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Test Coverage
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: red-discordbot\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-03-27 04:58+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Russian\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Generated-By: redgettext 3.4.2\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=((n%10==1 && n%100!=11) ? 0 : ((n%10 >= 2 && n%10 <=4 && (n%100 < 12 || n%100 > 14)) ? 1 : ((n%10 == 0 || (n%10 >= 5 && n%10 <=9)) || (n%100 >= 11 && n%100 <= 14)) ? 2 : 3));\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: red-discordbot\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project-ID: 289505\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: ru\n"
"X-Crowdin-File-ID: 4\n"
"Language: ru_RU\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands to interface with Red's cog manager."
msgstr "Команды для интерфейса с менеджером плагинов Red."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists current cog paths in order of priority.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Список текущих путей cog'ов в порядке приоритета.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Install Path: {install_path}\n"
"Core Path: {core_path}\n\n"
msgstr "Путь установки: {install_path}\n"
"Основной путь: {core_path}\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Add a path to the list of available cog paths.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Добавить путь к списку путей доступных cog'ов.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That path does not exist or does not point to a valid directory."
msgstr "Этот путь не существует или не указывает на допустимый каталог."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "A cog path cannot be part of bot's data path ({bot_data_path})."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "A cog path cannot be part of bot's core path ({core_path})."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The provided path appears to be a cog package, are you sure that this is the path that you want to add as a **cog path**?\n\n"
"For example, in the following case, you should be adding the {path} as a **cog path**:\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\n"
"Please consult the Cog Manager UI documentation, if you're unsure: "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Okay, the path will not be added."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Path successfully added."
msgstr "Путь успешно добавлен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes one or more paths from the available cog paths given the `path_numbers` from `[p]paths`.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Удаляет путь из доступных путей cog'ов, учитывая `path_number` от `[p]paths`.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following paths were removed: {paths}"
msgstr "Следующие пути были удалены: {paths}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following path numbers did not exist: {path_numbers}"
msgstr "Следующие номера путей не существуют: {path_numbers}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Reorders paths internally to allow discovery of different cogs.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Внутреннее изменение порядка путей, позволяющие обнаруживать различные cog'и.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Invalid 'from' index."
msgstr "Недопустимый индекс 'от'."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Invalid 'to' index."
msgstr "Недопустимый индекс 'в'."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Paths reordered."
msgstr "Пути переупорядочены."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Returns the current install path or sets it if one is provided.\n\n"
"        The provided path must be absolute or relative to the bot's\n"
"        directory and it must already exist.\n\n"
"        No installed cogs will be transferred in the process.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Возращает текущий путь установки или устанавливает его, если указан.\n\n"
"        Указанный путь должен быть абсолютным или относительным к \n"
"        каталогу бота, и должен уже существовать\n\n"
"        Установленные cog'и не будут перемещены в процессе.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That path does not exist."
msgstr "Этого пути не существует."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bot will install new cogs to the `{}` directory."
msgstr "Бот будет устанавливать новые плагины в директорию `{}`."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists all loaded and available cogs.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Список всех загруженных и доступных cog'ов.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "**{} loaded:**\n"
msgstr "**{} загружен:**\n"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "**{} unloaded:**\n"
msgstr "**{} выгружен:**\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you need to do one of these:"
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам нужно совершить одно из следующих действий:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Check if the command caller is not a bot"
msgstr "Проверьте, не является ли вызывающий команду ботом"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user is a bot which prevents them from running any command."
msgstr "Пользователь является ботом, что не позволяет ему выполнить какую-либо команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This cannot be fixed - bots should not be listening to other bots."
msgstr "Это невозможно исправить - боты не должны слушать других ботов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Check if the bot can send messages in the given channel"
msgstr "Проверьте, если бот может отправлять сообщения в данном канале"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot is timed out in the given channel."
msgstr "У бота тайм-аут в данном канале."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, remove timeout from the bot."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, выключите тайм-аут в боте."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot doesn't have permission to send messages in the given channel."
msgstr "Бот не имеет разрешения на отправку сообщений в данном канале."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, ensure that the permissions setup allows the bot to send messages per Discord's role hierarchy:\n"
msgstr "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, убедитесь, что настройки разрешений позволяют боту отправлять сообщения в соответствии с иерархией ролей Discord:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Check if the channel and the server aren't set to be ignored"
msgstr "Проверьте, не настроен ли канал и сервер на игнорирование"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, check the list returned by the {command} command and ensure that the {thread} thread, its parent channel, and the server aren't a part of that list."
msgstr "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, проверьте список, возвращаемый командой {command}, и убедитесь, что поток {thread}, его родительский канал и сервер не входят в этот список."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, check the list returned by the {command} command and ensure that the {channel} channel and the server aren't a part of that list."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить эту проблему, проверьте список, возвращаемый командой {command}, и убедитесь, что канал {channel} и сервер не являются частью этого списка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, check the list returned by the {command} command and ensure that the {thread} thread, its parent channel, the channel category it belongs to ({channel_category}), and the server aren't a part of that list."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, проверьте список, возвращаемый командой {command}, и убедитесь, что канал {thread}, категория канала, к которой он принадлежит ({channel_category}), и сервер не являются частью этого списка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, check the list returned by the {command} command and ensure that the {channel} channel, the channel category it belongs to ({channel_category}), and the server aren't a part of that list."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, проверьте список, возвращаемый командой {command}, и убедитесь, что канал {channel}, категория канала, к которой он принадлежит ({channel_category}), и сервер не являются частью этого списка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bot is set to ignore commands in the given channel or this server."
msgstr "Бот настроен на игнорирование команд в данном канале или на данном сервере."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global allowlist prevents the user from running this command."
msgstr "Глобальный список разрешений запрещает пользователю выполнять эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either add the user to the allowlist, or clear the allowlist.\n"
"If you want to keep the allowlist, you can run {command_1} which will add {user} to the allowlist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the allowlist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо добавить пользователя в список разрешенных, либо очистить список разрешенных.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить список разрешенных команд, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая добавит {user} в список разрешенных команд.\n"
"Если же вы хотите очистить разрешающий список и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global blocklist prevents the user from running this command."
msgstr "Глобальный список блокировок не позволяет пользователю выполнить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either remove the user from the blocklist, or clear the blocklist.\n"
"If you want to keep the blocklist, you can run {command_1} which will remove {user} from the blocklist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the blocklist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо удалить пользователя из блок-листа, либо очистить блок-лист.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить блок-лист, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая удалит {user} из блок-листа.\n"
"Если же вы хотите очистить блок-лист и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}, чтобы сделать это."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Local allowlist prevents the user from running this command."
msgstr "Локальный список разрешений не позволяет пользователю выполнить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either add the user or one of their roles to the local allowlist, or clear the local allowlist.\n"
"If you want to keep the local allowlist, you can run {command_1} which will add {user} to the local allowlist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the local allowlist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо добавить пользователя или одну из его ролей в локальный список разрешений, либо очистить локальный список разрешений.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить локальный список разрешений, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая добавит {user} в локальный список разрешений.\n"
"Если вы хотите очистить локальный список разрешений и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Local blocklist prevents the user from running this command."
msgstr "Локальный список блокировки не позволяет пользователю выполнить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either remove the user's roles from the local blocklist, or clear the local blocklist.\n"
"If you want to keep the local blocklist, you can run {command_1} which will remove the user's roles ({roles}) from the local blocklist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the local blocklist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо удалить роли пользователя из локального блок-листа, либо очистить локальный блок-лист.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить локальный блок-лист, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая удалит роли пользователя ({roles}) из локального блок-листа.\n"
"Если же вы хотите очистить локальный блок-лист и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}, чтобы сделать это."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either remove the user and their roles from the local blocklist, or clear the local blocklist.\n"
"If you want to keep the local blocklist, you can run {command_1} which will remove {user} and their roles ({roles}) from the local blocklist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the local blocklist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо удалить пользователя и его роли из локального блок-листа, либо очистить локальный блок-лист.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить локальный блок-лист, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая удалит {user} и их роли ({roles}) из локального блок-листа.\n"
"Если же вы хотите очистить локальный блок-лист и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}, чтобы сделать это."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can either remove the user from the local blocklist, or clear the local blocklist.\n"
"If you want to keep the local blocklist, you can run {command_1} which will remove {user} from the local blocklist.\n"
"If you instead want to clear the local blocklist and let all users run commands freely, you can run {command_2} to do that."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, вы можете либо удалить пользователя из локального блок-листа, либо очистить локальный блок-лист.\n"
"Если вы хотите сохранить локальный блок-лист, вы можете выполнить {command_1}, которая удалит {user} из локального блок-листа.\n"
"Если же вы хотите очистить локальный блок-лист и позволить всем пользователям свободно выполнять команды, вы можете выполнить {command_2}, чтобы сделать это."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Allowlist and blocklist checks"
msgstr "Проверки списка разрешений и списка блокировок"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global, cog and command checks"
msgstr "Глобальные проверки, проверки cog'ов и команд"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The given command is disabled in this guild."
msgstr "Данная команда отключена в этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "One of the parents of the given command is disabled globally."
msgstr "Один из родительских команд данной команды отключена глобально."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can run {command} which will enable the {affected_command} command in this guild."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить эту проблему, вы можете выполнить {command}, которая включит команду {affected_command} в этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Other issues related to the checks"
msgstr "Другие проблемы, связанные с проверками"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There's an issue related to the checks for {command} but we're not able to determine the exact cause."
msgstr "Существует проблема, связанная с проверками для {command}, но мы не можем определить точную причину."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, a manual review of the global, cog and command checks is required."
msgstr "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, необходимо вручную пересмотреть проверки cog'ов и команд и глобальные проверки."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global checks"
msgstr "Глобальные проверки"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "One of the global checks for the command {command} failed with a message:\n"
msgstr "Одна из глобальных проверок для команды {command} не удалась с сообщением:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "One of the global checks for the command {command} failed without a message."
msgstr "Одна из глобальных проверок для команды {command} не удалась без сообщения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cog check"
msgstr "Проверка cog'а"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The cog check for the command {command} failed with a message:\n"
msgstr "Проверка cog для команды {command} не удалась с сообщением:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The cog check for the command {command} failed without a message."
msgstr "Проверка cog для команды {command} прошла без сообщения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command checks"
msgstr "Проверка команд"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "One of the command checks for the command {command} failed with a message:\n"
msgstr "Одна из проверок команды {command} не удалась с сообщением:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "One of the command checks for the command {command} failed without a message."
msgstr "Одна из проверок команды {command} не удалась без сообщения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Permissions verification"
msgstr "Проверка разрешений"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cog permissions verification"
msgstr "Проверка разрешений Cog"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The cog of the given command is disabled in this guild."
msgstr "Cog данной команды отключен в этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can run {command} which will enable the {affected_cog} cog in this guild."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить эту проблему, вы можете выполнить {command}, которая включит cog {affected_cog} в этой гильдии."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot is missing some of the channel permissions ({permissions}) required by the {cog} cog."
msgstr "Боту не хватает некоторых разрешений канала ({permissions}), необходимых для работы cog'а {cog}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot is missing some of the channel permissions ({permissions}) required by the {command} command."
msgstr "Боту не хватает некоторых разрешений канала ({permissions}), необходимых для выполнения команды {command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, grant the required permissions to the bot through role settings or channel overrides."
msgstr "Чтобы решить эту проблему, предоставьте боту необходимые разрешения через настройки роли или измените права доступа канала."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Other issues related to the permissions."
msgstr "Другие проблемы, связанные с разрешениями."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Fatal error: There's an issue related to the permissions for the {cog} cog but we're not able to determine the exact cause."
msgstr "Фатальная ошибка: Существует проблема, связанная с разрешениями для cog'а {cog}, но мы не можем определить точную причину."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Fatal error: There's an issue related to the permissions for the {command} command but we're not able to determine the exact cause."
msgstr "Фатальная ошибка: Существует проблема, связанная с разрешениями для команды {command}, но мы не можем определить точную причину."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This is an unexpected error, please report it on Red's issue tracker."
msgstr "Это непредвиденная ошибка. Пожалуйста, сообщите о ней на странице проблем Red."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Ensure that the command is not bot owner only"
msgstr "Убедитесь, что команда не принадлежит только владельцу бота"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The command is bot owner only and the given user is not a bot owner."
msgstr "Команда предназначена только для владельцев бота, а указанный пользователь не является владельцем бота."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This cannot be fixed - regular users cannot run bot owner only commands."
msgstr "Это невозможно исправить - обычные пользователи не могут выполнять команды, доступные только владельцу бота."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Permission hooks"
msgstr "Разрешены hooks"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Fatal error: the result of permission hooks is inconsistent."
msgstr "Фатальная ошибка: результат разрешения hooks несовместим."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, a manual review of the installed cogs is required."
msgstr "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, необходимо вручную пересмотреть установленные шестеренки."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The access has been denied by one of the bot's permissions hooks."
msgstr "Доступ был запрещен одним из hooks разрешений бота."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User's discord permissions, privilege level and rules from Permissions cog"
msgstr "Разрешения пользователей, уровень привилегий и правила из строки разрешений"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The access has been denied due to the rules set for the {cog} cog with Permissions cog."
msgstr "Доступ был запрещен из-за правил, установленных для {cog} шестерня с помощью Permissions cog."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The access has been denied due to the rules set for the {command} command with Permissions cog."
msgstr "Доступ был запрещен из-за правил, установленных для команды {command} в коде Permissions."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix the issue, a manual review of the rules is required."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить ошибку, требуется проверка правил вручную."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There's an issue related to the permissions of {cog} cog but we're not able to determine the exact cause."
msgstr "Возникла проблема, связанная с разрешениями шестерни {cog}, но мы не можем определить точную причину."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There's an issue related to the permissions of {command} command but we're not able to determine the exact cause."
msgstr "Существует проблема, связанная с разрешениями команды {command}, но мы не можем определить точную причину."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, a manual review of the command is required."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить эту проблему, требуется проверка команды вручную."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Permission checks"
msgstr "Проверка прав доступа"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The access has been denied by one of the permissions checks of {cog} cog."
msgstr "Доступ был запрещен одной из проверок разрешений {cog} шестерни."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The access has been denied by one of the permission checks of {command} command."
msgstr "Доступ был запрещен одной из проверок разрешений команды {command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, a manual review of the permission checks is required."
msgstr "Чтобы устранить эту проблему, необходимо вручную пересмотреть проверки разрешений."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User's discord permissions and privilege level"
msgstr "Разрешения и уровень привилегий пользователя"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "grant the required permissions to the user through role settings or channel overrides"
msgstr "предоставление необходимых разрешений пользователю через настройки ролей или переопределения каналов"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user is missing some of the channel permissions ({permissions}) required by the {cog} cog."
