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Test Coverage
import importlib.machinery

import discord

from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_number
from .i18n import Translator

_ = Translator(__name__, __file__)

__all__ = (

class RedError(Exception):
    """Base error class for Red-related errors."""

class PackageAlreadyLoaded(RedError):
    """Raised when trying to load an already-loaded package."""

    def __init__(self, spec: importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.spec: importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec = spec

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"There is already a package named {'.')[-1]} loaded"

class CogLoadError(RedError):
    """Raised by a cog when it cannot load itself.
    The message will be sent to the user."""


class BankError(RedError):
    """Base error class for bank-related errors."""

class BalanceTooHigh(BankError, OverflowError):
    """Raised when trying to set a user's balance to higher than the maximum."""

    def __init__(
        self, user:, max_balance: int, currency_name: str, *args, **kwargs
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.user = user
        self.max_balance = max_balance
        self.currency_name = currency_name

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return _("{user}'s balance cannot rise above {max} {currency}.").format(
            user=self.user, max=humanize_number(self.max_balance), currency=self.currency_name

class BankPruneError(BankError):
    """Raised when trying to prune a local bank and no server is specified."""

class MissingExtraRequirements(RedError):
    """Raised when an extra requirement is missing but required."""

class ConfigError(RedError):
    """Error in a Config operation."""

class StoredTypeError(ConfigError, TypeError):
    """A TypeError pertaining to stored Config data.

    This error may arise when, for example, trying to increment a value
    which is not a number, or trying to toggle a value which is not a

class CannotSetSubfield(StoredTypeError):
    """Tried to set sub-field of an invalid data structure.

    This would occur in the following example::

        >>> import asyncio
        >>> from redbot.core import Config
        >>> config = Config.get_conf(None, 1234, cog_name="Example")
        >>> async def example():
        ...     await
        ...     await config.set_raw("foo", "bar", False)  # Should raise here
