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Test Coverage
// Flexible Box
@import "deprecated-support";

@warn "The compass/css3/box module is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the next release. Please use compass/css3/flexbox instead.";

// @private css3-feature-support variables must always include a list of five boolean values
$legacy-box-support: -moz, -webkit, not -o, -ms, not -khtml;

// Default box orientation, assuming that the user wants something less block-like
$default-box-orient         : horizontal      !default;

// Default box-align
$default-box-align          : stretch         !default;

// Default box flex
$default-box-flex           : 0               !default;

// Default flex group
$default-box-flex-group     : 1               !default;

// Box direction default value
$default-box-direction      : normal          !default;

// Default ordinal group
$default-box-ordinal-group  : 1               !default;

// Default box lines
$default-box-lines          : single          !default;

// Default box pack
$default-box-pack           : start           !default;

// Apply 'display:box;' to an element.
// - must be used for any of the other flexbox mixins to work properly
@mixin display-box {
  @include experimental-value(display, box, $legacy-box-support...);

// Box orientation [ horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit ]
@mixin box-orient($orientation: $default-box-orient) {
  $orientation : unquote($orientation);
  @include experimental(box-orient, $orientation, $legacy-box-support...);

// Box align [ start | end | center | baseline | stretch ]
@mixin box-align($alignment: $default-box-align) {
  $alignment : unquote($alignment);
  @include experimental(box-align, $alignment, $legacy-box-support...);

// Takes an int argument for box flex. Apply this to the children inside the box.
// For example: "div.display-box > div.child-box" would get the box flex mixin.
@mixin box-flex($flex: $default-box-flex) {
  @include experimental(box-flex, $flex, $legacy-box-support...);

// Takes an int argument for flexible grouping
@mixin box-flex-group($group: $default-box-flex-group) {
  @include experimental(box-flex-group, $group, $legacy-box-support...);

// Takes an int argument for ordinal grouping and rearranging the order
@mixin box-ordinal-group($group: $default-box-ordinal-group) {
  @include experimental(box-ordinal-group, $group, $legacy-box-support...);

// Box direction [ normal | reverse | inherit ]
@mixin box-direction($direction: $default-box-direction) {
  $direction: unquote($direction);
  @include experimental(box-direction, $direction, $legacy-box-support...);

// Box lines [ single | multiple ]
@mixin box-lines($lines: $default-box-lines) {
  $lines: unquote($lines);
  @include experimental(box-lines, $lines, $legacy-box-support...);

// Box pack [ start | end | center | justify ]
@mixin box-pack($pack: $default-box-pack) {
  $pack: unquote($pack);
  @include experimental(box-pack, $pack, $legacy-box-support...);