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Test Coverage

import argparse
import os
import sys
import time
import glob
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from ssg.build_sce import collect_sce_checks
from ssg.constants import (
    cat_namespace, datastream_namespace, oval_namespace, sce_namespace,
    XCCDF12_NS, xlink_namespace)
import ssg.xml

    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

ID_NS = ""
component_ref_prefix = ""

# Inspired by openscap ds_sds_mangle_filepath() function
def mangle_path(path):
    path = path.replace('/', '-')
    path = path.replace('@', '-')
    path = path.replace('~', '-')
    return path

# From the list generated by collect_sce_checks, extract the path to the check content,
# and embed the script into the data stream
def embed_sce_checks_in_datastream(datastreamtree, checklists, sce_files, refdir):
    for file in sce_files:
        path = os.path.join(refdir, file)
        mangled_path = mangle_path(file)

        with open(path, 'rt', encoding='utf8') as fd:
            sce_script_content =

        component_id = "scap_{}_ecomp_{}".format(ID_NS, mangled_path)
        component = ET.SubElement(
            datastreamtree, '{%s}extended-component' % datastream_namespace,
                'id': component_id,
                'timestamp': get_timestamp(path)
        # Append the file content
        script_data = ET.SubElement(component, '{%s}script' % sce_namespace)
        script_data.text = sce_script_content

        # Create a component reference to map the checklist to the extended component
        component_ref_id = "scap_{}_cref_{}".format(ID_NS, mangled_path)
        component_ref = ET.SubElement(
            checklists, '{%s}component-ref' % datastream_namespace,
                'id': component_ref_id,
                ('{%s}href' % xlink_namespace): '#' + component_id

        # Add the component reference to the catalog of XCCDF checklists
        checklists_component_ref = checklists.find(
            "{%s}component-ref" % datastream_namespace)
        catalog = checklists_component_ref.find('{%s}catalog' % cat_namespace)
        uri = ET.SubElement(
            catalog, '{%s}uri' % cat_namespace,
                'name': file,
                'uri': '#' + component_ref_id

def move_patches_up_to_date_to_source_data_stream_component(datastreamtree):
    ds_checklists = datastreamtree.find(
        ".//{%s}checklists" % datastream_namespace)
    checklists_component_ref = ds_checklists.find(
        "{%s}component-ref" % datastream_namespace)
    checklists_component_ref_id = checklists_component_ref.get('id')
    # The component ID is the component-ref href without leading '#'
    checklists_component_id = checklists_component_ref.get(
        '{%s}href' % xlink_namespace)[1:]

    # Locate the <xccdf:check> element of an <xccdf:Rule> with id
    # security_patches_up_to_date
    checklist_component = None
    oval_check = None
    ds_components = datastreamtree.findall(
        ".//{%s}component" % datastream_namespace)
    for ds_component in ds_components:
        if ds_component.get('id') == checklists_component_id:
            checklist_component = ds_component
    if checklist_component is None:
        # Something strange happened
            "Couldn't find <component> %s referenced by <component-ref> %s" % (
                checklists_component_id, checklists_component_ref_id))

    rules = checklist_component.findall(".//{%s}Rule" % XCCDF12_NS)
    for rule in rules:
        if rule.get('id').endswith('rule_security_patches_up_to_date'):
            rule_checks = rule.findall("{%s}check" % XCCDF12_NS)
            for check in rule_checks:
                if check.get('system') == oval_namespace:
                    oval_check = check

    if oval_check is None:
        # The component doesn't have a security patches up to date rule
        # with an OVAL check

    # SCAP 1.3 demands multi-check true if the Rules
    # security_patches_up_to_date is evaluated by multiple OVAL patch class
    # definitinos. See, SCAP 1.3 standard (NIST.SP.800-126r3)
    oval_check.set('multi-check', 'true')

    check_content_ref = oval_check.find('{%s}check-content-ref' % XCCDF12_NS)
    href_url = check_content_ref.get('href')

    # Use URL's path to define the component name and URI
    # Path attribute returned from urlparse contains a leading '/', when
    # mangling it it will get replaced by '-'. Let's strip the '/' to avoid
    # a sequence of "_-" in the component-ref ID.
    component_ref_name = mangle_path(urlparse(href_url).path[1:])
    component_ref_uri = component_ref_prefix + component_ref_name

    # update @href to refer the datastream component name
    check_content_ref.set('href', component_ref_name)

    # Add a uri refering the component in Rule's Benchmark component-ref
    # catalog
    uri_exists = False
    catalog = checklists_component_ref.find('{%s}catalog' % cat_namespace)
    uris = catalog.findall("{%s}uri" % cat_namespace)
    for uri in uris:
        if uri.get('name') == component_ref_name:
            uri_exists = True
    if not uri_exists:
        uri = ET.Element('{%s}uri' % cat_namespace)
        uri.set('name', component_ref_name)
        uri.set('uri', component_ref_uri)

    # The component-ref ID is the catalog uri without leading '#'
    component_ref_feed_id = component_ref_uri[1:]

    # Add the component-ref to list of datastreams' checks
    check_component_ref_exists = False
    ds_checks = datastreamtree.find(".//{%s}checks" % datastream_namespace)
    check_component_refs = ds_checks.findall(
        "{%s}component-ref" % datastream_namespace)
    for check_component_ref in check_component_refs:
        if check_component_ref.get('id') == component_ref_feed_id:
            check_component_ref_exists = True
    if not check_component_ref_exists:
        component_ref_feed = ET.Element(
            '{%s}component-ref' % datastream_namespace)
        component_ref_feed.set('id', component_ref_feed_id)
        component_ref_feed.set('{%s}href' % xlink_namespace, href_url)

