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This module manages the logic of resolving command permissions and
requirements. This includes rules which override those requirements,
as well as custom checks which can be overridden, and some special
checks like bot permissions checks.
import asyncio
import enum
import inspect
from collections import ChainMap
from typing import (

import discord

from discord.ext.commands import check
from .errors import BotMissingPermissions

from redbot.core import utils

    from .commands import Command
    from .context import Context

    _CommandOrCoro = TypeVar("_CommandOrCoro", Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]], Command)

__all__ = [

_T = TypeVar("_T")
GlobalPermissionModel = Union[
GuildPermissionModel = Union[
PermissionModel = Union[GlobalPermissionModel, GuildPermissionModel]
CheckPredicate = Callable[["Context"], Union[Optional[bool], Awaitable[Optional[bool]]]]

class PrivilegeLevel(enum.IntEnum):
    """Enumeration for special privileges."""

    # Maintainer Note: do NOT re-order these.
    # Each privilege level also implies access to the ones before it.
    # Inserting new privilege levels at a later point is fine if that is considered.

    NONE =
    """No special privilege level."""

    MOD =
    """User has the mod role."""

    ADMIN =
    """User has the admin role."""

    """User is the guild level."""

    """User is a bot owner."""

    async def from_ctx(cls, ctx: "Context") -> "PrivilegeLevel":
        """Get a command author's PrivilegeLevel based on context."""
        if await
            return cls.BOT_OWNER
        elif ctx.guild is None:
            return cls.NONE
        elif == ctx.guild.owner:
            return cls.GUILD_OWNER

        # The following is simply an optimised way to check if the user has the
        # admin or mod role.
        guild_settings =

        for snowflake in await guild_settings.admin_role():
                return cls.ADMIN
        for snowflake in await guild_settings.mod_role():
                return cls.MOD

        return cls.NONE

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}.{}>"

class PermState(enum.Enum):
    """Enumeration for permission states used by rules."""

    """This command has been actively allowed, default user checks
    should be ignored.

    NORMAL =
    """No overrides have been set for this command, make determination
    from default user checks.

    """There exists a subcommand in the `ACTIVE_ALLOW` state, continue
    down the subcommand tree until we either find it or realise we're
    on the wrong branch.

    """This command has been actively denied, but there exists a
    subcommand in the `ACTIVE_ALLOW` state. This occurs when
    `PASSIVE_ALLOW` and `ACTIVE_DENY` are combined.

    """This command has been actively denied, terminate the command

    # The below are valid states, but should not be transitioned to
    # They should be set if they apply.

    """This command has been actively allowed by a permission hook.
    check validation swaps this out, but the information may be useful
    to developers. It is treated as `ACTIVE_ALLOW` for the current command
    and `PASSIVE_ALLOW` for subcommands."""

    """This command has been actively denied by a permission hook
    check validation swaps this out, but the information may be useful
    to developers. It is treated as `ACTIVE_DENY` for the current command
    and any subcommands."""

    def from_bool(cls, value: Optional[bool]) -> "PermState":
        """Get a PermState from a bool or ``NoneType``."""
        if value is True:
            return cls.ACTIVE_ALLOW
        elif value is False:
            return cls.ACTIVE_DENY
            return cls.NORMAL

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}.{}>"

# Here we're defining how we transition between states.
# The dict is in the form:
#   previous state -> this state -> Tuple[override, next state]
# "override" is a bool describing whether or not the command should be
# invoked. It can be None, in which case the default permission checks
# will be used instead.
# There is also one case where the "next state" is dependent on the
# result of the default permission checks - the transition from NORMAL
# to PASSIVE_ALLOW. In this case "next state" is a dict mapping the
# permission check results to the actual next state.