msgstr "У пользователя отсутствуют некоторые разрешения канала ({permissions}), требуемые шестеренки {cog}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user is missing some of the channel permissions ({permissions}) required by the {command} command."
msgstr "Пользователю не хватает некоторых разрешений канала ({permissions}), необходимых для выполнения команды {command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "the guild owner"
msgstr "владелец гильдии"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "the mod role"
msgstr "роль мода"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "the admin role"
msgstr "роль администратора"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "assign appropriate role to the user"
msgstr "назначить пользователю соответствующую роль"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user is missing the privilege level ({privilege_level}) required by the {cog} cog."
msgstr "У пользователя отсутствует уровень привилегий ({privilege_level}), требуемый шестеренки {cog}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user is missing the privilege level ({privilege_level}) required by the {command} command."
msgstr "Пользователь не имеет уровня привилегий ({privilege_level}), необходимого для выполнения команды {command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "add appropriate rule in the Permissions cog"
msgstr "добавьте соответствующее правило в коде Permissions"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user has neither the channel permissions ({permissions}) nor the privilege level ({privilege_level}) required by the {cog} cog."
msgstr "У пользователя нет прав канала ({permissions}), ни уровня привилегий ({privilege_level}), требуемого шестеренки {cog}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The user has neither the channel permissions ({permissions}) nor the privilege level ({privilege_level}) required by the {command} command."
msgstr "У пользователя нет прав канала ({permissions}) и уровня привилегий ({privilege_level}), требуемых командой {command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Checks and permissions verification for the command {command}"
msgstr "Проверка и проверка разрешений для команды {command}"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Other command checks"
msgstr "Другие проверки команд"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The given command is failing one of the required checks."
msgstr "Данная команда не проходит одну из необходимых проверок."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, a manual review of the command's checks is required."
msgstr "Для устранения этой проблемы требуется ручной пересмотр проверок команды."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global 'call once' checks"
msgstr "Проверка 'одного вызова'"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Other global 'call once' checks"
msgstr "Другие глобальные проверки 'одного вызова'"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "One of the global 'call once' checks implemented by a 3rd-party cog prevents this command from being ran."
msgstr "Одна из глобальных проверок 'одного вызова', реализованная сторонней шестерней, не позволяет выполнить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Check if the command is disabled"
msgstr "Проверьте, отключена ли команда"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "To fix this issue, you can run {command} which will enable the {affected_command} command globally."
msgstr "Чтобы исправить эту проблему, вы можете выполнить команду {command}, которая глобально включит команду {affected_command}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The given command is disabled globally."
msgstr "Данная команда отключена глобально."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Checks and permissions verification"
msgstr "Проверка и проверка прав доступа"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Passed"
msgstr "Передано"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed"
msgstr "Не удалось"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "All checks passed and no issues were detected. Make sure that the given parameters correspond to the channel, user, and command name that have been problematic.\n\n"
"If you still can't find the issue, it is likely that one of the 3rd-party cogs you're using adds a global or cog local before invoke hook that prevents the command from getting invoked as this can't be diagnosed with this tool."
msgstr "Все проверки прошли, и проблем не обнаружено. Убедитесь, что заданные параметры соответствуют каналу, пользователю и имени команды, с которыми возникли проблемы.\n\n"
"Если вы по-прежнему не можете найти проблему, вероятно, одна из используемых вами сторонних программ добавляет глобальный или локальный хук перед вызовом, который препятствует вызову команды, так как это невозможно диагностировать с помощью данного инструмента."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bot has been able to identify the issue."
msgstr "Бот смог определить проблему."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Detected issue: "
msgstr "Обнаруженная проблема: "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Solution: "
msgstr "Решение: "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\n"
"Here's a detailed report in case you need it:"
msgstr "\n"
"Вот подробный отчет на случай, если он вам понадобится:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel: "
msgstr "Канал: "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command caller: "
msgstr "Вызывающий команду: "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command: "
msgstr "Команда: "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Tests that have been ran:"
msgstr "Проведенные тесты:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Your Red instance is out of date! {} is the current version, however you are using {}!"
msgstr "Ваш экземпляр Red устарел! {} - это текущая версия, но вы используете {}!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\n\n"
"While the following command should work in most scenarios as it is based on your current OS, environment, and Python version, **we highly recommend you to read the update docs at <{docs}> and make sure there is nothing else that needs to be done during the update.**"
msgstr "\n\n"
"Хотя следующая команда должна работать в большинстве сценариев, поскольку она основана на вашей текущей ОС, окружении и версии Python, **мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам прочитать документацию по обновлению в <{docs}> и убедиться, что нет ничего другого, что нужно сделать во время обновления.**"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\n\n"
"You have Python `{py_version}` and this update requires `{req_py}`; you cannot simply run the update command.\n\n"
"You will need to follow the update instructions in our docs above, if you still need help updating after following the docs go to our #support channel in <>"
msgstr "\n\n"
"У вас Python `{py_version}`, и это обновление требует `{req_py}`; вы не можете просто выполнить команду update.\n\n"
"Вам нужно будет следовать инструкциям по обновлению в наших документах выше, если вам все еще нужна помощь в обновлении после следования документам, обратитесь на наш канал #support в <>"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\n\n"
"To update your bot, first shutdown your bot then open a window of {console} (Not as admin) and run the following:{command_1}\n"
"Once you've started up your bot again, we recommend that you update any installed 3rd-party cogs with this command in Discord:{command_2}"
msgstr "\n\n"
"Для обновления бота, сначала выключите вашего бота, затем откройте окно {console} (Не как администратор) и запустите следующее:{command_1}\n"
"После того, как вы запустили вашего бота еще раз, мы рекомендуем вам обновить любые установленные сторонние cogs с помощью этой команды в Discord:{command_2}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command Prompt"
msgstr "Командная строка"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Terminal"
msgstr "Терминал"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "`{user_input}` is not a valid value for `{command}`"
msgstr "`{user_input}` не является допустимым значением для `{command}`"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a positive integer."
msgstr "Аргумент `{parameter_name} должен быть положительным целым числом."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be an integer no more than {maximum}."
msgstr "Аргумент `{parameter_name}` должен быть целым числом, не превышающим {maximum}."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be an integer no less than {minimum}."
msgstr "Аргумент `{parameter_name} ` должен быть целым числом не менее, чем `{minimum}`."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be an integer between {minimum} and {maximum}."
msgstr "Аргумент `{parameter_name}` должен быть целым числом между {minimum} и {maximum}."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a positive number."
msgstr "Аргумент `{parameter_name}` должен быть положительным числом."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a number no more than {maximum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a number no less than {maximum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a number between {minimum} and {maximum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a string with a length of no more than {maximum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a string with a length of no less than {minimum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a string with a length of between {minimum} and {maximum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Argument `{parameter_name}` must be a number no less than {minimum}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\"{argument}\" is not an integer."
msgstr "\"{argument}\" не целое число."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "\"{argument}\" is not a number."
msgstr "\"{argument}\" не является числом."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Error in command '{command}'. Check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Ошибка в команде '{command}'. Проверьте консоль или журналы для получения подробной информации."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Error in command '{command}'."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I require the {permission} permission to execute that command."
msgstr "Мне требуется разрешение {permission} на выполнение этой команды."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I require {permission_list} permissions to execute that command."
msgstr "Мне требуются разрешения {permission_list} для выполнения этой команды."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "That command is not available in DMs."
msgstr "Эта команда недоступна в DMs."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is only available in DMs."
msgstr "Эта команда доступна только в DMs."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is only available in NSFW channels."
msgstr "Эта команда доступна только в NSFW каналах."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "This command is on cooldown. Try again {relative_time}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Too many people using this command. It can only be used {number} times concurrently."
msgstr "Слишком много людей используют эту команду. Одновременно ее можно использовать только {number} раз."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Too many people using this command. It can only be used once concurrently."
msgstr "Слишком много людей используют эту команду. Одновременно ее можно использовать только один раз."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is still completing, it can only be used {number} times per {type} concurrently."
msgstr "Эта команда все еще выполняется, она может использоваться одновременно только {number} раз за {type}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is still completing, it can only be used once per {type} concurrently."
msgstr "Эта команда все еще выполняется, она может быть использована одновременно только один раз за {type}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Too many people using this command. It can only be used {number} times per {type} concurrently."
msgstr "Слишком много людей используют эту команду. Одновременно ее можно использовать только {number} раз для {type}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Too many people using this command. It can only be used once per {type} concurrently."
msgstr "Слишком много людей используют эту команду. Одновременно ее можно использовать только один раз для каждого {type}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Can't pay for this command in DM without a global bank."
msgstr "Не удается оплатить эту команду в ЛС без глобального банка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You need at least {cost} {currency} to use this command."
msgstr "Вам нужно как минимум {cost} {currency} для того чтобы использовать данную команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There is still one message remaining. Type {command_1} to continue or {command_2} to upload all contents as a file."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There are still {count} messages remaining. Type {command_1} to continue or {command_2} to upload all contents as a file."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alias {alias_name} is already an existing command or alias in one of the loaded cogs."
msgstr "Псевдоним {alias_name} уже является существующей командой или псевдонимом в одном из загруженных cog'ов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command {command_name} is already an existing command or alias in one of the loaded cogs."
msgstr "Команда {command_name} уже существует или ее псевдоним занят в одном из загруженных cog'ов."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"    The Core cog has many commands related to core functions.\n\n"
"    These commands come loaded with every Red bot, and cover some of the most basic usage of the bot.\n"
"    "
msgstr "\n"
"    Cog \"core\" имеет много команд, связанных с основными функциями.\n\n"
"    Эти команды загружаются с каждым экземпляром Red и покрывают большинство нужных функций бота.\n"
"    "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Pong."
msgstr "Pong."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Shows info about [botname]."
msgstr "Показывает информацию о [botname]."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This bot is an instance of [Red, an open source Discord bot]({}) created by [Twentysix]({}) and [improved by many]({}).\n\n"
"Red is backed by a passionate community who contributes and creates content for everyone to enjoy. [Join us today]({}) and help us improve!\n\n"
"(c) Cog Creators"
msgstr "Этот бот является примером [Red, бот Discord с открытым исходным кодом]({}) создан [Twentysix]({}) и [улучшен многими]({}).\n\n"
"Red поддерживается страстным сообществом, которое вносит свой вклад и создает контент для всех желающих. [Присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня]({}) и помогите нам улучшить!\n\n"
"(c) Cog Creators"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Instance owned by team"
msgstr "Этот экземпляр принадлежит команде"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Instance owned by"
msgstr "Данная копия принадлежит"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Red version"
msgstr "Версия Red"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Yes, {version} is available."
msgstr "Да, {version} доступен."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Checking for updates failed."
msgstr "Проверка обновлений не удалась."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Outdated"
msgstr "Устарела"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "About this instance"
msgstr "Об этом экземпляре"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "About Red"
msgstr "О Red"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Bringing joy since 02 Jan 2016 (over {} days ago!)"
msgstr "Приносит радость с 2 Января 2016 (более {} дней назад!)"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This bot is an instance of Red, an open source Discord bot (1) created by Twentysix (2) and improved by many (3).\n\n"
"Red is backed by a passionate community who contributes and creates content for everyone to enjoy. Join us today (4) and help us improve!\n\n"
"(c) Cog Creators"
msgstr "Этот бот является примером [Red, бот Discord с открытым исходным кодом]({}) создан [Twentysix]({}) и [улучшен многими]({}).\n\n"
"Red поддерживается страстным сообществом, которое вносит свой вклад и создает контент для всех желающих. [Присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня]({}) и помогите нам улучшить!\n\n"
"(c) Cog Creators"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Instance owned by team: [{owner}]\n"
"Python:                 [{python_version}] (5)\n"
"             [{dpy_version}] (6)\n"
"Red version:            [{red_version}] (7)\n"
msgstr "Данный экземпляр принадлежит команде: [{owner}]\n"
"Python:                 [{python_version}] (5)\n"
"             [{dpy_version}] (6)\n"
"Red version:            [{red_version}] (7)\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Instance owned by: [{owner}]\n"
"Python:            [{python_version}] (5)\n"
"        [{dpy_version}] (6)\n"
"Red version:       [{red_version}] (7)\n"
msgstr "Данный экземпляр принадлежит: [{owner}]\n"
"Python:            [{python_version}] (5)\n"
"        [{dpy_version}] (6)\n"
"Red version:       [{red_version}] (7)\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Outdated:          [{state}]\n"
msgstr "Устарело: [{state}]\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**About Red**\n"
msgstr "**О Red**\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**About this instance**\n"
msgstr "**Об этом экземпляре**\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**References**\n"
"1. <{}>\n"
"2. <{}>\n"
"3. <{}>\n"
"4. <{}>\n"
"5. <{}>\n"
"6. <{}>\n"
"7. <{}>\n"
msgstr "**Ссылки**\n"
"1. <{}>\n"
"2. <{}>\n"
"3. <{}>\n"
"4. <{}>\n"
"5. <{}>\n"
"6. <{}>\n"
"7. <{}>\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Shows [botname]'s uptime."
msgstr "Показать время безперерывной работы [botname]."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Less than one second."
msgstr "Менее одной секунды."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I have been up for: **{time_quantity}** (since {timestamp})"
msgstr "Я был онлайн: **{time_quantity}** (с {timestamp})"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands which interact with the data [botname] has about you.\n\n"
"        More information can be found in the [End User Data Documentation.](\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды, которые взаимодействуют с данными [botname] имеет о вас.\n\n"
"        Дополнительную информацию можно найти в [Документации по Данным Конечного Пользователя.](\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Find out what type of data [botname] stores and why.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata whatdata`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This bot stores some data about users as necessary to function. This is mostly the ID your user is assigned by Discord, linked to a handful of things depending on what you interact with in the bot. There are a few commands which store it to keep track of who created something. (such as playlists) For full details about this as well as more in depth details of what is stored and why, see {link}.\n\n"
"Additionally, 3rd party addons loaded by the bot's owner may or may not store additional things. You can use `{prefix}mydata 3rdparty` to view the statements provided by each 3rd-party addition."
