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Test Coverage
Features worked on and completed:

User Profiles Page:

As a user or admin,
I want to go to the user profiles page,
So that  I can view all members  in the organization

Email Digest:

As a user
I want to update my email digest settings
So that I won't be overwhelmed by many emails if there is a lot of activity on the portal.

Category Interactivity:

As an admin
I want to be able to interact with categories and documents
So that I can intuitively manage posts

Allowing admins to reorder categories and documents, or sort by criteria such as name, or upload date. 
They should also be able to drag and drop documents between categories individually or in groups.

Misc Notes:
- merged bootstrap functionalities in our app, making the UI a look more appealing.
- Added more user attributes and are now requiring each user to have a name.
- Revamped user detail and admin user edit pages to include this new information