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# Below File is not supported for anything other than conversion
# away and will be removed at a later date
# State of file below is "AS-IS" from before removal
import contextlib
import itertools
import re
from getpass import getpass
from typing import Match, Pattern, Tuple, Optional, AsyncIterator, Any, Dict, Iterator, List
from urllib.parse import quote_plus

    # pylint: disable=import-error
    import pymongo.errors
    import motor.core
    import motor.motor_asyncio
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    motor = None
    pymongo = None

from .. import errors
from .base import BaseDriver, IdentifierData

__all__ = ["MongoDriver"]

class MongoDriver(BaseDriver):
    Subclass of :py:class:`.BaseDriver`.

    _conn: Optional["motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient"] = None

    async def initialize(cls, **storage_details) -> None:
        if motor is None:
            raise errors.MissingExtraRequirements(
                "Red must be installed with the [mongo] extra to use the MongoDB driver"
        uri = storage_details.get("URI", "mongodb")
        host = storage_details["HOST"]
        port = storage_details["PORT"]
        user = storage_details["USERNAME"]
        password = storage_details["PASSWORD"]
        database = storage_details.get("DB_NAME", "default_db")

        if port is 0:
            ports = ""
            ports = ":{}".format(port)

        if user is not None and password is not None:
            url = "{}://{}:{}@{}{}/{}".format(
                uri, quote_plus(user), quote_plus(password), host, ports, database
            url = "{}://{}{}/{}".format(uri, host, ports, database)

        cls._conn = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(url, retryWrites=True)

    async def teardown(cls) -> None:
        if cls._conn is not None:

    def get_config_details():
        while True:
            uri = input("Enter URI scheme (mongodb or mongodb+srv): ")
            if uri is "":
                uri = "mongodb"

            if uri in ["mongodb", "mongodb+srv"]:
                print("Invalid URI scheme")

        host = input("Enter host address: ")
        if uri is "mongodb":
            port = int(input("Enter host port: "))
            port = 0

        admin_uname = input("Enter login username: ")
        admin_password = getpass("Enter login password: ")

        db_name = input("Enter mongodb database name: ")

        if admin_uname == "":
            admin_uname = admin_password = None

        ret = {
            "HOST": host,
            "PORT": port,
            "USERNAME": admin_uname,
            "PASSWORD": admin_password,
            "DB_NAME": db_name,
            "URI": uri,
        return ret

    def db(self) -> "motor.core.Database":
        Gets the mongo database for this cog's name.

            PyMongo Database object.
        return self._conn.get_database()

    def get_collection(self, category: str) -> "motor.core.Collection":
        Gets a specified collection within the PyMongo database for this cog.

        Unless you are doing custom stuff ``category`` should be one of the class
        attributes of :py:class:`core.config.Config`.

        :param str category:
            The group identifier of a category.
            PyMongo collection object.
        return self.db[self.cog_name][category]

    def get_primary_key(identifier_data: IdentifierData) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return identifier_data.primary_key

    async def rebuild_dataset(
        self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, cursor: "motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorCursor"
        ret = {}
        async for doc in cursor:
            pkeys = doc["_id"]["RED_primary_key"]
            del doc["_id"]
            doc = self._unescape_dict_keys(doc)
            if len(pkeys) == 0:
                # Global data
            elif len(pkeys) > 0:
                # All other data
                partial = ret
                for key in pkeys[:-1]:
                    if key in identifier_data.primary_key:
                    if key not in partial:
                        partial[key] = {}
                    partial = partial[key]
                if pkeys[-1] in identifier_data.primary_key:
                    partial[pkeys[-1]] = doc
        return ret

    async def get(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData):
        mongo_collection = self.get_collection(identifier_data.category)

        pkey_filter = self.generate_primary_key_filter(identifier_data)
        escaped_identifiers = list(map(self._escape_key, identifier_data.identifiers))
        if len(identifier_data.identifiers) > 0:
            proj = {"_id": False, ".".join(escaped_identifiers): True}

            partial = await mongo_collection.find_one(filter=pkey_filter, projection=proj)
            # The case here is for partial primary keys like all_members()
            cursor = mongo_collection.find(filter=pkey_filter)
            partial = await self.rebuild_dataset(identifier_data, cursor)

        if partial is None:
            raise KeyError("No matching document was found and Config expects a KeyError.")