TransitionResult = Tuple[Optional[bool], Union[PermState, Dict[bool, PermState]]]
TransitionDict = Dict[PermState, Dict[PermState, TransitionResult]]

PermStateTransitions: TransitionDict = {
    PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: {
        PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.NORMAL: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: (True, PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW),
        PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
    PermState.NORMAL: {
        PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.NORMAL: (None, PermState.NORMAL),
        PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: (True, {True: PermState.NORMAL, False: PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW}),
        PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: (True, PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW),
        PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
    PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: {
        PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.NORMAL: (False, PermState.NORMAL),
        PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: (True, PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW),
        PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
    PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: {
        PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),
        PermState.NORMAL: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
        PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW),
        PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: (True, PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW),
        PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
    PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: {  # We can only start from ACTIVE_DENY if it is set on a cog.
        PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW: (True, PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW),  # Should never happen
        PermState.NORMAL: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),
        PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),  # Should never happen
        PermState.CAUTIOUS_ALLOW: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),  # Should never happen
        PermState.ACTIVE_DENY: (False, PermState.ACTIVE_DENY),

PermStateAllowedStates = (

def transition_permstate_to(prev: PermState, next_state: PermState) -> TransitionResult:
    # Transforms here are used so that the
    # informational ALLOWED_BY_HOOK/DENIED_BY_HOOK
    # remain, while retaining the behavior desired.
    if prev is PermState.ALLOWED_BY_HOOK:
        # As hook allows are extremely granular,
        # we don't want this to allow every subcommand
        prev = PermState.PASSIVE_ALLOW
    elif prev is PermState.DENIED_BY_HOOK:
        # However, denying should deny every subcommand
        prev = PermState.ACTIVE_DENY
    return PermStateTransitions[prev][next_state]

class Requires:
    """This class describes the requirements for executing a specific command.

    The permissions described include both bot permissions and user

    checks : List[Callable[[Context], Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]]]
        A list of checks which can be overridden by rules. Use
        `Command.checks` if you would like them to never be overridden.
    privilege_level : PrivilegeLevel
        The required privilege level (bot owner, admin, etc.) for users
        to execute the command. Can be ``None``, in which case the
        `user_perms` will be used exclusively, otherwise, for levels
        other than bot owner, the user can still run the command if
        they have the required `user_perms`.
    ready_event : asyncio.Event
        Event for when this Requires object has had its rules loaded.
        If permissions is loaded, this should be set when permissions
        has finished loading rules into this object. If permissions
        is not loaded, it should be set as soon as the command or cog
        is added.
    user_perms : Optional[discord.Permissions]
        The required permissions for users to execute the command. Can
        be ``None``, in which case the `privilege_level` will be used
        exclusively, otherwise, it will pass whether the user has the
        required `privilege_level` _or_ `user_perms`.
    bot_perms : discord.Permissions
        The required bot permissions for a command to be executed. This
        is not overrideable by other conditions.


    DEFAULT: ClassVar[str] = "default"
    """The key for the default rule in a rules dict."""

    GLOBAL: ClassVar[int] = 0
    """Should be used in place of a guild ID when setting/getting
    global rules.

    def __init__(
        privilege_level: Optional[PrivilegeLevel],
        user_perms: Union[Dict[str, bool], discord.Permissions, None],
        bot_perms: Union[Dict[str, bool], discord.Permissions],
        checks: List[CheckPredicate],
        self.checks: List[CheckPredicate] = checks
        self.privilege_level: Optional[PrivilegeLevel] = privilege_level
        self.ready_event = asyncio.Event()

        if isinstance(user_perms, dict):
            self.user_perms: Optional[discord.Permissions] = discord.Permissions.none()
            self.user_perms = user_perms

        if isinstance(bot_perms, dict):
            self.bot_perms: discord.Permissions = discord.Permissions.none()
            self.bot_perms = bot_perms
        self._global_rules: _RulesDict = _RulesDict()
        self._guild_rules: _IntKeyDict[_RulesDict] = _IntKeyDict[_RulesDict]()

    def get_decorator(
        privilege_level: Optional[PrivilegeLevel], user_perms: Optional[Dict[str, bool]]
    ) -> Callable[["_CommandOrCoro"], "_CommandOrCoro"]:
        if not user_perms:
            user_perms = None

