue the previous song tracks."
msgstr "Sinulla pitää olla DJ-rooli tai sinun tulee olla kappaleen lisääjä, jotta voit lisätä edellisiä kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Play Tracks"
msgstr "Kappaleiden toisto ei onnistu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No previous track."
msgstr "Ei edellistä kappaletta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Replaying Track"
msgstr "Toistetaan kappale uudelleen"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Seek ahead or behind on a track by seconds or to a specific time.\n\n"
"        Accepts seconds or a value formatted like 00:00:00 (`hh:mm:ss`) or 00:00 (`mm:ss`).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Seek Tracks"
msgstr "Kappaletta ei voitu kelata"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to use seek."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla kelataksesi kappaletta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role or be the track requester to use seek."
msgstr "Sinulla täytyy olla DJ-rooli tai sinun tulee olla kappaleen lisääjä kelataksesi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Can't seek on a stream."
msgstr "Et voi kelata striimissä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid input for the time to seek."
msgstr "Virheellinen aika johon kelata."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Moved {num_seconds}s to 00:00:00"
msgstr "Siirryttiin {num_seconds}s kohtaan 00:00:00"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Moved {num_seconds}s to {time}"
msgstr "Siirryttiin {num_seconds}s aikaan {time}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Moved to {time}"
msgstr "Siirryttiin kohtaan {time}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle shuffle."
msgstr "Vaihda satunnaisen toiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Toggle Shuffle"
msgstr "Satunnaisen toiston tilaa ei voitu vaihtaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to toggle shuffle."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin vaihtaaksesi satunnaisen toiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to toggle shuffle."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla vaihtaaksesi satunnaisen toiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Shuffle tracks: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Satunnainen toisto: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle bumped track shuffle.\n\n"
"        Set this to disabled if you wish to avoid bumped songs being shuffled. This takes priority\n"
"        over `[p]shuffle`.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Vaihda nostettujen kappaleiden sekoituksen tilaa.\n\n"
"        Poista tämä käytöstä välttääksesi nostettujen kappaleiden sekoituksen. Tällä asetuksella on suurempi prioriteetti\n"
" kuin `[p]shuffle`.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Shuffle bumped tracks: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Sekoita nostetut kappaleet: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Skip to the next track, or to a given track number."
msgstr "Ohita seuraavaan kappaleeseen tai tiettyyn kappalenumeroon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to skip the music."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla ohittaaksesi musiikkia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role or be the track requester to skip tracks."
msgstr "Sinun tarvitsee olla DJ tai kappaleen lisääjä ohittaaksesi sen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You can only skip the current track."
msgstr "Voit ohittaa vain nykyisen kappaleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Can't skip to a specific track in vote mode without the DJ role."
msgstr "Et voi ohittaa tiettyä kappaletta äänestystilassa ilman DJ-roolia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I removed your vote to skip."
msgstr "Poistin äänesi ohittamisen puolesta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You voted to skip."
msgstr "Äänestit ohittamisen puolesta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Vote threshold met."
msgstr "Tarvittavien äänien raja saavutettu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid " Votes: {num_votes}/{num_members} ({cur_percent}% out of {required_percent}% needed)"
msgstr " Äänet: {num_votes}/{num_members} ({cur_percent}% tarvittavasta {required_percent}% rajasta)"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Stop playback and clear the queue."
msgstr "Pysäytä toisto ja tyhjennä jono."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Stop Player"
msgstr "Toistoa ei voitu pysäyttää"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to stop the music."
msgstr "Sinun tulee olla puhekanavalla pysäyttääkseksi musiikin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to stop the music."
msgstr "Sinulla täytyy olla DJ-rooli pysäyttääksesi musiikin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Stopping..."
msgstr "Pysäytetään..."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Summon the bot to a voice channel."
msgstr "Kutsu botti puhekanavalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Join Voice Channel"
msgstr "Puhekanavalle liittyminen ei onnistu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "There are other people listening."
msgstr "Muut kuuntelevat jo."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to summon the bot."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin kutsuaksesi botin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I don't have permission to connect and speak in your channel."
msgstr "Minulla ei ole oikeutta yhdistää kanavallesi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Do This Action"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I am already in your channel."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connect to a voice channel first."
msgstr "Yhdistä ensin puhekanavalle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connection to the Lavalink node has not yet been established."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the volume, 1% - 150%."
msgstr "Aseta voimakkuus, 1% - 150%."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Current Volume:"
msgstr "Nykyinen äänenvoimakkuus:"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Change Volume"
msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuutta ei voida vaihtaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to change the volume."