msgstr "Этот бот хранит некоторые данные о пользователях, необходимые для функционирования. Это в основном ID, присвоенный вашему пользователю Discord, связано с небольшим количеством вещей, в зависимости от того, с чем вы взаимодействуете в боте. Есть несколько команд, которые хранят его, чтобы отслеживать кто что-то создал. (например, плейлисты) Для получения подробной информации об этом, а также более подробной информации о том, что хранится и почему, смотрите {link}.\n\n"
"Кроме того, дополнения сторонних разработчиков, загруженные владельцем бота, могут хранить или не сохранять дополнительные вещи. Вы можете использовать `{prefix}my data 3rdparty` для просмотра утверждений от каждого дополнения сторонних разработчиков."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "View the End User Data statements of each 3rd-party module.\n\n"
"        This will send an attachment with the End User Data statements of all loaded 3rd party cogs.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata 3rdparty`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I need to be able to attach files (try in DMs?)."
msgstr "Мне нужно иметь возможность прикреплять файлы (попробуйте в ЛС?)."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This instance does not appear to have any 3rd-party extensions loaded."
msgstr "Похоже что в этом экземпляре не загружены сторонние расширения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "3rd party End User Data statements"
msgstr "Операторы данных конечного пользователя"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following are statements provided by 3rd-party extensions."
msgstr "Ниже приводятся заявления представленные в виде сторонних расширений."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "3rd-party extensions without statements\n"
msgstr "Сторонние расширения без утверждений\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Here's a generated page with the statements provided by 3rd-party extensions."
msgstr "Ниже приведена генерируемая страница с заявлениями, предоставленными сторонними расширениями."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Did not get confirmation, cancelling."
msgstr "Не было подтверждено, отмена."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Did not get a matching confirmation, cancelling."
msgstr "Не удалось получить соответствующее подтверждение, отмена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Have [botname] forget what it knows about you.\n\n"
"        This may not remove all data about you, data needed for operation,\n"
"        such as command cooldowns will be kept until no longer necessary.\n\n"
"        Further interactions with [botname] may cause it to learn about you again.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata forgetme`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This command ({command}) does not support non-interactive usage."
msgstr "Команда ({command}) не поддерживает не-интерактивное использование."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will cause the bot to get rid of and/or disassociate data from you. It will not get rid of operational data such as modlog entries, warnings, or mutes. If you are sure this is what you want, please respond with the following:"
msgstr "Это приведёт к тому, что бот избавится от вас и/или будет лишен привязки. Она не избавится от таких операционных данных, как записи в журнале mod log, предупреждения или мутации. Если вы уверены, что это то, что вы хотите, пожалуйста, ответьте следующим образом:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This may take some time."
msgstr "Это может занять некоторое время."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about you (that I know how to delete) {mention}, however the following modules errored: {modules}. Additionally, the following cogs errored: {cogs}.\n"
"Please contact the owner of this bot to address this.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить) {mention}, однако следующие модули восстановлены: {modules}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены: {cogs}.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about you (that I know how to delete) {mention}, however the following cogs errored: {cogs}.\n"
"Please contact the owner of this bot to address this.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить) {mention}, однако следующие трубы были повреждены: {cogs}.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота для этого.\n"
"Примечание: вне этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about you (that I know how to delete) {mention}, however the following modules errored: {modules}.\n"
"Please contact the owner of this bot to address this.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить) {mention}, однако следующие трубы были повреждены: {modules}.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота для этого.\n"
"Примечание: вне этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I've deleted any non-operational data about you (that I know how to delete) {mention}"
msgstr "Я удалила не оперативные данные о вас (те что я знаю как удалять) {mention}"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "{mention} The following cogs did not handle deletion:\n"
msgstr "{mention} Следующие расширения не были удалены:\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "[Coming Soon] Get what data [botname] has about you."
msgstr "[Скоро Будет] Получить информацию, которую знает [botname] о вас."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This command doesn't do anything yet, but we're working on adding support for this."
msgstr "Эта команда пока ничего не делает, но мы работаем над добавлением поддержки для этого."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands for more complete data handling.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для более полной обработки данных.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set the bot to allow users to request a data deletion.\n\n"
"        This is on by default.\n"
"        Opposite of `[p]mydata ownermanagement disallowuserdeletions`\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata ownermanagement allowuserdeletions`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User can delete their own data. This will not include operational data such as blocked users."
msgstr "Пользователь может удалить собственные данные. Это не коснётся таких данных как: заблокированные пользователи."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set the bot to not allow users to request a data deletion.\n\n"
"        Opposite of `[p]mydata ownermanagement allowuserdeletions`\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata ownermanagement disallowuserdeletions`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User can not delete their own data."
msgstr "Пользователь не может удалить собственные данные."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets how user deletions are treated.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]mydata ownermanagement setuserdeletionlevel 1`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<level>` - The strictness level for user deletion. See Level guide below.\n\n"
"        Level:\n"
"        - `0`: What users can delete is left entirely up to each cog.\n"
"        - `1`: Cogs should delete anything the cog doesn't need about the user.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cogs will be instructed to remove all non operational data upon a user request."
msgstr "Расширения будут проинструктированы удалять все не оперативные данные по запросу пользователя."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cogs will be informed a user has made a data deletion request, and the details of what to delete will be left to the discretion of the cog author."
msgstr "Расширения будут проинформированы о том, что пользователь сделал запрос на удаление данных, и подробности того что удалять будут оставлены на усмотрение автора расширения."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Handle a deletion request from Discord.\n\n"
"        This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate all data from the specified user ID.\n"
"        You should not use this unless Discord has specifically requested this with regard to a deleted user.\n"
"        This will remove the user from various anti-abuse measures.\n"
"        If you are processing a manual request from a user, you may want `[p]mydata ownermanagement deleteforuser` instead.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_id>` - The id of the user whose data would be deleted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate all data from the specified user ID. You should not use this unless Discord has specifically requested this with regard to a deleted user. This will remove the user from various anti-abuse measures. If you are processing a manual request from a user, you may want `{prefix}{command_name}` instead.\n\n"
"If you are sure this is what you intend to do please respond with the following:"
msgstr "Это приведет к тому, что бот избавится от всех данных из указанного ID пользователя. Вы не должны использовать это, если Discord специально не запросил это в отношении удаленного пользователя. Это удалит пользователя из различных противоправных мер. Если вы обрабатываете запрос вручную от пользователя, то вместо этого может потребоваться `{prefix}{command_name}`.\n\n"
"Если вы уверены, что это то, что вы собираетесь сделать, пожалуйста, ответьте следующее:"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following modules errored: {modules}. Additionally, the following cogs errored: {cogs}\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {modules}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены: {cogs}.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following cogs errored: {cogs}.\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {cogs}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены:.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following modules errored: {modules}.\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {modules}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены:.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "I've deleted all data about that user that I know how to delete."
msgstr "Я удалил все данные об этом пользователе, которые я знаю, как удалить."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete data [botname] has about a user for a user.\n\n"
"        This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate a lot of non-operational data from the specified user.\n"
"        Users have access to a different command for this unless they can't interact with the bot at all.\n"
"        This is a mostly safe operation, but you should not use it unless processing a request from this user as it may impact their usage of the bot.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_id>` - The id of the user whose data would be deleted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate a lot of non-operational data from the specified user. Users have access to different command for this unless they can't interact with the bot at all. This is a mostly safe operation, but you should not use it unless processing a request from this user as it may impact their usage of the bot. \n\n"
"If you are sure this is what you intend to do please respond with the following:"
msgstr "Это приведёт к тому, что бот избавится от множества не-операционных данных от указанного пользователя. Пользователи имеют для этого доступ к различным командам, если они не могут взаимодействовать с ботом вообще. Это в основном безопасная операция, но вы не должны использовать его, если не обрабатывать запрос от этого пользователя, так как это может повлиять на их использование бота. \n\n"
"Если вы уверены, что это то, что вы собираетесь сделать, пожалуйста, ответьте следующим образом:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following modules errored: {modules}. Additionally, the following cogs errored: {cogs}\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {modules}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены: {cogs}.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following cogs errored: {cogs}.\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {cogs}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены:.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I tried to delete all non-operational data about that user, (that I know how to delete) however the following modules errored: {modules}.\n"
"Please check your logs and contact the creators of these cogs and modules.\n"
"Note: Outside of these failures, data should have been deleted."
msgstr "Я пытался удалить все не-оперативные данные о вас (что я знаю как удалить), однако следующие модули восстановлены: {modules}. Кроме того, следующие расширения были обнаружены:.\n"
"Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем этого бота, чтобы решить эту проблему.\n"
"Примечание: за пределами этих сбоев данные должны были быть удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I've deleted all non-operational data about that user that I know how to delete."
msgstr "Я удалил все не-оперативные данные о пользователе, которые я знаю, как удалить."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete data [botname] has about a user.\n\n"
"        This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate a lot of data about the specified user.\n"
"        This may include more than just end user data, including anti abuse records.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_id>` - The id of the user whose data would be deleted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will cause the bot to get rid of or disassociate a lot of data about the specified user. This may include more than just end user data, including anti abuse records.\n\n"
"If you are sure this is what you intend to do please respond with the following:"
msgstr "Это приведет к тому, что бот избавится от большого количества данных о указанном пользователе. Это может включать в себя не только данные конечного пользователя, включая записи об оскорблении злоупотреблениями.\n\n"
"Если вы уверены, что это то, что вы собираетесь сделать, пожалуйста, ответьте следующее:"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands for toggling embeds on or off.\n\n"
"        This setting determines whether or not to use embeds as a response to a command (for commands that support it).\n"
"        The default is to use embeds.\n\n"
"        The embed settings are checked until the first True/False in this order:\n\n"
"        - In guild context:\n"
"          1. Channel override - `[p]embedset channel`\n"
"          2. Server command override - `[p]embedset command server`\n"
"          3. Server override - `[p]embedset server`\n"
"          4. Global command override - `[p]embedset command global`\n"
"          5. Global setting  -`[p]embedset global`\n\n"
"        - In DM context:\n"
"          1. User override - `[p]embedset user`\n"
"          2. Global command override - `[p]embedset command global`\n"
"          3. Global setting - `[p]embedset global`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Show the current embed settings.\n\n"
"        Provide a command name to check for command specific embed settings.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset showsettings` - Shows embed settings.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset showsettings info` - Also shows embed settings for the 'info' command.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset showsettings \"ignore list\"` - Checking subcommands requires quotes.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[command]` - Checks this command for command specific embed settings.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embed settings:\n\n"
msgstr "Настройки встроенных сообщений:\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global default: {value}\n"
msgstr "Глобальные по умолчанию: {value}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global command setting for {command} command: {value}\n"
msgstr "Глобальные настройки команд для команды {command}: {value}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Guild setting: {value}\n"
msgstr "Настройки гильдии: {value}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server command setting for {command} command: {value}\n"
msgstr "Настройка команд сервера для команды {command}: {value}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel setting: {value}\n"
msgstr "Настройки канала: {value}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User setting: {value}"
msgstr "Настройки пользователя: {value}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Toggle the global embed setting.\n\n"
"        This is used as a fallback if the user or guild hasn't set a preference.\n"
"        The default is to use embeds.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset global`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now disabled by default."
msgstr "Вкладки теперь отключены по умолчанию."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now enabled by default."
msgstr "Встраиваемые модули теперь включены по умолчанию."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set the server's embed setting.\n\n"
"        If set, this is used instead of the global default to determine whether or not to use embeds.\n"
"        This is used for all commands done in a server.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset and the global default will be used instead.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset server False` - Disables embeds on this server.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset server` - Resets value to use global default.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds on this server. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds will now fall back to the global setting."
msgstr "Настройки теперь восстанавливаются."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now enabled for this guild."
msgstr "Встраиваемые модули включены для этой гильдии."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now disabled for this guild."
msgstr "Вкладки отключены для этой гильдии."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets a command's embed setting.\n\n"
"        If you're the bot owner, this will try to change the command's embed setting globally by default.\n"
"        Otherwise, this will try to change embed settings on the current server.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command info` - Clears command specific embed settings for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command info False` - Disables embeds for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command \"ignore list\" True` - Quotes are needed for subcommands.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds for this command. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The passed command requires Embed Links permission and therefore cannot be set to not use embeds."
msgstr "Передаваемая команда требует разрешения Embed Links и поэтому не может быть установлен как \"Встраиваемый\"."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets a command's embed setting globally.\n\n"
"        If set, this is used instead of the global default to determine whether or not to use embeds.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command global info` - Clears command specific embed settings for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command global info False` - Disables embeds for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command global \"ignore list\" True` - Quotes are needed for subcommands.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds for this command. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now enabled for {command_name} command."
msgstr "Встраивание теперь включено для команды {command_name}."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now disabled for {command_name} command."
msgstr "Вкладки отключены для команды {command_name}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets a command's embed setting for the current server.\n\n"
"        If set, this is used instead of the server default to determine whether or not to use embeds.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset and the server default will be used instead.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command server info` - Clears command specific embed settings for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command server info False` - Disables embeds for 'info'.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset command server \"ignore list\" True` - Quotes are needed for subcommands.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds for this command. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds will now fall back to the server setting."
msgstr "Встраиваемые вставки будут возвращены к настройкам сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set's a channel's embed setting.\n\n"
"        If set, this is used instead of the guild and command defaults to determine whether or not to use embeds.\n"
"        This is used for all commands done in a channel.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset and the guild default will be used instead.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset channel #text-channel False` - Disables embeds in the #text-channel.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset channel #forum-channel disable` - Disables embeds in the #forum-channel.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset channel #text-channel` - Resets value to use guild default in the #text-channel.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<channel>` - The text, voice, stage, or forum channel to set embed setting for.\n"
"            - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds in this channel. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now {} for this channel."
msgstr "Сейчас встраиваются {} для этого канала."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "enabled"
msgstr "включен"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "disabled"
msgstr "отключен"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets personal embed setting for DMs.\n\n"
"        If set, this is used instead of the global default to determine whether or not to use embeds.\n"
"        This is used for all commands executed in a DM with the bot.\n\n"
"        If enabled is left blank, the setting will be unset and the global default will be used instead.\n\n"
"        To see full evaluation order of embed settings, run `[p]help embedset`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]embedset user False` - Disables embeds in your DMs.\n"
"        - `[p]embedset user` - Resets value to use global default.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[enabled]` - Whether to use embeds in your DMs. Leave blank to reset to default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now enabled for you in DMs."
msgstr "Встроенные вставки теперь включены для вас в личных сообщениях."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Embeds are now disabled for you in DMs."
msgstr "Вкладки теперь недоступны для вас в личных сообщениях."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sends to the owner the last command exception that has occurred.\n\n"
"        If public (yes is specified), it will be sent to the chat instead.\n\n"
"        Warning: Sending the traceback publicly can accidentally reveal sensitive information about your computer or configuration.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]traceback` - Sends the traceback to your DMs.\n"
"        - `[p]traceback True` - Sends the last traceback in the current context.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[public]` - Whether to send the traceback to the current context. Leave blank to send to your DMs.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "No exception has occurred yet."