        def decorator(func: "_CommandOrCoro") -> "_CommandOrCoro":
            if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
                func.__requires_privilege_level__ = privilege_level
                if user_perms is None:
                    func.__requires_user_perms__ = None
                    if getattr(func, "__requires_user_perms__", None) is None:
                        func.__requires_user_perms__ = discord.Permissions.none()
                func.requires.privilege_level = privilege_level
                if user_perms is None:
                    func.requires.user_perms = None
                    if func.requires.user_perms is None:
                        func.requires.user_perms = discord.Permissions.none()
            return func

        return decorator

    def get_rule(self, model: Union[int, str, PermissionModel], guild_id: int) -> PermState:
        """Get the rule for a particular model.

        model : Union[int, str, PermissionModel]
            The model to get the rule for. `str` is only valid for
        guild_id : int
            The ID of the guild for the rule's scope. Set to
            `Requires.GLOBAL` for a global rule.
            If a global rule is set for a model,
            it will be preferred over the guild rule.

            The state for this rule. See the `PermState` class
            for an explanation.

        if not isinstance(model, (str, int)):
            model =
        rules: Mapping[Union[int, str], PermState]
        if guild_id:
            rules = ChainMap(self._global_rules, self._guild_rules.get(guild_id, _RulesDict()))
            rules = self._global_rules
        return rules.get(model, PermState.NORMAL)

    def set_rule(self, model_id: Union[str, int], rule: PermState, guild_id: int) -> None:
        """Set the rule for a particular model.

        model_id : Union[str, int]
            The model to add a rule for. `str` is only valid for
        rule : PermState
            Which state this rule should be set as. See the `PermState`
            class for an explanation.
        guild_id : int
            The ID of the guild for the rule's scope. Set to
            `Requires.GLOBAL` for a global rule.

        if guild_id:
            rules = self._guild_rules.setdefault(guild_id, _RulesDict())
            rules = self._global_rules
        if rule is PermState.NORMAL:
            rules.pop(model_id, None)
            rules[model_id] = rule

    def clear_all_rules(self, guild_id: int, *, preserve_default_rule: bool = True) -> None:
        """Clear all rules of a particular scope.

        guild_id : int
            The guild ID to clear rules for. If set to
            `Requires.GLOBAL`, this will clear all global rules and
            leave all guild rules untouched.

        Other Parameters
        preserve_default_rule : bool
            Whether to preserve the default rule or not.
            This defaults to being preserved

        if guild_id:
            rules = self._guild_rules.setdefault(guild_id, _RulesDict())
            rules = self._global_rules
        default = rules.get(self.DEFAULT, None)
        if default is not None and preserve_default_rule:
            rules[self.DEFAULT] = default

    def reset(self) -> None:
        """Reset this Requires object to its original state.

        This will clear all rules, including defaults. It also resets
        the `Requires.ready_event`.
        self._guild_rules.clear()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self._global_rules.clear()  # pylint: disable=no-member

    async def verify(self, ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        """Check if the given context passes the requirements.

        This will check the bot permissions, overrides, user permissions
        and privilege level.

        ctx : "Context"
            The invocation context to check with.

            ``True`` if the context passes the requirements.

            If the bot is missing required permissions to run the
            Propagated from any permissions checks.

        if not self.ready_event.is_set():
            await self.ready_event.wait()
        await self._verify_bot(ctx)