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Compose an SCAP source data \
        stream from individual SCAP components")
    parser.add_argument("--xccdf", help="XCCDF 1.2 checklist file name")
    parser.add_argument("--oval", help="OVAL file name")
    parser.add_argument("--ocil", help="OCIL file name")
    parser.add_argument("--cpe-dict", help="CPE dictionary file name")
    parser.add_argument("--cpe-oval", help="CPE OVAL file name")
    parser.add_argument("--enable-sce", action='store_true', help="Enable building sce data")
        "--output", required=True,
        help="Output SCAP 1.3 source data stream file name")
        help="Directory where XCCDF, OVAL, OCIL files with lower case prefixes "
        "xccdf, oval, ocil are stored to build multiple data streams. "
        "Multiple streams are generated in the thin_ds subdirectory. (off: to disable) "
        "e.g.: ~/scap-security-guide/build/rhel9/thin_ds_component/",
    return parser.parse_args()

def get_timestamp(file_name):
    source_date_epoch = os.getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH")
    if source_date_epoch:
        time_sec = float(source_date_epoch)
        time_sec = os.path.getmtime(file_name)
    timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time_sec))
    return timestamp

def add_component(
        ds_collection, component_ref_parent, component_file_name,
    if not os.path.exists(component_file_name):
    component_id = "scap_%s_comp_%s" % (
        ID_NS, os.path.basename(component_file_name))
    component = ET.SubElement(
        ds_collection, "{%s}component" % datastream_namespace)
    component.set("id", component_id)
    component.set("timestamp", get_timestamp(component_file_name))
    component_ref = ET.SubElement(
        component_ref_parent, "{%s}component-ref" % datastream_namespace)
    component_ref_id = "scap_%s_cref_%s" % (
        ID_NS, os.path.basename(component_file_name))
    component_ref.set("id", component_ref_id)
    component_ref.set("{%s}href" % xlink_namespace, "#" + component_id)
    component_root = ET.parse(component_file_name).getroot()
    if dependencies:
        create_catalog(component_ref, dependencies)

def create_catalog(component_ref, dependencies):
    dependencies = [dep for dep in dependencies if os.path.exists(dep)]
    if len(dependencies) == 0:
    catalog = ET.SubElement(component_ref, "{%s}catalog" % cat_namespace)
    for dep in dependencies:
        uri = ET.SubElement(catalog, "{%s}uri" % cat_namespace)
        dep_base_name = os.path.basename(dep)
        uri.set("name", dep_base_name)
        uri.set("uri", "#scap_%s_cref_%s" % (ID_NS, dep_base_name))

def compose_ds(
        xccdf_file_name, oval_file_name, ocil_file_name,
        cpe_dict_file_name, cpe_oval_file_name, sce_enabled):
    ds_collection = ET.Element(
        "{%s}data-stream-collection" % datastream_namespace)
    name = "from_xccdf_" + os.path.basename(xccdf_file_name)
    ds_collection.set("id", "scap_%s_collection_%s" % (ID_NS, name))
    ds_collection.set("schematron-version", "1.3")
    ds = ET.SubElement(ds_collection, "{%s}data-stream" % datastream_namespace)
    ds.set("id", "scap_%s_datastream_%s" % (ID_NS, name))
    ds.set("scap-version", "1.3")
    ds.set("use-case", "OTHER")
    dictionaries = ET.SubElement(ds, "{%s}dictionaries" % datastream_namespace)
    checklists = ET.SubElement(ds, "{%s}checklists" % datastream_namespace)
    checks = ET.SubElement(ds, "{%s}checks" % datastream_namespace)
    cpe_dict_dependencies = [cpe_oval_file_name]
        ds_collection, dictionaries, cpe_dict_file_name, cpe_dict_dependencies)
    xccdf_dependencies = [oval_file_name, ocil_file_name, cpe_oval_file_name]
        ds_collection, checklists, xccdf_file_name, xccdf_dependencies)
    add_component(ds_collection, checks, oval_file_name)
    add_component(ds_collection, checks, ocil_file_name)
    add_component(ds_collection, checks, cpe_oval_file_name)
    if sce_enabled:
        sce_check_files = collect_sce_checks(ds_collection)
        refdir = os.path.dirname(oval_file_name)
        embed_sce_checks_in_datastream(ds_collection, checklists, sce_check_files, refdir)

    if hasattr(ET, "indent"):
        ET.indent(ds_collection, space=" ", level=0)
    ds = ET.ElementTree(ds_collection)
    # Move reference to remote OVAL content to a source data stream component
    return ds

def _store_ds(ds, output):
    ds.write(output, xml_declaration=True, encoding="utf-8")

def append_id_to_file_name(path, id_):
    return "{0}_{2}{1}".format(*os.path.splitext(path) + (id_,))

def add_dir(path, dir):
    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), dir, os.path.basename(path))

def _get_thin_ds_output_path(output, file_name):
    return add_dir(

def _compose_multiple_ds(args):

    for xccdf in glob.glob("{}/xccdf*.xml".format(args.multiple_ds)):
        oval = xccdf.replace("xccdf", "oval")
        ocil = xccdf.replace("xccdf", "ocil")
        cpe_dict = xccdf.replace("xccdf", "cpe_dict")
        cpe_oval = xccdf.replace("xccdf", "cpe_oval")

        ds = compose_ds(
            xccdf, oval, ocil, cpe_dict, cpe_oval, args.enable_sce
        output = _get_thin_ds_output_path(args.output, xccdf.replace("xccdf_", ""))

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(output)):

        _store_ds(ds, output)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = parse_args()

    if args.multiple_ds != "off":

    ds = compose_ds(
        args.xccdf, args.oval, args.ocil, args.cpe_dict, args.cpe_oval, args.enable_sce
    _store_ds(ds, args.output)