msgstr "Пока нет исключения."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Shows [botname]'s invite url.\n\n"
"        This will always send the invite to DMs to keep it private.\n\n"
"        This command is locked to the owner unless `[p]inviteset public` is set to True.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]invite`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This bot is currently **serverlocked**, meaning that it is locked to its current servers and will leave any server it joins."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands to setup [botname]'s invite settings."
msgstr "Команды для настройки параметров приглашения [botname]."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Toggles if `[p]invite` should be accessible for the average user.\n\n"
"        The bot must be made into a `Public bot` in the developer dashboard for public invites to work.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]inviteset public yes` - Toggles the public invite setting.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[confirm]` - Required to set to public. Not required to toggle back to private.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Make the bot create its own role with permissions on join.\n\n"
"        The bot will create its own role with the desired permissions when it joins a new server. This is a special role that can't be deleted or removed from the bot.\n\n"
"        For that, you need to provide a valid permissions level.\n"
"        You can generate one here:\n\n"
"        Please note that you might need two factor authentication for some permissions.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]inviteset perms 134217728` - Adds a \"Manage Nicknames\" permission requirement to the invite.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<level>` - The permission level to require for the bot in the generated invite.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Add the `applications.commands` scope to your invite URL.\n\n"
"        This allows the usage of slash commands on the servers that invited your bot with that scope.\n\n"
"        Note that previous servers that invited the bot without the scope cannot have slash commands, they will have to invite the bot a second time.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Добавьте область `applications.commands` в URL адрес приглашения.\n\n"
"        Это позволяет использовать команды СЛЭШ на серверах, которые пригласили вашего бота с этой областью.\n\n"
"        Обратите внимание, что предыдущие серверы пригласили бота без области действия не могут иметь команды СЛЭШ, они должны будут еще раз пригласить бота.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The `applications.commands` scope has been added to the invite URL."
msgstr "Область `applications.commands` была добавлена в URL адрес приглашения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The `applications.commands` scope has been removed from the invite URL."
msgstr "Область действия `applications.commands` была удалена из URL адреса приглашения."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Leaves servers.\n\n"
"        If no server IDs are passed the local server will be left instead.\n\n"
"        Note: This command is interactive.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]leave` - Leave the current server.\n"
"        - `[p]leave \"Red - Discord Bot\"` - Quotes are necessary when there are spaces in the name.\n"
"        - `[p]leave 133049272517001216 240154543684321280` - Leaves multiple servers, using IDs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[servers...]` - The servers to leave. When blank, attempts to leave the current server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You need to specify at least one server ID."
msgstr "Необходимо указать хотя бы один ID сервера."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You haven't passed any server ID. Do you want me to leave this server?"
msgstr "Вы не передали никакой идентификатор сервера. Вы хотите, чтобы я покинул этот сервер?"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Are you sure you want me to leave these servers?"
msgstr "Вы уверены, что хотите, чтобы я покинул этот сервер?"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Are you sure you want me to leave this server?"
msgstr "Вы действительно хотите, чтобы я покинула этот сервер?"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I cannot leave the server `{server_name}`: I am the owner of it."
msgstr "Я не могу покинуть сервер `{server_name}`: я его владелец."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "Response timed out."
msgstr "Время ответа истекло."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright. Bye :wave:"
msgstr "Хорошо. До свидания :wave:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright. Leaving {number} servers..."
msgstr "Все в порядке. Оставляем {number} серверов..."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright. Leaving one server..."
msgstr "Хорошо. Покидаю один сервер..."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright, I'll stay then. :)"
msgstr "Хорошо, я тогда останусь. :)"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright, I'm not leaving those servers."
msgstr "Хорошо, я не уйду с этих серверов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Alright, I'm not leaving that server."
msgstr "Хорошо, я не выхожу из этого сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists the servers [botname] is currently in.\n\n"
"        Note: This command is interactive.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Перечисляет серверы, на которых [botname] находится в данный момент.\n\n"
"        Примечание: Эта команда является интерактивной.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Loads cog packages from the local paths and installed cogs.\n\n"
"        See packages available to load with `[p]cogs`.\n\n"
"        Additional cogs can be added using Downloader, or from local paths using `[p]addpath`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]load general` - Loads the `general` cog.\n"
"        - `[p]load admin mod mutes` - Loads multiple cogs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cogs...>` - The cog packages to load.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Loaded {packs}."
msgstr "Загружено {packs}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following package is already loaded: {pack}"
msgstr "Следующий пакет уже загружен: {pack}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following packages are already loaded: {packs}"
msgstr "Следующие пакеты уже загружены: {packs}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to load the following package: {pack}.\n"
"Check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Не удалось загрузить следующие пакеты: {pack}.\n"
"Проверьте консоль или логи для более точных деталей."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to load the following packages: {packs}\n"
"Check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Не удалось загрузить следующие пакеты: {packs}.\n"
"Проверьте консоль или логи для более точных деталей."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The following name is not a valid package name: {pack}\n"
"Package names cannot start with a number and can only contain ascii numbers, letters, and underscores."
msgstr "Следующее имя не является допустимым именем пакета: {pack}\n"
"Имена пакетов не могут начинаться с цифры и могут содержать только ascii цифры, буквы и знаки подчеркивания."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The following names are not valid package names: {packs}\n"
"Package names cannot start with a number and can only contain ascii numbers, letters, and underscores."
msgstr "Следующие имена не являются допустимыми именами пакетов: {packs}\n"
"Имена пакетов не могут начинаться с цифры и могут содержать только ascii цифры, буквы и знаки подчеркивания."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The following package was not found in any cog path: {pack}."
msgstr "Следующий пакет не найден в пути cog: {pack}."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The following packages were not found in any cog path: {packs}"
msgstr "Следующие пакеты не были найдены в пути cog: {packs}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This package could not be loaded for the following reason:\n\n"
msgstr "Этот пакет не может быть загружен по следующим причинам:\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "These packages could not be loaded for the following reasons:\n\n"
msgstr "Эти пакеты не могут быть загружены по следующим причинам:\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**WARNING**: The following repo is using shared libs which are marked for removal in the future: {repo}.\n"
"You should inform maintainer of the repo about this message."
msgstr "**ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ**: В следующем репозитории используются разделяемые библиотеки, которые помечены для удаления в будущем: {repo}.\n"
"Вы должны сообщить об этом сообщении сопровождающему репозитория."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "**WARNING**: The following repos are using shared libs which are marked for removal in the future: {repos}.\n"
"You should inform maintainers of these repos about this message."
msgstr "**ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ**: Следующие репозитории используют разделяемые библиотеки, которые помечены для удаления в будущем: {repos}.\n"
"Вы должны проинформировать сопровождающих этих репозиториев об этом сообщении."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Unloads previously loaded cog packages.\n\n"
"        See packages available to unload with `[p]cogs`.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]unload general` - Unloads the `general` cog.\n"
"        - `[p]unload admin mod mutes` - Unloads multiple cogs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cogs...>` - The cog packages to unload.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following package was unloaded: {pack}."
msgstr "Следующий пакет был выгружен: {pack}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following packages were unloaded: {packs}."
msgstr "Следующие пакеты были выгружены: {packs}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following package was not loaded: {pack}."
msgstr "Не удалось загрузить следующий пакет: {pack}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following packages were not loaded: {packs}."
msgstr "Следующие пакеты не были загружены: {packs}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Reloads cog packages.\n\n"
"        This will unload and then load the specified cogs.\n\n"
"        Cogs that were not loaded will only be loaded.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]reload general` - Unloads then loads the `general` cog.\n"
"        - `[p]reload admin mod mutes` - Unloads then loads multiple cogs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cogs...>` - The cog packages to reload.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Reloaded {packs}."
msgstr "Перезагрузка {packs}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to reload the following package: {pack}.\n"
"Check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Не удалось перезагрузить следующий пакет: {pack}.\n"
"Проверьте консоль или логи для получения подробностей."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to reload the following packages: {packs}\n"
"Check your console or logs for details."
msgstr "Не удалось перезагрузить следующие пакеты: {packs}\n"
"Проверьте консоль или журналы для получения информации."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This package could not be reloaded for the following reason:\n\n"
msgstr "Этот пакет не может быть перезагружен по следующей причине:\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "These packages could not be reloaded for the following reasons:\n\n"
msgstr "Эти пакеты не могут быть перезагружены по следующим причинам:\n\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**WARNING**: The following repo is using shared libs which are marked for removal in the future: {repo}.\n"
"You should inform maintainers of these repos about this message."
msgstr "**ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ**: В следующем репозитории используются разделяемые библиотеки, которые помечены для удаления в будущем: {repo}.\n"
"Вы должны проинформировать сопровождающих этих репо об этом сообщении."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command for managing what application commands are able to be used on [botname]."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Marks an application command as being enabled, allowing it to be added to the bot.\n\n"
"        See commands available to enable with `[p]slash list`.\n\n"
"        This command does NOT sync the enabled commands with Discord, that must be done manually with `[p]slash sync` for commands to appear in users' clients.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<command_name>` - The command name to enable. Only the top level name of a group command should be used.\n"
"            - `[command_type]` - What type of application command to enable. Must be one of `slash`, `message`, or `user`. Defaults to `slash`.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Command type must be one of `slash`, `message`, or `user`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That application command is already enabled."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That application command could not be found. Use `{prefix}slash list` to see all application commands. You may need to double check the command type."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The command limit has been reached. Disable a command first."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enabled {command_type} application command `{command_name}`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Marks an application command as being disabled, preventing it from being added to the bot.\n\n"
"        See commands available to disable with `[p]slash list`.\n\n"
"        This command does NOT sync the enabled commands with Discord, that must be done manually with `[p]slash sync` for commands to appear in users' clients.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<command_name>` - The command name to disable. Only the top level name of a group command should be used.\n"
"            - `[command_type]` - What type of application command to disable. Must be one of `slash`, `message`, or `user`. Defaults to `slash`.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That application command has been set as required for the cog to function by the author, and cannot be disabled. The cog must be unloaded to remove the command."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That application command is already disabled or does not exist."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Disabled {command_type} application command `{command_name}`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Marks all application commands in a cog as being enabled, allowing them to be added to the bot.\n\n"
"        See a list of cogs with application commands with `[p]slash list`.\n\n"
"        This command does NOT sync the enabled commands with Discord, that must be done manually with `[p]slash sync` for commands to appear in users' clients.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<cog_name>` - The cog to enable commands from. This argument is case sensitive.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Couldn't find any disabled commands from the cog `{cog_name}`. Use `{prefix}slash list` to see all cogs with application commands."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enabling all application commands from that cog would enable a total of {count} commands, exceeding the {cap} command limit for slash commands. Disable some commands first."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enabling all application commands from that cog would enable a total of {count} commands, exceeding the {cap} command limit for message commands. Disable some commands first."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enabling all application commands from that cog would enable a total of {count} commands, exceeding the {cap} command limit for user commands. Disable some commands first."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enabled {count} commands from `{cog_name}`:\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Marks all application commands in a cog as being disabled, preventing them from being added to the bot.\n\n"
"        See a list of cogs with application commands with `[p]slash list`.\n\n"
"        This command does NOT sync the enabled commands with Discord, that must be done manually with `[p]slash sync` for commands to appear in users' clients.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<cog_name>` - The cog to disable commands from. This argument is case sensitive.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Couldn't find any enabled commands from the `{cog_name}` cog. Use `{prefix}slash list` to see all cogs with application commands."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Disabled {count} commands from `{cog_name}`:\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "List the slash commands the bot can see, and whether or not they are enabled.\n\n"
"        This command shows the state that will be changed to when `[p]slash sync` is run.\n"
"        Commands from the same cog are grouped, with the cog name as the header.\n\n"
"        The prefix denotes the state of the command:\n"
"        - Commands starting with `- ` have not yet been enabled.\n"
"        - Commands starting with `+ ` have been manually enabled.\n"
"        - Commands starting with `++` have been enabled by the cog author, and cannot be disabled.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There are no application commands to list."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Syncs the slash settings to discord.\n\n"
"        Settings from `[p]slash list` will be synced with discord, changing what commands appear for users.\n"
"        This should be run sparingly, make all necessary changes before running this command.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `[guild]` - If provided, syncs commands for that guild. Otherwise, syncs global commands.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I need the `applications.commands` scope in this server to be able to do that. You can tell the bot to add that scope to invite links using `{prefix}inviteset commandscope`, and can then run `{prefix}invite` to get an invite that will give the bot the scope. You do not need to kick the bot to enable the scope, just use that invite to re-auth the bot with the scope enabled."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Synced {count} commands."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You seem to be attempting to sync after recently syncing. Discord does not like it when bots sync more often than necessary, so this command has a cooldown. You should enable/disable all commands you want to change first, and run this command one time only after all changes have been made. "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Shuts down the bot.\n\n"
"        Allows [botname] to shut down gracefully.\n\n"
"        This is the recommended method for shutting down the bot.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]shutdown`\n"
"        - `[p]shutdown True` - Shutdowns silently.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[silently]` - Whether to skip sending the shutdown message. Defaults to False.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Shutting down... "
msgstr "Завершение работы... "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Attempts to restart [botname].\n\n"
"        Makes [botname] quit with exit code 26.\n"
"        The restart is not guaranteed: it must be dealt with by the process manager in use.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]restart`\n"
"        - `[p]restart True` - Restarts silently.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[silently]` - Whether to skip sending the restart message. Defaults to False.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Restarting..."
msgstr "Перезапуск..."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command for bank settings."
msgstr "Базовая команда для настройки банка."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Show the current bank settings."
msgstr "Показать текущие настройки банка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Общий"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server"
msgstr "Сервер"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bank settings:\n\n"
"Bank name: {bank_name}\n"
"Bank scope: {bank_scope}\n"
"Currency: {currency_name}\n"
"Default balance: {default_balance}\n"
"Maximum allowed balance: {maximum_bal}\n"
msgstr "Настройки банка:\n\n"
"Название банка: {bank_name}\n"
"Размер банка: {bank_scope}\n"
"Валюта: {currency_name}\n"
"Баланс по умолчанию: {default_balance}\n"
"Максимально допустимый баланс: {maximum_bal}\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Toggle whether the bank is global or not.\n\n"
"        If the bank is global, it will become per-server.\n"
"        If the bank is per-server, it will become global.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Переключать, является ли банк глобальным или нет.\n\n"
"        Если банк глобальный, он станет на один сервер.\n"
"        Если банк на одном сервере, он станет глобальным.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
msgid "per-server"
msgstr "серверный"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "global"
msgstr "глобальный"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will toggle the bank to be {banktype}, deleting all accounts in the process! If you're sure, type `{command}`"
msgstr "Это переключит банк на {banktype}, удалив все учетные записи в процессе! Если вы уверены, введите `{command}`"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bank is now {banktype}."