        # Owner should never be locked out of commands for user permissions.
        if await
            return True
        # Owner-only commands are non-overrideable, and we already checked for owner.
        if self.privilege_level is PrivilegeLevel.BOT_OWNER:
            return False

        hook_result = await
        if hook_result is not None:
            return hook_result

        return await self._transition_state(ctx)

    async def _verify_bot(self, ctx: "Context") -> None:
        cog = ctx.cog
        if ctx.guild is not None and cog and await, ctx.guild):
            raise discord.ext.commands.DisabledCommand()

        bot_perms = ctx.bot_permissions
        if not (bot_perms.administrator or bot_perms >= self.bot_perms):
            raise BotMissingPermissions(missing=self._missing_perms(self.bot_perms, bot_perms))

    async def _transition_state(self, ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        should_invoke, next_state = self._get_transitioned_state(ctx)
        if should_invoke is None:
            # NORMAL invocation, we simply follow standard procedure
            should_invoke = await self._verify_user(ctx)
        elif isinstance(next_state, dict):
            # NORMAL to PASSIVE_ALLOW; should we proceed as normal or transition?
            # We must check what would happen normally, if no explicit rules were set.
            would_invoke = self._get_would_invoke(ctx)
            if would_invoke is None:
                would_invoke = await self._verify_user(ctx)
            next_state = next_state[would_invoke]

        assert isinstance(next_state, PermState)
        ctx.permission_state = next_state
        return should_invoke

    def _get_transitioned_state(self, ctx: "Context") -> TransitionResult:
        prev_state = ctx.permission_state
        cur_state = self._get_rule_from_ctx(ctx)
        return transition_permstate_to(prev_state, cur_state)

    def _get_would_invoke(self, ctx: "Context") -> Optional[bool]:
        default_rule = PermState.NORMAL
        if ctx.guild is not None:
            default_rule = self.get_rule(self.DEFAULT,
        if default_rule is PermState.NORMAL:
            default_rule = self.get_rule(self.DEFAULT, self.GLOBAL)

        if default_rule == PermState.ACTIVE_DENY:
            return False
        elif default_rule == PermState.ACTIVE_ALLOW:
            return True
            return None

    async def _verify_user(self, ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        checks_pass = await self._verify_checks(ctx)
        if checks_pass is False:
            return False

        if self.user_perms is not None:
            user_perms = ctx.permissions
            if user_perms.administrator or user_perms >= self.user_perms:
                return True

        if self.privilege_level is not None:
            privilege_level = await PrivilegeLevel.from_ctx(ctx)
            if privilege_level >= self.privilege_level:
                return True

        return False

    def _get_rule_from_ctx(self, ctx: "Context") -> PermState:
        author =
        guild = ctx.guild
        if ctx.guild is None:
            # We only check the user for DM channels
            rule = self._global_rules.get(
            if rule is not None:
                return rule
            return self.get_rule(self.DEFAULT, self.GLOBAL)

        rules_chain = [self._global_rules]
        guild_rules = self._guild_rules.get(
        if guild_rules:

        channels = []
        if author.voice is not None:
        if isinstance(, discord.Thread):
        category =
        if category is not None:

        # We want author roles sorted highest to lowest, and exclude the @everyone role
        author_roles = reversed(author.roles[1:])

        model_chain = [author, *channels, *author_roles, guild]

        for rules in rules_chain:
            for model in model_chain:
                rule = rules.get(
                if rule is not None:
                    return rule
            del model_chain[-1]  # We don't check for the guild in guild rules

        default_rule = self.get_rule(self.DEFAULT,
        if default_rule is PermState.NORMAL:
            default_rule = self.get_rule(self.DEFAULT, self.GLOBAL)
        return default_rule

    async def _verify_checks(self, ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        if not self.checks:
            return True
        return await discord.utils.async_all(check(ctx) for check in self.checks)

    def _missing_perms(
        required: discord.Permissions, actual: discord.Permissions
    ) -> discord.Permissions:
        # Explained in set theory terms:
        #   Assuming R is the set of required permissions, and A is
        #   the set of the user's permissions, the set of missing
        #   permissions will be equal to R \ A, i.e. the relative
        #   complement/difference of A with respect to R.
        relative_complement = required.value & ~actual.value
        return discord.Permissions(relative_complement)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (
            f"<Requires privilege_level={self.privilege_level!r} user_perms={self.user_perms!r} "

# check decorators

def permissions_check(predicate: CheckPredicate):
    """An overwriteable version of `discord.ext.commands.check`.