msgstr "Sinun tulee olla puhekanavalla vaihtaaksesi voimakkuutta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to change the volume."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin vaihtaaksesi voimakkuutta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Volume:"
msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus:"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle repeat."
msgstr "Vaihda uudelleentoiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Toggle Repeat"
msgstr "Uudelleentoiston tilaa ei voitu vaihtaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to toggle repeat."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin vaihtaaksesi uudelleentoiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to toggle repeat."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla vaihtaaksesi uudelleentoiston tilaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Repeat tracks: {true_or_false}."
msgstr "Kappaleiden uudelleentoisto: {true_or_false}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a specific track number from the queue."
msgstr "Poista tietty kappalenumero jonosta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing queued."
msgstr "Mitään ei ole jonossa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Modify Queue"
msgstr "Jonoa ei voitu muokata"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to remove tracks."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin poistaaksesi kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to manage the queue."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla hallitaksesi jonoa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Song number must be greater than 1 and within the queue limit."
msgstr "Kappalenumeron tulee olla isompi kuin 1 ja pienempi kuin jonon pituus."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed track from queue"
msgstr "Kappale poistettiin jonosta"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed {track} from the queue."
msgstr "Poistettiin {track} jonosta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed 0 tracks, nothing matches the URL provided."
msgstr "Yhtään kappaletta ei poistettu, mikään ei täsmää annetun osoitteen kanssa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed {removed_tracks} tracks from queue which matched the URL provided."
msgstr "Poistettiin jonosta {removed_tracks} kappaletta jotka täsmäsivät annetun osoitteen kanssa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Bump a track number to the top of the queue."
msgstr "Nosta kappalenumero jonon ensimmäiseksi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Bump Track"
msgstr "Kappaletta ei voitu nostaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to bump a track."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla nostaaksesi kappaletta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to bump tracks."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin nostaaksesi kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Moved track to the top of the queue."
msgstr "Kappale siirrettiin jonon ensimmäiseksi."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Equalizer management.\n\n"
"        Band positions are 1-15 and values have a range of -0.25 to 1.0.\n"
"        Band names are 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630, 1k, 1.6k, 2.5k, 4k,\n"
"        6.3k, 10k, and 16k Hz.\n"
"        Setting a band value to -0.25 nullifies it while +0.25 is double.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete a saved eq preset."
msgstr "Poista tallennettu taajuuskorjaimen esiasetus."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Delete Preset"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei voitu poistaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You are not the author of that preset setting."
msgstr "Et ole tämän esiasetuksen laatija."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "List saved eq presets."
msgstr "Listaa tallennetut taajuuskorjaimen esiasetukset."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No saved equalizer presets."
msgstr "Ei tallennettuja taajuuskorjaimen esiasetuksia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Preset Name"
msgstr "Esiasetuksen nimi"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Tekijä"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{num} preset(s)"
msgstr "{num} esiasetus(ta)"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Load a saved eq preset."
msgstr "Lataa tallennettu taajuuskorjaimen esiasetus."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No Preset Found"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei löytynyt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Load Preset"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei voitu ladata"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to load equalizer presets."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin ladataksesi taajuuskorjaimen esiasetuksia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Reset the eq to 0 across all bands."
msgstr "Taajuuskorjain nollattiin kaikilla taajuusalueilla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Modify Preset"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei voitu muokata"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to reset the equalizer."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin nollataksesi taajuuskorjaimen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Equalizer values have been reset."
msgstr "Taajuuskorjaimen arvot on nollattu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Save the current eq settings to a preset."
msgstr "Tallenna nykyiset taajuuskorjaimen arvot esiasetukseen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Save Preset"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei voitu tallentaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to save equalizer presets."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin tallentaaksesi taajuuskorjaimen esiasetuksia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please enter a name for this equalizer preset."
msgstr "Anna nimi tälle taajuuskorjaimen esiasetukselle."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No equalizer preset name entered, try the command again later."
msgstr "Taajuuskorjaimen esiasetuksen nimeä ei annettu, yritä komentoa uudestaan myöhemmin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Try the command again with a shorter name."
msgstr "Yritä komentoa uudelleen lyhyemmällä nimellä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Preset name already exists, do you want to replace it?"
msgstr "Esiasetus tuolla nimellä on jo olemassa, haluatko korvata sen?"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Not saving preset."
