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title: Compass Selector Helpers
crumb: Selectors
framework: compass
meta_description: Helper functions for working with selectors.
layout: core
  - reference
  - core
  - helpers
  - "nest"
  - "append-selector"
  - "enumerate"
  - "headings"
  - "headers"
%h1 Compass Selector Helpers

      nest(<span class="arg">$selector1</span>, <span class="arg">$selector2</span>, ...)
      Nest selectors as if they had been nested within a sass file.
      Each selector passed in can be a comma-delimited list of selectors
      and they will be permuted as they would be in a sass file.
      The generated selectors can be further nested within the sass file
      This function can accept any number of selector arguments.
        %dt nest(".foo", ".bar", ".baz")
        %dd .foo .bar .baz
        %dt nest(".foo, .bar", ".baz")
        %dd .foo .baz, .bar .baz
        %dt nest(".foo, .bar", "a, span")
        %dd .foo a, .foo span, .bar a, .bar span

      append-selector(<span class="arg">$selector</span>, <span class="arg">$to-append</span>)
      This helper function appends any selector with some string. No space or punctuation is
      added when appending. The selector can be a comma-delimited list of selectors.
        %dt append-selector(".foo", ".bar")
        %dt append-selector("p, div, span", ".bar")

      enumerate(<span class="arg">$prefix</span>, <span class="arg">$from</span>, <span class="arg">$through</span>, <span class="arg" data-default-value='-'>$separator</span>)
      Enumerate the given <code>$prefix</code> from <code>$from</code> through <code>$through</code>.
    %p <em>Note:</em> Using the <code>@extend</code> directive is usually preferred to this helper, which was created before <code>@extend</code> existed.
    %h4 Examples
        %a(href="/examples/compass/helpers/enumerate/") Example of enumerate
        %a(href="/examples/compass/helpers/using-extend-in-place-of-enumerate/") Example of using <code>@extend</code> in place of enumerate

      headings(<span class="arg" data-default-value="nil">$from</span>, <span class="arg" data-default-value="nil">$to</span>)
      This helper function emits headings. It's best to just see it in action:
      <em>Note:</em> This function is aliased to <code>headers()</code>, both can be used interchangeably.
        %dt headings()
        %dd h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
        %dt headings(all)
        %dd h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
        %dt headings(2)
        %dd h1, h2
        %dt headings(2,5)
        %dd h2, h3, h4, h5