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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-06-20 09:30+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Vietnamese\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: vi\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 670\n"
"Language: vi_VN\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Auto Play started."
msgstr "Tự động phát đã bắt đầu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Create Instant Invite"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Kick Members"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Ban Members"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Channels"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Server"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Add Reactions"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "View Audit Log"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Priority Speaker"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Go Live"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Read Text Channels & See Voice Channels"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Send Messages"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Send TTS Messages"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Messages"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Embed Links"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Attach Files"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Read Message History"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Mention @everyone, @here, and All Roles"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use External Emojis"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "View Server Insights"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Connect"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Speak"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Mute Members"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Deafen Members"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Move Members"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use Voice Activity"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Change Nickname"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Nicknames"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Roles"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Webhooks"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Expressions"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use Application Commands"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Request to Speak"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Events"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Manage Threads"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Create Public Threads"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Create Private Threads"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use External Stickers"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Send Messages in Threads"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Start Activities"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Moderate Member"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use Soundboard"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Create Expressions"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Use External Sounds"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Send Voice Messages"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command will change the executable path of Java, this is useful if you have multiple installations of Java and the default one is causing issues. Please don't change this unless you are certain that the Java version you are specifying is supported by Red. The default and supported versions are currently Java 17 and 11."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command will change the maximum RAM allocation for the managed Lavalink node, usually you will never have to change this, before considering changing it please consult our support team."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command will disable the managed Lavalink node, if you toggle this command you must specify an external Lavalink node to connect to, if you do not do so Audio will stop working."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command is used to specify the IP which will be used by Red to connect to an external Lavalink node. "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command is used to specify the authentication password used by Red to connect to an external Lavalink node."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command is used toggle between secured and unsecured connections to an external Lavalink node."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command is used to specify the connection port used by Red to connect to an external Lavalink node."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command specifies which network interface and IP the managed Lavalink node will bind to, by default this is 'localhost', only change this if you want the managed Lavalink node to bind to a specific IP/interface."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command changes the authentication password required to connect to this managed node.The default value is 'youshallnotpass'."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command changes the connection port used to connect to this managed node, only change this if the default port '2333' is causing conflicts with existing applications."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of direct url streams like Icecast or Shoutcast streams. An example is <>; disabling this will make the bot unable to play any direct url steam content."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of local track audio playback. An example is `/mnt/data/my_super_funky_track.mp3`; disabling this will make the bot unable to play any local track content."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of SoundCloud playback. An example is <>; disabling this will make the bot unable to play any SoundCloud content."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of YouTube playback (Spotify depends on YouTube). Disabling this will make the bot unable to play any YouTube content: this includes Spotify."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of Twitch playback. An example of this is <>; disabling this will make the bot unable to play any Twitch content."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command toggles the support of Vimeo playback. An example of this is <>; disabling this will make the bot unable to play any Vimeo content."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This setting controls the managed node's framebuffer, do not change this unless instructed."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This setting controls the managed node's JDA-NAS buffer, do not change this unless instructed."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This command will reset every setting changed by `[p]llset`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "You have attempted to run Audio's managed Lavalink node on an unsupported architecture. Only settings related commands will be available."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "I'm missing permissions to send messages in this server. Please address this as soon as possible."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "I'm missing permissions in this server, Please address this as soon as possible.\n\n"
"Expected Permissions:\n"
msgstr "Tôi bị thiếu quyền trong máy chủ này.\n\n"
"Những quyền cần thiết:\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Enabled"
msgstr "Đã bật"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Đã tắt"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "You should not be running this command."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "\n"
"If you wish to continue, enter this case sensitive token without spaces as your next message.\n\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "No DJ role found. Disabling DJ mode."
msgstr "Tôi không thấy role DJ nào cả, đang tắt chế độ DJ."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "`{user_input}` is not a valid value for `{command}`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Unable To Parse Argument"
msgstr "Không thể đối chiếu cú pháp"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Invalid Argument"
msgstr "Giá trị không hợp lệ"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "The argument you gave for `{}` is not valid: I was expecting a `{}`."
msgstr "Có gì đó không đúng với `{}`: Tôi tưởng bạn muốn `{}`."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Invalid Environment"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Connection to Lavalink node has been lost."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "No Player Available"
msgstr "Tôi chưa bật trình phát nhạc"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "The bot is not connected to a voice channel."
msgstr "Nhưng mà Tôi chưa vào kênh thoại nào."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Unable to Get Track"
msgstr "Tôi không lấy được nhạc. Thử lại lần nữa đi"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "I'm unable to get a track from the Lavalink node at the moment, try again in a few minutes."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "There was an issue communicating with Discord."
msgstr "Hmm hình như có vấn đề khi kết nối với Discord."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "This error has been reported to the bot owner."
msgstr "Lỗi này Tôi đã báo cáo với chủ sở hữu."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Couldn't get a valid track."
msgstr "Tôi không tìm thấy bài nhạc hợp lệ nào."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Now Playing"
msgstr "Đang Phát"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Track length: {length} | Requested by: {user}"
msgstr "Độ dài: {length} | Bởi: {user}"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Queue ended."
msgstr "Hết hàng đợi, sủi đây."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Multiple Errors Detected"
msgstr "Oops Đã xảy ra nhiều lỗi hệ thống"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Closing the audio player due to multiple errors being detected. If this persists, please inform the bot owner as the Audio cog may be temporally unavailable."
msgstr "Uhhh Tôi sẽ tạm dừng do gặp phải quá nhiều lỗi. Nếu vấn đề này còn tiếp diễn, hãy report vấn đề với chủ sở hữu. Đồng thời tính năng stream nhạc sẽ tạm thời dừng hoạt động. Sorry lul."

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Track Stuck"
msgstr "Ah.. bị nghẽn rồi. Hay là thử lại"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Playback of the song has stopped due to an unexpected error.\n"
msgstr "Đợi đã.. Vừa xảy ra một lỗi không xác định.\\n\"\n"

#: redbot/cogs/audio/core/events/
msgid "Track Error"
msgstr "Bài đó bị lỗi. Thử lại đi"