msgstr "Банк теперь {banktype}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the bank's name."
msgstr "Установите имя банка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bank name has been set to: {name}"
msgstr "Название банка было установлено на: {name}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the name for the bank's currency."
msgstr "Установите название для валюты банка."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Currency name has been set to: {name}"
msgstr "Название валюты было установлено на: {name}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the maximum balance a user can get."
msgstr "Установите максимальный остаток, который пользователь может получить."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Amount must be greater than zero and less than {max}."
msgstr "Сумма должна быть больше нуля и меньше, чем {max}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Maximum balance has been set to: {amount}"
msgstr "Максимальный баланс был установлен на: {amount}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the initial balance for new bank accounts.\n\n"
"        Example:\n"
"        - `[p]bankset registeramount 5000`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<creds>` The new initial balance amount. Default is 0.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Amount must be greater than or equal to zero and less than {maxbal}."
msgstr "Сумма должна быть больше или равна нулю и меньше {maxbal}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Registering an account will now give {num} {currency}."
msgstr "Регистрация аккаунта теперь выдаёт {num} {currency}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete all bank accounts.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]bankset reset` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"        - `[p]bankset reset yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for {scope}.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bankset reset yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "this server"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "All bank accounts for {scope} have been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Base command for pruning bank accounts."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Prune bank accounts for users no longer in the server.\n\n"
"        Cannot be used with a global bank. See `[p]bankset prune global`.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune server` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune server yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This command cannot be used with a global bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for users no longer in this server.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bankset prune local yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bank accounts for users no longer in this server have been deleted."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Prune bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot.\n\n"
"        Cannot be used without a global bank. See `[p]bankset prune server`.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune global` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune global yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This command cannot be used with a local bank."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will delete all bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bankset prune global yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bank accounts for users who no longer share a server with the bot have been pruned."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Delete the bank account of a specified user.\n\n"
"        Examples:\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune user @Twentysix` - Did not confirm. Shows the help message.\n"
"        - `[p]bankset prune user @Twentysix yes`\n\n"
"        **Arguments**\n\n"
"        - `<user>` The user to delete the bank of. Takes mentions, names, and user ids.\n"
"        - `<confirmation>` This will default to false unless specified.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This will delete {name}'s bank account.\n"
"If you're sure, type `{prefix}bankset prune user {id} yes`"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bank account for {name} has been pruned."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Manage modlog settings."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Command to fix misbehaving casetypes."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set a channel as the modlog.\n\n"
"        Omit `[channel]` to disable the modlog.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Mod events will be sent to {channel}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I do not have permissions to send messages in {channel}!"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Mod log is already disabled."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Mod log deactivated."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Enable or disable case creation for a mod action.\n\n"
"        An action can be enabling or disabling specific cases. (Ban, kick, mute, etc.)\n\n"
"        Example: `[p]modlogset cases kick enabled`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Current settings:\n"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That action is not registered."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Case creation for {action_name} actions is now {enabled}."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Reset all modlog cases in this server."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Are you sure you would like to reset all modlog cases in this server?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You took too long to respond."
msgstr "Вы слишком долго не отвечали."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cases have been reset."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "No changes have been made."
msgstr "Никаких изменений не произошло."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands for changing [botname]'s settings."
msgstr "Команды для изменения настроек [botname]."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands for changing [botname]'s metadata."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets the bot's description.\n\n"
"        Use without a description to reset.\n"
"        This is shown in a few locations, including the help menu.\n\n"
"        The maximum description length is 250 characters to ensure it displays properly.\n\n"
"        The default is \"Red V3\".\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot description` - Resets the description to the default setting.\n"
"        - `[p]set bot description MyBot: A Red V3 Bot`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[description]` - The description to use for this bot. Leave blank to reset to the default.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Description reset."
msgstr "Описание сброшено."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This description is too long to properly display. Please try again with below 250 characters."
msgstr "Это описание слишком длинное для правильного отображения. Пожалуйста, попробуйте еще раз, используя менее 250 символов."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s avatar\n\n"
"        Supports either an attachment or an image URL.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot avatar` - With an image attachment, this will set the avatar.\n"
"        - `[p]set bot avatar` - Without an attachment, this will show the command help.\n"
"        - `[p]set bot avatar` - Sets the avatar to the provided url.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[url]` - An image url to be used as an avatar. Leave blank when uploading an attachment.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That URL is invalid."
msgstr "Этот URL недействителен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Something went wrong while trying to get the image."
msgstr "Что-то пошло не так при попытке получить изображение."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed. Remember that you can edit my avatar up to two times a hour. The URL or attachment must be a valid image in either JPG, PNG, or GIF format."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "JPG / PNG / GIF format only."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Готово."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes [botname]'s avatar.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot avatar remove`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Avatar removed."
msgstr "Аватар удален."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s username.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a username is 32 characters.\n\n"
"        Note: The username of a verified bot cannot be manually changed.\n"
"            Please contact Discord support to change it.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot username BaguetteBot`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<username>` - The username to give the bot.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The username of a verified bot cannot be manually changed. Please contact Discord support to change it."
msgstr "Имя пользователя проверенного бота не может быть изменено вручную. Для его изменения обратитесь в службу поддержки Discord."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to change name. Must be 32 characters or fewer."
msgstr "Не удалось изменить имя. Должно быть 32 символа или меньше."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Changing the username timed out. Remember that you can only do it up to 2 times an hour. Use nicknames if you need frequent changes: {command}"
msgstr "Время изменения имени пользователя истекло. Помните, что вы можете сделать это только 2 раза в час. Используйте псевдонимы, если вам нужны частые изменения: {command}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to change the username. Discord returned the following error:\n"
msgstr "Не удалось изменить имя пользователя. Discord выдал следующую ошибку:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Unexpected error occurred when trying to change the username."
msgstr "При попытке изменить имя пользователя произошла непредвиденная ошибка."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s nickname for the current server.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a nickname is 32 characters.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot nickname 🎃 SpookyBot 🎃`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[nickname]` - The nickname to give the bot. Leave blank to clear the current nickname.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Failed to change nickname. Must be 32 characters or fewer."
msgstr "Не удалось изменить никнейм. Должно быть не более 32 символов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I lack the permissions to change my own nickname."
msgstr "Мне не хватает разрешений чтобы изменить свой ник."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Customizes a section of `[p]info`.\n\n"
"        The maximum amount of allowed characters is 1024.\n"
"        Supports markdown, links and \"mentions\".\n\n"
"        Link example: `[My link](`\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set bot custominfo >>> I can use **markdown** such as quotes, ||spoilers|| and multiple lines.`\n"
"        - `[p]set bot custominfo Join my [support server](!`\n"
"        - `[p]set bot custominfo` - Removes custom info text.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[text]` - The custom info text.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The custom text has been cleared."
msgstr "Пользовательский текст был очищен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The custom text has been set."
msgstr "Пользовательский текст установлен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Text must be fewer than 1024 characters long."
msgstr "Длина текста не должна превышать 1024 символов."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands for setting [botname]'s status."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s streaming status to a twitch stream.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `Streaming <stream_title>` or `LIVE ON TWITCH` depending on the context.\n"
"        It will also include a `Watch` button with a url for the provided streamer.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a stream title is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        Leaving both streamer and stream_title empty will clear it.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status stream` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status stream 26 Twentysix is streaming` - Sets the stream to ``.\n"
"        - `[p]set status stream Twentysix is streaming` - Sets the URL manually.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<streamer>` - The twitch streamer to provide a link to. This can be their twitch name or the entire URL.\n"
"        - `<stream_title>` - The text to follow `Streaming` in the status."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s playing status.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `Playing <game>` or `PLAYING A GAME: <game>` depending on the context.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a playing status is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status playing` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status playing the keyboard`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[game]` - The text to follow `Playing`. Leave blank to clear the current activity status.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Status set to `Playing {}`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Game cleared."
msgstr "Игра очищена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s listening status.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `Listening to <listening>`.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a listening status is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status listening` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status listening jams`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[listening]` - The text to follow `Listening to`. Leave blank to clear the current activity status.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Status set to `Listening to {listening}`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Listening cleared."
msgstr "Прослушивание прояснилось."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s watching status.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `Watching <watching>`.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a watching status is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status watching` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status watching [p]help`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[watching]` - The text to follow `Watching`. Leave blank to clear the current activity status.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Status set to `Watching {watching}`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Watching cleared."
msgstr "Просмотр очищен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s competing status.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `Competing in <competing>`.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a competing status is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status competing` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status competing London 2012 Olympic Games`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[competing]` - The text to follow `Competing in`. Leave blank to clear the current activity status.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Status set to `Competing in {competing}`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Competing cleared."
msgstr "Конкуренция очищена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s custom status.\n\n"
"        This will appear as `<text>`.\n\n"
"        Maximum length for a custom status is 128 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set status custom` - Clears the activity status.\n"
"        - `[p]set status custom Running cogs...`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[text]` - The custom status text. Leave blank to clear the current activity status.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Custom status set to `{text}`."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Custom status cleared."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Status changed to {}."
msgstr "Статус изменён на {}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set [botname]'s status to online."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set [botname]'s status to do not disturb."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set [botname]'s status to idle."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set [botname]'s status to invisible."
msgstr "Устанавливает статус [botname] на невидимый."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set server's admin and mod roles for [botname]."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds an admin role for this server.\n\n"
"        Admins have the same access as Mods, plus additional admin level commands like:\n"
"         - `[p]set serverprefix`\n"
"         - `[p]addrole`\n"
"         - `[p]ban`\n"
"         - `[p]ignore guild`\n\n"
"         And more.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set roles addadminrole @Admins`\n"
"        - `[p]set roles addadminrole Super Admins`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<role>` - The role to add as an admin.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This role is already an admin role."
msgstr "Эта роль уже является администратором."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role is now considered an admin role."
msgstr "Теперь эта роль рассматривается как роль администратора."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds a moderator role for this server.\n\n"
"        This grants access to moderator level commands like:\n"
"         - `[p]mute`\n"
"         - `[p]cleanup`\n"
"         - `[p]customcommand create`\n\n"
"         And more.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set roles addmodrole @Mods`\n"
"        - `[p]set roles addmodrole Loyal Helpers`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<role>` - The role to add as a moderator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This role is already a mod role."
msgstr "Эта роль уже является модераторской."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role is now considered a mod role."
msgstr "Эта роль теперь считается ролью мода."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes an admin role for this server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set roles removeadminrole @Admins`\n"
"        - `[p]set roles removeadminrole Super Admins`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<role>` - The role to remove from being an admin.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role was not an admin role to begin with."
msgstr "Эта роль не была ролью администратора, с которой она начала."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role is no longer considered an admin role."
msgstr "Эта роль больше не рассматривается как роль администратора."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes a mod role for this server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set roles removemodrole @Mods`\n"
"        - `[p]set roles removemodrole Loyal Helpers`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<role>` - The role to remove from being a moderator.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role was not a mod role to begin with."
msgstr "Эта роль не была модераторской ролью для начала."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That role is no longer considered a mod role."
msgstr "Эта роль больше не рассматривается как роль модератора."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes [botname]'s locale in this server.\n\n"
"        Go to [Red's Crowdin page]( to see locales that are available with translations.\n\n"
"        Use \"default\" to return to the bot's default set language.\n\n"
"        If you want to change bot's global locale, see `[p]set locale global` command.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set locale en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale fr-FR`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale pl-PL`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale default` - Resets to the global default locale.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<language_code>` - The default locale to use for the bot. This can be any language code with country code included.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes [botname]'s default locale.\n\n"
"        This will be used when a server has not set a locale, or in DMs.\n\n"
"        Go to [Red's Crowdin page]( to see locales that are available with translations.\n\n"
"        To reset to English, use \"en-US\".\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set locale global en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale global de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale global fr-FR`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale global pl-PL`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<language_code>` - The default locale to use for the bot. This can be any language code with country code included.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Invalid language code. Use format: `en-US`"
msgstr "Неверный код языка. Используйте формат: `en-US`"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Invalid format - language code has to include country code, e.g. `en-US`"
msgstr "Недопустимый формат - код языка должен содержать код страны, например 'en-US'"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global locale has been set."
msgstr "Глобальная локаль установлена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes [botname]'s locale in this server.\n\n"
"        Go to [Red's Crowdin page]( to see locales that are available with translations.\n\n"
"        Use \"default\" to return to the bot's default set language.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set locale server en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale server de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale server fr-FR`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale server pl-PL`\n"
"        - `[p]set locale server default` - Resets to the global default locale.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<language_code>` - The default locale to use for the bot. This can be any language code with country code included.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Locale has been set to the default."
msgstr "Локаль была установлена по умолчанию."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Locale has been set."
msgstr "Локализация была установлена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers.\n\n"
"        `language_code` can be any language code with country code included, e.g. `en-US`, `de-DE`, `fr-FR`, `pl-PL`, etc.\n"
"        Pass \"reset\" to `language_code` to base regional formatting on bot's locale in this server.\n\n"
"        If you want to change bot's global regional format, see `[p]set regionalformat global` command.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set region de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat reset` - Resets to the locale.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[language_code]` - The region format to use for the bot in this server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes the bot's regional format. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers.\n\n"
"        `language_code` can be any language code with country code included, e.g. `en-US`, `de-DE`, `fr-FR`, `pl-PL`, etc.\n"
"        Pass \"reset\" to `language_code` to base regional formatting on bot's locale.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat global en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set region global de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat global reset` - Resets to the locale.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[language_code]` - The default region format to use for the bot.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global regional formatting will now be based on bot's locale."
msgstr "Глобальное региональное форматирование теперь будет основано на локали бота."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Global regional formatting will now be based on `{language_code}` locale."
msgstr "Глобальное региональное форматирование теперь будет основано на `{language_code}` локали."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Changes the bot's regional format in this server. This is used for formatting date, time and numbers.\n\n"
"        `language_code` can be any language code with country code included, e.g. `en-US`, `de-DE`, `fr-FR`, `pl-PL`, etc.\n"
"        Pass \"reset\" to `language_code` to base regional formatting on bot's locale in this server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat server en-US`\n"
"        - `[p]set region local de-DE`\n"
"        - `[p]set regionalformat server reset` - Resets to the locale.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[language_code]` - The region format to use for the bot in this server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Regional formatting will now be based on bot's locale in this server."
msgstr "Региональное форматирование теперь будет основано на локали бота на этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Regional formatting will now be based on `{language_code}` locale."