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei tallennettu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Current equalizer saved to the {preset_name} preset."
msgstr "Nykyiset taajuuskorjaimen arvot tallennettiin {preset_name}-esiasetukseen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set an eq band with a band number or name and value.\n\n"
"        Band positions are 1-15 and values have a range of -0.25 to 1.0.\n"
"        Band names are 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630, 1k, 1.6k, 2.5k, 4k,\n"
"        6.3k, 10k, and 16k Hz.\n"
"        Setting a band value to -0.25 nullifies it while +0.25 is double.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Aseta taajuusalueen arvo joko nimellä tai numerolla.\n\n"
"        Alueiden numerot ovat 1-15 voivat vaihdella  -0.25 ja 1.0 välillä.\n"
"        Alueiden nimet ovat 25, 40, 63, 100, 160, 250, 400, 630, 1k, 1.6k, 2.5k, 4k,\n"
"        6.3k, 10k ja16k Hz.\n"
"        Alueen asettaminen arvoon -0.25 mykistää sen kun taas +0.25 tuplaa sen.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Set Preset"
msgstr "Esiasetusta ei voitu asettaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to set equalizer presets."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin asettaaksesi taajuuskorjaimen esiasetuksia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Band"
msgstr "Virheellinen taajuusalue"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Valid band numbers are 1-15 or the band names listed in the help for this command."
msgstr "Sallitut taajuusalueiden numerot ovat 1-15 tai ne nimetjotka ovat tämän komennon apusivulla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Preset Modified"
msgstr "Esiasetusta muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The {band_name}Hz band has been set to {band_value}."
msgstr "Taajuusalueelle {band_name}Hz asetettiin arvo {band_value}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous commands` Manage Lavalink node configuration settings.\n\n"
"        This command block holds all commands to configure an unmanaged (user maintained) or managed (bot maintained) Lavalink node.\n\n"
"        You should not mess with any command in here unless you have a valid reason to,\n"
"        i.e. been told by someone in the Red-Discord Bot support server to do so.\n"
"        All the commands in here have the potential to break the Audio cog.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Change your Java executable path.\n\n"
"        This command shouldn't need to be used most of the time, and is only useful if the host machine has conflicting Java versions.\n\n"
"        If changing this make sure that the Java executable you set is supported by Audio.\n"
"        The current supported versions are Java 17 and 11.\n\n"
"        Enter nothing or \"java\" to reset it back to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Java Executable Reset"
msgstr "Java-ajotiedosto nollattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Audio will now use `java` to run your managed Lavalink node. Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "`{java_path}` is not a valid executable"
msgstr "`{java_path}` ei ole kelvollinen ajotiedosto"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Java Executable Changed"
msgstr "Java-ajotiedostoa muutettu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Audio will now use `{exc}` to run your managed Lavalink node. Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the managed Lavalink node maximum heap-size.\n\n"
"        By default, this value is 50% of available RAM in the host machine represented by [1-1024][M|G] (256M, 256G for example)\n\n"
"        This value only represents the maximum amount of RAM allowed to be used at any given point, and does not mean that the managed Lavalink node will always use this amount of RAM.\n\n"
"        To reset this value to the default, run the command without any input.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Heap-size must be a valid measure of size, e.g. 256M, 256G"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Heap-size must be at least 64M, however it is recommended to have it set to at least 1G."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Heap-size must be less than your system RAM, You currently have {ram_in_bytes} of RAM available."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Heap-size must be less than {limit} due to your system limitations."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node's heap-size set to {bytes}.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle using external (unmanaged) Lavalink nodes - requires an existing Lavalink node for Audio to work, if enabled.\n\n"
"        This command disables the managed Lavalink server. If you do not have another Lavalink node set up, you will be unable to use Audio while this is enabled.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink server: {true_or_false}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Failed To Shutdown Lavalink"
msgstr "Lavalinkin sammutus epäonnistui"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the Lavalink node host.\n\n"
"        This command sets the connection host which Audio will use to connect to an unmanaged Lavalink node.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink node host set to {host}. Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the Lavalink node password.\n\n"
"        This command sets the connection password which Audio will use to connect to an unmanaged Lavalink node.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink node password set to {password}. Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the Lavalink node port.\n\n"
"        This command sets the connection port which Audio will use to connect to an unmanaged Lavalink node.\n"
"        Set port to -1 to disable the port and connect to the specified host via ports 80/443\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Setting Not Changed"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "A port must be between 0 and 65535 "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink node port set to {port}. Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the Lavalink node connection to secured.\n\n"
"        This toggle sets the connection type to secured or unsecured when connecting to an unmanaged Lavalink node.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink node will now connect using the secured {secured_protocol} protocol.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unmanaged Lavalink node will no longer connect using the secured {secured_protocol} protocol and wil use {unsecured_protocol} instead .\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Display Lavalink connection settings."