    This has the same behaviour as `discord.ext.commands.check`,
    however this check can be ignored if the command is allowed
    through a permissions cog.

    def decorator(func: "_CommandOrCoro") -> "_CommandOrCoro":
        if hasattr(func, "requires"):
            if not hasattr(func, "__requires_checks__"):
                func.__requires_checks__ = []
            # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
        return func

    return decorator

def has_guild_permissions(**perms):
    """Restrict the command to users with these guild permissions.

    This check can be overridden by rules.


    def predicate(ctx):
        return ctx.guild and >= discord.Permissions(**perms)

    return permissions_check(predicate)

def bot_has_permissions(**perms: bool):
    """Complain if the bot is missing permissions.

    If the user tries to run the command, but the bot is missing the
    permissions, it will send a message describing which permissions
    are missing.

    This check cannot be overridden by rules.

    def decorator(func: "_CommandOrCoro") -> "_CommandOrCoro":
        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func):
            if not hasattr(func, "__requires_bot_perms__"):
                func.__requires_bot_perms__ = discord.Permissions.none()
        return func

    return decorator

def bot_in_a_guild():
    """Deny the command if the bot is not in a guild."""

    async def predicate(ctx):
        return len( > 0

    return check(predicate)

def bot_can_manage_channel(*, allow_thread_owner: bool = False) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    Complain if the bot is missing permissions to manage channel.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    allow_thread_owner: bool
        If ``True``, the command will also be allowed to run if the bot is a thread owner.
        This can, for example, be useful to check if the bot can edit a channel/thread's name
        as that, in addition to members with manage channel/threads permission,
        can also be done by the thread owner.

    def predicate(ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        if ctx.guild is None:
            return False

        if not utils.can_user_manage_channel(
  ,, allow_thread_owner=allow_thread_owner
            if isinstance(, discord.Thread):
                # This is a slight lie - thread owner *might* also be allowed
                # but we just say that bot is missing the Manage Threads permission.
                missing = discord.Permissions(manage_threads=True)
                missing = discord.Permissions(manage_channels=True)
            raise BotMissingPermissions(missing=missing)

        return True

    return check(predicate)

def bot_can_react() -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    Complain if the bot is missing permissions to react.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    async def predicate(ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        return not (isinstance(, discord.Thread) and

    def decorator(func: _T) -> _T:
        func = bot_has_permissions(read_message_history=True, add_reactions=True)(func)
        func = check(predicate)(func)
        return func

    return decorator

def _can_manage_channel_deco(
    privilege_level: Optional[PrivilegeLevel] = None, allow_thread_owner: bool = False
) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    async def predicate(ctx: "Context") -> bool:
        if utils.can_user_manage_channel(
  ,, allow_thread_owner=allow_thread_owner
            return True

        if privilege_level is not None:
            if await PrivilegeLevel.from_ctx(ctx) >= privilege_level:
                return True

        return False

    return permissions_check(predicate)

def has_permissions(**perms: bool):
    """Restrict the command to users with these permissions.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    if perms is None:
        raise TypeError("Must provide at least one keyword argument to has_permissions")
    return Requires.get_decorator(None, perms)

def can_manage_channel(*, allow_thread_owner: bool = False) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    """Restrict the command to users with permissions to manage channel.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    This check can be overridden by rules.

    allow_thread_owner: bool
        If ``True``, the command will also be allowed to run if the author is a thread owner.
        This can, for example, be useful to check if the author can edit a channel/thread's name
        as that, in addition to members with manage channel/threads permission,
        can also be done by the thread owner.
    return _can_manage_channel_deco(allow_thread_owner)

def is_owner():
    """Restrict the command to bot owners.

