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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-13 10:40+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Italian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: it\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 35\n"
"Language: it_IT\n"

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "This cog is designed for \"filtering\" unwanted words and phrases from a server.\n\n"
"    It provides tools to manage a list of words or sentences, and to customize automatic actions to be taken against users who use those words in channels or in their name/nickname.\n\n"
"    This can be used to prevent inappropriate language, off-topic discussions, invite links, and more.\n"
"    "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command to manage filter settings."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the nickname for users with a filtered name.\n\n"
"        Note that this has no effect if filtering names is disabled\n"
"        (to toggle, run `[p]filter names`).\n\n"
"        The default name used is *John Doe*.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"        - `[p]filterset defaultname Missingno`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<name>` The new nickname to assign.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "The name to use on filtered names has been set."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the filter's autoban conditions.\n\n"
"        Users will be banned if they send `<count>` filtered words in\n"
"        `<timeframe>` seconds.\n\n"
"        Set both to zero to disable autoban.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]filterset ban 5 5` - Ban users who say 5 filtered words in 5 seconds.\n"
"        - `[p]filterset ban 2 20` - Ban users who say 2 filtered words in 20 seconds.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<count>` The amount of filtered words required to trigger a ban.\n"
"        - `<timeframe>` The period of time in which too many filtered words will trigger a ban.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Count and timeframe either both need to be 0 or both need to be greater than 0!"
msgstr "Conteggio e timeframe entrambe devono essere 0 o entrambe devono essere maggiore di 0!"

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Autoban disabled."
msgstr "Autoban disabilitato."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Count and time have been set."
msgstr "Conteggio e tempo sono state impostate."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command to add or remove words from the server filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to add or remove sentences.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Clears this server's filter list."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "The filter list for this server is empty."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Are you sure you want to clear this server's filter list?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/ redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "You took too long to respond."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Server filter cleared."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/ redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "No changes have been made."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Send a list of this server's filtered words."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "There are no current words setup to be filtered in this server."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered in this server:"
msgstr "Filtrato in questo server:"

#: redbot/cogs/filter/ redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "I can't send direct messages to you."
msgstr "Io non riesco a inviare messaggi diretti a voi."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command to add or remove words from the channel filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to add or remove sentences.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Clears this channel's filter list."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Threads can't have a filter list set up. If you want to clear this list for the parent channel, send the command in that channel."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "The filter list for this channel is empty."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Are you sure you want to clear this channel's filter list?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Channel filter cleared."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Send a list of the channel's filtered words."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "There are no current words setup to be filtered in this channel."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered in this channel:"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Add words to the filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to add sentences.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]filter channel add #channel word1 word2 word3`\n"
"        - `[p]filter channel add #channel \"This is a sentence\"`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<channel>` The text, voice, stage, or forum channel to add filtered words to.\n"
"        - `[words...]` The words or sentences to filter.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Words added to filter."
msgstr "Parole aggiunte al filtro."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Words already in the filter."
msgstr "Parole giĆ  nel filtro."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Remove words from the filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to remove sentences.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]filter channel remove #channel word1 word2 word3`\n"
"        - `[p]filter channel remove #channel \"This is a sentence\"`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `<channel>` The text, voice, stage, or forum channel to add filtered words to.\n"
"        - `[words...]` The words or sentences to no longer filter.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Words removed from filter."
msgstr "Parole rimossi dal filtro."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/ redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Those words weren't in the filter."
msgstr "Quelle parole non erano nel filtro."

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Add words to the filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to add sentences.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]filter add word1 word2 word3`\n"
"        - `[p]filter add \"This is a sentence\"`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `[words...]` The words or sentences to filter.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Words successfully added to filter."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Those words were already in the filter."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Remove words from the filter.\n\n"
"        Use double quotes to remove sentences.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]filter remove word1 word2 word3`\n"
"        - `[p]filter remove \"This is a sentence\"`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n\n"
"        - `[words...]` The words or sentences to no longer filter.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Words successfully removed from filter."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle name and nickname filtering.\n\n"
"        This is disabled by default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Names and nicknames will no longer be filtered."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Names and nicknames will now be filtered."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered words used: {words}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered word used: {word}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Autoban (too many filtered messages.)"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered nickname"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/cogs/filter/
msgid "Filtered name"
msgstr ""