msgstr "Näytä Lavalink-yhteysasetukset."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connection Settings"
msgstr "Yhteysasetukset"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Host:             [{host}]\n"
msgstr "Osoite:             [{host}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Port:             [{port}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Default HTTP/HTTPS port"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Password:         [{password}]\n"
msgstr "Salasana:         [{password}]\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Secured:          [{state}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Lavalink Node Settings"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Initial Heapsize: [{xms}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Max Heapsize:     [{xmx}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Java exec:        [{java_exc_path}]\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I need to be able to DM you to send you this info."
msgstr "Minun tulee pystyä lähettämään sinulle yksityisviestejä, jotta voin lähettää nämä tiedot."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Uploads a copy of the application.yml file used by the managed Lavalink node."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Configure the managed Lavalink node runtime options.\n\n"
"        All settings under this group will likely cause Audio to malfunction if changed from their defaults, only change settings here if you have been advised to by support.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Configure the managed node authorization and connection settings."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command` Set the managed Lavalink node's binding IP address.\n\n"
"        This value by default is `localhost` which will restrict the server to only localhost apps by default, changing this will likely break the managed Lavalink node if you don't know what you are doing.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will now accept connection on {host}.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the managed Lavalink node's connection password.\n\n"
"        This is the password required for Audio to connect to the managed Lavalink node.\n"
"        The value by default is `youshallnotpass`.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will now accept {password} as the authorization token.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command` Set the managed Lavalink node's connection port.\n\n"
"        This port is the port the managed Lavalink node binds to, you should only change this if there is a conflict with the default port because you already have an application using port 2333 on this device.\n\n"
"        The value by default is `2333`.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The port must be between 1024 and 49151."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will now accept connections on {port}.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command` Toggle audio sources on/off.\n\n"
"        By default, all sources are enabled, you should only use commands here to disable a specific source if you have been advised to, disabling sources without background knowledge can cause Audio to break.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle HTTP direct URL usage on or off.\n\n"
"        This source is used to allow playback from direct HTTP streams (this does not affect direct URL playback for the other sources).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from direct URLs.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from direct URLs anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle Bandcamp source on or off.\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all Bandcamp related content.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from Bandcamp.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from Bandcamp anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle local file usage on or off.\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all local track content, usually found inside the `localtracks` folder.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from local files.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from local files anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle Soundcloud source on or off.\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all SoundCloud related content.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from Soundcloud.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from Soundcloud anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command` Toggle YouTube source on or off (this includes Spotify).\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all YouTube and Spotify related content.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from YouTube.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from YouTube anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle Twitch source on or off.\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all Twitch related content.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from Twitch.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from Twitch anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle Vimeo source on or off.\n\n"
"        This toggle controls the playback of all Vimeo related content.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will allow playback from Vimeo.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node will not play from Vimeo anymore.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command` Set the managed Lavalink node framebuffer size.\n\n"
"        Only change this if you have been directly advised to, changing it can cause significant playback issues.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The lowest value the framebuffer can be set to is 100ms."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Managed node's bufferDurationMs set to {milliseconds}.\n\n"
"Run `{p}{cmd}` for it to take effect."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "`Dangerous command`  Set the managed Lavalink node JDA-NAS buffer size.\n\n"
"        Only change this if you have been directly advised to, changing it can cause significant playback issues.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The lowest value the buffer may be is 100ms."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Reset all `llset` changes back to their default values."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Local playback commands."
msgstr "Paikallisen toiston komennot."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Play all songs in a localtracks folder.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]local folder`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Open a menu to pick a folder to queue.\n\n"
"        ​ ​ `[p]local folder folder_name`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Queues all of the tracks inside the folder_name folder.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Folder Not Found"
msgstr "Kansiota ei löytynyt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Localtracks folder named {name} does not exist."
msgstr "Paikallisten kappaleiden kansiota nimellä {name} ei löytynyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Play a local track.\n\n"
"        To play a local track, either use the menu to choose a track or enter in the track path directly with the play command.\n"
"        To play an entire folder, use `[p]help local folder` for instructions.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]local play`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Open a menu to pick a track.\n\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]play localtracks\\album_folder\\song_name.mp3`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]play album_folder\\song_name.mp3`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Use a direct link relative to the localtracks folder.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No album folders found."
msgstr "Albumikansioita ei löytynyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Search for songs across all localtracks folders."
