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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-05-19 11:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Chinese Traditional, Hong Kong\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.3\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: zh-HK\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 23\n"
"Language: zh_HK\n"

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{arg} is not an integer."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{arg} is not a positive integer."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "JACKPOT! 226! Your bid has been multiplied * 50!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "4LC! Your bid has been multiplied * 25!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Three cherries! Your bid has been multiplied * 20!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "2 6! Your bid has been multiplied * 4!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Two cherries! Your bid has been multiplied * 3!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Three symbols! Your bid has been multiplied * 10!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Two consecutive symbols! Your bid has been multiplied * 2!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Slot machine payouts:\n"
"{two.value} {two.value} {six.value} Bet * 50\n"
"{flc.value} {flc.value} {flc.value} Bet * 25\n"
"{cherries.value} {cherries.value} {cherries.value} Bet * 20\n"
"{two.value} {six.value} Bet * 4\n"
"{cherries.value} {cherries.value} Bet * 3\n\n"
"Three symbols: Bet * 10\n"
"Two symbols: Bet * 2"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Invalid value, the argument must be an integer, optionally preceded with a `+` or `-` sign."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Invalid value, the amount of currency to increase or decrease must be an integer different from zero."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Get rich and have fun with imaginary currency!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command to manage the bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Show the user's account balance.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]bank balance`\n"
"            - `[p]bank balance @Twentysix`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<user>` The user to check the balance of. If omitted, defaults to your own balance.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{user}'s balance is {num} {currency}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Transfer currency to other users.\n\n"
"        This will come out of your balance, so make sure you have enough.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]bank transfer @Twentysix 500`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<to>` The user to give currency to.\n"
"        - `<amount>` The amount of currency to give.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{user} transferred {num} {currency} to {other_user}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the balance of a user's bank account.\n\n"
"        Putting + or - signs before the amount will add/remove currency on the user's bank account instead.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]bank set @Twentysix 26` - Sets balance to 26\n"
"            - `[p]bank set @Twentysix +2` - Increases balance by 2\n"
"            - `[p]bank set @Twentysix -6` - Decreases balance by 6\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<to>` The user to set the currency of.\n"
"        - `<creds>` The amount of currency to set their balance to.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{author} added {num} {currency} to {user}'s account."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{author} removed {num} {currency} from {user}'s account."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{author} set {user}'s account balance to {num} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete all bank accounts.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]bank reset` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"            - `[p]bank reset yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for {scope}.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bank reset yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/ redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "this server"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "All bank accounts for {scope} have been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command for pruning bank accounts."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server.\n\n"
"        Cannot be used with a global bank. See `[p]bank prune global`.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune server` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune server yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This command cannot be used with a global bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for users no longer in this server.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bank prune local yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Bank accounts for users no longer in this server have been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Prune bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot.\n\n"
"        Cannot be used without a global bank. See `[p]bank prune server`.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune global` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune global yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This command cannot be used with a local bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bank prune global yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot have been pruned."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete the bank account of a specified user.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune user @TwentySix` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"            - `[p]bank prune user @TwentySix yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<user>` The user to delete the bank of. Takes mentions, names, and user ids.\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This command cannot be used in DMs with a local bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "This will delete {name}'s bank account.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bank prune user {id} yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "The bank account for {name} has been pruned."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Get some free currency.\n\n"
"        The amount awarded and frequency can be configured.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/ redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "You've reached the maximum amount of {currency}! Please spend some more 😬\n\n"
"You currently have {new_balance} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/ redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{author.mention} Here, take some {currency}. Enjoy! (+{amount} {currency}!)\n\n"
"You currently have {new_balance} {currency}.\n\n"
"You are currently #{pos} on the global leaderboard!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/ redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "{author.mention} Too soon. For your next payday you have to wait {time}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Print the leaderboard.\n\n"
"        Defaults to top 10.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]leaderboard`\n"
"            - `[p]leaderboard 50` - Shows the top 50 instead of top 10.\n"
"            - `[p]leaderboard 100 yes` - Shows the top 100 from all servers.\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<top>` How many positions on the leaderboard to show. Defaults to 10 if omitted.\n"
"        - `<show_global>` Whether to include results from all servers. This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Page {page_num}/{page_len}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Economy Leaderboard"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "There are no accounts in the bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Score"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "No balances found."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Show the payouts for the slot machine."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "I can't send direct messages to you."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Use the slot machine.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]slot 50`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<bid>` The amount to bet on the slot machine. Winning payouts are higher when you bet more.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "You're on cooldown, try again in a bit."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "That's an invalid bid amount, sorry :/"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "You ain't got enough money, friend."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "You've reached the maximum amount of {currency}! Please spend some more 😬\n"
"{old_balance} -> {new_balance}!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Nothing!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Your bid: {bid}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "\n"
"{old_balance} - {bid} (Your bid) + {pay} (Winnings) → {new_balance}!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command to manage Economy settings."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Shows the current economy settings\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "----Economy Settings---\n"
"Minimum slot bid: {slot_min}\n"
"Maximum slot bid: {slot_max}\n"
"Slot cooldown: {slot_time}\n"
"Payday amount: {payday_amount}\n"
"Payday cooldown: {payday_time}\n"
"Amount given at account registration: {register_amount}\n"
"Maximum allowed balance: {maximum_bal}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the minimum slot machine bid.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset slotmin 10`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<bid>` The new minimum bid for using the slot machine. Default is 5.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Warning: Minimum bid is greater than the maximum bid ({max_bid}). Slots will not work."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Minimum bid is now {bid} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the maximum slot machine bid.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset slotmax 50`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<bid>` The new maximum bid for using the slot machine. Default is 100.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Warning: Maximum bid is less than the minimum bid ({min_bid}). Slots will not work."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Maximum bid is now {bid} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the cooldown for the slot machine.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset slottime 10`\n"
"            - `[p]economyset slottime 10m`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<duration>` The new duration to wait in between uses of the slot machine. Default is 5 seconds.\n"
"        Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks (if no unit is specified, the duration is assumed to be given in seconds)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Cooldown is now {num} seconds."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the cooldown for the payday command.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset paydaytime 86400`\n"
"            - `[p]economyset paydaytime 1d`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<duration>` The new duration to wait in between uses of payday. Default is 5 minutes.\n"
"        Accepts: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks (if no unit is specified, the duration is assumed to be given in seconds)\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Value modified. At least {num} seconds must pass between each payday."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the amount earned each payday.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset paydayamount 400`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<creds>` The new amount to give when using the payday command. Default is 120.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Amount must be greater than zero and less than {maxbal}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Every payday will now give {num} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the amount earned each payday for a role.\n"
"        Set to `0` to remove the payday amount you set for that role.\n\n"
"        Only available when not using a global bank.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset rolepaydayamount @Members 400`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<role>` The role to assign a custom payday amount to.\n"
"        - `<creds>` The new amount to give when using the payday command.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "The bank requires that you set the payday to be less than its maximum balance of {maxbal}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "The bank must be per-server for per-role paydays to work."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "The payday value attached to role has been removed. Users with this role will now receive the default pay of {num} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Every payday will now give {num} {currency} to people with the role {role_name}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the initial balance for new bank accounts.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"            - `[p]economyset registeramount 5000`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<creds>` The new initial balance amount. Default is 0.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Amount must be greater than or equal to zero and less than {maxbal}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "Registering an account will now give {num} {currency}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "weeks"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "days"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "hours"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "minutes"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/economy/
msgid "seconds"
msgstr ""