    This check cannot be overridden by rules.
    return Requires.get_decorator(PrivilegeLevel.BOT_OWNER, {})

def guildowner_or_permissions(**perms: bool):
    """Restrict the command to the guild owner or users with these permissions.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return Requires.get_decorator(PrivilegeLevel.GUILD_OWNER, perms)

def guildowner_or_can_manage_channel(*, allow_thread_owner: bool = False) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    """Restrict the command to the guild owner or user with permissions to manage channel.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    This check can be overridden by rules.

    allow_thread_owner: bool
        If ``True``, the command will also be allowed to run if the author is a thread owner.
        This can, for example, be useful to check if the author can edit a channel/thread's name
        as that, in addition to members with manage channel/threads permission,
        can also be done by the thread owner.
    return _can_manage_channel_deco(PrivilegeLevel.GUILD_OWNER, allow_thread_owner)

def guildowner():
    """Restrict the command to the guild owner.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return guildowner_or_permissions()

def admin_or_permissions(**perms: bool):
    """Restrict the command to users with the admin role or these permissions.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return Requires.get_decorator(PrivilegeLevel.ADMIN, perms)

def admin_or_can_manage_channel(*, allow_thread_owner: bool = False) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    """Restrict the command to users with the admin role or permissions to manage channel.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    This check can be overridden by rules.

    allow_thread_owner: bool
        If ``True``, the command will also be allowed to run if the author is a thread owner.
        This can, for example, be useful to check if the author can edit a channel/thread's name
        as that, in addition to members with manage channel/threads permission,
        can also be done by the thread owner.
    return _can_manage_channel_deco(PrivilegeLevel.ADMIN, allow_thread_owner)

def admin():
    """Restrict the command to users with the admin role.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return admin_or_permissions()

def mod_or_permissions(**perms: bool):
    """Restrict the command to users with the mod role or these permissions.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return Requires.get_decorator(PrivilegeLevel.MOD, perms)

def mod_or_can_manage_channel(*, allow_thread_owner: bool = False) -> Callable[[_T], _T]:
    """Restrict the command to users with the mod role or permissions to manage channel.

    This check properly resolves the permissions for `discord.Thread` as well.

    This check can be overridden by rules.

    allow_thread_owner: bool
        If ``True``, the command will also be allowed to run if the author is a thread owner.
        This can, for example, be useful to check if the author can edit a channel/thread's name
        as that, in addition to members with manage channel/threads permission,
        can also be done by the thread owner.
    return _can_manage_channel_deco(PrivilegeLevel.MOD, allow_thread_owner)

def mod():
    """Restrict the command to users with the mod role.

    This check can be overridden by rules.
    return mod_or_permissions()

class _IntKeyDict(Dict[int, _T]):
    """Dict subclass which throws TypeError when a non-int key is used."""

    get: Callable
    setdefault: Callable

    def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> _T:
        if not isinstance(key, int):
            raise TypeError("Keys must be of type `int`")
        return super().__getitem__(key)  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: _T) -> None:
        if not isinstance(key, int):
            raise TypeError("Keys must be of type `int`")
        return super().__setitem__(key, value)  # pylint: disable=no-member

class _RulesDict(Dict[Union[int, str], PermState]):
    """Dict subclass which throws a TypeError when an invalid key is used."""

    get: Callable
    setdefault: Callable

    def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> PermState:
        if key != Requires.DEFAULT and not isinstance(key, int):
            raise TypeError(f'Expected "{Requires.DEFAULT}" or int key, not "{key}"')
        return super().__getitem__(key)  # pylint: disable=no-member

    def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: PermState) -> None:
        if key != Requires.DEFAULT and not isinstance(key, int):
            raise TypeError(f'Expected "{Requires.DEFAULT}" or int key, not "{key}"')
        return super().__setitem__(key, value)  # pylint: disable=no-member

def _validate_perms_dict(perms: Dict[str, bool]) -> None:
    invalid_keys = set(perms.keys()) - set(discord.Permissions.VALID_FLAGS)
    if invalid_keys:
        raise TypeError(f"Invalid perm name(s): {', '.join(invalid_keys)}")
    for perm, value in perms.items():
        if value is not True:
            # We reject any permission not specified as 'True', since this is the only value which
            # makes practical sense.
            raise TypeError(f"Permission {perm} may only be specified as 'True', not {value}")