msgstr "Etsi kappaleita kaikista paikallisten kappaleiden kansioista."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No matches."
msgstr "Ei tuloksia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Make Red sing one of her songs."
msgstr "Laita Red laulamaan yksi hänen lauluistaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Audio stats."
msgstr "Audio-tilastot."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Not connected anywhere."
msgstr "Ei yhdistettynä millään palvelimella."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playing in {num}/{total} servers:"
msgstr "Toistetaan {num}/{total} palvelimella:"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Page {}/{}"
msgstr "Sivu {}/{}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Queue percentage."
msgstr "Jonon prosenttiosuus."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "There's nothing in the queue."
msgstr "Jonossa ei ole mitään."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Queued and playing tracks:"
msgstr "Jonossa olevat ja soivat kappaleet:"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Play the specified track or search for a close match.\n\n"
"        To play a local track, the query should be `<parentfolder>\\<filename>`.\n"
"        If you are the bot owner, use `[p]audioset info` to display your localtracks path.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "That URL is not allowed."
msgstr "Tuo URL-osoite ei ole sallittu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "That track is not allowed."
msgstr "Tuon kappaleen toisto ei ole sallittua."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to queue tracks."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin lisätäksesi kappaleita jonoon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connection to Lavalink node has failed"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Tarkista lisätiedot konsolista tai logeista."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to use the play command."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla käyttääksesi play-komentoa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No tracks found for `{query}`."
msgstr "Kappaleita ei löydetty haulla `{query}`."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Queue size limit reached."
msgstr "Jonon enimmäispituus on saavutettu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Force play a URL or search for a track."
msgstr "Pakota URL-osoitteen toisto tai etsi kappaletta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Only single tracks work with bump play."
msgstr "Vain yksittäiset kappaleet toimivat samanaikaisen noston ja toiston kanssa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connection to Lavalink node has not yet been established."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Local tracks will not work if the managed Lavalink node cannot see the track.\n"
"This may be due to permissions or you are using an external Lavalink node in a different machine than the bot and the local tracks."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track is not playable."
msgstr "Kappale ei ole toistettavissa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "**{suffix}** is not a fully supported format and some tracks may not play."
msgstr "**{suffix}** ei ole täysin tuettu muoto ja sen vuoksi kaikkia kappaleita ei välttämättä voida toistaa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "This track is not allowed in this server."
msgstr "Tämä kappale ei ole sallittu tällä palvelimella."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track exceeds maximum length."
msgstr "Kappale ylittää maksimipituuden."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{time} until track playback: #1 in queue"
msgstr "{time} aikaa toistoon: #1 jonossa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track Enqueued"
msgstr "Kappale lisätty jonoon"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Pick a Spotify playlist from a list of categories to start playing."
msgstr "Valitse Spotify-soittolista kategorioista aloittaaksesi toistamisen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The owner needs to set the Spotify client ID and Spotify client secret, before Spotify URLs or codes can be used. \n"
"See `{prefix}audioset spotifyapi` for instructions."
msgstr "Omistajan tulee asettaa Spotify client ID ja Spotify client secret, ennen kuin Spotify-osoitteita voidaan käyttää. \n"
"Katso `{prefix}audioset spotifyapi` saadaksesi ohjeita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The owner needs to set the YouTube API key before Spotify URLs or codes can be used.\n"
"See `{prefix}audioset youtubeapi` for instructions."
msgstr "Omistajan täytyy asettee YouTube API -avain ennen kuin Spotify-osoitteita voidaan käyttää.\n"
"Katso`{prefix}audioset youtubeapi` saadakseksi ohjeita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to use the genre command."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla käyttääksesi genre-komentoa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No categories found"
msgstr "Kategorioita ei löydetty"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No categories found, try again later."
msgstr "Kategorioita ei löydetty, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Kategoriat"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No categories selected, try again later."
msgstr "Kategorioita ei valittu, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlists for {friendly_name}"
msgstr "{friendly_name}-soittolistat"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No tracks to play."
msgstr "Ei toistettavia kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Couldn't find tracks for the selected playlist."
msgstr "Kappaleita valitulta soittolistalta ei löytynyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Starts auto play."
msgstr "Käynnistää automaattisen toiston."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to use the autoplay command."
msgstr "Sinun tulee olla puhekanavalla käyttääksesi automaattisen toiston komentoa."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Couldn't get a valid track."
msgstr "Kelvollista kappaletta ei saatu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable to Get Track"
msgstr "Kappaletta ei voitu hakea"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I'm unable to get a track from Lavalink at the moment, try again in a few minutes."