msgstr "Формат региона теперь будет основываться на локализации `{language_code}`."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to set, list or remove various external API tokens.\n\n"
"        This setting will be asked for by some 3rd party cogs and some core cogs.\n\n"
"        If passed without the `<service>` or `<tokens>` arguments it will allow you to open a modal to set your API keys securely.\n\n"
"        To add the keys provide the service name and the tokens as a comma separated\n"
"        list of key,values as described by the cog requesting this command.\n\n"
"        Note: API tokens are sensitive, so this command should only be used in a private channel or in DM with the bot.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set api`\n"
"        - `[p]set api spotify`\n"
"        - `[p]set api spotify redirect_uri localhost`\n"
"        - `[p]set api github client_id,whoops client_secret,whoops`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<service>` - The service you're adding tokens to.\n"
"        - `<tokens>` - Pairs of token keys and values. The key and value should be separated by one of ` `, `,`, or `;`.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Click the button below to set your keys."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This API keys setup message has expired."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "`{service}` API tokens have been set."
msgstr "`{service}` API tokens были установлены."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Show all external API services along with their keys that have been set.\n\n"
"        Secrets are not shown.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set api list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "No API services have been set yet."
msgstr "Никаких услуг API пока не установлено."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Set API services:\n"
msgstr "Установите сервисы API:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Set API service:\n"
msgstr "Установите службу API:\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Remove the given services with all their keys and tokens.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set api remove spotify`\n"
"        - `[p]set api remove github youtube`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<services...>` - The services to remove."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Services deleted successfully:\n"
msgstr "Службы успешно удалены:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Service deleted successfully: {service_name}"
msgstr "Служба успешно удалена: {service_name}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "None of the services you provided had any keys set."
msgstr "Ни в одном из предоставляемых вами сервисов не было установлено ни одного ключа."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands for configuring owner notifications.\n\n"
"        Owner notifications include usage of `[p]contact` and available Red updates.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для настройки уведомлений владельца.\n\n"
"        Уведомления владельца включают использование `[p]contact` и доступные обновления Red.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Opt-in on receiving owner notifications.\n\n"
"        This is the default state.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only resume sending owner notifications to your DMs.\n"
"            Additional owners and destinations will not be affected.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications optin`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Opt-out of receiving owner notifications.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only stop sending owner notifications to your DMs.\n"
"            Additional owners and destinations will still receive notifications.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications optout`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds a destination text channel to receive owner notifications.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications adddestination #owner-notifications`\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications adddestination 168091848718417920` - Accepts channel IDs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<channel>` - The channel to send owner notifications to.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes a destination text channel from receiving owner notifications.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications removedestination #owner-notifications`\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications deletedestination 168091848718417920` - Accepts channel IDs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<channel>` - The channel to stop sending owner notifications to.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists the configured extra destinations for owner notifications.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set ownernotifications listdestinations`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There are no extra channels being sent to."
msgstr "Нет никаких дополнительных каналов, на которые отправляются сообщения."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Unknown channel with id: {id}"
msgstr "Неизвестный канал с идентификатором: {id}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Show the current settings for [botname].\n\n"
"        Accepts optional server parameter to allow prefix recovery.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Not Set."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Admin roles: {admin}\n"
"Mod roles: {mod}\n"
"Locale: {guild_locale}\n"
"Regional format: {guild_regional_format}\n"
msgstr "Роли администраторов: {admin}\n"
"Мод-роли: {mod}\n"
"Локал: {guild_locale}\n"
"Региональный формат: {guild_regional_format}\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{bot_name} Settings:\n\n"
"Prefixes: {prefixes}\n"
"{guild_settings}Global locale: {locale}\n"
"Global regional format: {regional_format}\n"
"Default embed colour: {colour}"
msgstr "{bot_name} Настройки:\n\n"
"Префиксы: {prefixes}\n"
"{guild_settings}Глобальная локаль: {locale}\n"
"Глобальный региональный формат: {regional_format}\n"
"Цвет вставки по умолчанию: {colour}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the delay until the bot removes the command message.\n\n"
"        Must be between -1 and 60.\n\n"
"        Set to -1 to disable this feature.\n\n"
"        This is only applied to the current server and not globally.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set deletedelay` - Shows the current delete delay setting.\n"
"        - `[p]set deletedelay 60` - Sets the delete delay to the max of 60 seconds.\n"
"        - `[p]set deletedelay -1` - Disables deleting command messages.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[time]` - The seconds to wait before deleting the command message. Use -1 to disable.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command deleting disabled."
msgstr "Удаление команды отключено."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Delete delay set to {num} seconds."
msgstr "Удалить задержку, установленную на {num} секунд."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot will delete command messages after {num} seconds. Set this value to -1 to stop deleting messages"
msgstr "Бот удалит командные сообщения через {num} секунд. Установите это значение -1, чтобы прекратить удаление сообщений"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I will not delete command messages."
msgstr "Я не буду удалять командные сообщения."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Toggle whether to use the bot owner-configured colour for embeds.\n\n"
"        Default is to use the bot's configured colour.\n"
"        Otherwise, the colour used will be the colour of the bot's top role.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set usebotcolour`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The bot {} use its configured color for embeds."
msgstr "Бот {} использовать свой настроенный цвет для встраивания сообщений."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "will not"
msgstr "не будет"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "will"
msgstr "будет"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search for the server.\n\n"
"        This allows the bot to identify potential misspelled commands and offer corrections.\n\n"
"        Note: This can be processor intensive and may be unsuitable for larger servers.\n\n"
"        Default is for fuzzy command search to be disabled.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set serverfuzzy`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Fuzzy command search has been {} for this server."
msgstr "Поиск неопределенной команды был {} для этого сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Toggle whether to enable fuzzy command search in DMs.\n\n"
"        This allows the bot to identify potential misspelled commands and offer corrections.\n\n"
"        Default is for fuzzy command search to be disabled.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]set fuzzy`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Fuzzy command search has been {} in DMs."
msgstr "Поиск неопределенных команд был {} в личных сообщениях."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets a default colour to be used for the bot's embeds.\n\n"
"        Acceptable values for the colour parameter can be found at:\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set colour dark red`\n"
"        - `[p]set colour blurple`\n"
"        - `[p]set colour 0x5DADE2`\n"
"        - `[p]set color 0x#FDFEFE`\n"
"        - `[p]set color #7F8C8D`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[colour]` - The colour to use for embeds. Leave blank to set to the default value (red).\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The color has been reset."
msgstr "Цвет был сброшен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The color has been set."
msgstr "Цвет был установлен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sets [botname]'s global prefix(es).\n\n"
"        Warning: This is not additive. It will replace all current prefixes.\n\n"
"        See also the `--mentionable` flag to enable mentioning the bot as the prefix.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set prefix !`\n"
"        - `[p]set prefix \"! \"` - Quotes are needed to use spaces in prefixes.\n"
"        - `[p]set prefix \"@[botname] \"` - This uses a mention as the prefix. See also the `--mentionable` flag.\n"
"        - `[p]set prefix ! ? .` - Sets multiple prefixes.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<prefixes...>` - The prefixes the bot will respond to globally.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Prefixes cannot start with '/', as it conflicts with Discord's slash commands."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Warning: A prefix is below the recommended length (1 character).\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Cancelled."
msgstr "Отменено."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Warning: A prefix is above the recommended length (25 characters).\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Prefix set."
msgstr "Префикс установлен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Prefixes set."
msgstr "Префиксы установлены."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets [botname]'s server prefix(es).\n\n"
"        Warning: This will override global prefixes, the bot will not respond to any global prefixes in this server.\n"
"            This is not additive. It will replace all current server prefixes.\n"
"            A prefix cannot have more than 25 characters.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]set serverprefix !`\n"
"        - `[p]set serverprefix \"! \"` - Quotes are needed to use spaces in prefixes.\n"
"        - `[p]set serverprefix \"@[botname] \"` - This uses a mention as the prefix.\n"
"        - `[p]set serverprefix ! ? .` - Sets multiple prefixes.\n"
"        - `[p]set serverprefix \"Red - Discord Bot\" ?` - Sets the prefix for a specific server. Quotes are needed to use spaces in the server name.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[server]` - The server to set the prefix for. Defaults to current server.\n"
"        - `[prefixes...]` - The prefixes the bot will respond to on this server. Leave blank to clear server prefixes.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server prefixes have been reset."
msgstr "Префиксы серверов были сброшены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot have a prefix shorter than 1 character."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot have a prefix longer than 25 characters."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server prefix set."
msgstr "Префикс сервера установлен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server prefixes set."
msgstr "Установлены префиксы сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set a global bot variable for using buttons in menus.\n\n"
"        When enabled, all usage of cores menus API will use buttons instead of reactions.\n\n"
"        This defaults to False.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"            - `[p]set usebuttons True` - Enables using buttons.\n"
"            - `[p]helpset usebuttons` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `[use_buttons]` - Whether to use buttons. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I will use buttons on basic menus."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I will not use buttons on basic menus."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set the message that will be sent on uncaught bot errors.\n\n"
"        To include the command name in the message, use the `{command}` placeholder.\n\n"
"        If you omit the `msg` argument, the message will be reset to the default one.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"            - `[p]set errormsg` - Resets the error message back to the default: \"Error in command '{command}'.\". If the command invoker is one of the bot owners, the message will also include \"Check your console or logs for details.\".\n"
"            - `[p]set errormsg Oops, the command {command} has failed! Please try again later.` - Sets the error message to a custom one.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `[msg]` - The custom error message. Must be less than 1000 characters. Omit to reset to the default one.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The message must be less than 1000 characters."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Successfully updated the error message."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Successfully reset the error message back to the default one."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage settings for the help command.\n\n"
"        All help settings are applied globally.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для управления настройками команды help.\n\n"
"        Все настройки справки применяются глобально.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Show the current help settings.\n\n"
"        Warning: These settings may not be accurate if the default formatter is not in use.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset showsettings`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Warning: The default formatter is not in use, these settings may not apply."
msgstr "Предупреждение: Если форматтер по умолчанию не используется, эти настройки могут быть неприменимы."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        This resets [botname]'s help formatter to the default formatter.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset resetformatter`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The help formatter has been reset. This will not prevent cogs from modifying help, you may need to remove a cog if this has been an issue."
msgstr "Средство форматирования help было сброшено. Не забудь что это не остановит шестерню от модинга справки, возможно тебе придётся выкрутить шестерню если в этом была проблема."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        This resets [botname]'s help settings to their defaults.\n\n"
"        This may not have an impact when using custom formatters from 3rd party cogs\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset resetsettings`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The help settings have been reset to their defaults. This may not have an impact when using 3rd party help formatters."
msgstr "Настройки справки были сброшены к значениям по умолчанию. Это может не оказать влияния при использовании сторонних форматирования справки."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Allows the help command to be sent as a paginated menu instead of separate\n"
"        messages.\n\n"
"        When \"reactions\", \"buttons\", \"select\", or \"selectonly\" is passed,\n"
"         `[p]help` will only show one page at a time\n"
"        and will use the associated control scheme to navigate between pages.\n\n"
"         **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usemenus reactions` - Enables using reaction menus.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usemenus buttons` - Enables using button menus.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usemenus select` - Enables buttons with a select menu.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usemenus selectonly` - Enables a select menu only on help.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usemenus disable` - Disables help menus.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"            - `<\"buttons\"|\"reactions\"|\"select\"|\"selectonly\"|\"disable\">` - Whether to use `buttons`,\n"
"            `reactions`, `select`, `selectonly`, or no menus.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will use the select menu only."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will use button menus and add a select menu."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will use button menus."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will use reaction menus."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will not use menus."
msgstr "Помощь не будет использовать меню."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        This allows the help command to show hidden commands.\n\n"
"        This defaults to False.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset showhidden True` - Enables showing hidden commands.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset showhidden` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[show_hidden]` - Whether to use show hidden commands in help. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will not filter hidden commands."
msgstr "Help не будет фильтровать скрытые команды."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will filter hidden commands."
msgstr "Помощь будет фильтровать скрытые команды."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        This allows the help command to show existing commands aliases if there is any.\n\n"
"        This defaults to True.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset showaliases False` - Disables showing aliases on this server.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset showaliases` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[show_aliases]` - Whether to include aliases in help. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will now show command aliases."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will no longer show command aliases."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        This allows the help command message to be ticked if help is sent to a DM.\n\n"
"        Ticking is reacting to the help message with a ✅.\n\n"
"        Defaults to False.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        Note: This is only used when the bot is not using menus.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usetick False` - Disables ticking when help is sent to DMs.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset usetick` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[use_tick]` - Whether to tick the help command when help is sent to DMs. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will now tick the command when sent in a DM."
msgstr "Help теперь будет отмечать команду при отправке в ЛС."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will not tick the command when sent in a DM."
msgstr "Help не будет отмечать команду при отправке в ЛС."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets if commands which can't be run in the current context should be filtered from help.\n\n"
"        Defaults to True.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset verifychecks False` - Enables showing unusable commands in help.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset verifychecks` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[verify]` - Whether to hide unusable commands in help. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will only show for commands which can be run."
msgstr "Справка будет показывать только для команд, которые могут быть запущены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will show up without checking if the commands can be run."
msgstr "Справка будет показана без проверки возможности выполнения команд."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Sets whether the bot should respond to help commands for nonexistent topics.\n\n"
"        When enabled, this will indicate the existence of help topics, even if the user can't use it.\n\n"
"        Note: This setting on its own does not fully prevent command enumeration.\n\n"
"        Defaults to False.\n"
"        Using this without a setting will toggle.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset verifyexists True` - Enables sending help for nonexistent topics.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset verifyexists` - Toggles the value.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[verify]` - Whether to respond to help for nonexistent topics. Leave blank to toggle.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will verify the existence of help topics."
msgstr "Помощь проверит наличие тем помощи."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Help will only verify the existence of help topics via fuzzy help (if enabled)."
msgstr "Помощь будет проверять только наличие тем помощи при помощи нечеткой справки (если включено)."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the character limit for each page in the help message.\n\n"
"        Note: This setting only applies to embedded help.\n\n"
"        The default value is 1000 characters. The minimum value is 500.\n"
"        The maximum is based on the lower of what you provide and what discord allows.\n\n"
"        Please note that setting a relatively small character limit may\n"
"        mean some pages will exceed this limit.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset pagecharlimit 1500`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<limit>` - The max amount of characters to show per page in the help message.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You must give a value of at least 500 characters."
msgstr "Значение должно быть не менее 500 символов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Done. The character limit per page has been set to {}."