        for i in escaped_identifiers:
            partial = partial[i]
        if isinstance(partial, dict):
            return self._unescape_dict_keys(partial)
        return partial

    async def set(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData, value=None):
        uuid = self._escape_key(identifier_data.uuid)
        primary_key = list(map(self._escape_key, self.get_primary_key(identifier_data)))
        dot_identifiers = ".".join(map(self._escape_key, identifier_data.identifiers))
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            if len(value) == 0:
                await self.clear(identifier_data)
            value = self._escape_dict_keys(value)
        mongo_collection = self.get_collection(identifier_data.category)
        num_pkeys = len(primary_key)

        if num_pkeys >= identifier_data.primary_key_len:
            # We're setting at the document level or below.
            dot_identifiers = ".".join(map(self._escape_key, identifier_data.identifiers))
            if dot_identifiers:
                update_stmt = {"$set": {dot_identifiers: value}}
                update_stmt = {"$set": value}

                await mongo_collection.update_one(
                    {"_id": {"RED_uuid": uuid, "RED_primary_key": primary_key}},
            except pymongo.errors.WriteError as exc:
                if exc.args and exc.args[0].startswith("Cannot create field"):
                    # There's a bit of a failing edge case here...
                    # If we accidentally set the sub-field of an array, and the key happens to be a
                    # digit, it will successfully set the value in the array, and not raise an
                    # error. This is different to how other drivers would behave, and could lead to
                    # unexpected behaviour.
                    raise errors.CannotSetSubfield
                    # Unhandled driver exception, should expose.

            # We're setting above the document level.
            # Easiest and most efficient thing to do is delete all documents that we're potentially
            # replacing, then insert_many().
            # We'll do it in a transaction so we can roll-back in case something goes horribly
            # wrong.
            pkey_filter = self.generate_primary_key_filter(identifier_data)
            async with await self._conn.start_session() as session:
                with contextlib.suppress(pymongo.errors.CollectionInvalid):
                    # Collections must already exist when inserting documents within a transaction
                    await self.db.create_collection(mongo_collection.full_name)
                    async with session.start_transaction():
                        await mongo_collection.delete_many(pkey_filter, session=session)
                        await mongo_collection.insert_many(
                                uuid, primary_key, value, identifier_data.primary_key_len
                except pymongo.errors.OperationFailure:
                    # This DB version / setup doesn't support transactions, so we'll have to use
                    # a shittier method.

                    # The strategy here is to separate the existing documents and the new documents
                    # into ones to be deleted, ones to be replaced, and new ones to be inserted.
                    # Then we can do a bulk_write().

                    # This is our list of (filter, new_document) tuples for replacing existing
                    # documents. The `new_document` should be taken and removed from `value`, so
                    # `value` only ends up containing documents which need to be inserted.
                    to_replace: List[Tuple[Dict, Dict]] = []

                    # This is our list of primary key filters which need deleting. They should
                    # simply be all the primary keys which were part of existing documents but are
                    # not included in the new documents.
                    to_delete: List[Dict] = []
                    async for document in mongo_collection.find(pkey_filter, session=session):
                        pkey = document["_id"]["RED_primary_key"]
                        new_document = value
                            for pkey_part in pkey[num_pkeys:-1]:
                                new_document = new_document[pkey_part]
                            # This document is being replaced - remove it from `value`.
                            new_document = new_document.pop(pkey[-1])
                        except KeyError:
                            # We've found the primary key of an old document which isn't in the
                            # updated set of documents - it should be deleted.
                            to_delete.append({"_id": {"RED_uuid": uuid, "RED_primary_key": pkey}})
                            _filter = {"_id": {"RED_uuid": uuid, "RED_primary_key": pkey}}
                            to_replace.append((_filter, new_document))

                    # What's left of `value` should be the new documents needing to be inserted.
                    to_insert = self.generate_documents_to_insert(
                        uuid, primary_key, value, identifier_data.primary_key_len
                    requests = list(
                            (pymongo.DeleteOne(f) for f in to_delete),
                            (pymongo.ReplaceOne(f, d) for f, d in to_replace),
                            (pymongo.InsertOne(d) for d in to_insert if d),
                    # This will pipeline the operations so they all complete quickly. However if
                    # any of them fail, the rest of them will complete - i.e. this operation is not
                    # atomic.
                    await mongo_collection.bulk_write(requests, ordered=False)

    def generate_primary_key_filter(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData):
        uuid = self._escape_key(identifier_data.uuid)
        primary_key = list(map(self._escape_key, self.get_primary_key(identifier_data)))
        ret = {"_id.RED_uuid": uuid}
        if len(identifier_data.identifiers) > 0:
            ret["_id.RED_primary_key"] = primary_key
        elif len(identifier_data.primary_key) > 0:
            for i, key in enumerate(primary_key):
                keyname = f"_id.RED_primary_key.{i}"
                ret[keyname] = key
            ret["_id.RED_primary_key"] = {"$exists": True}
        return ret

