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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-10 05:03+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: es-ES\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 41\n"
"Language: es_ES\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Welcome to the interactive random {cc} maker!\n"
"Every message you send will be added as one of the random responses to choose from once this {cc} is triggered. To exit this interactive menu, type `{quit}`"
msgstr "¡Bienvenido al creador interactivo de {cc} al azar!\n"
"Cada mensaje que envíes se añadirá como una de las respuestas aleatorias de las que elegir una vez que este {cc} se active. Para salir de este menú interactivo, escribe `{quit}`"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Add a random response:"
msgstr "Añade una respuesta aleatoria:"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "The text response you're trying to create has more than 2000 characters.\n"
"I cannot send messages that are longer than 2000 characters, please try again."
msgstr "La respuesta de texto que estás intentando crear tiene más de 2000 caracteres.\n"
"No puedo enviar mensajes con más de 2000 caracteres, por favor inténtalo de nuevo."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Random responses must take the same arguments!"
msgstr "¡Las respuestas aleatorias deben tomar los mismos argumentos!"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Do you want to create a 'randomized' custom command?"
msgstr "¿Quieres crear un comando personalizado 'aleatorio'?"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Response timed out, please try again later."
msgstr "Respuesta expirada, inténtalo de nuevo más tarde."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "What response do you want?"
msgstr "¿Qué respuesta quieres?"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "This cog contains commands for creating and managing custom commands that display text.\n\n"
"    These are useful for storing information members might need, like FAQ answers or invite links.\n"
"    Custom commands can be used by anyone by default, so be careful with pings.\n"
"    Commands can only be lowercase, and will not respond to any uppercase letters.\n"
"    "
msgstr "Este módulo contiene comandos para crear y gestionar comandos personalizados que muestran texto.\n\n"
"    Estos son útiles para almacenar información que los miembros puedan necesitar, como respuestas de preguntas frecuentes o enlaces de invitación.\n"
"    Los comandos personalizados pueden ser usados por cualquiera por defecto, así que ten cuidado con los pings.\n"
"    Los comandos sólo pueden ser minúsculas, y no responden a ninguna letra mayúscula.\n"
"    "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command for Custom Commands management."
msgstr "Comando base para la gestión de Comandos Personalizados."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Get the raw response of a custom command, to get the proper markdown.\n\n"
"        This is helpful for copy and pasting.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The custom command to get the raw response of."
msgstr "Obtener la respuesta cruda de un comando personalizado, para obtener el markdown adecuado.\n\n"
"        Esto es útil para copiar y pegar.\n\n"
"        **Argumentos:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` El comando personalizado para obtener la respuesta cruda."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Response #{num}/{total}"
msgstr "Respuesta #{num}/{total}"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Response #{num}/{total}:\n"
msgstr "Respuesta #{num}/{total}:\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Searches through custom commands, according to the query.\n\n"
"        Uses fuzzy searching to find close matches.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<query>` The query to search for. Can be multiple words.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Busca a través de comandos personalizados, de acuerdo a la consulta.\n\n"
"        Utiliza la búsqueda difusa para encontrar coincidencias cerca.\n\n"
"        **Argumentos:**\n\n"
"        - `<query>` La consulta a buscar. Puede ser varias palabras.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "No close matches were found."
msgstr "No se encontraron coincidencias cercanas."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Search results"
msgstr "Resultados de la búsqueda"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "The following matches have been found:"
msgstr "Se han encontrado las siguientes coincidencias:"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Create custom commands.\n\n"
"        If a type is not specified, a simple CC will be created.\n"
"        CCs can be enhanced with arguments, see the guide\n"
"        [here](\n"
"        "
msgstr "Crear comandos personalizados.\n\n"
"        Si no se especifica un tipo, se creará un simple CC.\n"
"        Los Cs pueden ser mejorados con argumentos, ver la guía\n"
"        [here](https://docs.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Create a CC where it will randomly choose a response!\n\n"
"        Note: This command is interactive.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The command executed to return the text. Cast to lowercase.\n"
"        "
msgstr "¡Crea un CC donde elegirá aleatoriamente una respuesta!\n\n"
"        Nota: Este comando es interactivo.\n\n"
"        **Argumentos:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` El comando ejecutado para devolver el texto. Transmitir a minúsculas\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command names cannot have spaces in them."
msgstr "Los nombres de comandos personalizados no pueden tener espacios en ellos."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "There already exists a bot command with the same name."
msgstr "Ya existe un comando de bot con el mismo nombre."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command process cancelled."
msgstr "Proceso de comandos personalizado cancelado."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command successfully added."