msgstr "En pysty saamaan kappaletta Lavalinkiltä tällä hetkellä, yritä uudelleen muutaman minuutin kuluttua."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Adding a track to queue."
msgstr "Lisätään kappale jonoon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Pick a track with a search.\n\n"
"        Use `[p]search list <search term>` to queue all tracks found on YouTube. Use `[p]search sc\n"
"        <search term>` to search on SoundCloud instead of YouTube.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Connection to Lavalink has failed"
msgstr "Lavalink-yhteys epäonnistui"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Search For Tracks"
msgstr "Kappaleita ei voida etsiä"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You must be in the voice channel to enqueue tracks."
msgstr "Sinun täytyy olla puhekanavalla lisätäksesi kappaleita jonoon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Nothing found."
msgstr "Mitään ei löytynyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Local tracks will not work if the `Lavalink.jar` cannot see the track.\n"
"This may be due to permissions or because Lavalink.jar is being run in a different machine than the local tracks."
msgstr "Paikalliset kappaleet eivät toimi jos `Lavalink.jar` ei voi nähdä niitä.\n"
"Tämä voi johtua tiedosto-oikeuksista tai siitä että Lavalink.jar ajetaan toisella tietokoneella kuin missä kappaleet ovat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid " {bad_tracks} tracks cannot be queued."
msgstr " {bad_tracks} kappaletta ei voida lisätä jonoon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Queued {num} track(s).{maxlength_msg}"
msgstr "Lisättiin {num} kappale(tta).{maxlength_msg}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "folder"
msgstr "kansion"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "search"
msgstr "haun"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{time} until start of {type} playback: starts at #{position} in queue"
msgstr "{time} aikaa {type} toistoon: sijalla #{position} jonossa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Playlist configuration options.\n\n"
"        Scope info:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ **Global**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Visible to all users of this bot.\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Only editable by bot owner.\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ **Guild**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Visible to all users in this guild.\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Editable by bot owner, guild owner, guild admins, guild mods, DJ role and playlist creator.\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ **User**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Visible to all bot users, if --author is passed.\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Editable by bot owner and the playlist creator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Add a track URL, playlist link, or quick search to a playlist.\n\n"
"        The track(s) will be appended to the end of the playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist append playlist_name_OR_id track_name_OR_url [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist append MyGuildPlaylist Hello by Adele`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist append MyGlobalPlaylist Hello by Adele --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist append MyGlobalPlaylist Hello by Adele --scope Global --Author Draper#6666`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Not Found"
msgstr "Soittolistaa ei löytynyt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Could not find a track matching your query."
msgstr "Hakuasi vastaavaa kappaletta ei löytynyt."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Skipping track"
msgstr "Ohitetaan kappale"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{track} is already in {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "{track} on jo soittolistalla {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist limit reached: Could not add track."
msgstr "Soittolistan raja saavutettu: Kappaletta ei voitu lisätä."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Track added"
msgstr "Kappale lisätty"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{track} appended to {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "{track} lisättiin soittolistaan {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{num} tracks appended to {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "{num} kappaletta lisättiin soittolistaan {playlist} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "\n"
"{existing} {plural} already in the playlist and were skipped."
msgstr "\n"
"{existing} {plural} jo soittolistalla ja ohitettiin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "tracks are"
msgstr "kappaleet ovat"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "track is"
msgstr "kappale on"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Modified"
msgstr "Soittolistaa muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Copy a playlist from one scope to another.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist copy playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --from-scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --from-author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --from-guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --to-scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --to-author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --to-guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist copy MyGuildPlaylist --from-scope Guild --to-scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist copy MyGlobalPlaylist --from-scope Global --to-author Draper#6666 --to-scope User`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist copy MyPersonalPlaylist --from-scope user --to-author Draper#6666 --to-scope Guild --to-guild Red - Discord Bot`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Could not match '{arg}' to a playlist."
msgstr "'{arg}' ei voitu yhdistää soittolistaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "the Global"
msgstr "Globaalille"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Copied"
msgstr "Soittolista kopioitu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {name} (`{from_id}`) copied from {from_scope} to {to_scope} (`{to_id}`)."
msgstr "Soittolista {name} (`{from_id}`) kopioitiin tasolta {from_scope} tasolle {to_scope} (`{to_id}`)."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Create an empty playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist create playlist_name [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist create MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist create MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist create MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Playlist Name"
msgstr "Virheellinen soittolistan nimi"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist names must be a single word (up to 32 characters) and not numbers only."
