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# Omnipay: WePay

**WePay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library**

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[Omnipay]( is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment
processing library for PHP 5.3+. This package implements WePay support for Omnipay.

## Installation

Omnipay is installed via [Composer]( To install, simply add it
to your `composer.json` file:

    "require": {
        "collizo4sky/omnipay-wepay": "~1.0"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

    $ curl -s | php
    $ php composer.phar update

## Basic Usage

The following gateways are provided by this package:

* WePay

You need to set your accountId and accessToken. Setting testMode to true will use the sandbox environment.

This gateway supports WePay off-site and on-site purchase. The on-site purchase is possible through a credit card ID. You can generate the ID through the [JavaScript SDK](

For general usage instructions, please see the main [Omnipay](

### On-site Payment Setup with Credit Card ID

$gateway = Omnipay::create('WePay');

$formData = array('firstName' => 'Foo', 'lastName' => 'Baz', 'email' => '');

$response = $gateway->purchase(
        'token' => '3843295557',
        'transactionId' => '12345678',
        'amount'        => '25.50',
        'currency'      => 'USD',
        'description'   => 'A vacation home rental',
        'returnUrl'     => '',
        'card'          => $formData

### Off-site Payment Setup without Credit Card ID

$gateway = Omnipay::create('WePay');

$formData = array('firstName' => 'Foo', 'lastName' => 'Baz', 'email' => '');

$response = $gateway->purchase(
        'transactionId' => '12345678',
        'amount'        => '25.50',
        'currency'      => 'USD',
        'description'   => 'A vacation home rental',
        'returnUrl'     => '',
        'card'          => $formData

## Support

If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on
[Stack Overflow]( Be sure to add the
[omnipay tag]( so it can be easily found.

If you want to keep up to date with release anouncements, discuss ideas for the project,
or ask more detailed questions, there is also a [mailing list](!forum/omnipay) which
you can subscribe to.

If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the [GitHub issue tracker](,
or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.