msgstr "Готово. Максимальное количество символов на странице было установлено равным {}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the maximum number of help pages sent in a server channel.\n\n"
"        If a help message contains more pages than this value, the help message will\n"
"        be sent to the command author via DM. This is to help reduce spam in server\n"
"        text channels.\n\n"
"        The default value is 2 pages.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset maxpages 50` - Basically never send help to DMs.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset maxpages 0` - Always send help to DMs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<limit>` - The max pages allowed to send per help in a server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "You must give a value of zero or greater!"
msgstr "Вы должны дать значение ноль или больше!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Done. The page limit has been set to {}."
msgstr "Готово. Ограничение на количество страниц установлено на {}."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the delay after which help pages will be deleted.\n\n"
"        The setting is disabled by default, and only applies to non-menu help,\n"
"        sent in server text channels.\n"
"        Setting the delay to 0 disables this feature.\n\n"
"        The bot has to have MANAGE_MESSAGES permission for this to work.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset deletedelay 60` - Delete the help pages after a minute.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset deletedelay 1` - Delete the help pages as quickly as possible.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset deletedelay 1209600` - Max time to wait before deleting (14 days).\n"
"        - `[p]helpset deletedelay 0` - Disable deleting help pages.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<seconds>` - The seconds to wait before deleting help pages.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The delay cannot be longer than 14 days!"
msgstr "Задержка не может быть длиннее 14 дней!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Done. Help messages will not be deleted now."
msgstr "Готово. Сообщения справки теперь не будут удалены."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Done. The delete delay has been set to {} seconds."
msgstr "Готово. Задержка удаления была установлена на {} секунд."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the timeout for reactions, if menus are enabled.\n\n"
"        The default is 30 seconds.\n"
"        The timeout has to be between 15 and 300 seconds.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset reacttimeout 30` - The default timeout.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset reacttimeout 60` - Timeout of 1 minute.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset reacttimeout 15` - Minimum allowed timeout.\n"
"        - `[p]helpset reacttimeout 300` - Max allowed timeout (5 mins).\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<seconds>` - The timeout, in seconds, of the reactions.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You must give a value of at least 15 seconds!"
msgstr "Вы должны указать значение не менее 15 секунд!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The timeout cannot be greater than 5 minutes!"
msgstr "Тайм-аут не может быть больше 5 минут!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Done. The reaction timeout has been set to {} seconds."
msgstr "Выполнено. Тайм-аут реакции установлен на {} секунд."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Set the tagline to be used.\n\n"
"        The maximum tagline length is 2048 characters.\n"
"        This setting only applies to embedded help. If no tagline is specified, the default will be used instead.\n\n"
"        You can use `[​p]` in your tagline, which will be replaced by the bot's prefix.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]helpset tagline Thanks for using the bot!`\n"
"        - `[p]helpset tagline Use [​p]invite to add me to your server.`\n"
"        - `[p]helpset tagline` - Resets the tagline to the default.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[tagline]` - The tagline to appear at the bottom of help embeds. Leave blank to reset.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The tagline has been reset."
msgstr "Подзаголовок был сброшен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Your tagline is too long! Please shorten it to be no more than 2048 characters long."
msgstr "Ваш подзаголовок слишком длинный! Пожалуйста, уменьшите его до 2048 символов."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The tagline has been set."
msgstr "Подзаголовок был сброшен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sends a message to the owner.\n\n"
"        This is limited to one message every 60 seconds per person.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]contact Help! The bot has become sentient!`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[message]` - The message to send to the owner.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User ID: {}"
msgstr "ID пользователя: {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "through DM"
msgstr "через DM"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "from {}"
msgstr "от {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid " | Server ID: {}"
msgstr " | ID сервера: {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Use `{}dm {} <text>` to reply to this user"
msgstr "Используйте `{}dm {} <text>`чтобы ответить пользователю"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Sent by {} {}"
msgstr "Отправил {} {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I've been configured not to send this anywhere."
msgstr "Я настроен не отправлять это нигде."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Your message has been sent."
msgstr "Ваше сообщение было отправлено."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I'm unable to deliver your message. Sorry."
msgstr "Я не могу доставить ваше сообщение. Извините."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Sends a DM to a user.\n\n"
"        This command needs a user ID to work.\n\n"
"        To get a user ID, go to Discord's settings and open the 'Appearance' tab.\n"
"        Enable 'Developer Mode', then right click a user and click on 'Copy ID'.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]dm 262626262626262626 Do you like me? Yes / No`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[message]` - The message to dm to the user.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Invalid ID, user not found, or user is a bot. You can only send messages to people I share a server with."
msgstr "Недопустимый ID, пользователь не найден или пользователь бот. Вы можете отправлять сообщения только тем пользователям, с которыми у меня есть сервер."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Owner of {}"
msgstr "Владелец {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You can reply to this message with {}contact"
msgstr "Вы можете ответить на это сообщение с {} контактом"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Sorry, I couldn't deliver your message to {}"
msgstr "Извините, я не смог доставить сообщение для %s"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Message delivered to {}"
msgstr "Сообщение доставлено к %s"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Prints the bot's data path."
msgstr "Выводит путь к данным бота."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Data path: {path}"
msgstr "Путь к данным: {path}"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Shows debug information useful for debugging."
msgstr "Показывает отладочную информацию, полезную для отладки."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Diagnose issues with the command checks with ease!\n\n"
"        If you want to diagnose the command from a text channel in a different server,\n"
"        you can do so by using the command in DMs.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]diagnoseissues #general @Slime ban` - Diagnose why @Slime can't use `[p]ban` in #general channel.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[channel]` - The text channel that the command should be tested for. Defaults to the current channel.\n"
"        - `<member>` - The member that should be considered as the command caller.\n"
"        - `<command_name>` - The name of the command to test.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "A text channel, voice channel, stage channel, or thread needs to be passed when using this command in DMs."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The given user is not a member of the diagnosed server."
msgstr "Данный пользователь не является участником диагностированного сервера."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Don't try to fool me, the given member can't access the {channel} channel!"
msgstr "Не пытайтесь меня обмануть, данный участник не может получить доступ к каналу {channel}!"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage the allowlist.\n\n"
"        Warning: When the allowlist is in use, the bot will ignore commands from everyone not on the list.\n\n"
"        Use `[p]allowlist clear` to disable the allowlist\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для управления списком разрешений.\n\n"
"        Предупреждение: Когда используется список allowlist, бот будет игнорировать команды от всех, кто не входит в список.\n\n"
"        Используйте команду `[p]allowlist clear`, чтобы отключить список разрешенных команд\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds users to the allowlist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist add @26 @Will` - Adds two users to the allowlist.\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist add 262626262626262626` - Adds a user by ID.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users...>` - The user or users to add to the allowlist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users have been added to the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователи были добавлены в список разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User has been added to the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователь добавлен в список разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists users on the allowlist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users on the allowlist:"
msgstr "Пользователи в списке разрешенных:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User on the allowlist:"
msgstr "Пользователь в списке разрешенных:"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "Unknown or Deleted User"
msgstr "Неизвестный или удаленный пользователь"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes users from the allowlist.\n\n"
"        The allowlist will be disabled if all users are removed.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist remove @26 @Will` - Removes two users from the allowlist.\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist remove 262626262626262626` - Removes a user by ID.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users...>` - The user or users to remove from the allowlist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users have been removed from the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователи были удалены из списка разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User has been removed from the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователь был удален из списка разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Clears the allowlist.\n\n"
"        This disables the allowlist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]allowlist clear`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Allowlist has been cleared."
msgstr "Разрешенный список был очищен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage the blocklist.\n\n"
"        Use `[p]blocklist clear` to disable the blocklist\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды управления блок-списком.\n\n"
"        Используйте `[p]blocklist clear`, чтобы отключить список блоков\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds users to the blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist add @26 @Will` - Adds two users to the blocklist.\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist add 262626262626262626` - Blocks a user by ID.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users...>` - The user or users to add to the blocklist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot add an owner to the blocklist!"
msgstr "Вы не можете добавить владельца в блок-лист!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users have been added to the blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователи были добавлены в блок-лист."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User has been added to the blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователь добавлен в блок-лист."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists users on the blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users on the blocklist:"
msgstr "Пользователи в списке блок-лист:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User on the blocklist:"
msgstr "Пользователь в блок-списке:"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes users from the blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist remove @26 @Will` - Removes two users from the blocklist.\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist remove 262626262626262626` - Removes a user by ID.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users...>` - The user or users to remove from the blocklist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users have been removed from the blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователи были удалены из блок-листа."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User has been removed from the blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователь был удален из блок-листа."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Clears the blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist clear`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Blocklist has been cleared."
msgstr "Блок-лист очищен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage the server specific allowlist.\n\n"
"        Warning: When the allowlist is in use, the bot will ignore commands from everyone not on the list in the server.\n\n"
"        Use `[p]localallowlist clear` to disable the allowlist\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для управления списком разрешений для конкретного сервера.\n\n"
"        Предупреждение: Когда используется список разрешений, бот будет игнорировать команды от всех, кто не входит в этот список на сервере.\n\n"
"        Используйте команду `[p]localallowlist clear`, чтобы отключить список разрешений\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds a user or role to the server allowlist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist add @26 @Will` - Adds two users to the local allowlist.\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist add 262626262626262626` - Allows a user by ID.\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist add \"Super Admins\"` - Allows a role with a space in the name without mentioning.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users_or_roles...>` - The users or roles to remove from the local allowlist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I cannot allow you to do this, as it would remove your ability to run commands, please ensure to add yourself to the allowlist first."
msgstr "Я не могу разрешить вам сделать это, так как это лишит вас возможности выполнять команды, пожалуйста, сначала добавьте себя в список разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users and/or roles have been added to the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователи и/или роли были добавлены в список разрешенных."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User or role has been added to the allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователь или роль были добавлены в список разрешений."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists users and roles on the server allowlist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Allowed users and/or roles:"
msgstr "Разрешенные пользователи и/или роли:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Allowed user or role:"
msgstr "Разрешенный пользователь или роль:"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Unknown or Deleted User/Role"
msgstr "Неизвестный или удаленный пользователь/роль"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes user or role from the allowlist.\n\n"
"        The local allowlist will be disabled if all users are removed.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist remove @26 @Will` - Removes two users from the local allowlist.\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist remove 262626262626262626` - Removes a user by ID.\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist remove \"Super Admins\"` - Removes a role with a space in the name without mentioning.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users_or_roles...>` - The users or roles to remove from the local allowlist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "I cannot allow you to do this, as it would remove your ability to run commands."
msgstr "Я не могу позволить вам сделать это, так как это лишит вас возможности выполнять команды."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users and/or roles have been removed from the server allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователи и/или роли были удалены из разрешительного списка сервера."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User or role has been removed from the server allowlist."
msgstr "Пользователь или роль были удалены из разрешительного списка сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Clears the allowlist.\n\n"
"        This disables the local allowlist and clears all entries.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]localallowlist clear`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server allowlist has been cleared."
msgstr "Список разрешений сервера был очищен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage the server specific blocklist.\n\n"
"        Use `[p]localblocklist clear` to disable the blocklist\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для управления блок-листом, специфичным для сервера.\n\n"
"        Используйте команду `[p]localblocklist clear` для отключения списка блокировки\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Adds a user or role to the local blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist add @26 @Will` - Adds two users to the local blocklist.\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist add 262626262626262626` - Blocks a user by ID.\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist add \"Bad Apples\"` - Blocks a role with a space in the name without mentioning.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users_or_roles...>` - The users or roles to add to the local blocklist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot add yourself to the blocklist!"
msgstr "Вы не можете добавить себя в блок-лист!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot add the guild owner to the blocklist!"
msgstr "Вы не можете добавить владельца гильдии в блок-лист!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You cannot add a bot owner to the blocklist!"
msgstr "Вы не можете добавить владельца бота в блок-лист!"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users and/or roles have been added from the server blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователи и/или роли были добавлены из блок-листа сервера."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User or role has been added from the server blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователь или роль были добавлены из блок-листа сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Lists users and roles on the server blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Blocked users and/or roles:"
msgstr "Заблокированные пользователи и/или роли:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Blocked user or role:"
msgstr "Заблокированный пользователь или роль:"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Removes user or role from local blocklist.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist remove @26 @Will` - Removes two users from the local blocklist.\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist remove 262626262626262626` - Unblocks a user by ID.\n"
"        - `[p]localblocklist remove \"Bad Apples\"` - Unblocks a role with a space in the name without mentioning.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<users_or_roles...>` - The users or roles to remove from the local blocklist.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Users and/or roles have been removed from the server blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователи и/или роли были удалены из блок-листа сервера."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User or role has been removed from the server blocklist."
msgstr "Пользователь или роль были удалены из списка блокировки сервера."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Clears the server blocklist.\n\n"
"        This disables the server blocklist and clears all entries.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]blocklist clear`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Server blocklist has been cleared."
msgstr "Список блокировки сервера был очищен."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands to enable and disable commands and cogs."
msgstr "Команды для включения и отключения команд и шестеренки."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the default state for a cog as disabled.\n\n"
"        This will disable the cog for all servers by default.\n"
"        To override it, use `[p]command enablecog` on the servers you want to allow usage.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only work on loaded cogs, and must reference the title-case cog name.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command defaultdisablecog Economy`\n"
"        - `[p]command defaultdisablecog ModLog`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cog>` - The name of the cog to make disabled by default. Must be title-case.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You can't disable this cog by default."
msgstr "Вы не можете отключить эту шестеренку по умолчанию."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} has been set as disabled by default."
msgstr "{cogname} по умолчанию отключено."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the default state for a cog as enabled.\n\n"
"        This will re-enable the cog for all servers by default.\n"
"        To override it, use `[p]command disablecog` on the servers you want to disallow usage.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only work on loaded cogs, and must reference the title-case cog name.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command defaultenablecog Economy`\n"
"        - `[p]command defaultenablecog ModLog`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cog>` - The name of the cog to make enabled by default. Must be title-case.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} has been set as enabled by default."
msgstr "{cogname} был установлен как включенный по умолчанию."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Disable a cog in this server.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only work on loaded cogs, and must reference the title-case cog name.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command disablecog Economy`\n"
"        - `[p]command disablecog ModLog`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cog>` - The name of the cog to disable on this server. Must be title-case.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You can't disable this cog as you would lock yourself out."
msgstr "Вы не можете отключить эту шестеренку, так как в этом случае вы заблокируете себя."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} has been disabled in this guild."
msgstr "{cogname} был отключен в этой гильдии."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} was already disabled (nothing to do)."