    def generate_documents_to_insert(
        cls, uuid: str, primary_keys: List[str], data: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]], pkey_len: int
    ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]:
        num_missing_pkeys = pkey_len - len(primary_keys)
        if num_missing_pkeys == 1:
            for pkey, document in data.items():
                document["_id"] = {"RED_uuid": uuid, "RED_primary_key": primary_keys + [pkey]}
                yield document
            for pkey, inner_data in data.items():
                for document in cls.generate_documents_to_insert(
                    uuid, primary_keys + [pkey], inner_data, pkey_len
                    yield document

    async def clear(self, identifier_data: IdentifierData):
        # There are five cases here:
        # 1) We're clearing out a subset of identifiers (aka identifiers is NOT empty)
        # 2) We're clearing out full primary key and no identifiers
        # 3) We're clearing out partial primary key and no identifiers
        # 4) Primary key is empty, should wipe all documents in the collection
        # 5) Category is empty, all of this cog's data should be deleted
        pkey_filter = self.generate_primary_key_filter(identifier_data)
        if identifier_data.identifiers:
            # This covers case 1
            mongo_collection = self.get_collection(identifier_data.category)
            dot_identifiers = ".".join(map(self._escape_key, identifier_data.identifiers))
            await mongo_collection.update_one(pkey_filter, update={"$unset": {dot_identifiers: 1}})
        elif identifier_data.category:
            # This covers cases 2-4
            mongo_collection = self.get_collection(identifier_data.category)
            await mongo_collection.delete_many(pkey_filter)
            # This covers case 5
            db = self.db
            super_collection = db[self.cog_name]
            results = await db.list_collections(
                filter={"name": {"$regex": rf"^{}\."}}
            for result in results:
                await db[result["name"]].delete_many(pkey_filter)

    async def aiter_cogs(cls) -> AsyncIterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
        db = cls._conn.get_database()
        for collection_name in await db.list_collection_names():
            parts = collection_name.split(".")
            if not len(parts) == 2:
            cog_name = parts[0]
            for cog_id in await db[collection_name].distinct("_id.RED_uuid"):
                yield cog_name, cog_id

    async def delete_all_data(
        cls, *, interactive: bool = False, drop_db: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs
    ) -> None:
        """Delete all data being stored by this driver.

        interactive : bool
            Set to ``True`` to allow the method to ask the user for
            input from the console, regarding the other unset parameters
            for this method.
        drop_db : Optional[bool]
            Set to ``True`` to drop the entire database for the current
            bot's instance. Otherwise, collections which appear to be
            storing bot data will be dropped.

        if interactive is True and drop_db is None:
                "Please choose from one of the following options:\n"
                " 1. Drop the entire MongoDB database for this instance, or\n"
                " 2. Delete all of Red's data within this database, without dropping the database "
            options = ("1", "2")
            while True:
                resp = input("> ")
                    drop_db = not bool(options.index(resp))
                except ValueError:
                    print("Please type a number corresponding to one of the options.")
        db = cls._conn.get_database()
        if drop_db is True:
            await cls._conn.drop_database(db)
            async with await cls._conn.start_session() as session:
                async for cog_name, cog_id in cls.aiter_cogs():
                    await db.drop_collection(db[cog_name], session=session)

    def _escape_key(key: str) -> str:
        return _SPECIAL_CHAR_PATTERN.sub(_replace_with_escaped, key)

    def _unescape_key(key: str) -> str:
        return _CHAR_ESCAPE_PATTERN.sub(_replace_with_unescaped, key)

    def _escape_dict_keys(cls, data: dict) -> dict:
        """Recursively escape all keys in a dict."""
        ret = {}
        for key, value in data.items():
            key = cls._escape_key(key)
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = cls._escape_dict_keys(value)
            ret[key] = value
        return ret

    def _unescape_dict_keys(cls, data: dict) -> dict:
        """Recursively unescape all keys in a dict."""
        ret = {}
        for key, value in data.items():
            key = cls._unescape_key(key)
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = cls._unescape_dict_keys(value)
            ret[key] = value
        return ret

_SPECIAL_CHAR_PATTERN: Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"([.$]|\\U0000002E|\\U00000024)")
    ".": "\\U0000002E",
    "$": "\\U00000024",
    "\\U0000002E": "\\U&0000002E",
    "\\U00000024": "\\U&00000024",

def _replace_with_escaped(match: Match[str]) -> str:
    return _SPECIAL_CHARS[match[0]]

_CHAR_ESCAPE_PATTERN: Pattern[str] = re.compile(r"(\\U0000002E|\\U00000024)")
    "\\U0000002E": ".",
    "\\U00000024": "$",
    "\\U&0000002E": "\\U0000002E",
    "\\U&00000024": "\\U00000024",

def _replace_with_unescaped(match: Match[str]) -> str:
    return _CHAR_ESCAPES[match[0]]