msgstr "Soittolistojen nimien tulee olla yksittäisiä sanoja (enintään 32 kirjainta) eivätkä ne saa olla vain numeroista koostuvia."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Created"
msgstr "Soittolista luotu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Empty playlist {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] created."
msgstr "Tyhjä soittolista {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] luotu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete a saved playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist delete playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist delete MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist delete MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist delete MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Deleted"
msgstr "Soittolista poistettu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] playlist deleted."
msgstr "{name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] soittolista poistettu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Remove duplicate tracks from a saved playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist dedupe playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist dedupe MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist dedupe MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist dedupe MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed {track_diff} duplicated tracks from {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] playlist."
msgstr "Poistettiin {track_diff} moneen kertaan esiintynyttä kappaletta {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] soittolistalta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Has Not Been Modified"
msgstr "Soittolistaa ei ole muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] playlist has no duplicate tracks."
msgstr "Soittolistalla {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] ei ole kappaleita moneen kertaan."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Download a copy of a playlist.\n\n"
"        These files can be used with the `[p]playlist upload` command.\n"
"        Red v2-compatible playlists can be generated by passing True\n"
"        for the v2 variable.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist download playlist_name_OR_id [v2=True_OR_False] [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist download MyGuildPlaylist True`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist download MyGlobalPlaylist False --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist download MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "That playlist has no tracks."
msgstr "Tuolla soittolistalla ei ole kappaleita."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "This playlist is too large to be send in this server."
msgstr "Tämä soittolista on liian suuri lähetettäväksi tällä palvelimella."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist is too large, here is the compressed version."
msgstr "Soittolista on liian suuri, tässä on pakattu versio."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Retrieve information from a saved playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist info playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist info MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist info MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist info MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist info for {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]:\n"
msgstr "Soittolistan {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] tiedot:\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist info for {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]:\n"
"URL: {url}"
msgstr "Soittolistan {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] tiedot:\n"
"URL-osoite: {url}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Tuntematon"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Page {page}/{pages} | Author: {author_name} | {num} track(s)"
msgstr "Sivu {page}/{pages} | Tekijä: {author_name} | {num} kappale(tta)"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "List saved playlists.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist list [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist list`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist list --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist list --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No saved playlists available in this server."
msgstr "Tällä palvelimella ei ole tallennettuja soittolistoja."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No saved playlists for {scope} created by {author}."
msgstr "Ei tallennettuja soittolistoja tasolle {scope} joiden tekijä olisi {author}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No saved playlists for {scope}."
msgstr "Ei tallennettuja soittolistoja tasolla {scope}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "ID: {id}"
msgstr "ID: {id}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Tracks: {num}"
msgstr "Kappaleita: {num}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Author: {name}"
msgstr "Tekijä: {name}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Scope: {scope}\n"
msgstr "Taso: {scope}\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Save the queue to a playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist queue playlist_name [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist queue MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist queue MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist queue MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] saved from current queue: {num} tracks added."
msgstr "Soittolista {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] tallennettu nykyisestä jonosta: {num} kappaletta lisättiin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist limit reached: Could not add {} tracks."
msgstr "Soittolistan raja saavutettu: Ei voitu lisätä {} kappaletta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Remove a track from a playlist by url.\n\n"
"         **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist remove playlist_name_OR_id url [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist remove MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist remove MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist remove MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "URL not in playlist."
msgstr "URL-osoite ei ole soittolistalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No tracks left, removing playlist."
msgstr "Ei kappaleita jäljellä, poistetaan soittolista."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{num} entries have been removed from the playlist {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "{num} kappaletta poistettiin soittolistalta {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The track has been removed from the playlist: {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "Kappale on poistettu soittolistalta: {playlist_name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Save a playlist from a url.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist save name url [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist save MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist save MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist save MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] saved: {num} tracks added."
msgstr "Soittolista {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**] tallennettu: {num} kappaletta lisätty."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Couldn't be created"
msgstr "Soittolistaa ei voitu luoda"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable to create your playlist."