msgstr "{cogname} уже отключен (ничего не нужно делать)."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Enable a cog in this server.\n\n"
"        Note: This will only work on loaded cogs, and must reference the title-case cog name.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command enablecog Economy`\n"
"        - `[p]command enablecog ModLog`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<cog>` - The name of the cog to enable on this server. Must be title-case.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} has been enabled in this guild."
msgstr "{cogname} был включен в этой гильдии."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Cog \"{arg}\" not found."
msgstr "Cog \"{arg}\" не найден."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{cogname} was not disabled (nothing to do)."
msgstr "{cogname} не был отключен (ничего не нужно делать)."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "List the cogs which are disabled in this server.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]command listdisabledcogs`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The following cogs are disabled in this guild:\n"
msgstr "В этой гильдии отключены следующие шестеренки:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There are no disabled cogs in this guild."
msgstr "В этом гильдии нет неактивных шестеренок."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        List disabled commands.\n\n"
"        If you're the bot owner, this will show global disabled commands by default.\n"
"        Otherwise, this will show disabled commands on the current server.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]command listdisabled`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "List disabled commands globally.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]command listdisabled global`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There aren't any globally disabled commands."
msgstr "Нет глобально отключенных команд."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{} commands are disabled globally.\n"
msgstr "{} Команды отключены глобально.\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "1 command is disabled globally.\n"
msgstr "1 команда отключена глобально.\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "List disabled commands in this server.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]command listdisabled guild`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There aren't any disabled commands in {}."
msgstr "Нет отключенных команд в {}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{} commands are disabled in {}.\n"
msgstr "{} команды отключены в {}.\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "1 command is disabled in {}.\n"
msgstr "1 команда отключена в {}.\n"

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Disable a command.\n\n"
"        If you're the bot owner, this will disable commands globally by default.\n"
"        Otherwise, this will disable commands on the current server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command disable userinfo` - Disables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command disable urban` - Disables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to disable.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Disable a command globally.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command disable global userinfo` - Disables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command disable global urban` - Disables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to disable globally.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "The command to disable cannot be `command` or any of its subcommands."
msgstr "Команда отключения не может быть `команда` или ни одной из под-команд."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "This command is designated as being always available and cannot be disabled."
msgstr "Эта команда обозначена как всегда доступная и не может быть отключена."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is already disabled globally."
msgstr "Эта команда уже отключена глобально."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Disable a command in this server only.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command disable server userinfo` - Disables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command disable server urban` - Disables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to disable for the current server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You are not allowed to disable that command."
msgstr "Вы не можете отключить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is already disabled in this server."
msgstr "Эта команда уже отключена на этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Enable a command.\n\n"
"        If you're the bot owner, this will try to enable a globally disabled command by default.\n"
"        Otherwise, this will try to enable a command disabled on the current server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command enable userinfo` - Enables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command enable urban` - Enables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to enable.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Enable a command globally.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command enable global userinfo` - Enables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command enable global urban` - Enables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to enable globally.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is already enabled globally."
msgstr "Эта команда уже включена глобально."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"            Enable a command in this server.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command enable server userinfo` - Enables the `userinfo` command in the Mod cog.\n"
"        - `[p]command enable server urban` - Enables the `urban` command in the General cog.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<command>` - The command to enable for the current server.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You are not allowed to enable that command."
msgstr "Вы не можете включить эту команду."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That command is already enabled in this server."
msgstr "Эта команда уже включена на этом сервере."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Set the bot's response to disabled commands.\n\n"
"        Leave blank to send nothing.\n\n"
"        To include the command name in the message, include the `{command}` placeholder.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]command disabledmsg This command is disabled`\n"
"        - `[p]command disabledmsg {command} is disabled`\n"
"        - `[p]command disabledmsg` - Sends nothing when a disabled command is attempted.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `[message]` - The message to send when a disabled command is attempted.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to manage server settings for immunity from automated actions.\n\n"
"        This includes duplicate message deletion and mention spam from the Mod cog, and filters from the Filter cog.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для управления настройками сервера для защиты от автоматических действий.\n\n"
"        Сюда входят удаление дубликатов сообщений и упоминание спама из командной строки Моd-шестерни, а также фильтры из командной строки Filter-шестерни.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Gets the current members and roles configured for automatic moderation action immunity.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Roles immune from automated moderation actions:\n"
msgstr "Роли защищены от автоматических действий модерации:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Members immune from automated moderation actions:\n"
msgstr "Участники защищены от автоматических действий модерации:\n"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "No immunity settings here."
msgstr "Здесь нет настроек иммунитета."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Makes a user or role immune from automated moderation actions.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune add @Twentysix` - Adds a user.\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune add @Mods` - Adds a role.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_or_role>` - The user or role to add immunity to.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Already added."
msgstr "Уже добавлено."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Remove a user or role from being immune to automated moderation actions.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune remove @Twentysix` - Removes a user.\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune remove @Mods` - Removes a role.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_or_role>` - The user or role to remove immunity from.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Not in list."
msgstr "Нет в списке."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Checks if a user or role would be considered immune from automated actions.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune isimmune @Twentysix`\n"
"        - `[p]autoimmune isimmune @Mods`\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<user_or_role>` - The user or role to check the immunity of.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "They are immune."
msgstr "У них есть иммунитет."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "They are not immune."
msgstr "У них нет иммунитета."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Commands to add servers or channels to the ignore list.\n\n"
"        The ignore list will prevent the bot from responding to commands in the configured locations.\n\n"
"        Note: Owners and Admins override the ignore list.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Команды для добавления серверов или каналов в список игнорирования.\n\n"
"        Список игнорирования не позволит боту отвечать на команды в настроенных местах.\n\n"
"        Примечание: Владельцы и администраторы могут переопределять список игнорирования.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        List the currently ignored servers and channels.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]ignore list`\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Ignore commands in the channel, thread, or category.\n\n"
"        Defaults to the current thread or channel.\n\n"
"        Note: Owners, Admins, and those with Manage Channel permissions override ignored channels.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]ignore channel #general` - Ignores commands in the #general channel.\n"
"        - `[p]ignore channel` - Ignores commands in the current channel.\n"
"        - `[p]ignore channel \"General Channels\"` - Use quotes for categories with spaces.\n"
"        - `[p]ignore channel 356236713347252226` - Also accepts IDs.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<channel>` - The channel to ignore. This can also be a thread or category channel.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel added to ignore list."
msgstr "Канал добавлен в список игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel already in ignore list."
msgstr "Канал уже добавлен в список игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Ignore commands in this server.\n\n"
"        Note: Owners, Admins, and those with Manage Server permissions override ignored servers.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]ignore server` - Ignores the current server\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This server has been added to the ignore list."
msgstr "Этот сервер был добавлен в список игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This server is already being ignored."
msgstr "Этот сервер уже находится в списке игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Commands to remove servers or channels from the ignore list."
msgstr "Команды для удаления серверов или каналов из списка игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Remove a channel, thread, or category from the ignore list.\n\n"
"        Defaults to the current thread or channel.\n\n"
"        **Examples:**\n"
"        - `[p]unignore channel #general` - Unignores commands in the #general channel.\n"
"        - `[p]unignore channel` - Unignores commands in the current channel.\n"
"        - `[p]unignore channel \"General Channels\"` - Use quotes for categories with spaces.\n"
"        - `[p]unignore channel 356236713347252226` - Also accepts IDs. Use this method to unignore categories.\n\n"
"        **Arguments:**\n"
"        - `<channel>` - The channel to unignore. This can also be a thread or category channel.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel removed from ignore list."
msgstr "Канал удален из списка игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "That channel is not in the ignore list."
msgstr "Этот канал не был добавлен в список игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Remove this server from the ignore list.\n\n"
"        **Example:**\n"
"        - `[p]unignore server` - Stops ignoring the current server\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This server has been removed from the ignore list."
msgstr "Этот сервер был удален из списка игнорирования."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This server is not in the ignore list."
msgstr "Этот сервер отсутствует в списке игнорируемых."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "This server is currently being ignored."
msgstr "Этот сервер в настоящее время игнорируется."

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "None"
msgstr "Нет"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Currently ignored categories: {categories}\n"
"Channels: {channels}\n"
"Threads (excluding archived):{threads}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "\n"
"        Get info about Red's licenses.\n"
"        "
msgstr "\n"
"        Получить информацию о лицензиях Red.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Various development focused utilities."
msgstr "Различные утилиты, ориентированные на разработки."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Evaluate a statement of python code.\n\n"
"        The bot will always respond with the return value of the code.\n"
"        If the return value of the code is a coroutine, it will be awaited,\n"
"        and the result of that will be the bot's response.\n\n"
"        Note: Only one statement may be evaluated. Using certain restricted\n"
"        keywords, e.g. yield, will result in a syntax error. For multiple\n"
"        lines or asynchronous code, see [p]repl or [p]eval.\n\n"
"        Environment Variables:\n"
"            `ctx`      - the command invocation context\n"
"            `bot`      - the bot object\n"
"            `channel`  - the current channel object\n"
"            `author`   - the command author's member object\n"
"            `guild`    - the current guild object\n"
"            `message`  - the command's message object\n"
"            `_`        - the result of the last dev command\n"
"            `aiohttp`  - the aiohttp library\n"
"            `asyncio`  - the asyncio library\n"
"            `discord`  - the library\n"
"            `commands` - the redbot.core.commands module\n"
"            `cf`       - the redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting module\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Execute asynchronous code.\n\n"
"        This command wraps code into the body of an async function and then\n"
"        calls and awaits it. The bot will respond with anything printed to\n"
"        stdout, as well as the return value of the function.\n\n"
"        The code can be within a codeblock, inline code or neither, as long\n"
"        as they are not mixed and they are formatted correctly.\n\n"
"        Environment Variables:\n"
"            `ctx`      - the command invocation context\n"
"            `bot`      - the bot object\n"
"            `channel`  - the current channel object\n"
"            `author`   - the command author's member object\n"
"            `guild`    - the current guild object\n"
"            `message`  - the command's message object\n"
"            `_`        - the result of the last dev command\n"
"            `aiohttp`  - the aiohttp library\n"
"            `asyncio`  - the asyncio library\n"
"            `discord`  - the library\n"
"            `commands` - the redbot.core.commands module\n"
"            `cf`       - the redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting module\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Open an interactive REPL.\n\n"
"        The REPL will only recognise code as messages which start with a\n"
"        backtick. This includes codeblocks, and as such multiple lines can be\n"
"        evaluated.\n\n"
"        Use `exit()` or `quit` to exit the REPL session, prefixed with\n"
"        a backtick so they may be interpreted.\n\n"
"        Environment Variables:\n"
"            `ctx`      - the command invocation context\n"
"            `bot`      - the bot object\n"
"            `channel`  - the current channel object\n"
"            `author`   - the command author's member object\n"
"            `guild`    - the current guild object\n"
"            `message`  - the command's message object\n"
"            `_`        - the result of the last dev command\n"
"            `aiohttp`  - the aiohttp library\n"
"            `asyncio`  - the asyncio library\n"
"            `discord`  - the library\n"
"            `commands` - the redbot.core.commands module\n"
"            `cf`       - the redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting module\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Already running a REPL session in this channel. Exit it with `quit`."
msgstr "Уже выполняется сеанс REPL в этом канале. Выйдите из него с `quit`."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Already running a REPL session in this channel. Resume the REPL with `{}repl resume`."
msgstr "В этом канале уже запущен сеанс REPL. Возобновите REPL с помощью `{}repl resume`."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Enter code to execute or evaluate. `exit()` or `quit` to exit. `{}repl pause` to pause."
msgstr "Введите код для выполнения или оценки. `exit()` или `quit` для выхода. `{}repl pause` для приостановки."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Exiting."
msgstr "Выход."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Unexpected error: "
msgstr "Непредвиденная ошибка: "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Pauses/resumes the REPL running in the current channel."
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "There is no currently running REPL session in this channel."
msgstr "В настоящее время в этом канале нет запущенной сессии REPL."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The REPL session in this channel has been resumed."
msgstr "Сеанс REPL в этом канале был возобновлен."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "The REPL session in this channel is now paused."
msgstr "Сессия REPL в этом канале теперь приостановлена."

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Mock another user invoking a command.\n\n"
"        The prefix must not be entered.\n"
"        "
msgstr "Прикрепить другого пользователя, вызывающего команду.\n\n"
"        Префикс не должен быть введен.\n"
"        "

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Dispatch a message event as if it were sent by a different user.\n\n"
"        Current message is used as a base (including attachments, embeds, etc.),\n"
"        the content and author of the message are replaced with the given arguments.\n\n"
"        Note: If `content` isn't passed, the message needs to contain embeds, attachments,\n"
"        or anything else that makes the message non-empty.\n"
"        "
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
#, docstring
msgid "Give bot owners the ability to bypass cooldowns.\n\n"
"        Does not persist through restarts."
msgstr "Дает владельцам ботов возможность обходить кулдауны.\n\n"
"        Не сохраняется после перезапуска."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot owners will now bypass all commands with cooldowns."
msgstr "Владельцы ботов теперь будут обходить все команды с таймаутами."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Bot owners will no longer bypass all commands with cooldowns."
msgstr "Владельцы ботов больше не будут обходить все команды с таймаутами."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{user}'s balance cannot rise above {max} {currency}."
msgstr "Баланс {user} не может быть выше {max} {currency}."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Case #{} | {} {}"
msgstr "Случай #{} | {} {}"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "**Reason:** Use the `reason` command to add it"
msgstr "**Причина:** Используйте команду `reason` для ее добавления"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Неизвестный"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
#: redbot/core/
msgid "Deleted User."
msgstr "Пользователь удален."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Deleted or archived thread ({thread_id}) in {channel_name}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Thread {thread_id} in {channel_id} (deleted)"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "{channel_id} (deleted)"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Thread {thread_name} in {channel_name}"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Thread {thread_name} in {channel_id} (deleted)"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Reason:"
msgstr ""

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Moderator"
msgstr "Модератор"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Until"
msgstr "До"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Длительность"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Канал"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Amended by"
msgstr "Исправлено"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Last modified at"
msgstr "Последнее изменение в"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "User:"
msgstr "Пользователь:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Moderator:"
msgstr "Модератор:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Until:"
msgstr "Пока:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Duration:"
msgstr "Продолжительность:"

#: redbot/core/ redbot/core/
msgid "Channel:"
msgstr "Канал:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Amended by:"
msgstr "Изменено:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Last modified at:"
msgstr "Последние изменения:"

#: redbot/core/
msgid "Command not found."
msgstr "Команда не найдена."

#: redbot/core/
msgid "You are not permitted to use this command."
msgstr "Вам не разрешено использовать эту команду."