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// @private Default font-size for all browsers
$browser-default-font-size: 16px;

// Base font size in pixels, if not already defined.
// Should be the same as the font-size of the html element.
$base-font-size: 16px !default;

// Whether to output fallback values in px when outputting rems.
$rem-with-px-fallback: true !default;

// Convert any CSS <length> or <percentage> value to any another.
// @param $length
//   A css <length> or <percentage> value
// @param $to-unit
//   String matching a css unit keyword, e.g. 'em', '%', etc.
// @param $from-context
//   When converting from relative units, the absolute length (in px) to
//   which $length refers (e.g. for $lengths in em units, would normally be the
//   font-size of the current element).
// @param $to-context
//   For converting to relative units, the absolute length in px to which the
//   output value will refer. Defaults to the same as $from-context, since it is
//   rarely needed.
@function convert-length(
    $from-context: $base-font-size,
    $to-context: $from-context
) {

    $from-unit: unit($length);

    // Optimize for cases where `from` and `to` units are accidentally the same.
    @if $from-unit == $to-unit { @return $length; }

    // Context values must be in px so we can determine a conversion ratio for
    // relative units.
    @if unit($from-context) != 'px' { @warn "Paremeter $from-context must resolve to a value in pixel units."; }
    @if unit($to-context) != 'px' { @warn "Parameter $to-context must resolve to a value in pixel units."; }

    // Convert input length to pixels
    $px-length: $length;

    @if $from-unit != 'px' {
        // Convert relative units using the from-context parameter.
        @if      $from-unit == 'em'  { $px-length: $length * $from-context / 1em }
        @else if $from-unit == 'rem' { $px-length: $length * $base-font-size / 1rem }
        @else if $from-unit == '%'   { $px-length: $length * $from-context / 100% }
        @else if $from-unit == 'ex'  { $px-length: $length * $from-context / 2ex }
        // Convert absolute units using Sass' conversion table.
        @else if $from-unit == 'in'  or
                         $from-unit == 'mm'  or
                         $from-unit == 'cm'  or
                         $from-unit == 'pt'  or
                         $from-unit == 'pc'  { $px-length: 0px + $length }
        // Certain units can't be converted.
        @else if $from-unit == 'ch'  or
                         $from-unit == 'vw'  or
                         $from-unit == 'vh'  or
                         $from-unit == 'vmin' {
            @warn "#{$from-unit} units can't be reliably converted; Returning original value.";
            @return $length;
        @else {
            @warn "#{$from-unit} is an unknown length unit. Returning original value.";
            @return $length;

    // Convert length in pixels to the output unit
    $output-length: $px-length;
    @if $to-unit != 'px' {
        // Relative units
        @if      $to-unit == 'em'  { $output-length: $px-length * 1em / $to-context }
        @else if $to-unit == 'rem' { $output-length: $px-length * 1rem / $base-font-size }
        @else if $to-unit == '%'   { $output-length: $px-length * 100% / $to-context }
        @else if $to-unit == 'ex'  { $output-length: $px-length * 2ex / $to-context }
        // Absolute units
        @else if $to-unit == 'in'  { $output-length: 0in + $px-length }
        @else if $to-unit == 'mm'  { $output-length: 0mm + $px-length }
        @else if $to-unit == 'cm'  { $output-length: 0cm + $px-length }
        @else if $to-unit == 'pt'  { $output-length: 0pt + $px-length }
        @else if $to-unit == 'pc'  { $output-length: 0pc + $px-length }
        // Non-convertible units
        @else if $to-unit == 'ch'  or
                         $to-unit == 'vw'  or
                         $to-unit == 'vh'  or
                         $to-unit == 'vmin' {
            @warn "#{$to-unit} units can't be reliably converted; Returning original value.";
            @return $length;
        @else {
            @warn "#{$to-unit} is an unknown length unit. Returning original value.";
            @return $length;

    @return $output-length;

// @private Get the px/rem versions of a value.
@function rem-fallback-values($value) {
  $_return: (
    px: $value,
    rem: $value,

  @if type-of($value) == number and not unitless($value) {
    @if unit($value) == rem {
      $_return: map-merge($_return, (
        px: round(convert-length($value, px)),
    } @else if unit($value) == px {
      $_return: map-merge($_return, (
        px: round($value),
        rem: convert-length($value, rem),

  @return $_return;

// @private Get the px/rem versions of a list (or nested lists).
@function list-convert-rems($value) {
  $_empty: (
    px: (),
    rem: (),
  $_return: $_empty;
  $_sep: null;

  @if type-of($value) == list {
    $_sep: list-separator($value);
    @each $sub in $value {
      $_this: list-convert-rems($sub);
      $_return: (
        px: append(map-get($_return, px), map-get($_this, px), $_sep),
        rem: append(map-get($_return, rem), map-get($_this, rem), $_sep),
  } @else {
    $_this: rem-fallback-values($value);
    $_return: map-merge($_return, $_this);

  @return $_return;

// Output a given style rule containing rem values along with an (optional)
// fallback rule for older browsers (with rem values converted to px).
// @param $property
//   The css property name.
// @param $values
//   The value or list of values for the property.
// @param $use-px-fallback
//   [ true | false ]
@mixin rem($property, $values, $use-px-fallback: $rem-with-px-fallback) {

  // get converted values.
  $values: list-convert-rems($values);
  $px-values: map-get($values, px);
  $values: map-get($values, rem);

  // Use pixel fallback for browsers that don't understand rem units.
  @if $use-px-fallback and $px-values != $values {
    #{$property}: $px-values;

  // Use rem values for everyone else (overrides pixel values).
  #{$property}: $values;