msgstr "Comando personalizado añadido satifactoriamente."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "This command already exists. Use `{command}` to edit it."
msgstr "Este comando ya existe. Use `{command}` para editarlo."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "The text response you're trying to create has more than 2000 characters.\n"
"I cannot send messages that are longer than 2000 characters."
msgstr "La respuesta de texto que estás intentando crear tiene más de 2000 caracteres.\n"
"No puedo enviar mensajes de más de 2000 caracteres."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Add a simple custom command.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"        - `[p]customcom create simple yourcommand Text you want`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The command executed to return the text. Cast to lowercase.\n"
"        - `<text>` The text to return when executing the command. See guide for enhanced usage.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Set, edit, or view the cooldown for a custom command.\n\n"
"        You may set cooldowns per member, channel, or guild. Multiple\n"
"        cooldowns may be set. All cooldowns must be cooled to call the\n"
"        custom command.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]customcom cooldown pingrole`\n"
"        - `[p]customcom cooldown yourcommand 30`\n"
"        - `[p]cc cooldown mycommand 30 guild`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The custom command to check or set the cooldown.\n"
"        - `[cooldown]` The number of seconds to wait before allowing the command to be invoked again. If omitted, will instead return the current cooldown settings.\n"
"        - `[per]` The group to apply the cooldown on. Defaults to per member. Valid choices are server / guild, user / member, and channel.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "That command doesn't exist."
msgstr "Este comando no existe."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "A {} may call this command every {} seconds"
msgstr "{} puede llamar a este comando cada {} segundos"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "This command has no cooldown."
msgstr "Este comando no tiene tiempo de reutilización."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "{} must be one of {}"
msgstr "{} debe ser uno de {}"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command cooldown successfully edited."
msgstr "El tiempo de reutilización del comando personalizado se ha editado correctamente."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "That command doesn't exist. Use `{command}` to add it."
msgstr "Ese comando no existe. Use `{command}` para agregarlo."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete a custom command.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"        - `[p]customcom delete yourcommand`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The custom command to delete.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command successfully deleted."
msgstr "Comando personalizado eliminado satifactoriamente."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Edit a custom command.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"        - `[p]customcom edit yourcommand Text you want`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command>` The custom command to edit.\n"
"        - `<text>` The new text to return when executing the command.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom command successfully edited."
msgstr "Comando personalizado editado con éxito."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "List all available custom commands.\n\n"
"        The list displays a preview of each command's response, with\n"
"        markdown escaped and newlines replaced with spaces.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Listar todos los comandos personalizados disponibles.\n\n"
"        La lista muestra una vista previa de la respuesta de cada comando, con\n"
"        markdown escapado y nuevas líneas sustituidas por espacios.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "There are no custom commands in this server. Use `{command}` to start adding some."
msgstr "No hay comandos personalizados en este servidor. Use `{command}` para comenzar a agregar algunos."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Custom Command List"
msgstr "Lista de comandos personalizados"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Page {num}/{total}"
msgstr "Página {num}/{total}"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
#, docstring
msgid "Shows a custom command's responses and its settings.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<command_name>` The custom command to show.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Muestra las respuestas de un comando personalizado y sus ajustes.\n\n"
"        **Argumentos:**\n\n"
"        - `<command_name>` El comando personalizado a mostrar.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "I could not not find that custom command."
msgstr "No he podido encontrar ese comando personalizado."

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Deleted User"
msgstr "Usuario eliminado"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Aleatorio"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Command: {command_name}\n"
"Author: {author}\n"
"Created: {created_at}\n"
"Type: {type}\n"
msgstr "Comando: {command_name}\n"
"Autor: {author}\n"
"Creado: {created_at}\n"
"Tipo: {type}\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Cooldowns:\n"
msgstr "Enfriamientos:\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "{num} seconds per {period}\n"
msgstr "{num} segundos por {period}\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Responses:\n"
msgstr "Respuestas:\n"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Too many arguments!"
msgstr "¡Demasiados argumentos!"

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Arguments must be sequential. Missing arguments: "
msgstr "Los argumentos deben ser secuenciales. Faltan argumentos: "

#: redbot/cogs/customcom/
msgid "Conflicting colon notation for argument {index}: \"{name1}\" and \"{name2}\"."
msgstr "Conflicto de notación de dos puntos para el argumento {index}: \"{name1}\" y \"{name2}\"."