msgstr "Soittolistasi luominen ei onnistunut."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Load a playlist into the queue.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​` [p]playlist start playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist start MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist start MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist start MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to start playing playlists."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin aloittaaksesi soittolistojen toistamisen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Playlist Enqueued"
msgstr "Soittolista lisätty jonoon"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "{name} - (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]\n"
"Added {num} tracks to the queue.{maxlength_msg}"
msgstr "{name} - (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]\n"
"Lisättiin {num} kappaletta jonoon.{maxlength_msg}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Updates all tracks in a playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist update playlist_name_OR_id [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist update MyGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist update MyGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist update MyPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Invalid Playlist"
msgstr "Virheellinen soittolista"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Custom playlists cannot be updated."
msgstr "Mukautettuja soittolistoja ei voi lähettää."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Tracks removed"
msgstr "Kappaleet poistettu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Page {page_num}/{total_pages}"
msgstr "Sivu {page_num}/{total_pages}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Tracks added"
msgstr "Kappaleet lisätty"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No changes for {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."
msgstr "Ei muutoksia soittolistalle {name} (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Uploads a playlist file as a playlist for the bot.\n\n"
"        V2 and old V3 playlist will be slow.\n"
"        V3 Playlist made with `[p]playlist download` will load a lot faster.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist upload [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist upload`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist upload --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist upload --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Please upload the playlist file. Any other message will cancel this operation."
msgstr "Ole hyvä ja lähetä soittolistatiedosto. Mikä tahansa muu viesti peruuttaa tämän toiminnon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "No file detected, try again later."
msgstr "Tiedostoa ei havaittu, yritä myöhemmin uudelleen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Upload cancelled."
msgstr "Lähetys peruutettu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Only Red playlist files can be uploaded."
msgstr "Vain Red-soittolistatiedostoja voi lähettää."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Not a valid playlist file."
msgstr "Soittolistatiedosto on virheellinen."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "This playlist is too large."
msgstr "Tämä soittolista on liian suuri."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "I'm unable to get a track from Lavalink node at the moment, try again in a few minutes."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Rename an existing playlist.\n\n"
"        **Usage**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist rename playlist_name_OR_id new_name [args]`\n\n"
"        **Args**:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ The following are all optional:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --scope <scope>\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --author [user]\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ --guild [guild] **Only the bot owner can use this**\n\n"
"        **Scope** is one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Global\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User\n\n"
"        **Author** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Mention\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ User Name#123\n\n"
"        **Guild** can be one of the following:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Guild ID\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ Exact guild name\n\n"
"        Example use:\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist rename MyGuildPlaylist RenamedGuildPlaylist`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist rename MyGlobalPlaylist RenamedGlobalPlaylist --scope Global`\n"
"        ​ ​ ​ ​ `[p]playlist rename MyPersonalPlaylist RenamedPersonalPlaylist --scope User`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "'{old}' playlist has been renamed to '{new}' (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]"
msgstr "'{old}' soittolistan uusi nimi on nyt '{new}' (`{id}`) [**{scope}**]"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "List the songs in the queue."
msgstr "Listaa jonossa olevat kappaleet."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Clears the queue."
msgstr "Tyhjentää jonon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Clear Queue"
msgstr "Jonoa ei voitu tyhjentää"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to clear the queue."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin tyhjentääksesi jonon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Queue Modified"
msgstr "Jonoa muokattu"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "The queue has been cleared."
msgstr "Jono on tyhjennetty."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Removes songs from the queue if the requester is not in the voice channel."
msgstr "Poistaa kappaleita jonosta jos niiden lisääjä ei ole puhekanavalla."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Clean Queue"
msgstr "Jonoa ei voitu putsata"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to clean the queue."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin putsataksesi jonon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed 0 tracks."
msgstr "Nolla kappaletta poistettiin."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed Tracks From The Queue"
msgstr "Kappaleita poistettiin jonosta"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed {removed_tracks} tracks queued by members outside of the voice channel."
msgstr "Poistettiin {removed_tracks} kappaletta, jotka lisäsivät muut kuin tällä puhekanavalla olevat."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Removes all tracks you requested from the queue."
msgstr "Poistaa kaikki lisäämäsi kappaleet jonosta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Removed {removed_tracks} tracks queued by {member.display_name}."
msgstr "Poistettiin {removed_tracks} kappaletta, jotka lisäsi {member.display_name}."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Search the queue."
msgstr "Etsi jonosta."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#, docstring
msgid "Shuffles the queue."
msgstr "Sekoittaa jonon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Unable To Shuffle Queue"
msgstr "Jonoa ei voida sekoittaa"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "You need the DJ role to shuffle the queue."
msgstr "Tarvitset DJ-roolin sekoittaaksesi jonon."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/commands/
msgid "Queue has been shuffled."
msgstr "Jono on sekoitettu."